(( $+commands[npm] )) && { rm -f "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR:-$ZSH/cache}/npm_completion" _npm_completion() { local si=$IFS compadd -- $(COMP_CWORD=$((CURRENT-1)) \ COMP_LINE=$BUFFER \ COMP_POINT=0 \ npm completion -- "${words[@]}" \ 2>/dev/null) IFS=$si } if type "compdef" > /dev/null; then compdef _npm_completion npm fi } # Install dependencies globally alias npmg="npm i -g " # npm package names are lowercase # Thus, we've used camelCase for the following aliases: # Install and save to dependencies in your package.json # npms is used by https://www.npmjs.com/package/npms alias npmS="npm i -S " # Install and save to dev-dependencies in your package.json # npmd is used by https://github.com/dominictarr/npmd alias npmD="npm i -D " # Execute command from node_modules folder based on current directory # i.e npmE gulp alias npmE='PATH="$(npm bin)":"$PATH"' # Check which npm modules are outdated alias npmO="npm outdated" # Check package versions alias npmV="npm -v" # List packages alias npmL="npm list" # List top-level installed packages alias npmL0="npm ls --depth=0" # Run npm start alias npmst="npm start" # Run npm test alias npmt="npm test" # Run npm scripts alias npmR="npm run" # Run npm publish alias npmP="npm publish" # Run npm init alias npmI="npm init"