2014-09-22 14:03:37 +02:00

71 lines
4.0 KiB

{% load i18n humanize %}{% load url from future %}
<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped">
<tr class='row_tablehead'><td colspan='2'><h3>{{ }}. {{ ticket.title }} [{{ ticket.get_status }}]</h3> <span class='ticket_toolbar'>
<a href='{% url 'helpdesk_edit' %}' class="ticket-edit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> Edit</a>
| <a href='{% url 'helpdesk_delete' %}' class="ticket-delete"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Delete</a>
{% if ticket.on_hold %} | <a href='unhold/' class="ticket-hold">{% trans "Unhold" %}</a>{% else %} | <a href='hold/' class="ticket-hold">{% trans "Hold" %}</a>{% endif %}
<tr><th colspan='2'>{% blocktrans with ticket.queue as queue %}Queue: {{ queue }}{% endblocktrans %}</th></tr>
{% for customfield in ticket.ticketcustomfieldvalue_set.all %}
<th>{{ customfield.field.label }}</th>
<td>{% ifequal customfield.field.data_type "url" %}<a href='{{ customfield.value }}'>{{ customfield.value }}</a>{% else %}{{ customfield.value }}{% endifequal %}</td>
</tr>{% endfor %}
<th colspan='2'>{% trans "Description" %}</th>
<td id="ticket-description" colspan='2'>{{ ticket.description|force_escape|urlizetrunc:50|linebreaksbr }}</td>
{% if ticket.resolution %}<tr>
<th colspan='2'>{% trans "Resolution" %}{% ifequal ticket.get_status_display "Resolved" %} <a href='?close'><img src='{{ STATIC_URL }}helpdesk/buttons/accept.png' alt='{% trans "Accept" %}' title='{% trans "Accept and Close" %}' width='60' height='15' /></a>{% endifequal %}</th>
<td colspan='2'>{{ ticket.resolution|force_escape|urlizetrunc:50|linebreaksbr }}</td>
</tr>{% endif %}
<th>{% trans "Submitted On" %}</th>
<td>{{ ticket.created|date:"r" }} ({{ ticket.created|naturaltime }})</td>
<th>{% trans "Assigned To" %}</th>
<td>{{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}{% ifequal ticket.get_assigned_to _('Unassigned') %} <strong><a href='?take'><span class='button button_take'>{% trans "Take" %}</span></a></strong>{% endifequal %}</td>
<th>{% trans "Submitter E-Mail" %}</th>
<td>{{ ticket.submitter_email }}{% if user.is_superuser %} <strong><a href='{% url 'helpdesk_email_ignore_add' %}?email={{ ticket.submitter_email }}'>{% trans "Ignore" %}</a></strong>{% endif %}</td>
<th>{% trans "Priority" %}</th>
<td>{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}</td>
<th>{% trans "Copies To" %}</th>
<td>{{ ticketcc_string }} <a data-toggle='tooltip' href='{% url 'helpdesk_ticket_cc' %}' title='{% trans "Click here to add / remove people who should receive an e-mail whenever this ticket is updated." %}'><strong>{% trans "Manage" %}</strong></a>{% if SHOW_SUBSCRIBE %}, <strong><a data-toggle='tooltip' href='?subscribe' title='{% trans "Click here to subscribe yourself to this ticket, if you want to receive an e-mail whenever this ticket is updated." %}'>{% trans "Subscribe" %}</a></strong>{% endif %}</td>
<th>{% trans "Dependencies" %}</th>
<td>{% for dep in ticket.ticketdependency.all %}
{% if forloop.first %}<p>{% trans "This ticket cannot be resolved until the following ticket(s) are resolved" %}</p><ul>{% endif %}
<li><a href='{{ dep.depends_on.get_absolute_url }}'>{{ dep.depends_on.ticket }} {{ dep.depends_on.title }}</a> ({{ dep.depends_on.get_status_display }}) <a href='{% url 'helpdesk_ticket_dependency_del' %}'>{% trans "Remove Dependency" %}</a></li>
{% if forloop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% empty %}
<p>{% trans "This ticket has no dependencies." %}</p>
{% endfor %}
<p><a data-toggle='tooltip' href='{% url 'helpdesk_ticket_dependency_add' %}' title="{% trans "Click on 'Add Dependency', if you want to make this ticket dependent on another ticket. A ticket may not be closed until all tickets it depends on are closed." %}">{% trans "Add Dependency" %}</a></p>