Ross Poulton 10158056b6 * Add README and LICENSE files
* Add e-mail templates for submitter-based emails
* Add send_multipart_email() to - sends HTML/plain emails
* Add 'Take' link to unassigned tickets on ticket detail view
* Add Description to ticket detail view
* When resolving ticket, copy comment into ticket resolution
* Display resolution and 'Accept & Close' link on ticket detail view
* Create scripts/ folder
* Added POP/IMAP details to Queue model
* Added; polls POP/IMAP boxes & creates ticket
* Added keyword search functionality
2008-01-07 20:22:13 +00:00

115 lines
4.7 KiB

{% extends "helpdesk/base.html" %}
{% block helpdesk_title %}Helpdesk{% endblock %}
{% block helpdesk_head %}{% load markup %}
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
new nicEditor({buttonList: ['bold','italic','underline','strikeThrough','undo','redo','subscript','superscript','html']}).panelInstance('commentBox');
$("#ShowFurtherEditOptions").click(function() {
return false;
<style type='text/css'>#commentBox { width: 100%; }</style>
{% endblock %}
{% block helpdesk_body %}
<table width='100%'>
<tr class='row_tablehead'><td colspan='2'>{{ }}. {{ ticket.title }} [{{ ticket.get_status_display }}]</td>
<tr class='row_columnheads'><td colspan='2'>Queue: {{ ticket.queue }}</td></tr>
<tr class='row_odd'>
<th>Submitted On</th>
<td>{{ ticket.created|date:"r" }} ({{ ticket.created|timesince }} ago)</td>
<tr class='row_even'>
<th>Assigned To</th>
<td>{{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}{% ifequal ticket.get_assigned_to 'Unassigned' %} <strong><a href='?take'>Take</a></strong>{% endifequal %}</td>
<tr class='row_odd'>
<th>Submitter E-Mail</th>
<td>{{ ticket.submitter_email }}</td>
<tr class='row_even'>
<th colspan='2'>Description</th>
<tr class='row_odd'>
<td colspan='2'>{{ ticket.description }}</td>
{% if ticket.resolution %}<tr class='row_even'>
<th colspan='2'>Resolution{% ifequal ticket.get_status_display "Resolved" %} [<a href='?close'>Accept &amp; Close</a>]{% endifequal %}</th>
<tr class='row_odd'>
<td colspan='2'>{{ ticket.resolution }}</td>
</tr>{% endif %}
{% if ticket.followup_set.all %}
{% load ticket_to_link %}
{% for followup in ticket.followup_set.all %}
<div class='followup'>
<div class='title'>{{ followup.title }} <span class='byline'>by {{ followup.user }} <span title='{{|date:"r" }}'>{{|timesince }} ago</span>{% if not followup.public %} <span class='private'>(Private)</span>{% endif %}</span></div>
{{ followup.comment|markdown|num_to_link }}
{% if followup.ticketchange_set.all %}<div class='changes'>
{% for change in followup.ticketchange_set.all %}
Changed {{ change.field }} from {{ change.old_value }} to {{ change.new_value }}.<br />
{% endfor %}
</div>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<form method='post' action='update/'>
<h3>Add a comment</h3>
<textarea rows='8' cols='70' name='comment' id='commentBox'></textarea>
<p>New Status
{% ifequal ticket.status 1 %}
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='1' id='st_open' checked='checked'><label for='st_open' class='active'>Open</label> &raquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='3' id='st_resolved'><label for='st_resolved'>Resolved</label> &raquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='4' id='st_closed'><label for='st_closed'>Closed</label>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal ticket.status 2 %}
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='2' id='st_reopened' checked='checked'><label for='st_reopened' class='active'>Reopened</label> &raquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='3' id='st_resolved'><label for='st_resolved'>Resolved</label> &raquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='4' id='st_closed'><label for='st_closed'>Closed</label>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal ticket.status 3 %}
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='2' id='st_reopened'><label for='st_reopened'>Reopened</label> &laquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='3' id='st_resolved' checked='checked'><label for='st_resolved' class='active'>Resolved</label> &raquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='4' id='st_closed'><label for='st_closed'>Closed</label>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal ticket.status 4 %}
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='2' id='st_reopened'><label for='st_reopened'>Reopened</label> &laquo;
<input type='radio' name='new_status' value='4' id='st_closed' checked='checked'><label for='st_closed'>Closed</label>
{% endifequal %}
<p><a href='#' id='ShowFurtherEditOptions'>Change Other Details</a></p>
<div id='FurtherEditOptions' style='display: none;'>
<label for='id_title'>Title</label>
<input type='text' name='title' value='{{ ticket.title|escape }}' />
<label for='id_owner'>Owner</label>
<select id='id_owner' name='owner'><option value='0'>Unassign</option>{% for u in active_users %}<option value='{{ }}' {% ifequal %}selected{% endifequal %}>{{ u }}</option>{% endfor %}</select>
<label for='id_public'>Is this update public?</label> <input type='checkbox' name='public' value='1' checked='checked' />
<input type='submit' value='Add' />
{% endblock %}