""" Jutda Helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise. (c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details. forms.py - Definitions of newforms-based forms for creating and maintaining tickets. """ from datetime import datetime from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from helpdesk.lib import send_templated_mail from helpdesk.models import Ticket, Queue, FollowUp, Attachment, IgnoreEmail class EditTicketForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Ticket exclude = ('created', 'modified', 'status', 'on_hold', 'resolution', 'last_escalation', 'assigned_to') class TicketForm(forms.Form): queue = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Queue'), required=True, choices=() ) title = forms.CharField( max_length=100, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput(), label=_('Summary of the problem'), ) submitter_email = forms.EmailField( required=False, label=_('Submitter E-Mail Address'), help_text=_('This e-mail address will receive copies of all public ' 'updates to this ticket.'), ) body = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea(), label=_('Description of Issue'), required=True, ) assigned_to = forms.ChoiceField( choices=(), required=False, label=_('Case owner'), help_text=_('If you select an owner other than yourself, they\'ll be ' 'e-mailed details of this ticket immediately.'), ) priority = forms.ChoiceField( choices=Ticket.PRIORITY_CHOICES, required=False, initial='3', label=_('Priority'), help_text=_('Please select a priority carefully. If unsure, leave it ' 'as \'3\'.'), ) attachment = forms.FileField( required=False, label=_('Attach File'), help_text=_('You can attach a file such as a document or screenshot to this ticket.'), ) def save(self, user): """ Writes and returns a Ticket() object """ q = Queue.objects.get(id=int(self.cleaned_data['queue'])) t = Ticket( title = self.cleaned_data['title'], submitter_email = self.cleaned_data['submitter_email'], created = datetime.now(), status = Ticket.OPEN_STATUS, queue = q, description = self.cleaned_data['body'], priority = self.cleaned_data['priority'], ) if self.cleaned_data['assigned_to']: try: u = User.objects.get(id=self.cleaned_data['assigned_to']) t.assigned_to = u except User.DoesNotExist: t.assigned_to = None t.save() f = FollowUp( ticket = t, title = _('Ticket Opened'), date = datetime.now(), public = True, comment = self.cleaned_data['body'], user = user, ) if self.cleaned_data['assigned_to']: f.title = _('Ticket Opened & Assigned to %(name)s') % { 'name': t.get_assigned_to } f.save() files = [] if self.cleaned_data['attachment']: import mimetypes file = self.cleaned_data['attachment'] filename = file.name.replace(' ', '_') a = Attachment( followup=f, filename=filename, mime_type=mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream', size=file.size, ) a.file.save(file.name, file, save=False) a.save() if file.size < getattr(settings, 'MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE', 512000): # Only files smaller than 512kb (or as defined in # settings.MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) are sent via email. files.append(a.file.path) context = { 'ticket': t, 'queue': q, } if t.submitter_email: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_submitter', context, recipients=t.submitter_email, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) if t.assigned_to and t.assigned_to != user and getattr(t.assigned_to.usersettings.settings, 'email_on_ticket_assign', False): send_templated_mail( 'assigned_owner', context, recipients=t.assigned_to.email, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) if q.new_ticket_cc: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.new_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) if q.updated_ticket_cc and q.updated_ticket_cc != q.new_ticket_cc: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.updated_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) return t class PublicTicketForm(forms.Form): queue = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Queue'), required=True, choices=() ) title = forms.CharField( max_length=100, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput(), label=_('Summary of your query'), ) submitter_email = forms.EmailField( required=True, label=_('Your E-Mail Address'), help_text=_('We will e-mail you when your ticket is updated.'), ) body = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea(), label=_('Description of your issue'), required=True, help_text=_('Please be as descriptive as possible, including any ' 'details we may need to address your query.'), ) priority = forms.ChoiceField( choices=Ticket.PRIORITY_CHOICES, required=True, initial='3', label=_('Urgency'), help_text=_('Please select a priority carefully.'), ) attachment = forms.FileField( required=False, label=_('Attach File'), help_text=_('You can attach a file such as a document or screenshot to this ticket.'), ) def save(self): """ Writes and returns a Ticket() object """ q = Queue.objects.get(id=int(self.cleaned_data['queue'])) t = Ticket( title = self.cleaned_data['title'], submitter_email = self.cleaned_data['submitter_email'], created = datetime.now(), status = Ticket.OPEN_STATUS, queue = q, description = self.cleaned_data['body'], priority = self.cleaned_data['priority'], ) t.save() f = FollowUp( ticket = t, title = _('Ticket Opened Via Web'), date = datetime.now(), public = True, comment = self.cleaned_data['body'], ) f.save() files = [] if self.cleaned_data['attachment']: import mimetypes file = self.cleaned_data['attachment'] filename = file.name.replace(' ', '_') a = Attachment( followup=f, filename=filename, mime_type=mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream', size=file.size, ) a.file.save(file.name, file, save=False) a.save() if file.size < getattr(settings, 'MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE', 512000): # Only files smaller than 512kb (or as defined in # settings.MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) are sent via email. files.append(a.file.path) context = { 'ticket': t, 'queue': q, } send_templated_mail( 'newticket_submitter', context, recipients=t.submitter_email, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) if q.new_ticket_cc: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.new_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) if q.updated_ticket_cc and q.updated_ticket_cc != q.new_ticket_cc: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.updated_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) return t class UserSettingsForm(forms.Form): login_view_ticketlist = forms.BooleanField( label=_('Show Ticket List on Login?'), help_text=_('Display the ticket list upon login? Otherwise, the dashboard is shown.'), required=False, ) email_on_ticket_change = forms.BooleanField( label=_('E-mail me on ticket change?'), help_text=_('If you\'re the ticket owner and the ticket is changed via the web by somebody else, do you want to receive an e-mail?'), required=False, ) email_on_ticket_assign = forms.BooleanField( label=_('E-mail me when assigned a ticket?'), help_text=_('If you are assigned a ticket via the web, do you want to receive an e-mail?'), required=False, ) email_on_ticket_apichange = forms.BooleanField( label=_('E-mail me when a ticket is changed via the API?'), help_text=_('If a ticket is altered by the API, do you want to receive an e-mail?'), required=False, ) tickets_per_page = forms.IntegerField( label=_('Number of tickets to show per page'), help_text=_('How many tickets do you want to see on the Ticket List page?'), required=False, min_value=1, max_value=1000, ) class EmailIgnoreForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = IgnoreEmail