1. Get your license from [https://rustdesk.com/pricing.html](https://rustdesk.com/pricing.html), check [license](/docs/en/self-host/rustdesk-server-pro/license) page for more details.
2. Download the the Windows installer from [GitHub](https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk-server-pro/releases/latest).
3. Unzip the Windows installer.
4. Run the Installer and follow the steps on screen.
5. Once its completed open RustDesk Server.
6. Follow the prompts as they guide you through the install.
7. Click `Services` and then `Start`.
8. Once the install is complete go to `http://youripaddress:21114`.
9. Log in with the username `admin` and password `test1234`.
2. Create a new website for RustDesk with the bindings (Ideally 443) and relevant certificate. Basic settings should point this to a blank folder. (If you use the default site, make sure there are no other files in the folder).
3. On IIS, install [Application Request Routing](https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/application-request-routing) and [URL Rewrite](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/extensions/url-rewrite-module/using-the-url-rewrite-module).
Inbound Rule – the RustDesk internal 21114 address \
Outbound Rules –`From` is the RustDesk internal 21114 address and `To` is the external address. \
Note: No http / https before the addresses – they are automatically handled. Also, ensure all the addresses are accessible both internally and externally.
If you have an error 500.52 add the mentioned variables: [https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/iis-acting-as-reverse-proxy-where-the-problems-start/ba-p/846259](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/iis-acting-as-reverse-proxy-where-the-problems-start/ba-p/846259)
You maybe need to change your SSL Settings to Require SSL -> Ignore