###################################################################### # ZSH aliases and helper functions for Node.js / web development # # Includes aliases for yarn, npn, nvm, npx, node, react, etc # # # # Licensed under MIT (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 # ###################################################################### # Yarn - Project commands alias ys='yarn start' alias yt='yarn test' alias yb='yarn build' alias yl='yarn lint' alias yd='yarn dev' alias yp='yarn publish' alias yr='yarn run' # Yarn - Package management alias ya='yarn add' alias ye='yarn remove' alias yi='yarn install' alias yg='yarn upgrade' alias yu='yarn update' alias yf='yarn info' # Yarn - Misc alias yz='yarn audit' alias yc='yarn autoclean' alias yk='yarn check' alias yh='yarn help' # Nuke - Remove node_modules and the lock file, then reinstall reinstall_modules () { if read -q "choice?Remove and reinstall all node_modules? (y/N)"; then echo project_dir=$(pwd) # Check file exists, remove it and print message check-and-remove() { if [ -d "$project_dir/$1" ]; then echo -e "\e[35mRemoveing $1...\e[0m" rm -rf "$project_dir/$1" fi } # Delete node_modules and lock files check-and-remove 'node_modules' check-and-remove 'yarn.lock' check-and-remove 'package-lock.json' # Reinstall with yarn (or NPM) if hash 'yarn' 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "\e[35mReinstalling with yarn...\e[0m" yarn echo -e "\e[35mCleaning Up...\e[0m" yarn autoclean elif hash 'npm' 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "\e[35mReinstalling with NPM...\e[0m" npm install else echo -e "🚫\033[0;91m Unable to proceed, yarn/ npm not installed\e[0m" fi else # Cancelled by user echo -e "\n\033[0;91mAborting...\e[0m" fi } alias yarn-nuke='reinstall_modules' # Prints out versions of core Node.js packages print_node_versions () { versions='' format_verion_number () { echo "$($1 --version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | sed 's/[^0-9.]*//g')" } get_version () { if hash $1 2> /dev/null || command -v $1 >/dev/null; then versions="$versions\e[36m\e[1m $2: \033[0m$(format_verion_number $1) \n\033[0m" else versions="$versions\e[33m\e[1m $2: \033[0m\033[3m Not installed\n\033[0m" fi } # Source NVM if not yet done if typeset -f source_nvm > /dev/null && source_nvm # Print versions of core Node things get_version 'node' 'Node.js' get_version 'npm' 'NPM' get_version 'yarn' 'Yarn' get_version 'nvm' 'NVM' get_version 'ni' 'ni' get_version 'pnpm' 'pnpm' get_version 'tsc' 'TypeScript' get_version 'bun' 'Bun' get_version 'deno' 'Deno' get_version 'git' 'Git' echo -e $versions } alias yv='print_node_versions' # Legacy support for NPM alias npmi='npm install' alias npmu='npm uninstall' alias npmr='npm run' alias npms='npm start' alias npmt='npm test' alias npml='npm run lint' alias npmd='npm run dev' alias npmp='npm publish' # Location of NVM, will inherit from .zshenv if set NVM_DIR=${NVM_DIR:-$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvm} # On first time using Node command, import NVM if present and not yet sourced function source_nvm node npm yarn $NVM_LAZY_CMD { if [ -f "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && ! which nvm &> /dev/null; then echo -e "\033[1;93mInitialising NVM...\033[0m" source "${NVM_DIR}/nvm.sh" nvm use default fi unfunction node npm yarn source_nvm $NVM_LAZY_CMD hash "$0" 2> /dev/null && command "$0" "$@" } # Helper function to install NVM install_nvm () { nvm_repo='https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git' if [ -d "$NVM_DIR" ]; then # Already installed, update cd $NVM_DIR && git pull else # Not yet installed, promt user to confirm before proceeding if read -q "choice?Install NVM now? (y/N)"; then echo -e "\nInstalling..." git clone $nvm_repo $NVM_DIR cd $NVM_DIR && git checkout v0.39.1 else echo -e "\nAborting..." return fi fi # All done, import / re-import NVM script source "${NVM_DIR}/nvm.sh" # Then install Node LTS nvm install v16.16.0 } # NVM commands alias nvmi='nvm install' alias nvmu='nvm use' alias nvml='nvm ls' alias nvmr='nvm run' alias nvme='nvm exec' alias nvmw='nvm which' alias nvmlr='nvm ls-remote' alias nvmlts='nvm install --lts && nvm use --lts' alias nvmlatest='nvm install node --latest-npm && nvm use node' alias nvmsetup='install_nvm' # Helper function that gets supported open method for system launch-url() { if hash open 2> /dev/null; then open_command=open elif hash xdg-open 2> /dev/null; then open_command=xdg-open elif hash lynx 2> /dev/null; then open_command=lynx else echo -e "\033[0;33mUnable to launch browser, open manually instead" echo -e "\033[1;96m🌐 URL: \033[0;96m\e[4m$1\e[0m" return; fi echo $open_command $1 } # Open Node.js docs, either specific page or show all function node-docs { local section=${1:-all} $(launch-url "https://nodejs.org/docs/$(node --version)/api/$section.html") } # Launches npmjs.com on the page of a specific module open-npm () { npm_base_url=https://www.npmjs.com if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then # Get NPM module name from user input npm_url=$npm_base_url/package/$@ else # Unable to get NPM module name, default to homepage npm_url=$npm_base_url fi # Print messages echo -e "\033[1;96m📦 Opening in browser: \033[0;96m\e[4m$npm_url\e[0m" # And launch! $(launch-url $npm_url) } alias npmo='open-npm'