# ~/.Brewfile # # List of packages to be installed / updated via Homebrew # Apps are sorted by category, and arranged alphabetically # Be sure to delete / comment out anything you do not need # Usage, run: $ brew bundle --global --file $HOME/.Brewfile # See brew docs for more info: https://docs.brew.sh/Manpage # Options cask_args appdir: '~/Applications', require_sha: true # Taps tap 'homebrew/bundle' tap 'homebrew/core' tap 'homebrew/services' # CLI Essentials brew 'git' brew 'neovim' brew 'ranger' brew 'tmux' # CLI Utils brew 'ctags' brew 'exa' brew 'fzf' brew 'glances' brew 'gotop' brew 'iproute2mac' brew 'jq' brew 'lazydocker' brew 'scc' brew 'tldr' brew 'tree' brew 'xsel' # CLI Fun brew 'figlet' brew 'lolcat' brew 'neofetch' # Development cask 'android-studio' cask 'boop' brew 'gradle' cask 'iterm2' cask 'postman' cask 'sourcetree' cask 'utm' cask 'visual-studio-code' # Development Utils brew 'gh' cask 'ngrok' # Languages and Compilers brew 'docker' brew 'gcc' brew 'go' brew 'lua' brew 'node' brew 'nvm' brew 'openjdk' brew 'python' brew 'rust' # Network and Security Testing cask 'wireshark' brew 'wrk' cask 'owasp-zap' # Security Utilities brew 'bcrypt' cask 'gpg-suite' brew 'openssl' cask 'veracrypt' # Fonts tap 'homebrew/cask-fonts' cask 'font-fira-code' cask 'font-hack' cask 'font-inconsolata' # Mac OS Mods and Imrovments brew 'm-cli' cask 'alt-tab' cask 'amethyst' cask 'anybar' cask 'coteditor' cask 'finicky' cask 'hiddenbar' cask 'linearmouse' cask 'little-snitch' cask 'stats' # Productivity Utils cask 'copyq' tap 'espanso/espanso' cask 'espanso' # Media and Creativity brew 'handbrake' cask 'audacity' cask 'gimp' cask 'inkscape' cask 'obs' cask 'shotcut' cask 'spotify', args: { require_sha: false } cask 'transmission' cask 'vlc' # General Applications cask '1password' cask 'tresorit' cask 'firefox' cask 'chromium' cask 'standard-notes'