@mkdir dist\stable-diffusion-ui @echo "Downloading components for the installer.." @call conda env create --prefix installer -f environment.yaml @call conda activate .\installer @echo "Setting up startup scripts.." @mkdir installer\etc\conda\activate.d @copy scripts\post_activate.bat installer\etc\conda\activate.d\ @echo "Creating a distributable package.." @call conda install -c conda-forge -y conda-pack @call conda pack --n-threads -1 --prefix installer --format tar @cd dist\stable-diffusion-ui @mkdir installer @call tar -xf ..\..\installer.tar -C installer @mkdir scripts @copy ..\..\scripts\on_env_start.bat scripts\ @copy "..\..\scripts\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" . @copy ..\..\LICENSE . @copy "..\..\CreativeML Open RAIL-M License" . @copy "..\..\How to install and run.txt" . @echo "Build ready. Zip the 'dist\stable-diffusion-ui' folder." @echo "Cleaning up.." @cd ..\.. @rmdir /s /q installer @del installer.tar