#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Uses dconf to apply application preferences on Linux GNOME desktops # # Creates a backup of current settings, then prompt to load new config # # IMPORTANT: Be sure to read files through thoughouly before executing # ######################################################################## # Licensed under MIT (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 # ######################################################################## # Color variables PRIMARY_COLOR='\033[1;33m' ACCENT_COLOR='\033[0;34m' INFO_COLOR='\033[0;30m' INFO_COLOR_U='\033[4;30m' SUCCESS_COLOR='\033[0;32m' ERROR_COLOR='\033[1;31m' WARN_1='\033[1;31m' WARN_2='\033[0;31m' RESET='\033[0m' ITAL='\e[3m' UNDAL='\e[4m' PALE='\e[2m' BOLD='\e[1m' PARAMS=$* show_help () { echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}🐧 Linux Desktop Preferences${RESET}\n"\ "${ACCENT_COLOR}This script will apply preferences to the GNOME shell and related applications using dconf\n"\ "Config files are read from ./config/gnome and applied to the dconf database in ~/.config/dconf/[user]\n"\ "Before any changes are made, existing settings are backed up to ~/.cache/dconf-backups/\n"\ "\nThe following applications will be configured:\n"\ " - Calculator\n"\ " - Evolution\n"\ " - Geddit\n"\ " - gThumb\n"\ " - Todo App\n"\ "\n${BOLD}⚠ Be sure that you've read and unserstood which changes will be applied before proceeding${RESET}\n" } # If --help flag passed in, just show the help menu if [[ $PARAMS == *"--help"* ]]; then show_help exit 0 elif [[ ! $PARAMS == *"--skip-intro"* ]]; then show_help fi # Ask for user confirmation before proceeding (if skip flag isn't passed) if [[ ! $PARAMS == *"--yes-to-all"* ]]; then echo -e "\n${PRIMARY_COLOR}Would you like to proceed? (y/N)${RESET}" read -t 15 -n 1 -r if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}\nNo worries, nothing will be applied - feel free to come back another time." echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}Exiting...${RESET}" exit 0 else echo -e "\n" fi fi # Check dconf is installed, exit with error if not if ! hash dconf 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}This script requires dconf to be installed${RESET}" echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}Exiting...${RESET}" exit fi # Ensure XDG variable for cache location is set if [ -z ${XDG_CACHE_HOME+x} ]; then echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}XDG_CACHE_HOME is not yet set. Will use ~/.cache${RESET}" XDG_CACHE_HOME="${HOME}/.cache" fi # Set locations for where to store backups, and where to read new configs from DCONF_BACKUP_DIR="${DCONF_BACKUP_DIR:-${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/dconf-backups}" DCONF_BACKUP_FILE=${DCONF_BACKUP_FILE:-"backup_"`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`} DCONF_SOURCE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)/../../config/gnome" # Create directory to store backups DCONF_BACKUP_PATH="${DCONF_BACKUP_DIR}/${DCONF_BACKUP_FILE}" mkdir -p $DCONF_BACKUP_PATH # For a given dconf key ($1), and specified file ($2) # check input info, backup existing config, then apply new settings apply_dconf () { dconf_key=$1 dconf_name=$2 # If --prompt-before-each flag is set, then ask users permission for each app if [[ $PARAMS == *"--prompt-before-each"* ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${PRIMARY_COLOR}Would you like to apply ${dconf_name} settings? (y/N) ${RESET}" read -t 15 -n 1 -r if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "\n${ACCENT_COLOR}Skipping ${dconf_name} settings${RESET}" return fi echo fi # Check that a valid key is specified if [[ -z "$dconf_key" ]]; then echo -e "${ERROR_COLOR}⚠ Error, no key specified${RESET}" return fi # Check source file exists if [ ! -f "$DCONF_SOURCE_DIR/$dconf_name.toml" ]; then echo -e "${ERROR_COLOR}⚠ Error, the specified config file for ${dconf_name}"\ "doesn't exist in ${DCONF_SOURCE_DIR}${RESET}" return fi # Make backup of existing settings echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}Applying ${dconf_name} config${RESET}" dconf dump $dconf_key > "${DCONF_BACKUP_PATH}/${dconf_name}.toml" # Apply new settings from file echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}✓ ${dconf_name} settings succesfully applies to ${dconf_key}${RESET}" dconf load $dconf_key < $DCONF_SOURCE_DIR/${dconf_name}.toml # Print instructions on reverting changes echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}${ITAL}To revert, run $"\ "dconf load $dconf_key < $DCONF_BACKUP_PATH/${dconf_name}.toml${RESET}\n" } # For the following dconf keys, apply settings in from the specified files apply_dconf '/org/gnome/calculator/' 'calculator' apply_dconf '/org/gnome/evolution/' 'evolution' apply_dconf '/org/gnome/gedit/preferences/' 'gedit' apply_dconf '/org/gnome/gthumb/' 'gthumb' apply_dconf '/org/gnome/todo/' 'todo'