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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Linux Desktop Application Installations via Flatpak #
# This script will: #
# - Check that Flatpak is installed / promt to install #
# - Update currently installed Flatpak apps from FlatHub #
# - Check app not already installed via system package manager #
# - Then install any not-yet-installed that are apps listed #
# #
# The following flag parameters are accepted: #
# --prompt-before-each - Ask for user confirmation for each app #
# --dry-run - Run script, but without making changes to disk #
# --auto-yes - Don't prompt for any user input, use with care #
# --help - Print usage instructions / help menu, then exit #
# #
# IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove / comment any apps you do not want! #
# For docs and more info, see: https://github.com/lissy93/dotfiles #
# Licensed under MIT (C) Alicia Sykes 2022 <https://aliciasykes.com> #
# Remote origin to use for installations
# List of desktop apps to be installed (specified by app ID)
# Communication
'com.discordapp.Discord' # Team messaging and voice
'im.riot.Riot' # Decentralized Matrix chat
'info.mumble.Mumble' # Low latency VoIP client
'org.jitsi.jitsi-meet' # Encrypted video calls
'org.mozilla.Thunderbird' # Email + calendar client
'org.signal.Signal' # Private messenger, mobile
'com.slack.Slack' # Work and team messaging
'com.github.eneshecan.WhatsAppForLinux' # WhatApp client
# Media
'com.spotify.Client' # Music streaming
'com.valvesoftware.Steam' # Gaming
'com.gitlab.newsflash' # RSS reader
'org.gnome.Cheese' # Webcam client
'org.libretro.RetroArch' # Retro game emulation
'org.videolan.VLC' # Media player
# Creativity
'com.ultimaker.cura' # 3D slicing
'com.obsproject.Studio' # Video streaming
'com.transmissionbt.Transmission' # Torrent downloader
'com.uploadedlobster.peek' # Screen recorder
'fr.handbrake.ghb' # Video transcoder
'nl.hjdskes.gcolor3' # Color picker
'org.audacityteam.Audacity' # Sound editor
'org.blender.Blender' # 3D modeling
'org.darktable.Darktable' # Video editor
'org.flameshot.Flameshot' # Screenshot tool
'org.gimp.GIMP' # Picture editor
'org.inkscape.Inkscape' # Vector editor
'org.shotcut.Shotcut' # Video editor
'org.synfig.SynfigStudio' # 2D animation
# Software development
'com.visualstudio.code' # Extendable IDE
'com.getpostman.Postman' # API development
'cc.arduino.IDE2' # IOT development
'com.axosoft.GitKraken' # GUI git client
'com.google.AndroidStudio' # Android dev IDE
'io.podman_desktop.PodmanDesktop' # Docker / Podman UI
# Security testing
'org.wireshark.Wireshark' # Packet capture and analyzer
'org.zaproxy.ZAP' # Auto vulnerability scanning
'org.nmap.Zenmap' # GUI for Nmap security scans
# Settings and system utils
'com.borgbase.Vorta' # Borg backup client
# Browsers
# Office
'org.libreoffice.LibreOffice' # Office suite
'org.cvfosammmm.Setzer' # LaTeX editor
# Personal
'ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge' # ProtonMail bridge
'com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator' # OTP authenticator
'org.cryptomator.Cryptomator' # Encryption for cloud
'org.standardnotes.standardnotes' # Encrypted synced notes
'com.onepassword.OnePassword' # Password manager
# Missing: Trewsorit, EteSync, Veracrypt, Ledger
# Color Variables
# Options
PROMPT_TIMEOUT=15 # When user is prompted for input, skip after x seconds
PARAMS=$* # User-specified parameters
if [[ $PARAMS == *"--auto-yes"* ]]; then
# Helper function to install Flatpak (if not present) for users current distro
function install_flatpak () {
# Arch, Manjaro
if hash "pacman" 2> /dev/null; then
echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing Flatpak via Pacman${RESET}"
sudo pacman -S flatpak
# Debian, Ubuntu, PopOS, Raspian
elif hash "apt" 2> /dev/null; then
echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing Flatpak via apt get${RESET}"
sudo apt install flatpak
# Alpine
elif hash "apk" 2> /dev/null; then
echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing Flatpak via apk add${RESET}"
sudo apk add flatpak
# Red Hat, CentOS
elif hash "yum" 2> /dev/null; then
echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing Flatpak via Yum${RESET}"
sudo yum install flatpak
# Checks if a given app ($1) is already installed, otherwise installs it
function install_app () {
# If --prompt-before-each is set, then ask user if they'd like to proceed
if [[ $PARAMS == *"--prompt-before-each"* ]]; then
echo -e -n "\n${CYAN_B}Would you like to install ${app}? (y/N) ${RESET}"
read -t 15 -n 1 -r
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && [[ $AUTO_YES != true ]] ; then
echo -e "\n${YELLOW}[Skipping] ${LIGHT}${app}, rejected by user${RESET}"
# Process app ID, and grep for it in system
app_name=$(echo $app | rev | cut -d "." -f1 | rev)
is_in_flatpak=$(echo $(flatpak list --columns=ref | grep $app))
is_in_pacman=$(echo $(pacman -Qk $(echo $app_name | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') 2> /dev/null ))
is_in_apt=$(echo $(dpkg -s $(echo $app_name | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') 2> /dev/null ))
# Check app not already installed via Flatpak
if [ -n "$is_in_flatpak" ]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}[Skipping] ${LIGHT}${app_name} is already installed.${RESET}"
# Check app not installed via Pacman (Arch Linux)
elif [[ "${is_in_pacman}" == *"total files"* ]]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}[Skipping] ${LIGHT}${app_name} is already installed via Pacman.${RESET}"
# Check app not installed via apt get (Debian)
elif [[ "${is_in_apt}" == *"install ok installed"* ]]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}[Skipping] ${LIGHT}${app_name} is already installed via apt-get.${RESET}"
# Install app using Flatpak
echo -e "${GREEN}[Installing] ${LIGHT}Downloading ${app_name} (from ${flatpak_origin}).${RESET}"
if [[ $PARAMS == *"--dry-run"* ]]; then return; fi # Skip if --dry-run enabled
flatpak install -y --noninteractive $flatpak_origin $app
function print_usage () {
echo -e "${CYAN_B}Flatpak Linux Desktop App Installation and Update script${RESET}"
echo -e "${PURPLE}The following tasks will be completed:\n"\
"- Check Flatpak is installed correctly / prompt to install if not\n"\
"- Add the flathub repo, if not already present\n"\
"- Upgrade Flatpak, and update all exiting installed apps\n"\
"- Installs each app in the list (if not already present)\n"\
# Show help menu
if [[ $PARAMS == *"--help"* ]]; then exit; fi
# Ask user if they'd like to proceed, and exit if not
echo -e "${CYAN_B}Would you like to install Flatpak desktop apps? (y/N)${RESET}\n"
read -t $PROMPT_TIMEOUT -n 1 -r
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && [[ $AUTO_YES != true ]] ; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping Flatpak installations..."
exit 0
echo -e "${CYAN_B}Starting Flatpak App Installation Script${RESET}"
# Check that Flatpak is present, prompt to install or exit if not
if ! hash flatpak 2> /dev/null; then
echo -e "${PURPLE}Flatpak isn't yet installed on your system${RESET}"
echo -e "${CYAN_B}Would you like to install Flatpak now?${RESET}\n"
read -t $PROMPT_TIMEOUT -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ $AUTO_YES = true ]] ; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}Skipping Flatpak installations, as Flatpack not installed"
exit 0
# Add FlatHub as upstream repo, if not already present
echo -e "${PURPLE}Adding Flathub repo${RESET}"
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
# Update currently installed apps
echo -e "${PURPLE}Updating installed apps${RESET}"
flatpak update --assumeyes --noninteractive
# Install each app listed above (if not already installed)
echo -e "${PURPLE}Installing apps defined in manifest${RESET}"
for app in ${flatpak_apps[@]}; do
install_app $app
echo -e "${PURPLE}Finished processing Flatpak apps${RESET}"