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synced 2025-02-17 23:30:47 +01:00
307 lines
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Executable File
307 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
# Security improvments for Mac OS systems #
# Covers Siri, firewall, account security, connections and network protocols #
# #
# CAUTION: This script will apply changes to your OS X system configuration #
# Be sure to read it through carefully, and remove anything you don't want. #
# #
# Options: #
# --silent - Don't log any status outputs #
# --skip-intro - Skip the warning and intro section #
# --yes-to-all - Don't ptompt user to agree to changes #
# #
# Licensed under MIT - (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 <https://aliciasykes.com> #
# Initialize variables, check requirements, and print info #
# Record start time
start_time=`date +%s`
# Get params
params="$params $*"
# Color variables
# Current and total taslks, used for progress updates
if [ ! "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}Incompatible System${RESET_COLOR}"
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}This script is specific to Mac OS,\
and only intended to be run on Darwin-based systems${RESET_COLOR}"
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}Exiting...${RESET_COLOR}"
exit 1
if [[ ! $params == *"--skip-intro"* ]]; then
# Prints intro message
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR} MacOS Security Settings${RESET_COLOR}"
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}The following options will be applied:"
echo -e " - Disabling Siri and voice feedback"
echo -e " - Configures firewall for security"
echo -e " - Apply login + screen security settings"
echo -e " - Prevent unauthorised connections"
echo -e " - Disable printer and sharing protocols"
# Informs user what they're running, and cautions them to read first
echo -e "\n${INFO_COLOR}You are running ${0} on\
$(hostname -f | sed -e 's/^[^.]*\.//') as $(id -un)${RESET_COLOR}"
echo -e "${WARN_1}IMPORTANT:${WARN_2} This script will make changes to your system."
echo -e "${WARN_2}Ensure that you've read it through before continuing.${RESET_COLOR}"
# Ask for user confirmation before proceeding (if skip flag isn't passed)
if [[ ! $params == *"--yes-to-all"* ]]; then
echo -e "\n${PRIMARY_COLOR}Would you like to proceed? (y/N)${RESET_COLOR}"
read -t 15 -n 1 -r
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}\nNo worries, nothing will be applied - feel free to come back another time."
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}Exiting...${RESET_COLOR}"
exit 0
# Check have got admin privilages
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}\nElevated permissions are required to adjust system settings."
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}Please enter your password...${RESET_COLOR}"
script_path=$([[ "$0" = /* ]] && echo "$0" || echo "$PWD/${0#./}")
params="--skip-intro ${params}"
sudo "$script_path" $params || (
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}Unable to continue without sudo permissions"
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}Exiting...${RESET_COLOR}"
exit 1
exit 0
# Helper function to log progress to console
function log_msg () {
current_event=$(($current_event + 1))
if [[ ! $params == *"--silent"* ]]; then
if (("$current_event" < 10 )); then sp='0'; else sp=''; fi
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}[${sp}${current_event}/${total_events}] ${ACCENT_COLOR}${1}${INFO_COLOR}"
# Helper function to log section to console
function log_section () {
if [[ ! $params == *"--silent"* ]]; then
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}[INFO ] ${1}${INFO_COLOR}"
echo -e "\n${PRIMARY_COLOR}Starting...${RESET_COLOR}"
# Quit System Preferences before starting
osascript -e 'tell application "System Preferences" to quit'
# ######################################
# Disabling Siri and related features #
# ######################################
log_section "Disable Telemetry and Assistant Features"
# Disable Ask Siri
log_msg "Disable 'Ask Siri'"
defaults write com.apple.assistant.support 'Assistant Enabled' -bool false
# Disable Siri voice feedback
log_msg "Disable Siri voice feedback"
defaults write com.apple.assistant.backedup 'Use device speaker for TTS' -int 3
# Disable Siri services (Siri and assistantd)
log_msg "Disable Siri services (Siri and assistantd)"
launchctl disable "user/$UID/com.apple.assistantd"
launchctl disable "gui/$UID/com.apple.assistantd"
sudo launchctl disable 'system/com.apple.assistantd'
launchctl disable "user/$UID/com.apple.Siri.agent"
launchctl disable "gui/$UID/com.apple.Siri.agent"
sudo launchctl disable 'system/com.apple.Siri.agent'
if [ $(/usr/bin/csrutil status | awk '/status/ {print $5}' | sed 's/\.$//') = "enabled" ]; then
>&2 echo 'This script requires SIP to be disabled. Read more: \
# Disable "Do you want to enable Siri?" pop-up
log_msg "Disable 'Do you want to enable Siri?' pop-up"
defaults write com.apple.SetupAssistant 'DidSeeSiriSetup' -bool True
# Hide Siri from menu bar
log_msg "Hide Siri from menu bar"
defaults write com.apple.systemuiserver 'NSStatusItem Visible Siri' 0
# Hide Siri from status menu
log_msg "Hide Siri from status menu"
defaults write com.apple.Siri 'StatusMenuVisible' -bool false
defaults write com.apple.Siri 'UserHasDeclinedEnable' -bool true
# Opt-out from Siri data collection
log_msg "Opt-out from Siri data collection"
defaults write com.apple.assistant.support 'Siri Data Sharing Opt-In Status' -int 2
# Don't prompt user to report crashes, may leak sensitive info
log_msg "Disable crash reporter"
defaults write com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType none
# MacOS Firefwall Security #
log_section "Firewall Config"
# Prevent automatically allowing incoming connections to signed apps
log_msg "Prevent automatically allowing incoming connections to signed apps"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf allowsignedenabled -bool false
# Prevent automatically allowing incoming connections to downloaded signed apps
log_msg "Prevent automatically allowing incoming connections to downloaded signed apps"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf allowdownloadsignedenabled -bool false
# Enable application firewall
log_msg "Enable application firewall"
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setglobalstate on
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf globalstate -bool true
defaults write com.apple.security.firewall EnableFirewall -bool true
# Turn on firewall logging
log_msg "Turn on firewall logging"
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setloggingmode on
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf loggingenabled -bool true
# Turn on stealth mode
log_msg "Turn on stealth mode"
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setstealthmode on
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf stealthenabled -bool true
defaults write com.apple.security.firewall EnableStealthMode -bool true
# Will prompt user to allow network access even for signed apps
log_msg "Prevent signed apps from being automatically whitelisted"
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setallowsigned off
# Will prompt user to allow network access for downloaded apps
log_msg "Prevent downloaded apps from being automatically whitelisted"
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setallowsignedapp off
# Sending hangup command to socketfilterfw is required for changes to take effect
log_msg "Restarting socket filter firewall"
sudo pkill -HUP socketfilterfw
# Prevents quarantine from storing info about downloaded files as privacy risk
log_msg "Disabling GateKeeper"
sudo spctl --master-disable
# Log In and User Account Security #
log_section "Account Security"
# Enforce system hibernation
log_msg "Enforce hibernation instead of sleep"
sudo pmset -a destroyfvkeyonstandby 1
# Evict FileVault keys from memory
log_msg "Evict FileVault keys from memory on hibernate"
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 25
# Set power settings (required when evicting FV keys)
log_msg "Disable power nap and other auto-power settings"
sudo pmset -a powernap 0
sudo pmset -a standby 0
sudo pmset -a standbydelay 0
sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0
# Require a password to wake the computer from sleep or screen saver
log_msg "Require a password to wake the computer from sleep or screen saver"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -bool true
# Initiate session lock five seconds after screen saver is started
log_msg "Initiate session lock five seconds after screen saver is started"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.screensaver 'askForPasswordDelay' -int 5
# Disables signing in as Guest from the login screen
log_msg "Disables signing in as Guest from the login screen"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow GuestEnabled -bool NO
# Disables Guest access to file shares over AF
log_msg "Disables Guest access to file shares over AF"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.smb.server AllowGuestAccess -bool NO
# Prevent Unauthorized Connections #
log_section "Prevent Unauthorized Connections"
# Disables Guest access to file shares over SMB
log_msg "Disables Guest access to file shares over SMB"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleFileServer guestAccess -bool NO
# Disable remote login (incoming SSH and SFTP connections)
log_msg "Disable remote login (incoming SSH and SFTP connections)"
echo 'yes' | sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin off
# Disable insecure TFTP service
log_msg "Disable insecure TFTP service"
sudo launchctl disable 'system/com.apple.tftpd'
# Disable Bonjour multicast advertising
log_msg "Disable Bonjour multicast advertising"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist NoMulticastAdvertisements -bool true
# Disable insecure telnet protocol
log_msg "Disable insecure telnet protocol"
sudo launchctl disable system/com.apple.telnetd
log_msg "Prevent auto-launching captive portal webpages"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.captive.control.plist Active -bool false
# Disable Printers and Sharing Protocols #
log_section "Printers and Sharing Protocols"
# Disable sharing of local printers with other computers
log_msg "Disable sharing of local printers with other computers"
cupsctl --no-share-printers
# Disable printing from any address including the Internet
log_msg "Disable printing from any address including the Internet"
cupsctl --no-remote-any
# Disable remote printer administration
log_msg "Disable remote printer administration"
cupsctl --no-remote-admin
# Disable Captive portal
log_msg "Disable Captive portal"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.captive.control.plist Active -bool false
# Print finishing message, and exit #
echo -e "${PRIMARY_COLOR}\nFinishing...${RESET_COLOR}"
echo -e "${SUCCESS_COLOR}✔ ${current_event}/${total_events} tasks were completed \
succesfully in $((`date +%s`-start_time)) seconds${RESET_COLOR}"
echo -e "\n${PRIMARY_COLOR} .:'\n __ :'__\n .'\`__\`-'__\`\`.\n \
:__________.-'\n :_________:\n :_________\`-;\n \`.__.-.__.'\n${RESET_COLOR}"
if [[ ! $params == *"--quick-exit"* ]]; then
echo -e "${ACCENT_COLOR}Press any key to continue.${RESET_COLOR}"
read -t 5 -n 1 -s
exit 0