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2020-06-30 19:44:20 +02:00
# Shared secret of your BigBlueButton server.
serverDomain: {{ .Env.DOMAIN }}
sharedSecret: {{ .Env.SHARED_SECRET }}
# Whether to use Auth2.0 or not, Auth2.0 sends the sharedSecret whithin an Authorization header as a bearer
auth2_0: true
apiPath: /bigbluebutton/api
# The port in which the API server will run.
port: 3005
# Web hooks configs
- from-akka-apps-redis-channel
- from-bbb-web-redis-channel
- from-akka-apps-chat-redis-channel
- bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:meeting
- bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:users
- bigbluebutton:from-bbb-apps:chat
- bigbluebutton:from-rap
# IP where permanent hook will post data (more than 1 URL means more than 1 permanent hook)
permanentURLs: []
# How many messages will be enqueued to be processed at the same time
queueSize: 10000
# Allow permanent hooks to receive raw message, which is the message straight from BBB
getRaw: false
# If set to higher than 1, will send events on the format:
# "event=[{event1},{event2}],timestamp=000" or "[{event1},{event2}]" (based on using auth2_0 or not)
# when there are more than 1 event on the queue at the moment of processing the queue.
multiEvent: 1
# Retry intervals for failed attempts for perform callback calls.
# In ms. Totals to around 5min.
- 100
- 500
- 1000
- 2000
- 4000
- 8000
- 10000
- 30000
- 60000
- 60000
- 60000
- 60000
# Reset permanent interval when exceeding maximum attemps
permanentIntervalReset: 8
# Mappings of internal to external meeting IDs
cleanupInterval: 10000 # 10 secs, in ms
timeout: 86400000 # 24 hours, in ms
# Redis
host: redis
port: 6379
hookPrefix: bigbluebutton:webhooks:hook
hooks: bigbluebutton:webhooks:hooks
mappings: bigbluebutton:webhooks:mappings
mappingPrefix: bigbluebutton:webhooks:mapping
eventsPrefix: bigbluebutton:webhooks:events
userMaps: bigbluebutton:webhooks:userMaps
userMapPrefix: bigbluebutton:webhooks:userMap