mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 15:46:43 +01:00
819 lines
31 KiB
819 lines
31 KiB
* Enum of parameter types
* @readonly
* @enum {string}
var ParameterType = {
checkbox: "checkbox",
select: "select",
select_multiple: "select_multiple",
slider: "slider",
custom: "custom",
* Element shortcuts
let parametersTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings-table")
let networkParametersTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings-network-table")
let installExtrasTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings-install-extras-table")
* JSDoc style
* @typedef {object} Parameter
* @property {string} id
* @property {keyof ParameterType} type
* @property {string | (parameter: Parameter) => (HTMLElement | string)} label
* @property {string | (parameter: Parameter) => (HTMLElement | string) | undefined} note
* @property {(parameter: Parameter) => (HTMLElement | string) | undefined} render
* @property {string | undefined} icon
* @property {number|boolean|string} default
* @property {boolean?} saveInAppConfig
/** @type {Array.<Parameter>} */
id: "theme",
type: ParameterType.select,
label: "Theme",
default: "theme-default",
note: "customize the look and feel of the ui",
options: [
// Note: options expanded dynamically
value: "theme-default",
label: "Default",
icon: "fa-palette",
id: "save_to_disk",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Auto-Save Images",
note: "automatically saves images to the specified location",
icon: "fa-download",
default: false,
id: "diskPath",
type: ParameterType.custom,
label: "Save Location",
render: (parameter) => {
return `<input id="${parameter.id}" name="${parameter.id}" size="30" disabled>`
id: "metadata_output_format",
type: ParameterType.select,
label: "Metadata format",
note: "will be saved to disk in this format",
default: "txt",
options: [
value: "none",
label: "none",
value: "txt",
label: "txt",
value: "json",
label: "json",
value: "embed",
label: "embed",
value: "embed,txt",
label: "embed & txt",
value: "embed,json",
label: "embed & json",
id: "block_nsfw",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Block NSFW images",
note: "blurs out NSFW images",
icon: "fa-land-mine-on",
default: false,
id: "sound_toggle",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Enable Sound",
note: "plays a sound on task completion",
icon: "fa-volume-low",
default: true,
id: "process_order_toggle",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Process newest jobs first",
note: "reverse the normal processing order",
icon: "fa-arrow-down-short-wide",
default: false,
id: "extract_lora_from_prompt",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Extract LoRA tags from the prompt",
"Automatically extract lora tags like <lora:name:0.4> from the prompt, and apply the correct LoRA (if present)",
icon: "fa-code",
default: true,
id: "ui_open_browser_on_start",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Open browser on startup",
note: "starts the default browser on startup",
icon: "fa-window-restore",
default: true,
saveInAppConfig: true,
id: "vram_usage_level",
type: ParameterType.select,
label: "GPU Memory Usage",
"Faster performance requires more GPU memory (VRAM)<br/><br/>" +
"<b>Balanced:</b> nearly as fast as High, much lower VRAM usage<br/>" +
"<b>High:</b> fastest, maximum GPU memory usage</br>" +
"<b>Low:</b> slowest, recommended for GPUs with 3 to 4 GB memory",
icon: "fa-forward",
default: "balanced",
options: [
{ value: "balanced", label: "Balanced" },
{ value: "high", label: "High" },
{ value: "low", label: "Low" },
id: "use_cpu",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Use CPU (not GPU)",
note: "warning: this will be *very* slow",
icon: "fa-microchip",
default: false,
id: "auto_pick_gpus",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Automatically pick the GPUs (experimental)",
default: false,
id: "use_gpus",
type: ParameterType.select_multiple,
label: "GPUs to use (experimental)",
note: "to process in parallel",
default: false,
id: "auto_save_settings",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Auto-Save Settings",
note: "restores settings on browser load",
icon: "fa-gear",
default: true,
id: "confirm_dangerous_actions",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Confirm dangerous actions",
"Actions that might lead to data loss must either be clicked with the shift key pressed, or confirmed in an 'Are you sure?' dialog",
icon: "fa-check-double",
default: true,
id: "listen_to_network",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Make Stable Diffusion available on your network",
note: "Other devices on your network can access this web page. Please restart the program after changing this.",
icon: "fa-network-wired",
default: true,
saveInAppConfig: true,
table: networkParametersTable,
id: "listen_port",
type: ParameterType.custom,
label: "Network port",
"Port that this server listens to. The '9000' part in 'http://localhost:9000'. Please restart the program after changing this.",
icon: "fa-anchor",
render: (parameter) => {
return `<input id="${parameter.id}" name="${parameter.id}" size="6" value="9000" onkeypress="preventNonNumericalInput(event)">`
saveInAppConfig: true,
table: networkParametersTable,
id: "use_beta_channel",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Beta channel",
"Get the latest features immediately (but could be less stable). Please restart the program after changing this.",
icon: "fa-fire",
default: false,
id: "test_diffusers",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Use the new v3 engine (diffusers)",
"Use our new v3 engine, with additional features like LoRA, ControlNet, SDXL, Embeddings, Tiling and lots more! Please press Save, then restart the program after changing this.",
icon: "fa-bolt",
default: true,
saveInAppConfig: true,
id: "cloudflare",
type: ParameterType.custom,
label: "Cloudflare tunnel",
note: `<span id="cloudflare-off">Create a VPN tunnel to share your Easy Diffusion instance with your friends. This will
generate a web server address on the public Internet for your Easy Diffusion instance. </span>
<div id="cloudflare-on" class="displayNone"><div>This Easy Diffusion server is available on the Internet using the
address:</div><div><input id="cloudflare-address" value="" readonly><button id="copy-cloudflare-address">Copy</button></div></div>
<b>Anyone knowing this address can access your server.</b> The address of your server will change each time
you share a session.<br>
Uses <a href="https://try.cloudflare.com/" target="_blank">Cloudflare services</a>.`,
icon: ["fa-brands", "fa-cloudflare"],
render: () => '<button id="toggle-cloudflare-tunnel" class="primaryButton">Start</button>',
table: networkParametersTable,
id: "nvidia_tensorrt",
type: ParameterType.custom,
label: "NVIDIA TensorRT",
note: `Faster image generation by converting your Stable Diffusion models to the NVIDIA TensorRT format. You can choose the
models to convert. Download size: approximately 2 GB.<br/><br/>
<b>Early access version:</b> support for LoRA is still under development.
<div id="trt-build-config" class="displayNone">
<h3>Build Config:</h3>
Batch size range:
<label>Min:</label> <input id="trt-build-min-batch" type="number" min="1" value="1" style="width: 40pt" />
<label>Max:</label> <input id="trt-build-max-batch" type="number" min="1" value="1" style="width: 40pt" /><br/><br/>
<b>Build for resolutions</b>:<br/>
<input id="trt-build-res-512" type="checkbox" value="1" /> 512x512 to 768x768<br/>
<input id="trt-build-res-768" type="checkbox" value="1" checked /> 768x768 to 1024x1024<br/>
<input id="trt-build-res-1024" type="checkbox" value="1" /> 1024x1024 to 1280x1280<br/>
<input id="trt-build-res-1280" type="checkbox" value="1" /> 1280x1280 to 1536x1536<br/>
<input id="trt-build-res-1536" type="checkbox" value="1" /> 1536x1536 to 1792x1792<br/>
icon: "fa-angles-up",
render: () => '<button id="toggle-tensorrt-install" class="primaryButton">Install</button>',
table: installExtrasTable,
function getParameterSettingsEntry(id) {
let parameter = PARAMETERS.filter((p) => p.id === id)
if (parameter.length === 0) {
return parameter[0].settingsEntry
function sliderUpdate(event) {
if (event.srcElement.id.endsWith("-input")) {
let slider = document.getElementById(event.srcElement.id.slice(0, -6))
slider.value = event.srcElement.value
slider.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
} else {
let field = document.getElementById(event.srcElement.id + "-input")
field.value = event.srcElement.value
field.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
* @param {Parameter} parameter
* @returns {string | HTMLElement}
function getParameterElement(parameter) {
switch (parameter.type) {
case ParameterType.checkbox:
var is_checked = parameter.default ? " checked" : ""
return `<input id="${parameter.id}" name="${parameter.id}"${is_checked} type="checkbox">`
case ParameterType.select:
case ParameterType.select_multiple:
var options = (parameter.options || [])
.map((option) => `<option value="${option.value}">${option.label}</option>`)
var multiple = parameter.type == ParameterType.select_multiple ? "multiple" : ""
return `<select id="${parameter.id}" name="${parameter.id}" ${multiple}>${options}</select>`
case ParameterType.slider:
return `<input id="${parameter.id}" name="${parameter.id}" class="editor-slider" type="range" value="${parameter.default}" min="${parameter.slider_min}" max="${parameter.slider_max}" oninput="sliderUpdate(event)"> <input id="${parameter.id}-input" name="${parameter.id}-input" size="4" value="${parameter.default}" pattern="^[0-9\.]+$" onkeypress="preventNonNumericalInput(event)" oninput="sliderUpdate(event)"> ${parameter.slider_unit}`
case ParameterType.custom:
return parameter.render(parameter)
console.error(`Invalid type ${parameter.type} for parameter ${parameter.id}`)
return "ERROR: Invalid Type"
* fill in the system settings popup table
* @param {Array<Parameter> | undefined} parameters
* */
function initParameters(parameters) {
parameters.forEach((parameter) => {
const element = getParameterElement(parameter)
const elementWrapper = createElement("div")
if (element instanceof Node) {
} else {
elementWrapper.innerHTML = element
const note = typeof parameter.note === "function" ? parameter.note(parameter) : parameter.note
const noteElements = []
if (note) {
const noteElement = createElement("small")
if (note instanceof Node) {
} else {
noteElement.innerHTML = note || ""
if (typeof parameter.icon == "string") {
parameter.icon = [parameter.icon]
const icon = parameter.icon ? [createElement("i", undefined, ["fa", ...parameter.icon])] : []
const label = typeof parameter.label === "function" ? parameter.label(parameter) : parameter.label
const labelElement = createElement("label", { for: parameter.id })
if (label instanceof Node) {
} else {
labelElement.innerHTML = label
const newrow = createElement(
{ "data-setting-id": parameter.id, "data-save-in-app-config": parameter.saveInAppConfig },
createElement("div", undefined, undefined, icon),
createElement("div", undefined, undefined, [labelElement, ...noteElements]),
let p = parametersTable
if (parameter.table) {
p = parameter.table
parameter.settingsEntry = newrow
// listen to parameters from plugins
PARAMETERS.addEventListener("push", (...items) => {
if (items.find((item) => item.saveInAppConfig)) {
"Reloading app config for new parameters",
items.map((p) => p.id)
let vramUsageLevelField = document.querySelector("#vram_usage_level")
let useCPUField = document.querySelector("#use_cpu")
let autoPickGPUsField = document.querySelector("#auto_pick_gpus")
let useGPUsField = document.querySelector("#use_gpus")
let saveToDiskField = document.querySelector("#save_to_disk")
let diskPathField = document.querySelector("#diskPath")
let metadataOutputFormatField = document.querySelector("#metadata_output_format")
let listenToNetworkField = document.querySelector("#listen_to_network")
let listenPortField = document.querySelector("#listen_port")
let useBetaChannelField = document.querySelector("#use_beta_channel")
let uiOpenBrowserOnStartField = document.querySelector("#ui_open_browser_on_start")
let confirmDangerousActionsField = document.querySelector("#confirm_dangerous_actions")
let testDiffusers = document.querySelector("#test_diffusers")
let saveSettingsBtn = document.querySelector("#save-system-settings-btn")
async function changeAppConfig(configDelta) {
try {
let res = await fetch("/app_config", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(configDelta),
res = await res.json()
console.log("set config status response", res)
} catch (e) {
console.log("set config status error", e)
async function getAppConfig() {
try {
let res = await fetch("/get/app_config")
const config = await res.json()
// custom overrides
if (config.update_branch === "beta") {
useBetaChannelField.checked = true
document.querySelector("#updateBranchLabel").innerText = "(beta)"
} else {
if (config.ui && config.ui.open_browser_on_start === false) {
uiOpenBrowserOnStartField.checked = false
if (config.net && config.net.listen_to_network === false) {
listenToNetworkField.checked = false
if (config.net && config.net.listen_port !== undefined) {
listenPortField.value = config.net.listen_port
let testDiffusersEnabled = config.update_branch !== "main"
if (config.test_diffusers === false) {
testDiffusersEnabled = false
testDiffusers.checked = testDiffusersEnabled
if (config.config_on_startup) {
if (config.config_on_startup?.test_diffusers && config.update_branch !== "main") {
} else {
if (!testDiffusersEnabled) {
document.querySelector("#lora_model_container").style.display = "none"
document.querySelector("#tiling_container").style.display = "none"
document.querySelector("#controlnet_model_container").style.display = "none"
document.querySelector("#hypernetwork_model_container").style.display = ""
document.querySelector("#hypernetwork_strength_container").style.display = ""
document.querySelectorAll("#sampler_name option.diffusers-only").forEach((option) => {
option.style.display = "none"
customWidthField.step = IMAGE_STEP_SIZE
customHeightField.step = IMAGE_STEP_SIZE
} else {
document.querySelector("#lora_model_container").style.display = ""
document.querySelector("#tiling_container").style.display = ""
document.querySelector("#controlnet_model_container").style.display = ""
document.querySelector("#hypernetwork_model_container").style.display = "none"
document.querySelector("#hypernetwork_strength_container").style.display = "none"
document.querySelectorAll("#sampler_name option.k_diffusion-only").forEach((option) => {
option.style.display = "none"
customWidthField.step = IMAGE_STEP_SIZE
customHeightField.step = IMAGE_STEP_SIZE
console.log("get config status response", config)
return config
} catch (e) {
console.log("get config status error", e)
return {}
function applySettingsFromConfig(config) {
Array.from(parametersTable.children).forEach((parameterRow) => {
if (parameterRow.dataset.settingId in config && parameterRow.dataset.saveInAppConfig === "true") {
const configValue = config[parameterRow.dataset.settingId]
const parameterElement =
document.getElementById(parameterRow.dataset.settingId) ||
parameterRow.querySelector("input") ||
switch (parameterElement?.tagName) {
case "INPUT":
if (parameterElement.type === "checkbox") {
parameterElement.checked = configValue
} else {
parameterElement.value = configValue
parameterElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
case "SELECT":
if (Array.isArray(configValue)) {
Array.from(parameterElement.options).forEach((option) => {
if (configValue.includes(option.value || option.text)) {
option.selected = true
} else {
parameterElement.value = configValue
parameterElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
saveToDiskField.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
diskPathField.disabled = !this.checked
metadataOutputFormatField.disabled = !this.checked
function getCurrentRenderDeviceSelection() {
let selectedGPUs = $("#use_gpus").val()
if (useCPUField.checked && !autoPickGPUsField.checked) {
return "cpu"
if (autoPickGPUsField.checked || selectedGPUs.length == 0) {
return "auto"
return selectedGPUs.join(",")
useCPUField.addEventListener("click", function() {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus")
let autoPickGPUSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("auto_pick_gpus")
if (this.checked) {
gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "none"
autoPickGPUSettingEntry.style.display = "none"
autoPickGPUsField.setAttribute("data-old-value", autoPickGPUsField.checked)
autoPickGPUsField.checked = false
} else if (useGPUsField.options.length >= MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION) {
gpuSettingEntry.style.display = ""
autoPickGPUSettingEntry.style.display = ""
let oldVal = autoPickGPUsField.getAttribute("data-old-value")
if (oldVal === null || oldVal === undefined) {
// the UI started with CPU selected by default
autoPickGPUsField.checked = true
} else {
autoPickGPUsField.checked = oldVal === "true"
gpuSettingEntry.style.display = autoPickGPUsField.checked ? "none" : ""
useGPUsField.addEventListener("click", function() {
let selectedGPUs = $("#use_gpus").val()
autoPickGPUsField.checked = selectedGPUs.length === 0
autoPickGPUsField.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (this.checked) {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus")
gpuSettingEntry.style.display = this.checked ? "none" : ""
async function setDiskPath(defaultDiskPath, force = false) {
var diskPath = getSetting("diskPath")
if (force || diskPath == "" || diskPath == undefined || diskPath == "undefined") {
setSetting("diskPath", defaultDiskPath)
function setDeviceInfo(devices) {
let cpu = devices.all.cpu.name
let allGPUs = Object.keys(devices.all).filter((d) => d != "cpu")
let activeGPUs = Object.keys(devices.active)
function ID_TO_TEXT(d) {
let info = devices.all[d]
if ("mem_free" in info && "mem_total" in info) {
return `${info.name} <small>(${d}) (${info.mem_free.toFixed(1)}Gb free / ${info.mem_total.toFixed(
)} Gb total)</small>`
} else {
return `${info.name} <small>(${d}) (no memory info)</small>`
allGPUs = allGPUs.map(ID_TO_TEXT)
activeGPUs = activeGPUs.map(ID_TO_TEXT)
let systemInfoEl = document.querySelector("#system-info")
systemInfoEl.querySelector("#system-info-cpu").innerText = cpu
systemInfoEl.querySelector("#system-info-gpus-all").innerHTML = allGPUs.join("</br>")
systemInfoEl.querySelector("#system-info-rendering-devices").innerHTML = activeGPUs.join("</br>")
// tensorRT
if (devices.active && testDiffusers.checked && devices.enable_trt === true) {
let nvidiaGPUs = Object.keys(devices.active).filter((d) => {
let gpuName = devices.active[d].name
gpuName = gpuName.toLowerCase()
return (
gpuName.includes("nvidia") ||
gpuName.includes("geforce") ||
gpuName.includes("quadro") ||
if (nvidiaGPUs.length > 0) {
function setHostInfo(hosts) {
let port = listenPortField.value
hosts = hosts.map((addr) => `http://${addr}:${port}/`).map((url) => `<div><a href="${url}">${url}</a></div>`)
document.querySelector("#system-info-server-hosts").innerHTML = hosts.join("")
async function getSystemInfo() {
try {
const res = await SD.getSystemInfo()
let devices = res["devices"]
let allDeviceIds = Object.keys(devices["all"]).filter((d) => d !== "cpu")
let activeDeviceIds = Object.keys(devices["active"]).filter((d) => d !== "cpu")
if (activeDeviceIds.length === 0) {
useCPUField.checked = true
if (allDeviceIds.length < MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION || useCPUField.checked) {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus")
gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "none"
let autoPickGPUSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("auto_pick_gpus")
autoPickGPUSettingEntry.style.display = "none"
if (allDeviceIds.length === 0) {
useCPUField.checked = true
useCPUField.disabled = true // no compatible GPUs, so make the CPU mandatory
getParameterSettingsEntry("use_cpu").addEventListener("click", function() {
"Sorry, we could not find a compatible graphics card! Easy Diffusion supports graphics cards with minimum 2 GB of RAM. " +
"Only NVIDIA cards are supported on Windows. NVIDIA and AMD cards are supported on Linux.<br/><br/>" +
"If you have a compatible graphics card, please try updating to the latest drivers.<br/><br/>" +
"Only the CPU can be used for generating images, without a compatible graphics card.",
"No compatible graphics card found!"
autoPickGPUsField.checked = devices["config"] === "auto"
useGPUsField.innerHTML = ""
allDeviceIds.forEach((device) => {
let deviceName = devices["all"][device]["name"]
let deviceOption = `<option value="${device}">${deviceName} (${device})</option>`
useGPUsField.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", deviceOption)
if (autoPickGPUsField.checked) {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry("use_gpus")
gpuSettingEntry.style.display = "none"
} else {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("system_info_update", { detail: devices }))
let force = false
if (res["enforce_output_dir"] !== undefined) {
force = res["enforce_output_dir"]
if (force == true) {
saveToDiskField.checked = true
metadataOutputFormatField.disabled = false
saveToDiskField.disabled = force
diskPathField.disabled = force
setDiskPath(res["default_output_dir"], force)
} catch (e) {
console.log("error fetching devices", e)
saveSettingsBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (listenPortField.value == "") {
alert("The network port field must not be empty.")
if (listenPortField.value < 1 || listenPortField.value > 65535) {
alert("The network port must be a number from 1 to 65535")
const updateBranch = useBetaChannelField.checked ? "beta" : "main"
const updateAppConfigRequest = {
render_devices: getCurrentRenderDeviceSelection(),
update_branch: updateBranch,
document.querySelectorAll("#system-settings [data-setting-id]").forEach((parameterRow) => {
if (parameterRow.dataset.saveInAppConfig === "true") {
const parameterElement =
document.getElementById(parameterRow.dataset.settingId) ||
parameterRow.querySelector("input") ||
switch (parameterElement?.tagName) {
case "INPUT":
if (parameterElement.type === "checkbox") {
updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = parameterElement.checked
} else {
updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = parameterElement.value
case "SELECT":
if (parameterElement.multiple) {
updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = Array.from(parameterElement.options)
.filter((option) => option.selected)
.map((option) => option.value || option.text)
} else {
updateAppConfigRequest[parameterRow.dataset.settingId] = parameterElement.value
`Setting parameter ${parameterRow.dataset.settingId} couldn't be saved to app.config - element #${parameter.id} is a <${parameterElement?.tagName} /> instead of a <input /> or a <select />!`
const savePromise = changeAppConfig(updateAppConfigRequest)
showToast("Settings saved")
Promise.all([savePromise, asyncDelay(300)]).then(() => saveSettingsBtn.classList.remove("active"))
debounce(() => {
}, 1000)
debounce(() => {
}, 1000)
let copyCloudflareAddressBtn = document.querySelector("#copy-cloudflare-address")
let cloudflareAddressField = document.getElementById("cloudflare-address")
navigator.permissions.query({ name: "clipboard-write" }).then(function(result) {
if (result.state === "granted") {
// you can read from the clipboard
copyCloudflareAddressBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
showToast("Copied server address to clipboard")
} else {
document.addEventListener("system_info_update", (e) => setDeviceInfo(e.detail))
useBetaChannelField.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
if (e.target.checked) {
} else {