#!/bin/bash set -e cd $(dirname $0)/.. if ! [ -x "$(command -v curl)" ]; then echo "Error: curl is not installed, but the setup script relies on it." echo "on debian based operating systems try following command:" echo " $ sudo apt-get install curl" exit 1 fi # load .env if [ -f .env ] then echo "Error: the configuration file .env already exists." echo "either edit variables manually in there or remove the file and try this script again" exit 1 fi EXTERNAL_IPv4=$(curl -4 -s https://icanhazip.com) EXTERNAL_IPv6=$(curl -6 -s https://icanhazip.com || true) greenlight="" while [[ ! $greenlight =~ ^(y|n)$ ]]; do read -p "Should greenlight be included? (y/n): " greenlight done https_proxy="" while [[ ! $https_proxy =~ ^(y|n)$ ]]; do read -p "Should an automatic HTTPS Proxy be included? (y/n): " https_proxy done coturn="" if [ "$https_proxy" == "y" ] then while [[ ! $coturn =~ ^(y|n)$ ]]; do read -p "Should a coturn be included? (y/n): " coturn done fi DOMAIN="" while [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]]; do read -p "Please enter the domain name: " DOMAIN done recording="" while [[ ! $recording =~ ^(y|n)$ ]]; do read -p "Should recording feature be included? (y/n): " recording done ip_correct="" while [[ ! $ip_correct =~ ^(y|n)$ ]]; do read -p "Is $EXTERNAL_IPv4 your external IPv4 address? (y/n): " ip_correct done if [ ! "$ip_correct" == "y" ] then EXTERNAL_IPv4="" while [[ ! $EXTERNAL_IPv4 =~ ^[1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{0,3}\.[0-9]{0,3}\.[1-9][0-9]{0,2}$ ]]; do read -p "Please enter correct IPv4 address: " EXTERNAL_IPv4 done fi if [ -n "$EXTERNAL_IPv6" ] then ip_correct="" while [[ ! $ip_correct =~ ^(y|n)$ ]]; do read -p "Is $EXTERNAL_IPv6 your external IPv6 address? (y/n): " ip_correct done if [ ! "$ip_correct" == "y" ] then EXTERNAL_IPv6="" while [[ ! $EXTERNAL_IPv6 =~ ^[0-9a-z:]{3,39}$ ]]; do read -p "Please enter correct IPv6 address: " EXTERNAL_IPv6 done fi fi # write settings cp sample.env .env sed -i "s/EXTERNAL_IPv4=.*/EXTERNAL_IPv4=$EXTERNAL_IPv4/" .env sed -i "s/EXTERNAL_IPv6=.*/EXTERNAL_IPv6=$EXTERNAL_IPv6/" .env sed -i "s/DOMAIN=.*/DOMAIN=$DOMAIN/" .env if [ ! "$greenlight" == "y" ] then sed -i "s/ENABLE_GREENLIGHT.*/#ENABLE_GREENLIGHT=true/" .env fi if [ ! "$https_proxy" == "y" ] then sed -i "s/ENABLE_HTTPS_PROXY.*/#ENABLE_HTTPS_PROXY=true/" .env fi if [ "$recording" == "y" ] then sed -i "s/#ENABLE_RECORDING.*/ENABLE_RECORDING=true/" .env fi if [ "$coturn" == "y" ] then sed -i "s/.*TURN_SERVER=.*/TURN_SERVER=turns:$DOMAIN:465?transport=tcp/" .env TURN_SECRET=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-f0-9 | head -c 32) sed -i "s/.*TURN_SECRET=.*/TURN_SECRET=$TURN_SECRET/" .env sed -i "s/.*STUN_IP=.*/STUN_IP=$EXTERNAL_IPv4/" .env else sed -i "s/ENABLE_COTURN.*/#ENABLE_COTURN=true/" .env fi # change secrets RANDOM_1=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 40) RANDOM_2=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 40) RANDOM_3=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-f0-9 | head -c 128) sed -i "s/SHARED_SECRET=.*/SHARED_SECRET=$RANDOM_1/" .env sed -i "s/ETHERPAD_API_KEY=.*/ETHERPAD_API_KEY=$RANDOM_2/" .env sed -i "s/RAILS_SECRET=.*/RAILS_SECRET=$RANDOM_3/" .env echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "configuration file .env got successfully created!" echo "" echo "you can look through it for further adjusments" echo " $ nano .env" echo "" echo "to start bigbluebutton run" echo " $ ./scripts/compose up -d"