#!/bin/bash # Utilities for checking terminal color support, and printing color pallete TEXT_COL="\033[1;30m" RESET='\033[0m' # Outputs the number of colors supported by your terminal emulator function check_color_support () { echo -e "\n${TEXT_COL}Your terminal supports $(tput colors) colors." } # Prints main 16 colors function color_map_16_bit () { echo -e "\n${TEXT_COL}16-Bit Pallete${RESET}\n" base_colors='40m 41m 42m 43m 44m 45m 46m 47m' for BG in $base_colors; do echo -en "$EINS \033[$BG \033[0m"; done; echo for BG in $base_colors; do printf " \033[1;30m\033[%b %b \033[0m" $BG $BG; done; echo for BG in $base_colors; do echo -en "$EINS \033[$BG \033[0m"; done; echo } # Prints all 256 supported colors function color_map_256_bit () { echo -e "\n${TEXT_COL}256-Bit Pallete${RESET}\n" for i in {0..255}; do printf '\e[38;5;%dm%3d ' $i $i; (((i+3) % 18)) || printf '\e[0m\n'; done echo } # Executes Python script by @grawity for interactivley selecting colors function color_chooser () { curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grawity/code/master/term/xterm-color-chooser | python3 } # Determine if file is being run directly or sourced ([[ -n $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT && $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT =~ :file$ ]] || [[ -n $KSH_VERSION && $(cd "$(dirname -- "$0")" && printf '%s' "${PWD%/}/")$(basename -- "$0") != "${.sh.file}" ]] || [[ -n $BASH_VERSION ]] && (return 0 2>/dev/null)) && sourced=1 || sourced=0 # If script being called directly run immediatley, otherwise register aliases if [ $sourced -eq 0 ]; then check_color_support color_map_16_bit color_map_256_bit else alias color-map-16="color_map_16_bit" alias color-map-256="color_map_256_bit" alias color-map="color_map_16_bit && color_map_256_bit" alias color-support="check_color_support" fi