#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Configure history file. HISTFILE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/zsh/history" HISTSIZE=50000 SAVEHIST=10000 # History command configuration. setopt extended_history # Record timestamp of command in $HISTFILE. setopt hist_expire_dups_first # Delete duplicates first when $HISTFILE size exceeds $HISTSIZE. setopt hist_ignore_dups # Ignore duplicated commands in history list. setopt hist_save_no_dups # Do not save duplicates in history file. setopt hist_find_no_dups # Ignore duplicates when searching in history. setopt hist_ignore_space # Ignore commands that start with a space. setopt hist_reduce_blanks # Remove superfluous blanks from history items. setopt hist_verify # Show command with history expansion to user before running it. setopt inc_append_history # Add commands to $HISTFILE in order of execution. setopt share_history # Share history between different instances of the shell.