A simple browser UI for generating images from text prompts, using [Stable Diffusion](https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion). Designed for running locally on your computer. This project runs Stable Diffusion in a docker container behind the scenes, using Stable Diffusion's official Docker image on replicate.com. ![Screenshot of tool](shot1.jpeg?raw=true) # System Requirements 1. Requires `docker` and `python3.6` (or higher). 2. Linux or Windows 11 (with WSL) or macOS. Basically if your system can run [Stable Diffusion](https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion). # Installation 1. Download [Quick UI](https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/archive/refs/heads/main.zip) 2. Unzip: `unzip main.zip` 3. Enter: `cd stable-diffusion-ui` 4. Install dependencies: `pip install fastapi uvicorn` (this is the framework and server used by QuickUI) 5. Run: `./server.sh` 6. Open `http://localhost:8000` in your browser # Usage 1. Open `http://localhost:8000` in your browser 2. Enter a text prompt, like `a photograph of an astronaut riding a horse` in the textbox. 3. Press `Make Image`. This will take a while, depending on your system's processing power. 4. See the image generated using your prompt. If there's an error, the status message at the top will show 'error' in red. # Bugs reports and code contributions welcome This was built in a few hours for fun. So if there are any problems, please feel free to file an issue. Also, if you have any code contributions, please feel to submit a pull request.