You can have several relay servers running across the globe and leverage GeoLocation to use the closest relay server, giving you a faster experience when connecting to remote computers.
> You will need the private key pair **id_ed25519** and ****
If docker is already installed, connect to your server via SSH and create a volume for HBBR
# docker volume create hbbr
The volume hbbr should be located in /var/lib/docker/volumes/hbbr/_data
Copy the private key pair to the volume location, in this case we will use SCP to copy the files.
The command syntax is: scp <path/filename> username@server:<filepathdestination>
INFO [src/] #blacklist(blacklist.txt): 0
INFO [src/] #blocklist(blocklist.txt): 0
INFO [src/] Listening on tcp :21117
Depending on your OS, you might want to block/allow IPs using a firewall.
In our case, running ubuntu we want to allow any tcp connections, to ports 21117 and 21119
# sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 21117,21119
**enable the firewall**
# sudo ufw enable
**check the status**
# ufw status
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ----
21117,21119/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
21117,21119/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
## Configure HBBS Pro for Geo Location
### Register and Download the GeoLite2 City database file
To use geo location, HBBS needs access to the MaxMind GeoLite2 City database. The database is free and you can register to download the file and get an API key.
Start by creating an account (if you don’t have one) by going to the website
Go to Download Databases and download the GeoLite2 City, choose the gzip file and you should have the mmdb when decompressing it.
You can automate the download process in a few ways ( but you add the following command to your crontab replacing {Your Access Key} with the API key you got from the previous step.
To confirm the results, check your HHBS logs when clicking Reload Geo, you should see a message showing the relay server IP addresses and their coordinates