# List of ZSH aliases for common git commands # Licensed under MIT - (C) Alicia Sykes, 2022 # Basics alias g="git" alias gs="git status" # List changed files alias ga="git add" # Add to the next commit alias gaa="git add ." # Add all changed files alias grm="git rm" # Remove alias gc="git commit" # Commit staged files, needs -m "" alias gps="git push" # Push local commits to alias gpl="git pull" # Pull changes with alias gf="git fetch" # Download branch changes, without modifying files # Merging and Rebasing alias grb="git rebase" # Rebase the current HEAD into alias grba="git rebase --abort" # Cancel current rebase sesh alias grbc="git rebase --continue" # Continue onto next diff alias gm="git merge" # Merge into your current HEAD # Repo setup alias gi="git init" # Initiialize a new empty local repo alias gcl="git clone" # Downloads repo from # Branching alias gch="git checkout" # Switch the HEAD to alias gb="git branch" # Create a new from HEAD alias gd="git diff" # Show all changes to untracked files alias gtree="git log --graph --oneline --decorate" # Show branch tree alias gl='git log' # Tags alias gt="git tag" # Tag the current commit, 1 param alias gtl="git tag -l" # List all tags, optionally with pattern alias gtlm="git tag -n" # List all tags, with their messages alias gtp="git push --tags" # Publish tags # Origin alias gr="git remote" alias grs="git remote show" # Show current remote origin alias grl="git remote -v" # List all currently configured remotes alias grr="git remote rm origin" # Remove current origin alias gra="git remote add" # Add new remote origin alias grurl="git remote set-url origin" # Sets URL of existing origin # Undoing alias guc="git revert" # Revert a alias gu="git reset" # Reset HEAD pointer to a , perserves changes alias gua="git reset --hard HEAD" # Resets all uncommited changes alias gnewmsg="git commit --amend -m" # Update of previous commit alias gclean="git clean -df" # Remove all untracked files # Git LFS alias glfsi='git lfs install' alias glfst='git lfs track' alias glfsls='git lfs ls-files' alias glfsmi='git lfs migrate import --include=' # Push LFS changes to current branch function gplfs() { git lfs push origin "$(git_current_branch)" --all } # Shorthand clone (e.g. $ clone lissy93/dotfiles) function clone { default_service='github.com' # Used if full URL isn't specified default_username='lissy93' # Used if repo org / username isn't specified user_input=$1 target=${2:-''} # Help flag passed, show manual and exit if [[ $user_input == --help ]] || [[ $user_input == -h ]]; then echo -e 'This will clone a git repo'; echo -e 'Either specify repo name, user/repo, or a full URL' echo -e 'E.g. `$ clone lissy93/dotfiles`' return; # No input specified, prompt user elif [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Enter a user/repo or full URL: '; read user_input; fi echo "$target" # Determine input type, and make clone url if [[ $user_input == git@* || $user_input == *://* ]] then # Full URL was provided REPO_URL=$user_input; elif [[ $user_input == */* ]]; then # Username/repo was provided REPO_URL="https://$default_service/$user_input.git"; else # Just repo name was provided REPO_URL="https://$default_service/$default_username/$user_input.git"; fi # Clone repo git clone $REPO_URL $target; } # Sync fork against upstream repo function gsync { # If no upstream origin provided, prompt user for it if ! git remote -v | grep -q 'upstream'; then echo 'Enter the upstream git url: '; read url; git remote add upstream "$url" fi git remote -v git fetch upstream git pull upstream master git checkout master git rebase upstream/master } # Make git commit with -m function gcommit { commit_msg=$@ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Enter a commit message'; read commit_msg; fi git commit -m "$commit_msg" } alias gcm="gcommit" # Fetch, rebase and push updates to current branch # Optionally specify target, defaults to 'master' function gfetchrebase { if ! [ -z "$1" ]; then branch=$1 else branch='master' fi git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/$branch git push } alias gfrb="gfetchrebase" # Integrates with gitignore.io to auto-populate .gitignore file function gignore() { curl -fLw '\n' https://www.gitignore.io/api/"${(j:,:)@}" } _gitignoreio_get_command_list() { curl -sfL https://www.gitignore.io/api/list | tr "," "\n" } _gitignoreio () { compset -P '*,' compadd -S '' `_gitignoreio_get_command_list` } # Downloads specific git ignore template to .gitignore gignore-apply () { if [ -n $search_term ]; then gignore $1 >> .gitignore else echo "Expected a template to be specified. Run:" echo " $ gignore list to view all options" echo " $ gignore [template] to preview" fi } # Helper function to return URL of current repo (based on origin) get-repo-url() { git_base_url='https://github.com' # Get origin from git repo + remove .git git_url=${$(git config --get remote.origin.url)%.git} # Process URL, and append branch / working origin if [[ $git_url =~ ^git@ ]]; then branch=${1:-"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)"} branchExists="$(git ls-remote --heads $git_url $branch | wc -l)" github="$(echo $git_url | sed 's/git@//')" # Remove git@ from the start github="$(echo $github | sed 's/\:/\//')" # Replace : with / if [[ $branchExists == " 1" ]]; then git_url="http://$github/tree/$branch" else git_url="http://$github" fi elif [[ $git_url =~ ^https?:// ]]; then branch=${1:-"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)"} branchExists="$(git ls-remote --heads $git_url $branch | wc -l)" if [[ $branchExists == " 1" ]]; then git_url="$git_url/tree/$branch" else git_url="$git_url" fi fi # Return URL echo $git_url } # Helper function that gets supported open method for system launch-url() { if hash open 2> /dev/null; then open_command=open elif hash xdg-open 2> /dev/null; then open_command=xdg-open elif hash lynx 2> /dev/null; then open_command=lynx else echo -e "\033[0;33mUnable to launch browser, open manually instead" echo -e "\033[1;96m🌐 URL: \033[0;96m\e[4m$1\e[0m" return; fi echo $open_command } # Opens the current repo + branch in GitHub open-github() { git_base_url='https://github.com' # Modify this if using GH enterprise if [[ ! -z $1 && ! -z $2 ]]; then # User specified a repo git_url=$git_base_url/$1/$2 elif git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Get URL from current repo's origin git_url=$(get-repo-url) else # Not in repo, and nothing specified, open homepage git_url=$git_base_url fi # Determine which open commands supported open_command=$(launch-url $git_url) # Print messages echo -e "\033[1;96m🐙 Opening in browser: \033[0;96m\e[4m$git_url\e[0m" # And launch! $open_command $git_url } alias gho='open-github' # Opens pull request tab for the current GH repo open-github-pulls() { # Get Repo URL if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then git_url=$(get-repo-url) else git_url='https://github.com' fi git_url="$git_url/pulls" # Get open command open_command=$(launch-url $git_url) # Print message, and launch! echo -e "\033[1;96m🐙 Opening in browser: \033[0;96m\e[4m$git_url\e[0m" $open_command $git_url } alias ghp='open-github-pulls' # Prompt for main SSH key passphrase, so u don't need to enter it again until session killed alias add-key='eval "$(ssh-agent)" && ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa'