Updated setup.sh to configure coturn server

This commit is contained in:
Fred Dixon 2018-07-29 11:20:10 -04:00
parent 726683b62c
commit 9266b56888

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ change_var_value () {
# docker run -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -p 1935:1935/tcp -p 5066:5066/tcp -p 3478:3478/udp -p 3478:3478/tcp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN bigbluebutton/d2 -h
# docker run -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -p 1935:1935 -p 5066:5066 -p 3478:3478 -p 3478:3478/udp b2 -h
while getopts "eh:" opt; do
case $opt in
@ -64,27 +65,19 @@ while [ ! -f /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/demo/bbb_api_conf.jsp ]; do sleep 1; done
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop
# Setup loopback address so FreeSWITCH can bind WS-BIND-URL to host IP
sudo ip addr add $HOST dev lo
# Setup the BigBlueButton configuration files
IP=$(echo "$(LANG=c ifconfig | awk -v RS="" '{gsub (/\n[ ]*inet /," ")}1' | grep ^et.* | grep addr: | head -n1 | sed 's/.*addr://g' | sed 's/ .*//g')$(LANG=c ifconfig | awk -v RS="" '{gsub (/\n[ ]*inet /," ")}1' | grep ^en.* | grep addr: | head -n1 | sed 's/.*addr://g' | sed 's/ .*//g')" | head -n1)
sed -i "s/stun:stun.freeswitch.org/$HOST/g" /opt/freeswitch/etc/freeswitch/vars.xml
sed -i "s/<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd=\"set\" data=\"local_ip_v4=.*//g" /opt/freeswitch/etc/freeswitch/vars.xml
#sed -i "s/ext-rtp-ip\" value=\"\$\${local_ip_v4/ext-rtp-ip\" value=\"\$\${external_rtp_ip/g" /opt/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml
#sed -i "s/ext-sip-ip\" value=\"\$\${local_ip_v4/ext-sip-ip\" value=\"\$\${external_sip_ip/g" /opt/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml
#sed -i "s/<param name=\"ws-binding\".*/<param name=\"ws-binding\" value=\":5066\"\/>/g" /opt/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml
xmlstarlet edit --inplace --update '//X-PRE-PROCESS[@cmd="set" and starts-with(@data, "external_rtp_ip=")]/@data' --value "stun:coturn" /opt/freeswitch/conf/vars.xml
xmlstarlet edit --inplace --update '//X-PRE-PROCESS[@cmd="set" and starts-with(@data, "external_sip_ip=")]/@data' --value "stun:coturn" /opt/freeswitch/conf/vars.xml
xmlstarlet edit --inplace --update '//X-PRE-PROCESS[@cmd="set" and starts-with(@data, "local_ip_v4=")]/@data' --value "${IP}" /opt/freeswitch/conf/vars.xml
sed -i "s/proxy_pass .*/proxy_pass $PROTOCOL_HTTP:\/\/$IP:5066;/g" /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/sip.nginx
#sed -i "s/porttest host=\(\"[^\"]*\"\)/porttest host=\"$HOST\"/g" /var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/config.xml
sed -i "s/publishURI=\"[^\"]*\"/publishURI=\"$HOST\"/" /var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/config.xml
sed -i "s/http[s]*:\/\/\([^\"\/]*\)\([\"\/]\)/$PROTOCOL_HTTP:\/\/$HOST\2/g" /var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/config.xml
sed -i "s/rtmp[s]*:\/\/\([^\"\/]*\)\([\"\/]\)/$PROTOCOL_RTMP:\/\/$HOST\2/g" /var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/config.xml
@ -110,15 +103,10 @@ sed -i "s/deskshareip[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/deskshareip=\"$HOST\"/g" \
sed -i "s/defaultPresentationURL[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/defaultPresentationURL=\"${PROTOCOL_HTTP}:\/\/$HOST\/default.pdf\"/g" \
#cat > /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/BaseRtpEndpoint.conf.ini << HERE
cat > /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini << HERE
; Only IP address are supported, not domain names for addresses
; You have to find a valid stun server. You can check if it works
; usin this tool:
; using this tool:
; http://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/
@ -131,13 +119,6 @@ turnURL=kurento:kurento@${HOST}:3478
#sed -i 's/.*stunServerAddress.*/stunServerAddress=' /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini
#sed -i 's/.*stunServerPort.*/stunServerPort=19302/g' /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini
#sed -i 's/.*turnURL*/turnURL=user:password@$IP:3478/g' /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini
echo "denied-peer-ip=" >> /etc/turnserver.conf
echo "allowed-peer-ip=$IP" >> /etc/turnserver.conf
TURN_SECRET=`openssl rand -hex 16`
# Configure coturn to handle incoming UDP connections
@ -152,7 +133,7 @@ user=user:password
# Setup tomcat7 to use the TURN server (wiht matching secret)
# Setup tomcat7 to share the TURN server information with clients (with matching secret)
cat > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/bigbluebutton/WEB-INF/spring/turn-stun-servers.xml << HERE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
@ -204,7 +185,7 @@ cat > /opt/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/acl.conf.xml << HERE
# Fix to ensure application.conf has the latest shared secret
# Ensure bbb-apps-akka has the latest shared secret from bbb-web
SECRET=$(cat /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/bigbluebutton/WEB-INF/classes/bigbluebutton.properties | grep -v '#' | grep securitySalt | cut -d= -f2);
sed -i "s/sharedSecret[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/sharedSecret=\"$SECRET\"/g" \
@ -222,6 +203,7 @@ sed -i "s|\"wsUrl.*|\"wsUrl\": \"ws://$HOST/bbb-webrtc-sfu\",|g" \
rm /usr/share/red5/log/sip.log
# Add a sleep to each recording process so we can restart with supervisord
# (This works around the limitation that supervisord can't restart after intervals)
sed -i 's/BigBlueButton.logger.debug("rap-archive-worker done")/sleep 20; BigBlueButton.logger.debug("rap-archive-worker done")/g' /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/rap-archive-worker.rb
sed -i 's/BigBlueButton.logger.debug("rap-process-worker done")/sleep 20; BigBlueButton.logger.debug("rap-process-worker done")/g' /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/rap-process-worker.rb
sed -i 's/BigBlueButton.logger.debug("rap-sanity-worker done")/sleep 20 ; BigBlueButton.logger.debug("rap-sanity-worker done")/g' /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/rap-sanity-worker.rb
@ -238,7 +220,7 @@ export KURENTO_LOGS_PATH=$DAEMON_LOG
cat << HERE
BigBlueButton is running at
BigBlueButton is now starting up at this address