#!/bin/bash ## Define all the colors COL_USER_HOST='\e[35m' # The color of 'user@host.ext' COL_CURSOR='\e[35m' # The color of the trailing cursor arrow COL_CURRENT_PATH='\e[37m' # The color of the current directory full path COL_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN='\e[93m' # Color of fresh git branch name, with NO changes COL_GIT_STATUS_CHANGES='\e[92m' # Color of git branch, affter its diverged from remote ## Text Styles RESET='\e[0m' # What color will comand outputs be in BOLD='\e[1m' # BOLD ## Config SHOW_GIT=false ## If this is a valid git repo, echo the current branch name parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/' } ## Echos what color the git branch should be (depending on changes) check_for_git_changes() { if [[ "$(parse_git_branch)" ]]; then if [[ $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then echo ${COL_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN} else echo ${COL_GIT_STATUS_CHANGES} fi fi } ## Build-up what will be the final PS1 string set_bash_prompt(){ PS1="${RESET}" PS1+="${BOLD}${COL_USER_HOST}\u @ \h ${RESET}${COL_CURRENT_PATH}\w " if [ "$SHOW_GIT" = true ] ; then PS1+="$(check_for_git_changes)" PS1+="$(parse_git_branch)" fi PS1+="\n${COL_CURSOR}└─▶ " PS1+="${RESET}" } ## Done, now just set the PS1 prompt :) PROMPT_COMMAND=set_bash_prompt ## if hash zsh 2>/dev/null; then zsh fi source "$HOME/.cargo/env"