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synced 2024-12-13 18:31:10 +01:00
* Added statistics views, making use of Google Charts * Added initial data fixture, to automatically create e-mail templates at install-time
511 lines
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511 lines
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Jutda Helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise.
(c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details.
views.py - The bulk of the application - provides most business logic and
renders all user-facing views.
from datetime import datetime
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db.models import Q
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404, HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
from django.template import loader, Context, RequestContext
from helpdesk.forms import TicketForm, PublicTicketForm
from helpdesk.lib import send_templated_mail, line_chart, bar_chart
from helpdesk.models import Ticket, Queue, FollowUp, TicketChange, PreSetReply, Attachment
def dashboard(request):
This isn't always truly a "dashboard" view. If the user is not logged in,
we instead show the user a "public submission" form and a way to view
existing tickets.
if request.user.is_authenticated():
tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(assigned_to=request.user).exclude(status=Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS)
unassigned_tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(assigned_to__isnull=True).exclude(status=Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS)
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
SELECT q.id as queue,
q.title AS name,
COUNT(CASE t.status WHEN '1' THEN t.id WHEN '2' THEN t.id END) AS open,
COUNT(CASE t.status WHEN '3' THEN t.id END) AS resolved
FROM helpdesk_ticket t,
helpdesk_queue q
WHERE q.id = t.queue_id
GROUP BY queue, name
ORDER BY q.id;
dash_tickets = cursor.dictfetchall()
return render_to_response('helpdesk/dashboard.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'user_tickets': tickets,
'unassigned_tickets': unassigned_tickets,
'dash_tickets': dash_tickets,
# Not a logged in user
if request.method == 'POST':
form = PublicTicketForm(request.POST)
form.fields['queue'].choices = [('', '--------')] + [[q.id, q.title] for q in Queue.objects.all()]
if form.is_valid():
ticket = form.save()
return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?ticket=%s&email=%s'% (reverse('helpdesk_public_view'), ticket.ticket_for_url, ticket.submitter_email))
form = PublicTicketForm()
form.fields['queue'].choices = [('', '--------')] + [[q.id, q.title] for q in Queue.objects.all()]
return render_to_response('helpdesk/public_homepage.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'form': form,
def delete_ticket(request, ticket_id):
ticket = get_object_or_404(Ticket, id=ticket_id)
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_to_response('helpdesk/delete_ticket.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'ticket': ticket,
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('helpdesk_home'))
delete_ticket = login_required(delete_ticket)
def view_ticket(request, ticket_id):
ticket = get_object_or_404(Ticket, id=ticket_id)
if request.GET.has_key('take'):
ticket.assigned_to = request.user
if request.GET.has_key('close') and ticket.status == Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS:
if not ticket.assigned_to:
owner = 0
owner = ticket.assigned_to.id
request.POST = {'new_status': Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS, 'public': 1, 'owner': owner, 'title': ticket.title, 'comment': "Accepted resolution and closed ticket"}
return update_ticket(request, ticket_id)
return render_to_response('helpdesk/ticket.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'ticket': ticket,
'active_users': User.objects.filter(is_active=True),
'priorities': Ticket.PRIORITY_CHOICES,
'preset_replies': PreSetReply.objects.filter(Q(queues=ticket.queue) | Q(queues__isnull=True)),
view_ticket = login_required(view_ticket)
def update_ticket(request, ticket_id):
ticket = get_object_or_404(Ticket, id=ticket_id)
comment = request.POST.get('comment', '')
new_status = int(request.POST.get('new_status', ticket.status))
title = request.POST.get('title', '')
public = request.POST.get('public', False)
owner = int(request.POST.get('owner', None))
priority = int(request.POST.get('priority', ticket.priority))
if not owner and ticket.assigned_to:
owner = ticket.assigned_to.id
f = FollowUp(ticket=ticket, date=datetime.now(), comment=comment, user=request.user)
if public:
f.public = True
reassigned = False
if owner:
if owner != 0 and (ticket.assigned_to and owner != ticket.assigned_to.id) or not ticket.assigned_to:
new_user = User.objects.get(id=owner)
f.title = 'Assigned to %s' % new_user.username
ticket.assigned_to = new_user
reassigned = True
f.title = 'Unassigned'
ticket.assigned_to = None
if new_status != ticket.status:
ticket.status = new_status
f.new_status = new_status
if f.title:
f.title += ' and %s' % ticket.get_status_display()
f.title = '%s' % ticket.get_status_display()
if not f.title:
if f.comment:
f.title = 'Comment'
f.title = 'Updated'
if title != ticket.title:
c = TicketChange(followup=f, field='Title', old_value=ticket.title, new_value=title)
ticket.title = title
if priority != ticket.priority:
c = TicketChange(followup=f, field='Priority', old_value=ticket.priority, new_value=priority)
ticket.priority = priority
if f.new_status == Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS:
ticket.resolution = comment
if ticket.submitter_email and ((f.comment != '' and public) or (f.new_status in (Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS, Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS))):
context = {
'ticket': ticket,
'queue': ticket.queue,
'resolution': ticket.resolution,
'comment': f.comment,
if f.new_status == Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS:
template = 'resolved_submitter'
elif f.new_status == Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS:
template = 'closed_submitter'
template = 'updated_submitter'
send_templated_mail(template, context, recipients=ticket.submitter_email, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True)
if ticket.assigned_to and request.user != ticket.assigned_to and ticket.assigned_to.email:
# We only send e-mails to staff members if the ticket is updated by
# another user.
if reassigned:
template_staff = 'assigned_owner'
elif f.new_status == Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS:
template_staff = 'resolved_owner'
elif f.new_status == Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS:
template_staff = 'closed_owner'
template_staff = 'updated_owner'
send_templated_mail(template_staff, context, recipients=ticket.assigned_to.email, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True)
if ticket.queue.updated_ticket_cc:
if reassigned:
template_cc = 'assigned_cc'
elif f.new_status == Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS:
template_cc = 'resolved_cc'
elif f.new_status == Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS:
template_cc = 'closed_cc'
template_cc = 'updated_cc'
send_templated_mail(template_cc, context, recipients=ticket.queue.updated_ticket_cc, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True)
if request.FILES:
for file in request.FILES.getlist('attachment'):
filename = file['filename'].replace(' ', '_')
a = Attachment(followup=f, filename=filename, mime_type=file['content-type'], size=len(file['content']))
a.save_file_file(file['filename'], file['content'])
return HttpResponseRedirect(ticket.get_absolute_url())
update_ticket = login_required(update_ticket)
def ticket_list(request):
tickets = Ticket.objects.select_related()
context = {}
queues = request.GET.getlist('queue')
if queues:
queues = [int(q) for q in queues]
tickets = tickets.filter(queue__id__in=queues)
context = dict(context, queues=queues)
owners = request.GET.getlist('assigned_to')
if owners:
owners = [int(u) for u in owners]
tickets = tickets.filter(assigned_to__id__in=owners)
context = dict(context, owners=owners)
statuses = request.GET.getlist('status')
if statuses:
statuses = [int(s) for s in statuses]
tickets = tickets.filter(status__in=statuses)
context = dict(context, statuses=statuses)
q = request.GET.get('q', None)
if q:
qset = (
Q(title__icontains=q) |
Q(description__icontains=q) |
Q(resolution__icontains=q) |
tickets = tickets.filter(qset)
context = dict(context, query=q)
sort = request.GET.get('sort', None)
if sort not in ('status', 'assigned_to', 'created', 'title', 'queue', 'priority'):
sort = 'created'
tickets = tickets.order_by(sort)
context = dict(context, sort=sort)
return render_to_response('helpdesk/ticket_list.html',
RequestContext(request, dict(
ticket_list = login_required(ticket_list)
def create_ticket(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = TicketForm(request.POST)
form.fields['queue'].choices = [('', '--------')] + [[q.id, q.title] for q in Queue.objects.all()]
form.fields['assigned_to'].choices = [('', '--------')] + [[u.id, u.username] for u in User.objects.filter(is_active=True)]
if form.is_valid():
ticket = form.save(user=request.user)
return HttpResponseRedirect(ticket.get_absolute_url())
form = TicketForm()
form.fields['queue'].choices = [('', '--------')] + [[q.id, q.title] for q in Queue.objects.all()]
form.fields['assigned_to'].choices = [('', '--------')] + [[u.id, u.username] for u in User.objects.filter(is_active=True)]
return render_to_response('helpdesk/create_ticket.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'form': form,
create_ticket = login_required(create_ticket)
def raw_details(request, type):
if not type in ('preset',):
raise Http404
if type == 'preset' and request.GET.get('id', False):
preset = PreSetReply.objects.get(id=request.GET.get('id'))
return HttpResponse(preset.body)
except PreSetReply.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
raise Http404
raw_details = login_required(raw_details)
def public_view(request):
ticket = request.GET.get('ticket', '')
email = request.GET.get('email', '')
error_message = ''
if ticket and email:
queue, ticket_id = ticket.split('-')
t = Ticket.objects.get(id=ticket_id, queue__slug__iexact=queue, submitter_email__iexact=email)
return render_to_response('helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html',
RequestContext(request, {'ticket': t,}))
t = False;
error_message = 'Invalid ticket ID or e-mail address. Please try again.'
return render_to_response('helpdesk/public_view_form.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'ticket': ticket,
'email': email,
'error_message': error_message,
def hold_ticket(request, ticket_id, unhold=False):
ticket = get_object_or_404(Ticket, id=ticket_id)
if unhold:
ticket.on_hold = False
title = 'Ticket taken off hold'
ticket.on_hold = True
title = 'Ticket placed on hold'
f = FollowUp(
ticket = ticket,
user = request.user,
title = title,
date = datetime.now(),
public = True,
return HttpResponseRedirect(ticket.get_absolute_url())
hold_ticket = login_required(hold_ticket)
def unhold_ticket(request, ticket_id):
return hold_ticket(request, ticket_id, unhold=True)
unhold_ticket = login_required(unhold_ticket)
def rss_list(request):
return render_to_response('helpdesk/rss_list.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'queues': Queue.objects.all(),
rss_list = login_required(rss_list)
def report_index(request):
return render_to_response('helpdesk/report_index.html',
RequestContext(request, {}))
report_index = login_required(report_index)
def run_report(request, report):
priority_sql = []
priority_columns = []
for p in Ticket.PRIORITY_CHOICES:
priority_sql.append("COUNT(CASE t.priority WHEN '%s' THEN t.id END) AS \"%s\"" % (p[0], p[1]))
priority_columns.append("%s" % p[1])
priority_sql = ", ".join(priority_sql)
status_sql = []
status_columns = []
for s in Ticket.STATUS_CHOICES:
status_sql.append("COUNT(CASE t.status WHEN '%s' THEN t.id END) AS \"%s\"" % (s[0], s[1]))
status_columns.append("%s" % s[1])
status_sql = ", ".join(status_sql)
queue_sql = []
queue_columns = []
for q in Queue.objects.all():
queue_sql.append("COUNT(CASE t.queue_id WHEN '%s' THEN t.id END) AS \"%s\"" % (q.id, q.title))
queue_sql = ", ".join(queue_sql)
month_sql = []
months = (
month_columns = []
first_ticket = Ticket.objects.all().order_by('created')[0]
first_month = first_ticket.created.month
first_year = first_ticket.created.year
last_ticket = Ticket.objects.all().order_by('-created')[0]
last_month = last_ticket.created.month
last_year = last_ticket.created.year
periods = []
year, month = first_year, first_month
working = True
while working:
periods.append((year, month))
month += 1
if month > 12:
year += 1
month = 1
if month > last_month and year >= last_year:
working = False
for (year, month) in periods:
sqlmonth = '%s-%s' % (year, months[month-1])
desc = '%s %s' % (months[month-1], year)
month_sql.append("COUNT(CASE to_char(t.created, 'YYYY-Mon') WHEN '%s' THEN t.id END) AS \"%s\"" % (sqlmonth, desc))
month_sql = ", ".join(month_sql)
queue_base_sql = """
SELECT q.title as queue, %s
FROM helpdesk_ticket t,
helpdesk_queue q
WHERE q.id = t.queue_id
GROUP BY queue
ORDER BY queue;
user_base_sql = """
SELECT u.username as username, %s
FROM helpdesk_ticket t,
auth_user u
WHERE u.id = t.assigned_to_id
GROUP BY u.username
ORDER BY u.username;
if report == 'userpriority':
sql = user_base_sql % priority_sql
columns = ['username'] + priority_columns
elif report == 'userqueue':
sql = user_base_sql % queue_sql
columns = ['username'] + queue_columns
elif report == 'userstatus':
sql = user_base_sql % status_sql
columns = ['username'] + status_columns
elif report == 'usermonth':
sql = user_base_sql % month_sql
columns = ['username'] + month_columns
elif report == 'queuepriority':
sql = queue_base_sql % priority_sql
columns = ['queue'] + priority_columns
elif report == 'queuestatus':
sql = queue_base_sql % status_sql
columns = ['queue'] + status_columns
elif report == 'queuemonth':
sql = queue_base_sql % month_sql
columns = ['queue'] + month_columns
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
report_output = cursor.dictfetchall()
data = []
for record in report_output:
line = []
for c in columns:
if report in ('queuemonth', 'usermonth'):
chart_url = line_chart([columns] + data)
elif report in ('queuestatus', 'queuepriority', 'userstatus', 'userpriority'):
chart_url = bar_chart([columns] + data)
chart_url = ''
return render_to_response('helpdesk/report_output.html',
RequestContext(request, {
'headings': columns,
'data': data,
'sql': sql,
'chart': chart_url,
run_report = login_required(run_report)