#!/usr/bin/env bash ###################################################################### # Core Dependency Install Script # ###################################################################### # Installs essential pre-requsite packages, when using new systems # # Intended to be run before install.sh, if packages not yet present. # # All other package inatslls are managed in system-specific scripts # # For docs and more info, see: https://github.com/lissy93/dotfiles # # IMPORTANT: Before running, read through everything very carefully! # ###################################################################### # Licensed under MIT (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 # ###################################################################### # List of apps to install core_packages=( 'git' # Needed to fetch dotfiles 'vim' # Needed to edit files 'zsh' # Needed as bash is crap ) # Color variables PURPLE='\033[0;35m' YELLOW='\033[0;93m' LIGHT='\x1b[2m' RESET='\033[0m' # Shows help menu / introduction function print_usage () { echo -e "${PURPLE}Prerequisite Dependency Installation Script${LIGHT}\n"\ "There's a few packages that are needed in order to continue with setting up dotfiles.\n"\ "This script will detect distro, and use appropriate package manager to install apps.\n"\ "Elavated permissions may be required. Ensure you've read the script before proceeding."\ "\n${RESET}" } function install_debian () { echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing ${1} via apt-get${RESET}" sudo apt install $1 } function install_arch () { echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing ${1} via Pacman${RESET}" sudo pacman -S $1 } function install_mac () { echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing ${1} via Homebrew${RESET}" brew install $1 } function get_homebrew () { echo -e "${PURPLE}Setting up Homebrew${RESET}" /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH } # Detect OS type, then triggers install using appropriate package manager function multi_system_install () { app=$1 if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then if ! hash brew 2> /dev/null; then get_homebrew; fi install_mac $app # MacOS via Homebrew elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ] && hash pacman 2> /dev/null; then install_arch $app # Arch Linux via Pacman elif ! [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ] && hash apt 2> /dev/null; then install_debian $app # Debian via apt-get else echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping ${app}, as couldn't detect system type ${RESET}" fi } # Show usage instructions, help menu print_usage if [[ $* == *"--help"* ]]; then exit; fi # Ask user if they'd like to proceed if [[ ! $* == *"--auto-yes"* ]] ; then echo -e "${PURPLE}Are you happy to continue? (y/N)${RESET}" read -t 15 -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Proceeding was rejected by user, exiting...${RESET}" exit 0 fi fi # For each app, check if not present and install for app in ${core_packages[@]}; do if ! hash "${app}" 2> /dev/null; then multi_system_install $app else echo -e "${YELLOW}${app} is already installed, skipping${RESET}" fi done # All done echo -e "\n${PURPLE}Jobs complete, exiting${RESET}" exit 0