#!/usr/bin/env bash ################################################################ # 📜 Arch Linux, Pacman Package Install / Update Script # ################################################################ # Installs listed packages on Arch-based systems via Pacman # # Also updates the cache database and existing applications # # Confirms apps arn't installed via different package manager # # Doesn't include desktop apps, that're managed via Flatpak # # Apps are sorted by category, and arranged alphabetically # # Be sure to delete / comment out anything you do not need # # For more info, see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman # ################################################################ # MIT Licensed (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 # ################################################################ # Apps to be installed via Pacman pacman_apps=( # Essentials 'git' # Version controll 'neovim' # Text editor 'ranger' # Directory browser 'tmux' # Term multiplexer 'wget' # Download files # CLI Power Basics 'aria2' # Resuming download util (better wget) 'bat' # Output highlighting (better cat) 'broot' # Interactive directory navigation 'ctags' # Indexing of file info + headers 'diff-so-fancy' # Readable file compares (better diff) 'duf' # Get info on mounted disks (better df) 'exa' # Listing files with info (better ls) 'fzf' # Fuzzy file finder and filtering 'hyperfine' # Benchmarking for arbitrary commands 'just' # Powerful command runner (better make) 'jq' # JSON parser, output and query files 'most' # Multi-window scroll pager (better less) 'procs' # Advanced process viewer (better ps) 'ripgrep' # Searching within files (better grep) 'scrot' # Screenshots programmatically via CLI 'sd' # RegEx find and replace (better sed) 'thefuck' # Auto-correct miss-typed commands 'tealdeer' # Reader for command docs (better man) 'tree' # Directory listings as tree structure 'tokei' # Count lines of code (better cloc) 'trash-cli' # Record and restore removed files 'xsel' # Copy paste access to the X clipboard 'zoxide' # Auto-learning navigation (better cd) # Security Utilities 'clamav' # Open source virus scanning suite 'cryptsetup' # Reading / writing encrypted volumes 'gnupg' # PGP encryption, signing and verifying 'git-crypt' # Transparent encryption for git repos 'lynis' # Scan system for common security issues 'openssl' # Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit 'rkhunter' # Search / detect potential root kits # Monitoring, management and stats 'btop' # Live system resource monitoring 'bmon' # Bandwidth utilization monitor 'ctop' # Container metrics and monitoring 'gping' # Interactive ping tool, with graph 'glances' # Resource monitor + web and API 'goaccess' # Web log analyzer and viewer 'speedtest-cli' # Command line speed test utility # CLI Fun 'cowsay' # Outputs message with ASCII art cow 'figlet' # Outputs text as 3D ASCII word art 'lolcat' # Rainbow coloured terminal output 'neofetch' # Show off distro and system info ) # Colors PURPLE='\033[0;35m' YELLOW='\033[0;93m' CYAN_B='\033[1;96m' LIGHT='\x1b[2m' RESET='\033[0m' PROMPT_TIMEOUT=15 # When user is prompted for input, skip after x seconds # If set to auto-yes - then don't wait for user reply if [[ $* == *"--auto-yes"* ]]; then PROMPT_TIMEOUT=0 REPLY='Y' fi # Print intro message echo -e "${PURPLE}Starting Arch package install / update script" echo -e "${LIGHT}The following script is for Arch / Arch-based headless systems, and will" echo -e "update database, upgrade packages, clear cache then install all listed CLI apps." echo -e "${YELLOW}Before proceeding, ensure your happy with all the packages listed in \e[4m${0##*/}" echo -e "${RESET}" # Check if running as root, and prompt for password if not if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${PURPLE}Elevated permissions are required to adjust system settings." echo -e "${CYAN_B}Please enter your password...${RESET}" sudo -v if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Exiting, as not being run as sudo${RESET}" exit 1 fi fi # Check pacman actually installed if ! hash pacman 2> /dev/null; then echo "${YELLOW_B}Pacman doesn't seem to be present on your system. Exiting...${RESET}" exit 1 fi # Prompt user to update package database echo -e "${CYAN_B}Would you like to update package database? (y/N)${RESET}\n" read -t $PROMPT_TIMEOUT -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${PURPLE}Updating dadatbase...${RESET}" sudo pacman -Syy --noconfirm fi # Prompt user to upgrade currently installed packages echo -e "${CYAN_B}Would you like to upgrade currently installed packages? (y/N)${RESET}\n" read -t $PROMPT_TIMEOUT -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${PURPLE}Upgrading installed packages...${RESET}" sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm fi # Prompt user to clear old package caches echo -e "${CYAN_B}Would you like to clear unused package caches? (y/N)${RESET}\n" read -t $PROMPT_TIMEOUT -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${PURPLE}Freeing up disk space...${RESET}" sudo pacman -Sc --noconfirm paccache -r fi # Prompt user to install all listed apps echo -e "${CYAN_B}Would you like to install listed apps? (y/N)${RESET}\n" read -t $PROMPT_TIMEOUT -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${PURPLE}Starting install...${RESET}" for app in ${pacman_apps[@]}; do if hash "${app}" 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "${YELLOW}[Skipping]${LIGHT} ${app} is already installed${RESET}" elif [[ $(echo $(pacman -Qk $(echo $app | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') 2> /dev/null )) == *"total files"* ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}[Skipping]${LIGHT} ${app} is already installed via Pacman${RESET}" elif hash flatpak 2> /dev/null && [[ ! -z $(echo $(flatpak list --columns=ref | grep $app)) ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}[Skipping]${LIGHT} ${app} is already installed via Flatpak${RESET}" else echo -e "${PURPLE}[Installing]${LIGHT} Downloading ${app}...${RESET}" sudo pacman -S ${app} --needed --noconfirm fi done fi echo -e "${PURPLE}Finished installing / updating Arch packages.${RESET}" # EOF