#!/usr/bin/env bash ###################################################################### # 📊 Free up disk space # ###################################################################### # Series of commands for freeing up disk space on *nix based systems # # Will ask for user permission before executing or deleting anything # # Info about current disk usage, and recomendations is printed prior # # Tasks are split into 3 categories: recommended, optional, hardcore # # # # Includes the following tasks: # # - Cleaning package cache for various package managers # # - Removing orphaned and unused packages and binaries # # - Setting logging preferences and removing old logs # # - Removing local cache files for the current user # # - Deleting broken symlinks and empty files + folers # # - Finding and deleting duplicated large files # # # # IMPORTANT: Before running, read through everything very carefully! # # For docs and more info, see: https://github.com/lissy93/dotfiles # ###################################################################### # Licensed under MIT (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 # ###################################################################### # Color Variables CYAN_B='\033[1;96m' YELLOW_B='\033[1;93m' RED_B='\033[1;31m' GREEN_B='\033[1;32m' PLAIN_B='\033[1;37m' RESET='\033[0m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' PURPLE='\033[0;35m' PURPLE_B='\033[1;35m' # Herlper func, to check if a command exists function fuds_command_exists () { command -v "$1" &> /dev/null } # Helper func, to check if a file or directory exists function fuds_file_or_dir_exists () { [ -e "$1" ] } # Helper func, to detect if running on a Mac function fuds_is_macos () { fuds_command_exists "sw_vers" } # Prints the title function fuds_print_title () { echo -e "${GREEN_B}" if fuds_command_exists "figlet" ; then figlet "Free Up Disk Space" else echo "Free Up Disk Space" fi echo -e "${RESET}" } # Finds and outputs used, total and free disk space function fuds_check_space () { diskMsg=$(df -H | awk '$NF=="/"{ printf("You'\''re using %sB out of %sB total\n", $3, $2) }') diskMsg2=$(df -H | awk '$NF=="/"{ printf("There'\''s %sB of free space remaining\n", $4) }') echo -e "$PURPLE_B$diskMsg$PURPLE\n$diskMsg2$RESET" } function fuds_clean_pacman () { # Clean pacman cache sudo pacman -Scc # Remove orphaned packages sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq) } function fuds_clean_flatpak () { # Remove unused Flatpak packages flatpak uninstall --unused # Delete Flatpak package cache sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* } function fuds_clean_apt () { # Removes obsolete packages sudo apt autoremove } function fuds_remove_dead_snaps () { # Remove disabled snaps snap list --all | awk '/disabled/{print $1, $3}' | while read snapname revision; do snap remove "$snapname" --revision="$revision" done } function fuds_journal_configure () { # Limit size of journal logs to 0.5 GB journalctl --vacuum-size=500M # Limit age of journal logs to 1 month journalctl --vacuum-time=4weeks } function fuds_empty_trash () { # Delete the current users trash rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/* } function fuds_clear_caches () { # Remove thumbnails for file viewers rm -rf ~/.cache/thumbnails/* } function fuds_remove_duplicates () { # Find and prompt to delete duplicated files fdupes . -G 10 --size -S -n -t -d } function fuds_remove_broken () { # Remove broken symlinks find . -xtype l -delete # Remove empty files find . -type f -empty -delete # Remove empty folders find . -type d -empty -delete } function fuds_show_help () { fuds_print_title echo -e "${PURPLE_B}Free up disk space on *nix based systems\n" echo -e "Usage:${PURPLE} free-up-disk-space [OPTION]" echo -e "${PURPLE_B}Options:${PURPLE}" echo " -h, --help Show this help message" echo " -r, --run Run all tasks" echo " -p, --pacman Clean pacman cache and remove orphaned packages" echo " -f, --flatpak Remove unused Flatpak packages and delete cache" echo " -a, --apt Remove obsolete packages" echo " -s, --snaps Remove disabled snaps" echo " -j, --journal Configure journal logs" echo " -t, --trash Empty trash" echo " -c, --caches Remove thumbnails and other caches" echo " -d, --dups Find and delete duplicated files" echo " -b, --broken Remove broken symlinks and empty files + folders" echo "" echo -e "${PURPLE_B}Examples:${PURPLE}" echo " free-up-disk-space -r" echo " free-up-disk-space -p -f -a -s -j -t -c -d -b" } function free_up_disk_space () { # Print title fuds_print_title # Check available disk space fuds_check_space # Prompt to clean pacman cache if fuds_command_exists "pacman" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to clean pacman cache? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_clean_pacman if [[ $ans_clean_pacman =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_clean_pacman fi fi # Prompt to remove unused Flatpak packages if fuds_command_exists "flatpak" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to remove unused Flatpak packages? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_clean_flatpak if [[ $ans_clean_flatpak =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_clean_flatpak fi fi # Prompt to remove obsolete packages if fuds_command_exists "apt" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to remove obsolete packages? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_clean_apt if [[ $ans_clean_apt =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_clean_apt fi fi # Prompt to remove disabled snaps if fuds_command_exists "snap" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to remove disabled snaps? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_remove_dead_snaps if [[ $ans_remove_dead_snaps =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_remove_dead_snaps fi fi # Prompt to configure journal logs if fuds_command_exists "journalctl" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to configure journal logs? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_journal_configure if [[ $ans_journal_configure =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_journal_configure fi fi # Prompt to empty trash if fuds_file_or_dir_exists "$HOME/.local/share/Trash" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to empty trash? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_empty_trash if [[ $ans_empty_trash =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_empty_trash fi fi # Prompt to remove thumbnails and other caches if fuds_file_or_dir_exists "$HOME/.cache/thumbnails" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to remove thumbnails and other caches? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_clear_caches if [[ $ans_clear_caches =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_clear_caches fi fi # Prompt to find and delete duplicated files if fuds_command_exists "fdupes" ; then echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to find and delete duplicated files? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_remove_duplicates if [[ $ans_remove_duplicates =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_remove_duplicates fi fi # Prompt to remove broken symlinks and empty files + folders echo -e "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to remove broken symlinks and empty files + folders? (y/N)${RESET}" read -n 1 -r ans_remove_broken if [[ $ans_remove_broken =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then fuds_remove_broken fi } function fuds_start () { # Show help menu if [[ $@ == *"--help"* ]]; then fuds_show_help elif [ -z $@ ] || [[ $@ == *"--run"* ]]; then # Begin the guided process free_up_disk_space else # Run specific tasks, based on which flags are present if [[ $@ == *"--pacman"* ]]; then fuds_clean_pacman; fi if [[ $@ == *"--flatpak"* ]]; then fuds_clean_flatpak; fi if [[ $@ == *"--apt"* ]]; then fuds_clean_apt; fi if [[ $@ == *"--snaps"* ]]; then fuds_remove_dead_snaps; fi if [[ $@ == *"--journal"* ]]; then fuds_journal_configure; fi if [[ $@ == *"--trash"* ]]; then fuds_empty_trash; fi if [[ $@ == *"--caches"* ]]; then fuds_clear_caches; fi if [[ $@ == *"--dups"* ]]; then fuds_remove_duplicates; fi if [[ $@ == *"--broken"* ]]; then fuds_remove_broken; fi fi # New line and reset afterwards echo -e "\n${RESET}" } # Determine if file is being run directly or sourced ([[ -n $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT && $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT =~ :file$ ]] || [[ -n $KSH_VERSION && $(cd "$(dirname -- "$0")" && printf '%s' "${PWD%/}/")$(basename -- "$0") != "${.sh.file}" ]] || [[ -n $BASH_VERSION ]] && (return 0 2>/dev/null)) && sourced=1 || sourced=0 # Either start now (if exectuted directly) or export the function (if sourced) if [ $sourced -eq 0 ]; then fuds_start $@ else alias free-up-disk-space='fuds_start $@' fi