mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 17:28:56 +01:00
Updated scripts to install sdkit into existing installations, while still working with new installations
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,23 +23,20 @@ call conda --version
@rem activate the environment
call conda activate .\stable-diffusion\env
@rem activate the legacy environment (if present) and set PYTHONPATH
if exist "installer_files\env" (
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%\installer_files\env\lib\site-packages
if exist "stable-diffusion\env" (
call conda activate .\stable-diffusion\env
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%\stable-diffusion\env\lib\site-packages
call where python
call python --version
@rem set the PYTHONPATH
cd stable-diffusion
set SD_DIR=%cd%
cd env\lib\site-packages
cd ..\..\..
cd ..
@rem done
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
This script checks if the given modules exist
import sys
import pkgutil
modules = sys.argv[1:]
missing_modules = []
for m in modules:
if pkgutil.find_loader(m) is None:
print('module', m, 'not found')
@ -26,21 +26,23 @@ if [ "$0" == "bash" ]; then
echo ""
# activate the environment
CONDA_BASEPATH=$(conda info --base)
source "$CONDA_BASEPATH/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" # otherwise conda complains about 'shell not initialized' (needed when running in a script)
# activate the legacy environment (if present) and set PYTHONPATH
if [ -e "installer_files/env" ]; then
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/installer_files/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
if [ -e "stable-diffusion/env" ]; then
CONDA_BASEPATH=$(conda info --base)
source "$CONDA_BASEPATH/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" # otherwise conda complains about 'shell not initialized' (needed when running in a script)
conda activate ./stable-diffusion/env
conda activate ./stable-diffusion/env
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/stable-diffusion/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
which python
python --version
# set the PYTHONPATH
cd stable-diffusion
export PYTHONPATH="$SD_PATH:$SD_PATH/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
cd ..
# done
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ if "%update_branch%"=="" (
@xcopy sd-ui-files\ui ui /s /i /Y /q
@copy sd-ui-files\scripts\on_sd_start.bat scripts\ /Y
@copy sd-ui-files\scripts\bootstrap.bat scripts\ /Y
@copy sd-ui-files\scripts\check_modules.py scripts\ /Y
@copy "sd-ui-files\scripts\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" . /Y
@copy "sd-ui-files\scripts\Developer Console.cmd" . /Y
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ rm -rf ui
cp -Rf sd-ui-files/ui .
cp sd-ui-files/scripts/on_sd_start.sh scripts/
cp sd-ui-files/scripts/bootstrap.sh scripts/
cp sd-ui-files/scripts/check_modules.py scripts/
cp sd-ui-files/scripts/start.sh .
cp sd-ui-files/scripts/developer_console.sh .
@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ if exist "%cd%\profile" (
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
@rem set the correct installer path (current vs legacy)
if exist "%cd%\installer_files\env" (
set INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%cd%\installer_files\env
if exist "%cd%\stable-diffusion\env" (
set INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%cd%\stable-diffusion\env
@mkdir tmp
@set TMP=%cd%\tmp
@set TEMP=%cd%\tmp
@ -27,137 +35,71 @@ if exist "Open Developer Console.cmd" del "Open Developer Console.cmd"
@call python -c "import os; import shutil; frm = 'sd-ui-files\\ui\\hotfix\\9c24e6cd9f499d02c4f21a033736dabd365962dc80fe3aeb57a8f85ea45a20a3.26fead7ea4f0f843f6eb4055dfd25693f1a71f3c6871b184042d4b126244e142'; dst = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'huggingface', 'transformers', '9c24e6cd9f499d02c4f21a033736dabd365962dc80fe3aeb57a8f85ea45a20a3.26fead7ea4f0f843f6eb4055dfd25693f1a71f3c6871b184042d4b126244e142'); shutil.copyfile(frm, dst) if os.path.exists(dst) else print(''); print('Hotfixed broken JSON file from OpenAI');"
if NOT DEFINED test_sd2 set test_sd2=N
@rem create the stable-diffusion folder, to work with legacy installations
if not exist "stable-diffusion" mkdir stable-diffusion
cd stable-diffusion
@>nul findstr /m "sd_git_cloned" scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Stable Diffusion's git repository was already installed. Updating.."
@cd stable-diffusion
@call git remote set-url origin https://github.com/easydiffusion/diffusion-kit.git
@call git reset --hard
@call git pull
if "%test_sd2%" == "N" (
@call git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout 7f32368ed1030a6e710537047bacd908adea183a
if "%test_sd2%" == "Y" (
@call git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout 733a1f6f9cae9b9a9b83294bf3281b123378cb1f
@cd ..
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading Stable Diffusion.." & echo.
@call git clone https://github.com/easydiffusion/diffusion-kit.git stable-diffusion && (
@echo sd_git_cloned >> scripts\install_status.txt
) || (
@echo "Error downloading Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!"
@exit /b
@cd stable-diffusion
@call git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout 7f32368ed1030a6e710537047bacd908adea183a
@cd ..
@rem activate the old stable-diffusion env, if it exists
if exist "env" (
call conda activate .\env
@cd stable-diffusion
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_env_created" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Packages necessary for Stable Diffusion were already installed"
@call conda activate .\env
@rem install torch and torchvision
call python ..\scripts\check_modules.py torch torchvision
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
echo "torch and torchvision have already been installed."
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for Stable Diffusion.." & echo. & echo "***** This will take some time (depending on the speed of the Internet connection) and may appear to be stuck, but please be patient ***** .." & echo.
@rmdir /s /q .\env
echo "Installing torch and torchvision.."
@REM prevent conda from using packages from the user's home directory, to avoid conflicts
set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\lib\site-packages
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
@call conda env create --prefix env -f environment.yaml || (
@echo. & echo "Error installing the packages necessary for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
call pip install --upgrade torch torchvision --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116 || (
echo "Error installing torch. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
@call conda activate .\env
@rem install/upgrade sdkit
call python ..\scripts\check_modules.py sdkit sdkit.models ldm transformers numpy antlr4 gfpgan realesrgan
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
echo "sdkit is already installed."
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('python -c "import torch; import ldm; import transformers; import numpy; import antlr4; print(42)"') do if "%%a" NEQ "42" (
@echo. & echo "Dependency test failed! Error installing the packages necessary for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
@REM prevent conda from using packages from the user's home directory, to avoid conflicts
set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\lib\site-packages
call >nul pip install --upgrade sdkit || (
echo "Error updating sdkit"
) else (
echo "Installing sdkit: https://pypi.org/project/sdkit/"
@REM prevent conda from using packages from the user's home directory, to avoid conflicts
set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\lib\site-packages
call pip install sdkit || (
echo "Error installing sdkit. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
@echo conda_sd_env_created >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
set PATH=C:\Windows\System32;%PATH%
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_gfpgan_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction) were already installed"
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction).." & echo.
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('python -c "from gfpgan import GFPGANer; print(42)"') do if "%%a" NEQ "42" (
@echo. & echo "Dependency test failed! Error installing the packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@echo conda_sd_gfpgan_deps_installed >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_esrgan_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) were already installed"
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling).." & echo.
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('python -c "from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet; from realesrgan import RealESRGANer; print(42)"') do if "%%a" NEQ "42" (
@echo. & echo "Dependency test failed! Error installing the packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@echo conda_sd_esrgan_deps_installed >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_ui_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
call python ..\scripts\check_modules.py uvicorn fastapi
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
echo "Packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI were already installed"
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI.." & echo.
set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\lib\site-packages
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
@call conda install -c conda-forge -y --prefix env uvicorn fastapi || (
@call conda install -c conda-forge -y uvicorn fastapi || (
echo "Error installing the packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
@ -172,26 +114,6 @@ call WHERE uvicorn > .tmp
exit /b
@>nul 2>nul call python -m picklescan --help
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo. & echo Picklescan not found. Installing
@call pip install picklescan || (
echo "Error installing the picklescan package necessary for Stable Diffusion UI. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
@>nul 2>nul call python -c "import safetensors"
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo. & echo SafeTensors not found. Installing
@call pip install safetensors || (
echo "Error installing the safetensors package necessary for Stable Diffusion UI. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/wiki/Troubleshooting" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at https://discord.com/invite/u9yhsFmEkB" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/issues" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_ui_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo conda_sd_ui_deps_installed >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@ -357,10 +279,6 @@ if not exist "..\models\vae" mkdir "..\models\vae"
if "%test_sd2%" == "Y" (
@call pip install open_clip_torch==2.0.2
@>nul findstr /m "sd_install_complete" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo sd_weights_downloaded >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@ -371,10 +289,8 @@ if "%test_sd2%" == "Y" (
@set SD_DIR=%cd%
@cd env\lib\site-packages
@cd ..\..\..
set PYTHONPATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\lib\site-packages
call where python
call python --version
@ -383,13 +299,9 @@ call python --version
@set SD_UI_PATH=%cd%\ui
@cd stable-diffusion
@rem Rewrite easy-install.pth. This fixes the installation if the user has relocated the SDUI installation
>env\Lib\site-packages\easy-install.pth echo %cd%\src\taming-transformers
>>env\Lib\site-packages\easy-install.pth echo %cd%\src\clip
>>env\Lib\site-packages\easy-install.pth echo %cd%\src\gfpgan
>>env\Lib\site-packages\easy-install.pth echo %cd%\src\realesrgan
@rem disable the legacy src and ldm folder
if exist src rename src src-old
if exist ldm rename ldm ldm-old
@ -21,116 +21,69 @@ python -c "import os; import shutil; frm = 'sd-ui-files/ui/hotfix/9c24e6cd9f499d
# Caution, this file will make your eyes and brain bleed. It's such an unholy mess.
# Note to self: Please rewrite this in Python. For the sake of your own sanity.
if [ "$test_sd2" == "" ]; then
export test_sd2="N"
if [ -e "scripts/install_status.txt" ] && [ `grep -c sd_git_cloned scripts/install_status.txt` -gt "0" ]; then
echo "Stable Diffusion's git repository was already installed. Updating.."
cd stable-diffusion
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/easydiffusion/diffusion-kit.git
git reset --hard
git pull
if [ "$test_sd2" == "N" ]; then
git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout 7f32368ed1030a6e710537047bacd908adea183a
elif [ "$test_sd2" == "Y" ]; then
git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout 733a1f6f9cae9b9a9b83294bf3281b123378cb1f
cd ..
printf "\n\nDownloading Stable Diffusion..\n\n"
if git clone https://github.com/easydiffusion/diffusion-kit.git stable-diffusion ; then
echo sd_git_cloned >> scripts/install_status.txt
fail "git clone of basujindal/stable-diffusion.git failed"
cd stable-diffusion
git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout 7f32368ed1030a6e710537047bacd908adea183a
cd ..
# set the correct installer path (current vs legacy)
if [ -e "installer_files/env" ]; then
export INSTALL_ENV_DIR="$(pwd)/installer_files/env"
if [ -e "stable-diffusion/env" ]; then
export INSTALL_ENV_DIR="$(pwd)/stable-diffusion/env"
# create the stable-diffusion folder, to work with legacy installations
if [ ! -e "stable-diffusion" ]; then mkdir stable-diffusion; fi
cd stable-diffusion
if [ `grep -c conda_sd_env_created ../scripts/install_status.txt` -gt "0" ]; then
echo "Packages necessary for Stable Diffusion were already installed"
# activate the old stable-diffusion env, if it exists
if [ -e "env" ]; then
conda activate ./env || fail "conda activate failed"
# install torch and torchvision
if python ../scripts/check_modules.py torch torchvision; then
echo "torch and torchvision have already been installed."
printf "\n\nDownloading packages necessary for Stable Diffusion..\n"
printf "\n\n***** This will take some time (depending on the speed of the Internet connection) and may appear to be stuck, but please be patient ***** ..\n\n"
echo "Installing torch and torchvision.."
# prevent conda from using packages from the user's home directory, to avoid conflicts
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd):$(pwd)/env/lib/site-packages"
export PYTHONPATH="$INSTALL_ENV_DIR/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
if conda env create --prefix env --force -f environment.yaml ; then
echo "Installed. Testing.."
if pip install --upgrade torch torchvision --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116 ; then
echo "Installed."
fail "'conda env create' failed"
fail "torch install failed"
conda activate ./env || fail "conda activate failed"
out_test=`python -c "import torch; import ldm; import transformers; import numpy; import antlr4; print(42)"`
if [ "$out_test" != "42" ]; then
fail "Dependency test failed"
echo conda_sd_env_created >> ../scripts/install_status.txt
if [ `grep -c conda_sd_gfpgan_deps_installed ../scripts/install_status.txt` -gt "0" ]; then
echo "Packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction) were already installed"
printf "\n\nDownloading packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction)..\n"
# install/upgrade sdkit
if python ../scripts/check_modules.py sdkit sdkit.models ldm transformers numpy antlr4 gfpgan realesrgan ; then
echo "sdkit is already installed."
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd):$(pwd)/env/lib/site-packages"
export PYTHONPATH="$INSTALL_ENV_DIR/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
out_test=`python -c "from gfpgan import GFPGANer; print(42)"`
if [ "$out_test" != "42" ]; then
echo "EE The dependency check has failed. This usually means that some system libraries are missing."
echo "EE On Debian/Ubuntu systems, this are often these packages: libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev"
echo "EE Other Linux distributions might have different package names for these libraries."
fail "GFPGAN dependency test failed"
echo conda_sd_gfpgan_deps_installed >> ../scripts/install_status.txt
if [ `grep -c conda_sd_esrgan_deps_installed ../scripts/install_status.txt` -gt "0" ]; then
echo "Packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) were already installed"
pip install --upgrade sdkit > /dev/null
printf "\n\nDownloading packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling)..\n"
echo "Installing sdkit: https://pypi.org/project/sdkit/"
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd):$(pwd)/env/lib/site-packages"
export PYTHONPATH="$INSTALL_ENV_DIR/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
out_test=`python -c "from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet; from realesrgan import RealESRGANer; print(42)"`
if [ "$out_test" != "42" ]; then
fail "ESRGAN dependency test failed"
if pip install sdkit ; then
echo "Installed."
fail "sdkit install failed"
echo conda_sd_esrgan_deps_installed >> ../scripts/install_status.txt
if [ `grep -c conda_sd_ui_deps_installed ../scripts/install_status.txt` -gt "0" ]; then
if python ../scripts/check_modules.py uvicorn fastapi ; then
echo "Packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI were already installed"
printf "\n\nDownloading packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI..\n\n"
export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd):$(pwd)/env/lib/site-packages"
export PYTHONPATH="$INSTALL_ENV_DIR/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
if conda install -c conda-forge --prefix ./env -y uvicorn fastapi ; then
if conda install -c conda-forge -y uvicorn fastapi ; then
echo "Installed. Testing.."
fail "'conda install uvicorn' failed"
@ -139,26 +92,8 @@ else
if ! command -v uvicorn &> /dev/null; then
fail "UI packages not found!"
echo conda_sd_ui_deps_installed >> ../scripts/install_status.txt
if python -m picklescan --help >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Picklescan is already installed."
echo "Picklescan not found, installing."
pip install picklescan || fail "Picklescan installation failed."
if python -c "import safetensors" --help >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "SafeTensors is already installed."
echo "SafeTensors not found, installing."
pip install safetensors || fail "SafeTensors installation failed."
mkdir -p "../models/vae"
if [ -f "sd-v1-4.ckpt" ]; then
@ -300,10 +235,6 @@ if [ ! -f "../models/vae/vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" ]; then
if [ "$test_sd2" == "Y" ]; then
pip install open_clip_torch==2.0.2
if [ `grep -c sd_install_complete ../scripts/install_status.txt` -gt "0" ]; then
echo sd_weights_downloaded >> ../scripts/install_status.txt
echo sd_install_complete >> ../scripts/install_status.txt
@ -312,7 +243,8 @@ fi
printf "\n\nStable Diffusion is ready!\n\n"
export PYTHONPATH="$SD_PATH:$SD_PATH/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
export PYTHONPATH="$INSTALL_ENV_DIR/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
which python
@ -322,6 +254,10 @@ cd ..
export SD_UI_PATH=`pwd`/ui
cd stable-diffusion
# disable the legacy src and ldm folder
if [ -e "src" ]; then mv src src-old; fi
if [ -e "ldm" ]; then mv ldm ldm-old; fi
uvicorn server:server_api --app-dir "$SD_UI_PATH" --port ${SD_UI_BIND_PORT:-9000} --host ${SD_UI_BIND_IP:-} --log-level error
read -p "Press any key to continue"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user