mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 15:09:12 +01:00
Lists steps taken by install script, and reorders sections
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,17 +8,16 @@
- [Introduction to Dotfiles](#intro)
- [What are dotfiles?](#what-are-dotfiles)
- [Dotfile Management Systems](#dotfile-management-systems)
- [So copy paste, right?](#so-copy-paste-right)
- [XDG Directories](#xdg-directories)
- [Applying Dotfiles](#applying-dotfiles)
- [Containerized Userspace](#containerized-userspace)
- [Security](#security)
- [So copy paste, right?](#so-copy-paste-right)
- [My Dots](#my-dots)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Directory Structure](#directory-structure)
- [Install Script](#install-script)
- [Configuring](#configuring)
- [Aliases](#aliases)
- [Utilities](#utilities)
- [Packages](#packages)
- [System Preferences](#system-preferences)
- [ZSH](#zsh)
@ -26,6 +25,7 @@
- [Tmux](#tmux)
- [Git](#git)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Utilities](#utilities)
@ -41,51 +41,13 @@ Once everything's setup, you'll be able to SSH into a fresh system or reinstall
It's not hard to create your own dotfile repo, it's great fun and you'll learn a ton along the way!
### Dotfile Management Systems
You can make things simple, or complex as you like.
In terms of managing and applying your dotfiles, you can make things simple, or complex as you like.
The two most common methods are either symlinking, or using a git bare repo, these are explained in more detail in the [Applying Dotfiles](#applying-dotfiles) section. You can either do things manually, write a simple script, or use a pre-build dotfile management system (like [dotbot](https://github.com/anishathalye/dotbot), [chezmoi](https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi), [yadm](https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm) or [GNU Stow](https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/)).
In terms of managing dependencies, using either [git submodules](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules) or [git subtree](https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/subtree/git-subtree.txt) will let you keep dependencies in your project, while also separate from your own code and easily updatable.
### So copy paste, right?
Zach Holman wrote a great article titled [Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked](https://zachholman.com/2010/08/dotfiles-are-meant-to-be-forked/). I personally disagree with this, since your dotfiles are ususally highly personalized, so what's right for one developer, likely won't be what someone else is looking for. They're also usually something you build up over time, and althgouh some repos may provide a great starting point, it's really important to know what everything does, and how it works.
By all means feel free to take what you want from mine. I've taken care to ensure that each file is standalone, and well documented so that certain files can just be dropped into any system. But I cannot stress enough the importance of reading through files to ensure it's actually what you want.
If you're looking for some more example dotfile repos to get you started, I can highly recomend taking a look at: [holman](https://github.com/holman/dotfiles).
There's even more to check out at [webpro/awesome-dotfiles](https://github.com/webpro/awesome-dotfiles), [dotfiles.github.io](https://dotfiles.github.io/) and [r/unixporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/).
### XDG Directories
One of my goals was to try and keep the top-level user home directory as clean as possible by honouring the [XDG base directory specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec), which lets you specify the locations for config, cache, data, log and other files. This is done by setting environmental variables within [`.zshenv`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/.zshenv).
You can modify any of these values, but by default the following paths are used:
Variable | Location
--- | ---
`XDG_CONFIG_HOME` | `~/.config`
`XDG_DATA_HOME` | `~/.local/share`
`XDG_BIN_HOME` | `~/.local/bin`
`XDG_LIB_HOME` | `~/.local/lib`
`XDG_CACHE_HOME` | `~/.local/var/cache`
### Applying Dotfiles
There are several different approaches to managing dotfiles. The two most common would be either symlinking, or git bare repo.
The two most common approaches are be either symlinking, or using git bare repo, but you could also do things manually by writing a simple script.
#### Option 1 - Symlinking
@ -130,6 +92,25 @@ Both [Chezmoi](https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi/) and [YADM](https://github.co
To learn more, DistroTube made an excellent [video about bare git repos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBoLDpTWVOM), and Marcel Krčah has written [a post](https://marcel.is/managing-dotfiles-with-git-bare-repo/) outlining the benefits.
#### Dotfile Dependencies
In terms of managing dependencies, using either [git submodules](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules) or [git subtree](https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/subtree/git-subtree.txt) will let you keep dependencies in your project, while also separate from your own code and easily updatable.
### XDG Directories
One of my goals was to try and keep the top-level user home directory as clean as possible by honouring the [XDG base directory specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec), which lets you specify the locations for config, cache, data, log and other files. This is done by setting environmental variables within [`.zshenv`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/.zshenv).
You can modify any of these values, but by default the following paths are used:
Variable | Location
--- | ---
`XDG_CONFIG_HOME` | `~/.config`
`XDG_DATA_HOME` | `~/.local/share`
`XDG_BIN_HOME` | `~/.local/bin`
`XDG_LIB_HOME` | `~/.local/lib`
`XDG_CACHE_HOME` | `~/.local/var/cache`
@ -151,6 +132,17 @@ Something that is important to keep in mind, is security. Often you may have som
Another solution, is to encrypt sensitive info. A great tool for this is [`pass`](https://www.passwordstore.org/) as it makes GPG-encrypting passwords very easy ([this article](https://www.outcoldman.com/en/archive/2015/09/17/keep-sensitive-data-encrypted-in-dotfiles/) outlines how), or you could also just use plain old GPG (as outlined in [this article](https://www.abdullah.today/encrypted-dotfiles/)).
### So copy paste, right?
Zach Holman wrote a great article titled [Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked](https://zachholman.com/2010/08/dotfiles-are-meant-to-be-forked/). I personally disagree with this, since your dotfiles are usually highly personalized, so what's right for one developer, likely won't be what someone else is looking for. They're also typically something you build up over time, and although some repos may provide a great starting point, it's really important to know what everything does, and how it works.
By all means feel free to take what you want from mine. I've taken care to ensure that each file is standalone, and well documented so that certain files can just be dropped into any system. But I cannot stress enough the importance of reading through files to ensure it's actually what you want.
If you're looking for some more example dotfile repos to get you started, I can highly recommend taking a look at: [holman](https://github.com/holman/dotfiles).
There's even more to check out at [webpro/awesome-dotfiles](https://github.com/webpro/awesome-dotfiles), [dotfiles.github.io](https://dotfiles.github.io/) and [r/unixporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/).
@ -213,6 +205,49 @@ Once the repo is cloned, you can modify whatever files you like before running t
### Install Script
The install script will do the following:
- **Setup**
- Set variables by reading any passed parameters, or fallback to sensible defaults
- Print welcome message, and a summary of proposed changes, and prompt user to continue
- Ensure that core dependencies are met (git, zsh, vim)
- **Dotfiles**
- If dotfiles not yet present, will clone from git, otherwise pulls latest changes
- Symlinks each file to it's correct location on disk
- **System Config**
- Checks default shell, if not yet set, will prompt to set to zsh
- Installs Vim plugins via Plug
- Installs Tmux plugins via TPM
- Installs ZSH plugins via Antigen
- Prompts to apply system preferences (for compatible OS / DE)
- On MacOS arranges apps into folders within the Launchpad view
- On MacOS prompts to set essential privacy + security settings
- On MacOS prompts to set system preferences and app settings
- **App Installations**
- On MacOS if Homebrew is not yet installed, will prompt to install it
- On MacOS will prompt to install user apps listed in Brewfile, via Homebrew
- On Linux will prompt to install listed CLI apps via native package manager (pacman or apt)
- On Linux desktop systems, will prompt to istall desktop apps via Flatpak
- Checks OS is up-to-date, prompts to install updates if available
- **Finishing up**
- Outputs time taken and a summary of changes applied
- Re-sources ZSH and refreshes current session
- Prints a pretty Tux ASCII picture
- Exits
The install script can accept several flags and environmental variables to configure installation:
- **Flags**
- `--help` - Prints help menu / shows info, without making any changes
- `--auto-yes` - Doesn't prompt for any user input, always assumes Yes (use with care!)
- `--no-clear` - Doesn't clear the screen before starting (useful if being run by another app)
- **Env Vars**
- `REPO_NAME` - The repository name to pull, e.g. `Lissy93/Dotfiles`
- `DOTFILES_DIR` - The directory to clone source dotfiles into
### Configuring
The locations for all symlinks are defined in [`symlinks.yaml`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/symlinks.yaml). These are managed using [Dotbot](https://github.com/anishathalye/dotbot), and will be applied whenever you run the [`install.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/install.sh) script. The symlinks set locations based on XDG paths, all of which are defined in [`.zshenv`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/.zshenv).
@ -541,89 +576,6 @@ Alias | Description
### Utilities
The dotfiles also contains several handy bash scripts to carry out useful tasks with slightly more ease.
Each of these scripts is standalone, without any dependencies, and can be executed directly to use.
Alternatively, they can be sourced from within a .zshrc / .bashrc, for use anywhere via their alias.
For usage instructions about any of them, just append the `--help` flag.
- [Transfer]() - Quickly transfer files or folders to the internet
- [Web Search]() - Open a specific search engine with a given query
- [QR Code]() - Generates a QR code for a given string, to transfer data to mobile device
- [Weather]() - Shows current and forecasted weather for your location
- [Color Map]() - Just outputs your terminal emulators supported color pallete
- [Welcome]() - Used for first login, prints personalised greeting, system info, and other handy info
- [Online]() - Checks if you are connected to the internet
#### Transfer
Quickly transfer a file, group of files or directory via the transfer.sh service.<br>
To get started, run `transfer <file(s) / folder>`, for more info, run `transfer --help`
If multiple files are passed in, they will automatically be compressed into an archive.
You can change the file transfer service, or use a self-hosted instance by setting the URL in `FILE_TRANSFER_SERVICE`
The file can be either run directly, or sourced in your `.zshrc` and used via the `transfer` alias.
> For info, run `transfer --help`<br>
> Source: [`utils/transfer.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/utils/transfer.sh)
#### Web Search
Quickly open web search results for a given query using a selected search engine. To get started, run `web-search`, or `web-search --help` for more info.
All parameters are optional, to get started just run `web-search` or `web-search <search provider (optional)> <query (optional)>`, the `ws` alias can also be used. If a search engine isn't specified, you'll be prompted to select one from the list. Similarly, if a query hasn't been included you'll be asked for that too.
- `web-search` - Opens interactive menu, you'll be prompted to select a search engine from the list then enter your query
- `web-search <search term>` - Specify a search term, and you'll be prompted to select the search engine
- For example, `web-search Hello World!`
- `web-search <search engine>` - Specify a search engine, and you'll be prompted for your search term
- For example, `web-search duckduckgo`
- `web-search <search engine> <search engine>` - Specify both a search engine and query, and results will open immediately
- For example, `web-search wikipedia Matrix Defense`
<summary><b>Supported Search Providers</b></summary>
The following search engines are supported by default:
- DuckDuckGo: `ws duckduckgo` (or `wsddg`)
- Wikipedia: `ws wikipedia` or (`wswiki`)
- GitHub: `ws github` (or `wsgh`)
- StackOverflow: `ws stackoverflow` (or `wsso`)
- Wolframalpha: `ws wolframalpha` (or `wswa`)
- Reddit: `ws reddit` (or `wsrdt`)
- Maps: `ws maps` (or `wsmap`)
- Google: `ws google` (or `wsggl`)
- Grep App: `ws grepapp` (or `wsgra`)
The alias `ws` will also resolve to `web-search`, if it's not already in use. You can either run the script directly, e.g.`~/.config/utils/web-search.sh` (don't forget to `chmod +x` the file first, to make it executable), or use the `web-search` / `ws` alias anywhere, once it has been source'd from your .zshrc.
> For info, run `web-search --help`<br>
> Source: [`utils/web-search.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/utils/web-search.sh)
<summary>Try now!</summary>
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/master/utils/web-search.sh)
### Packages
@ -904,12 +856,13 @@ The installation script can also prompt you to confiture system settings and use
#### MacOS
MacOS includes a utility named [`defaults`](https://real-world-systems.com/docs/defaults.1.html), which lets you configure all system and app preferences programatically through the command line. This is very powerful, as you can write a script that configures every aspect of your system enabling you to setup a brand new machine in seconds.
MacOS includes a built-in utility named [`defaults`](https://real-world-systems.com/docs/defaults.1.html), which lets you configure all system and app preferences programatically through the command line. This is very powerful, as you can write a script that configures every aspect of your system enabling you to setup a brand new machine in seconds.
All settings are then updated in the `.plist` files stored in `~/Library/Preferences`. This can also be used to configure preferences for any installed app on your system, where the application is specified by its domain identifier - you can view a full list of your configurable apps by running `defaults domains`.
In my dotfiles, the MacOS preferences will configure everything from system security to launchpad layout. The Mac settings are located in [`system-specific/macos/system-settings/`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/tree/master/system-specific/macos/system-settings), and are split into three files:
In my dotfiles, the MacOS preferences will configure everything from system security to launchpad layout.
The Mac settings are located in [`system-specific/macos/system-settings/`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/tree/master/system-specific/macos/system-settings), and are split into three files:
- [`macos-security.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/system-specific/macos/system-settings/macos-security.sh) - Sets essential security settings, disables telementry, disconnects unused ports, enforces signing, sets logout timeouts, and much more
- [`macos-preferences.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/system-specific/macos/system-settings/macos-preferences.sh) - Configures all user preferences, including computer name, highlight color, finder options, spotlight settings, hardware preferences and more
- [`macos-apps.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/system-specific/macos/system-settings/macos-apps.sh) - Applies preferences to any installed desktop apps, such as Terminal, Time Machine, Photos, Spotify, and many others
@ -1060,3 +1013,88 @@ They can be easily installed/ updated with your package manger, e.g:
Depending on your setup, the following utils may also be required: `make`, `ctags`, `fzf` and `python3-pip`
### Utilities
The dotfiles also contains several handy bash scripts to carry out useful tasks with slightly more ease.
Each of these scripts is standalone, without any dependencies, and can be executed directly to use.
Alternatively, they can be sourced from within a .zshrc / .bashrc, for use anywhere via their alias.
For usage instructions about any of them, just append the `--help` flag.
- [Transfer]() - Quickly transfer files or folders to the internet
- [Web Search]() - Open a specific search engine with a given query
- [QR Code]() - Generates a QR code for a given string, to transfer data to mobile device
- [Weather]() - Shows current and forecasted weather for your location
- [Color Map]() - Just outputs your terminal emulators supported color pallete
- [Welcome]() - Used for first login, prints personalised greeting, system info, and other handy info
- [Online]() - Checks if you are connected to the internet
#### Transfer
Quickly transfer a file, group of files or directory via the transfer.sh service.<br>
To get started, run `transfer <file(s) / folder>`, for more info, run `transfer --help`
If multiple files are passed in, they will automatically be compressed into an archive.
You can change the file transfer service, or use a self-hosted instance by setting the URL in `FILE_TRANSFER_SERVICE`
The file can be either run directly, or sourced in your `.zshrc` and used via the `transfer` alias.
> For info, run `transfer --help`<br>
> Source: [`utils/transfer.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/utils/transfer.sh)
#### Web Search
Quickly open web search results for a given query using a selected search engine. To get started, run `web-search`, or `web-search --help` for more info.
All parameters are optional, to get started just run `web-search` or `web-search <search provider (optional)> <query (optional)>`, the `ws` alias can also be used. If a search engine isn't specified, you'll be prompted to select one from the list. Similarly, if a query hasn't been included you'll be asked for that too.
- `web-search` - Opens interactive menu, you'll be prompted to select a search engine from the list then enter your query
- `web-search <search term>` - Specify a search term, and you'll be prompted to select the search engine
- For example, `web-search Hello World!`
- `web-search <search engine>` - Specify a search engine, and you'll be prompted for your search term
- For example, `web-search duckduckgo`
- `web-search <search engine> <search engine>` - Specify both a search engine and query, and results will open immediately
- For example, `web-search wikipedia Matrix Defense`
<summary><b>Supported Search Providers</b></summary>
The following search engines are supported by default:
- DuckDuckGo: `ws duckduckgo` (or `wsddg`)
- Wikipedia: `ws wikipedia` or (`wswiki`)
- GitHub: `ws github` (or `wsgh`)
- StackOverflow: `ws stackoverflow` (or `wsso`)
- Wolframalpha: `ws wolframalpha` (or `wswa`)
- Reddit: `ws reddit` (or `wsrdt`)
- Maps: `ws maps` (or `wsmap`)
- Google: `ws google` (or `wsggl`)
- Grep App: `ws grepapp` (or `wsgra`)
The alias `ws` will also resolve to `web-search`, if it's not already in use. You can either run the script directly, e.g.`~/.config/utils/web-search.sh` (don't forget to `chmod +x` the file first, to make it executable), or use the `web-search` / `ws` alias anywhere, once it has been source'd from your .zshrc.
> For info, run `web-search --help`<br>
> Source: [`utils/web-search.sh`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/blob/master/utils/web-search.sh)
<summary>Try now!</summary>
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lissy93/dotfiles/master/utils/web-search.sh)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user