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# ~/.Brewfile
# List of packages to be installed / updated via Homebrew
# Apps are sorted by category, and arranged alphabetically
# Be sure to delete / comment out anything you do not need
# Usage, run: $ brew bundle --global --file $HOME/.Brewfile
# See brew docs for more info: https://docs.brew.sh/Manpage
# Options
cask_args appdir: '~/Applications', require_sha: true
# Taps
tap 'homebrew/bundle'
tap 'homebrew/core'
tap 'homebrew/services'
tap 'espanso/espanso'
tap 'koekeishiya/formulae'
tap 'blacktop/tap'
tap 'jesseduffield/lazygit'
# CLI Essentials
brew 'git'
brew 'neovim'
brew 'ranger'
brew 'tmux'
# CLI Utils
brew 'ctags' # Indexing of file info + headers
brew 'exa' # Better ls
brew 'fzf' # Fuzzy file finder
brew 'iproute2mac' # MacOS port of netstat and ifconfig
brew 'jq' # JSON parser
brew 'scc' # Code counter, like cloc
brew 'tldr' # Community-maintained man pages
brew 'tree' # Directory listings as tree
brew 'xsel' # Copy paste access to X clipboard
brew 'thefuck' # Auto-correct miss-typed commands
# CLI Monitoring and Performance Apps
brew 'bandwhich' # Bandwidth utilization monitor
brew 'bpytop' # Resource monitoring, like htop
brew 'glances' # Resource monitor, web interface + API
brew 'gping' # Interactive ping tool, with graph
brew 'speedtest-cli'# Command line speed test utility
# CLI Productivity Apps
brew 'buku' # Bookmark manager app
brew 'khal' # Calendar app
brew 'mutt' # Email client app
brew 'task' # Todo and task management app
# CLI Fun
brew 'pv' # Pipe viewer, with animation options
brew 'neofetch' # Show system data and ditstro info
brew 'lolcat' # Make console output raibow colored
brew 'figlet' # Output text as big ASCII art text
brew 'cowsay' # Have an ASCII cow say your message
# CLI Development Suits
brew 'httpie' # HTTP / API testing testing client
brew 'lazydocker' # Full Docker management app
brew 'lazygit' # Full Git managemtne app
# Development Apps
cask 'android-studio' # IDE for Android development
cask 'boop' # Test transformation tool
brew 'gradle' # Build automation for Java
cask 'iterm2' # Better terminal emulator
cask 'postman' # HTTP API testing app
cask 'sourcetree' # Git visual client
cask 'utm' # VM management console
cask 'visual-studio-code' # Code editor
# Development Utils
brew 'gh' # Interact with GitHub PRs, issues, repos
cask 'ngrok' # Reverse proxy for development / testing
brew 'scrcpy' # Display and control Andrdroid devices
brew 'terminal-notifier' # Trigger Mac notifications from terminal
# Development Langs, Compilers, Package Managers and SDKs
cask 'android-sdk'
brew 'docker'
brew 'gcc'
brew 'go'
brew 'lua'
brew 'luarocks' # Package manager for Lua
brew 'node' # Node.js
brew 'nvm' # Switching node versions
brew 'openjdk' # Java development kit
brew 'python'
brew 'rust'
# Network and Security Testing
brew 'nmap' # Port scanning
brew 'wrk' # HTTP benchmarking
cask 'burp-suite' # Web security testing
cask 'metasploit' # Pen testing framework
cask 'owasp-zap' # Web app security scanner
cask 'wireshark' # Network analyzer + packet capture
brew 'bettercap' # Network, scanning and moniroting
# Security Utilities
brew 'bcrypt' # Encryption utility, using blowfish
brew 'git-crypt' # Transparent encryption for git repos
cask 'gpg-suite' # PGP encryption for emails and files
brew 'openssl' # Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit
cask 'veracrypt' # File and volume encryption
brew 'lynis' # Scan system for common security issues
brew 'clamav' # Open source virus scanning suite
brew 'rkhunter' # Search / detect potential root kits
# Fonts
tap 'homebrew/cask-fonts'
cask 'font-fira-code'
cask 'font-hack'
cask 'font-inconsolata'
cask 'font-meslo-lg-nerd-font'
# Mac OS Mods and Imrovments
cask 'alt-tab' # Much better alt-tab window switcher
cask 'anybar' # Custom programatic menubar icons
cask 'copyq' # Clipboard manager (cross platform)
cask 'espanso' # Live text expander (cross-platform)
cask 'finicky' # Website-specific default browser
cask 'hiddenbar' # Hide / show annoying menubar icons
brew 'lporg' # Backup and restore launchpad layout
brew 'm-cli' # All in one MacOS management CLI app
cask 'mjolnir' # Util for loading Lua automations
cask 'openinterminal' # Finder button, opens directory in terminal
cask 'popclip' # Popup options for text on highlight
cask 'raycast', args: { require_sha: false } # Spotlight alternative
cask 'shottr' # Better screenshot utility
brew 'skhd' # Hotkey daemon for macOS
cask 'stats' # System resource usage in menubar
brew 'yabai' # Tiling window manager
# Utility apps
cask 'coteditor' # Just a simple plain-text editor
cask 'little-snitch' # Firewall app viewing / blocking traffic
cask 'keka' # File archiver and extractor
cask 'onyx' # Repair util for verifying system files
cask 'daisydisk', args: { require_sha: false } # Disk space analyzer and cleaner
# Creativity
brew 'handbrake' # Video transcoder
cask 'audacity' # Audio editor / recorder
cask 'gimp' # Photo editor
cask 'inkscape' # Vector editor
cask 'obs' # Screencasting / recording
cask 'shotcut' # Video editor
# Media
cask 'calibre' # E-Book reader
cask 'spotify', args: { require_sha: false } # Propietary music streaming
cask 'transmission' # Torrent client
cask 'vlc' # Media player
# Personal Applications
cask '1password' # Password manager (proprietary)
cask 'tresorit' # Encrypted file backup (proprietary)
cask 'standard-notes' # Encrypted synced notes
cask 'signal' # Link to encrypted mobile messenger
cask 'ledger-live' # Crypto hardware wallet manager
cask 'mountain-duck' # Mount remote storage locations
cask 'protonmail-bridge' # Decrypt ProtonMail emails
cask 'protonvpn' # Client app for ProtonVPN
# Browsers
cask 'firefox'
cask 'chromium'
cask 'orion'