Ross Poulton 5052d40876 * Add htdocs (including jquery & nicEdit; need to sort out licensing)
* Update readme to reflect htdocs usage.
2008-01-08 00:02:52 +00:00

111 lines
3.9 KiB

..,::::::::,,,,::: Jutda Helpdesk - A Django
.,,::::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,:: powered ticket tracker for
.,::::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:;r. small enterprise
.:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:;;;;;rr (c) Copyright 2008
.:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,;;;::::::;;rr Jutda
.:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. .:;;:::::::::;;rr
.:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. .;r;::::::::::::;r; All Rights Reserved
.:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .;r;;:::::::::::;;:.
.:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. .;r;;::::::::::::;:.
.;:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,;rr;::::::::::::;:. This software is released
.,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,. .,:;rrr;;::::::::::::;;. under a limited-use license that
:,,,,,,,,,,,,,..:;rrrrr;;;::::::::::::;;. allows you to freely download this
:,,,,,,,:::;;;rr;;;;;;:::::::::::::;;, software from it's manufacturer and
::::;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::;;, use it yourself, however you may not
.r;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::;;;, distribute it. For further details, see
.r;::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;:, the enclosed LICENSE file.
.;;:::::::;;;;;;:,. Please direct people who wish to download this
.r;;;;;;;;:,. software themselves to
0. Table of Contents
1. Licensing
2. Dependencies (pre-flight checklist)
3. Installation
4. Initial Configuration
1. Licensing
See the file 'LICENSE' for licensing terms and conditions.
2. Dependencies (pre-flight checklist)
1. Python 2.3+
2. Django (post-0.96, eg SVN checkout)
3. Markdown
4. An existing WORKING Django project with database etc
3. Installation
1. Place 'helpdesk' in your Python path
2. In your projects' file, add these lines to the INSTALLED_APPS setting:
3. In your projects' file, add this line:
(r'helpdesk/', include('helpdesk.urls')),
You can substitute 'helpdesk/' for something else, eg 'support/' or even ''.
4. Ensure the admin line is un-hashed in
# Uncomment this for admin:
(r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
If you use helpdesk at the top of your domain (at /), ensure the admin
line comes BEFORE the helpdesk line.
5. In your project directory (NOT the helpdesk directory) run
./ syncdb
to create database tables
6. Inside your MEDIA_ROOT folder, create a new folder called 'helpdesk' and
copy the contents of helpdesk/htdocs/ into it. Alternatively, create a
ln -s /path/to/helpdesk/htdocs /path/to/media/helpdesk
4. Initial Configuration
1. Visit http://yoursite/admin/ and add a Helpdesk Queue. If you wish,
enter your POP3 or IMAP server details.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any tickets created via POP3 or IMAP mailboxes will DELETE
the original e-mail from the mail server.
2. Visit http://yoursite/helpdesk/ (or other path as defined in your
3. If you wish to automatically create tickets from the contents of an e-mail
inbox, set up a cronjob to run scripts/ on a regular basis.
Don't forget to set the relevant Django environment variables in your
5 * * * * DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='myproject.settings' python /path/to/helpdesk/scripts/
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any tickets created via POP3 or IMAP mailboxes will DELETE
the original e-mail from the mail server.
You're now up and running!