Temp change to get beta working and use a single GPU until the rest of the changes come through

This commit is contained in:
cmdr2 2022-11-11 15:09:25 +05:30
parent 453cc2a951
commit fa0c2f7138

View File

@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ def render(req : task_manager.ImageRequest):
print('WARNING Replace {use_cpu: true} by {render_device: "cpu"}')
req.render_device = 'cpu'
del req.use_cpu
# if req.render_device != 'cpu':
# req.render_device = int(req.render_device)
if req.render_device != 'cpu':
req.render_device = 'cuda:0' # temp hack to get beta working
if req.render_device and task_manager.is_alive(req.render_device) <= 0: raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=f'{req.render_device} rendering is not enabled in config.json or the thread has died...') # HTTP403 Forbidden
if req.use_face_correction and task_manager.is_alive('cuda:0') <= 0: #TODO Remove when GFPGANer is fixed upstream.
raise HTTPException(status_code=412, detail=f'GFPGANer only works GPU:0, use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES if GFPGANer is needed on a specific GPU.') # HTTP412 Precondition Failed