/** * Enum of parameter types * @readonly * @enum {string} */ var ParameterType = { checkbox: "checkbox", select: "select", select_multiple: "select_multiple", slider: "slider", custom: "custom", } /** * Element shortcuts */ let parametersTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings-table") let networkParametersTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings-network-table") let installExtrasTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings-install-extras-table") /** * JSDoc style * @typedef {object} Parameter * @property {string} id * @property {keyof ParameterType} type * @property {string | (parameter: Parameter) => (HTMLElement | string)} label * @property {string | (parameter: Parameter) => (HTMLElement | string) | undefined} note * @property {(parameter: Parameter) => (HTMLElement | string) | undefined} render * @property {string | undefined} icon * @property {number|boolean|string} default * @property {boolean?} saveInAppConfig */ /** @type {Array.} */ var PARAMETERS = [ { id: "theme", type: ParameterType.select, label: "Theme", default: "theme-default", note: "customize the look and feel of the ui", options: [ // Note: options expanded dynamically { value: "theme-default", label: "Default", }, ], icon: "fa-palette", }, { id: "save_to_disk", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Auto-Save Images", note: "automatically saves images to the specified location", icon: "fa-download", default: false, }, { id: "diskPath", type: ParameterType.custom, label: "Save Location", render: (parameter) => { return `` }, }, { id: "metadata_output_format", type: ParameterType.select, label: "Metadata format", note: "will be saved to disk in this format", default: "txt", options: [ { value: "none", label: "none", }, { value: "txt", label: "txt", }, { value: "json", label: "json", }, { value: "embed", label: "embed", }, { value: "embed,txt", label: "embed & txt", }, { value: "embed,json", label: "embed & json", }, ], }, { id: "models_dir", type: ParameterType.custom, icon: "fa-folder-tree", label: "Models Folder", note: "Path to the 'models' folder. Please save and restart Easy Diffusion after changing this.", saveInAppConfig: true, render: (parameter) => { return `` }, }, { id: "block_nsfw", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Block NSFW images", note: "blurs out NSFW images", icon: "fa-land-mine-on", default: false, }, { id: "sound_toggle", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Enable Sound", note: "plays a sound on task completion", icon: "fa-volume-low", default: true, }, { id: "process_order_toggle", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Process newest jobs first", note: "reverse the normal processing order", icon: "fa-arrow-down-short-wide", default: false, }, { id: "extract_lora_from_prompt", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Extract LoRA tags from the prompt", note: "Automatically extract lora tags like <lora:name:0.4> from the prompt, and apply the correct LoRA (if present)", icon: "fa-code", default: true, }, { id: "ui_open_browser_on_start", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Open browser on startup", note: "starts the default browser on startup", icon: "fa-window-restore", default: true, saveInAppConfig: true, }, { id: "vram_usage_level", type: ParameterType.select, label: "GPU Memory Usage", note: "Faster performance requires more GPU memory (VRAM)

" + "Balanced: nearly as fast as High, much lower VRAM usage
" + "High: fastest, maximum GPU memory usage
" + "Low: slowest, recommended for GPUs with 3 to 4 GB memory", icon: "fa-forward", default: "balanced", saveInAppConfig: true, options: [ { value: "balanced", label: "Balanced" }, { value: "high", label: "High" }, { value: "low", label: "Low" }, ], }, { id: "use_cpu", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Use CPU (not GPU)", note: "warning: this will be *very* slow", icon: "fa-microchip", default: false, }, { id: "auto_pick_gpus", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Automatically pick the GPUs (experimental)", default: false, }, { id: "use_gpus", type: ParameterType.select_multiple, label: "GPUs to use (experimental)", note: "to process in parallel", default: false, }, { id: "auto_save_settings", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Auto-Save Settings", note: "restores settings on browser load", icon: "fa-gear", default: true, }, { id: "confirm_dangerous_actions", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Confirm dangerous actions", note: "Actions that might lead to data loss must either be clicked with the shift key pressed, or confirmed in an 'Are you sure?' dialog", icon: "fa-check-double", default: true, }, { id: "profileName", type: ParameterType.custom, label: "Profile Name", note: "Name of the profile for model manager settings, e.g. thumbnails for embeddings. Use this to have different settings for different users.", render: (parameter) => { return `` }, icon: "fa-user-gear", }, { id: "listen_to_network", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Make Stable Diffusion available on your network", note: "Other devices on your network can access this web page. Please restart the program after changing this.", icon: "fa-network-wired", default: true, saveInAppConfig: true, table: networkParametersTable, }, { id: "listen_port", type: ParameterType.custom, label: "Network port", note: "Port that this server listens to. The '9000' part in 'http://localhost:9000'. Please restart the program after changing this.", icon: "fa-anchor", render: (parameter) => { return `` }, saveInAppConfig: true, table: networkParametersTable, }, { id: "use_beta_channel", type: ParameterType.checkbox, label: "Beta channel", note: "Get the latest features immediately (but could be less stable). Please restart the program after changing this.", icon: "fa-fire", default: false, }, { id: "backend", type: ParameterType.select, label: "Engine to use", note: "Use our new v3.5 engine (Forge), with additional features like Flux, SD3, Lycoris and lots more! Please press Save, then restart the program after changing this.", icon: "fa-robot", saveInAppConfig: true, default: "ed_diffusers", options: [ { value: "webui", label: "v3.5 (latest)" }, { value: "ed_diffusers", label: "v3.0" }, { value: "ed_classic", label: "v2.0" }, ], }, { id: "cloudflare", type: ParameterType.custom, label: "Cloudflare tunnel", note: `Create a VPN tunnel to share your Easy Diffusion instance with your friends. This will generate a web server address on the public Internet for your Easy Diffusion instance.
This Easy Diffusion server is available on the Internet using the address:
Anyone knowing this address can access your server. The address of your server will change each time you share a session.
Uses Cloudflare services.`, icon: ["fa-brands", "fa-cloudflare"], render: () => '', table: networkParametersTable, }, { id: "nvidia_tensorrt", type: ParameterType.custom, label: "NVIDIA TensorRT", note: `Faster image generation by converting your Stable Diffusion models to the NVIDIA TensorRT format. You can choose the models to convert. Download size: approximately 2 GB.

Early access version: support for LoRA is still under development.

Build Config:

Batch size range:

Build for resolutions:
512x512 to 768x768
768x768 to 1024x1024
1024x1024 to 1280x1280
1280x1280 to 1536x1536
1536x1536 to 1792x1792
`, icon: "fa-angles-up", render: () => '', table: installExtrasTable, }, ] function getParameterSettingsEntry(id) { let parameter = PARAMETERS.filter((p) => p.id === id) if (parameter.length === 0) { return } return parameter[0].settingsEntry } function sliderUpdate(event) { if (event.srcElement.id.endsWith("-input")) { let slider = document.getElementById(event.srcElement.id.slice(0, -6)) slider.value = event.srcElement.value slider.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")) } else { let field = document.getElementById(event.srcElement.id + "-input") field.value = event.srcElement.value field.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")) } } /** * @param {Parameter} parameter * @returns {string | HTMLElement} */ function getParameterElement(parameter) { switch (parameter.type) { case ParameterType.checkbox: var is_checked = parameter.default ? " checked" : "" return `` case ParameterType.select: case ParameterType.select_multiple: var options = (parameter.options || []) .map((option) => ``) .join("") var multiple = parameter.type == ParameterType.select_multiple ? "multiple" : "" return `` case ParameterType.slider: return `  ${parameter.slider_unit}` case ParameterType.custom: return parameter.render(parameter) default: console.error(`Invalid type ${parameter.type} for parameter ${parameter.id}`) return "ERROR: Invalid Type" } } /** * fill in the system settings popup table * @param {Array | undefined} parameters * */ function initParameters(parameters) { parameters.forEach((parameter) => { const element = getParameterElement(parameter) const elementWrapper = createElement("div") if (element instanceof Node) { elementWrapper.appendChild(element) } else { elementWrapper.innerHTML = element } const note = typeof parameter.note === "function" ? parameter.note(parameter) : parameter.note const noteElements = [] if (note) { const noteElement = createElement("small") if (note instanceof Node) { noteElement.appendChild(note) } else { noteElement.innerHTML = note || "" } noteElements.push(noteElement) } if (typeof parameter.icon == "string") { parameter.icon = [parameter.icon] } const icon = parameter.icon ? [createElement("i", undefined, ["fa", ...parameter.icon])] : [] const label = typeof parameter.label === "function" ? parameter.label(parameter) : parameter.label const labelElement = createElement("label", { for: parameter.id }) if (label instanceof Node) { labelElement.appendChild(label) } else { labelElement.innerHTML = label } const newrow = createElement( "div", { "data-setting-id": parameter.id, "data-save-in-app-config": parameter.saveInAppConfig }, undefined, [ createElement("div", undefined, undefined, icon), createElement("div", undefined, undefined, [labelElement, ...noteElements]), elementWrapper, ] ) let p = parametersTable if (parameter.table) { p = parameter.table } p.appendChild(newrow) parameter.settingsEntry = newrow }) } initParameters(PARAMETERS) // listen to parameters from plugins PARAMETERS.addEventListener("push", (...items) => { initParameters(items) if (items.find((item) => item.saveInAppConfig)) { console.log( "Reloading app config for new parameters", items.map((p) => p.id) ) getAppConfig() } }) let vramUsageLevelField = document.querySelector("#vram_usage_level") let useCPUField = document.querySelector("#use_cpu") let autoPickGPUsField = document.querySelector("#auto_pick_gpus") let useGPUsField = document.querySelector("#use_gpus") let saveToDiskField = document.querySelector("#save_to_disk") let diskPathField = document.querySelector("#diskPath") let metadataOutputFormatField = document.querySelector("#metadata_output_format") let listenToNetworkField = document.querySelector("#listen_to_network") let listenPortField = document.querySelector("#listen_port") let useBetaChannelField = document.querySelector("#use_beta_channel") let uiOpenBrowserOnStartField = document.querySelector("#ui_open_browser_on_start") let confirmDangerousActionsField = document.querySelector("#confirm_dangerous_actions") let testDiffusers = document.querySelector("#use_v3_engine") let backendEngine = document.querySelector("#backend") let profileNameField = document.querySelector("#profileName") let modelsDirField = document.querySelector("#models_dir") let saveSettingsBtn = document.querySelector("#save-system-settings-btn") async function changeAppConfig(configDelta) { try { let res = await fetch("/app_config", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(configDelta), }) res = await res.json() console.log("set config status response", res) } catch (e) { console.log("set config status error", e) } } function getDefaultDisplay(element) { const tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); const defaultDisplays = { div: 'block', span: 'inline', p: 'block', tr: 'table-row', table: 'table', li: 'list-item', ul: 'block', ol: 'block', button: 'inline', // Add more if needed }; return defaultDisplays[tag] || 'block'; // Default to 'block' if not listed } async function getAppConfig() { try { let res = await fetch("/get/app_config") const config = await res.json() applySettingsFromConfig(config) // custom overrides if (config.update_branch === "beta") { useBetaChannelField.checked = true document.querySelector("#updateBranchLabel").innerText = "(beta)" } if (config.ui && config.ui.open_browser_on_start === false) { uiOpenBrowserOnStartField.checked = false } if (config.net && config.net.listen_to_network === false) { listenToNetworkField.checked = false } if (config.net && config.net.listen_port !== undefined) { listenPortField.value = config.net.listen_port } modelsDirField.value = config.models_dir let testDiffusersEnabled = true if (config.backend === "ed_classic") { testDiffusersEnabled = false } testDiffusers.checked = testDiffusersEnabled backendEngine.value = config.backend document.querySelector("#test_diffusers").checked = testDiffusers.checked // don't break plugins document.querySelector("#use_v3_engine").checked = testDiffusers.checked // don't break plugins if (config.config_on_startup) { if (config.config_on_startup?.backend !== "ed_classic") { document.body.classList.add("diffusers-enabled-on-startup") document.body.classList.remove("diffusers-disabled-on-startup") } else { document.body.classList.add("diffusers-disabled-on-startup") document.body.classList.remove("diffusers-enabled-on-startup") } } if (config.backend === "ed_classic") { IMAGE_STEP_SIZE = 64 } else { IMAGE_STEP_SIZE = 8 } customWidthField.step = IMAGE_STEP_SIZE customHeightField.step = IMAGE_STEP_SIZE const currentBackendKey = "backend_" + config.backend document.querySelectorAll('.gated-feature').forEach((element) => { const featureKeys = element.getAttribute('data-feature-keys').split(' ') if (featureKeys.includes(currentBackendKey)) { element.style.display = getDefaultDisplay(element) } else { element.style.display = 'none' } }); if (config.force_save_metadata) { metadataOutputFormatField.value = config.force_save_metadata } console.log("get config status response", config) return config } catch (e) { console.log("get config status error", e) return {} } } function applySettingsFromConfig(config) { Array.from(parametersTable.children).forEach((parameterRow) => { if (parameterRow.dataset.settingId in config && parameterRow.dataset.saveInAppConfig === "true") { const configValue = config[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] const parameterElement = document.getElementById(parameterRow.dataset.settingId) || parameterRow.querySelector("input") || parameterRow.querySelector("select") switch (parameterElement?.tagName) { case "INPUT": if (parameterElement.type === "checkbox") { parameterElement.checked = configValue } else { parameterElement.value = configValue } parameterElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")) break case "SELECT": if (Array.isArray(configValue)) { Array.from(parameterElement.options).forEach((option) => { if (configValue.includes(option.value || option.text)) { option.selected = true } }) } else { parameterElement.value = configValue } parameterElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")) break } } }) } saveToDiskField.addEventListener("change", function(e) { diskPathField.disabled = !this.checked metadataOutputFormatField.disabled = !this.checked }) function getCurrentRenderDeviceSelection() { let selectedGPUs = $("#use_gpus").val() if (useCPUField.checked && !autoPickGPUsField.checked) { return "cpu" } if (autoPickGPUsField.checked || selectedGPUs.length == 0) { return "auto" } return selectedGPUs.join(",") } useCPUField.addEventListener("click", function() { let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus") let autoPickGPUSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("auto_pick_gpus") if (this.checked) { gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "none" autoPickGPUSettingEntry.style.display = "none" autoPickGPUsField.setAttribute("data-old-value", autoPickGPUsField.checked) autoPickGPUsField.checked = false } else if (useGPUsField.options.length >= MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION) { gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "" autoPickGPUSettingEntry.style.display = "" let oldVal = autoPickGPUsField.getAttribute("data-old-value") if (oldVal === null || oldVal === undefined) { // the UI started with CPU selected by default autoPickGPUsField.checked = true } else { autoPickGPUsField.checked = oldVal === "true" } gpuSettingEntry.style.display = autoPickGPUsField.checked ? "none" : "" } }) useGPUsField.addEventListener("click", function() { let selectedGPUs = $("#use_gpus").val() autoPickGPUsField.checked = selectedGPUs.length === 0 }) autoPickGPUsField.addEventListener("click", function() { if (this.checked) { $("#use_gpus").val([]) } let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus") gpuSettingEntry.style.display = this.checked ? "none" : "" }) async function setDiskPath(defaultDiskPath, force = false) { var diskPath = getSetting("diskPath") if (force || diskPath == "" || diskPath == undefined || diskPath == "undefined") { setSetting("diskPath", defaultDiskPath) } } function setDeviceInfo(devices) { let cpu = devices.all.cpu.name let allGPUs = Object.keys(devices.all).filter((d) => d != "cpu") let activeGPUs = Object.keys(devices.active) function ID_TO_TEXT(d) { let info = devices.all[d] if ("mem_free" in info && "mem_total" in info) { return `${info.name} (${d}) (${info.mem_free.toFixed(1)}Gb free / ${info.mem_total.toFixed( 1 )} Gb total)` } else { return `${info.name} (${d}) (no memory info)` } } allGPUs = allGPUs.map(ID_TO_TEXT) activeGPUs = activeGPUs.map(ID_TO_TEXT) let systemInfoEl = document.querySelector("#system-info") systemInfoEl.querySelector("#system-info-cpu").innerText = cpu systemInfoEl.querySelector("#system-info-gpus-all").innerHTML = allGPUs.join("
") systemInfoEl.querySelector("#system-info-rendering-devices").innerHTML = activeGPUs.join("
") // tensorRT if (devices.active && testDiffusers.checked && devices.enable_trt === true) { let nvidiaGPUs = Object.keys(devices.active).filter((d) => { let gpuName = devices.active[d].name gpuName = gpuName.toLowerCase() return ( gpuName.includes("nvidia") || gpuName.includes("geforce") || gpuName.includes("quadro") || gpuName.includes("tesla") ) }) if (nvidiaGPUs.length > 0) { document.querySelector("#install-extras-container").classList.remove("displayNone") } } } function setHostInfo(hosts) { let port = listenPortField.value hosts = hosts.map((addr) => `http://${addr}:${port}/`).map((url) => `
`) document.querySelector("#system-info-server-hosts").innerHTML = hosts.join("") } async function getSystemInfo() { try { const res = await SD.getSystemInfo() let devices = res["devices"] let allDeviceIds = Object.keys(devices["all"]).filter((d) => d !== "cpu") let activeDeviceIds = Object.keys(devices["active"]).filter((d) => d !== "cpu") if (activeDeviceIds.length === 0) { useCPUField.checked = true } if (allDeviceIds.length < MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION || useCPUField.checked) { let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus") gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "none" let autoPickGPUSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("auto_pick_gpus") autoPickGPUSettingEntry.style.display = "none" } if (allDeviceIds.length === 0) { useCPUField.checked = true useCPUField.disabled = true // no compatible GPUs, so make the CPU mandatory getParameterSettingsEntry("use_cpu").addEventListener("click", function() { alert( "Sorry, we could not find a compatible graphics card! Easy Diffusion supports graphics cards with minimum 2 GB of RAM. " + "Only NVIDIA cards are supported on Windows. NVIDIA and AMD cards are supported on Linux.

" + "If you have a compatible graphics card, please try updating to the latest drivers.

" + "Only the CPU can be used for generating images, without a compatible graphics card.", "No compatible graphics card found!" ) }) } autoPickGPUsField.checked = devices["config"] === "auto" useGPUsField.innerHTML = "" allDeviceIds.forEach((device) => { let deviceName = devices["all"][device]["name"] let deviceOption = `` useGPUsField.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", deviceOption) }) if (autoPickGPUsField.checked) { let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus") gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "none" } else { $("#use_gpus").val(activeDeviceIds) } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("system_info_update", { detail: devices })) setHostInfo(res["hosts"]) let force = false if (res["enforce_output_dir"] !== undefined) { force = res["enforce_output_dir"] if (force == true) { saveToDiskField.checked = true metadataOutputFormatField.disabled = res["enforce_output_metadata"] diskPathField.disabled = true } saveToDiskField.disabled = force } else { diskPathField.disabled = !saveToDiskField.checked metadataOutputFormatField.disabled = !saveToDiskField.checked } setDiskPath(res["default_output_dir"], force) // backend info if (res["backend_url"]) { document.querySelector("#backend-url").setAttribute("href", res["backend_url"]) } } catch (e) { console.log("error fetching devices", e) } } saveSettingsBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { if (listenPortField.value == "") { alert("The network port field must not be empty.") return } if (listenPortField.value < 1 || listenPortField.value > 65535) { alert("The network port must be a number from 1 to 65535") return } const updateBranch = useBetaChannelField.checked ? "beta" : "main" const updateAppConfigRequest = { render_devices: getCurrentRenderDeviceSelection(), update_branch: updateBranch, } document.querySelectorAll("#system-settings [data-setting-id]").forEach((parameterRow) => { if (parameterRow.dataset.saveInAppConfig === "true") { const parameterElement = document.getElementById(parameterRow.dataset.settingId) || parameterRow.querySelector("input") || parameterRow.querySelector("select") switch (parameterElement?.tagName) { case "INPUT": if (parameterElement.type === "checkbox") { updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = parameterElement.checked } else { updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = parameterElement.value } break case "SELECT": if (parameterElement.multiple) { updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = Array.from(parameterElement.options) .filter((option) => option.selected) .map((option) => option.value || option.text) } else { updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = parameterElement.value } break default: console.error( `Setting parameter ${parameterRow.dataset.settingId} couldn't be saved to app.config - element #${parameter.id} is a <${parameterElement?.tagName} /> instead of a or a