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"""runtime.py: torch device owned by a thread.
Avoid device switching, transfering all models will get too complex.
To use a diffrent device signal the current render device to exit
And then start a new clean thread for the new device.
import json
import os, re
import traceback
import torch
import numpy as np
from gc import collect as gc_collect
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from itertools import islice
from einops import rearrange
import time
from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything
from torch import autocast
from contextlib import nullcontext
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
from optimizedSD.optimUtils import split_weighted_subprompts
from transformers import logging
from gfpgan import GFPGANer
from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet
from realesrgan import RealESRGANer
import uuid
# consts
config_yaml = "optimizedSD/v1-inference.yaml"
filename_regex = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9]')
# api stuff
from . import Request, Response, Image as ResponseImage
import base64
from io import BytesIO
#from colorama import Fore
from threading import local as LocalThreadVars
thread_data = LocalThreadVars()
def get_processor_name():
import platform, subprocess
if platform.system() == "Windows":
return platform.processor()
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + os.pathsep + '/usr/sbin'
command = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
return subprocess.check_output(command).strip()
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
all_info = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode().strip()
for line in all_info.split("\n"):
if "model name" in line:
return re.sub(".*model name.*:", "", line, 1).strip()
return "cpu"
def validate_device_id(device, allow_auto=False, log_prefix=''):
device_names = ['cpu', 'auto'] if allow_auto else ['cpu']
if not isinstance(device, str) or (device not in device_names and (len(device) <= len('cuda:') or device[:5] != 'cuda:' or not device[5:].isnumeric())):
raise EnvironmentError(f"{log_prefix}: device id should be {', '.join(device_names)}, or 'cuda:N' (where N is an integer index for the GPU). Got: {device}")
Returns True/False, and prints any compatibility errors
def is_device_compatible(device):
validate_device_id(device, allow_auto=False, log_prefix='is_device_compatible')
if device == 'cpu': return True
# Memory check
mem_free, mem_total = torch.cuda.mem_get_info(device)
mem_total /= float(10**9)
if mem_total < 3.0:
print('GPUs with less than 3 GB of VRAM are not compatible with Stable Diffusion')
return False
except RuntimeError as e:
return False
return True
def device_select(device):
validate_device_id(device, allow_auto=False, log_prefix='device_select')
if device == 'cpu': return True
if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return False
if not is_device_compatible(device):
return False
thread_data.device_name = torch.cuda.get_device_name(device)
thread_data.device = device
# Force full precision on 1660 and 1650 NVIDIA cards to avoid creating green images
device_name = thread_data.device_name.lower()
thread_data.force_full_precision = ('nvidia' in device_name or 'geforce' in device_name) and (' 1660' in device_name or ' 1650' in device_name)
if thread_data.force_full_precision:
print('forcing full precision on NVIDIA 16xx cards, to avoid green images. GPU detected: ', thread_data.device_name)
# Apply force_full_precision now before models are loaded.
thread_data.precision = 'full'
return True
def device_init(device_selection):
validate_device_id(device_selection, allow_auto=True, log_prefix='device_init')
# Thread bound properties
thread_data.stop_processing = False
thread_data.temp_images = {}
thread_data.ckpt_file = None
thread_data.vae_file = None
thread_data.gfpgan_file = None
thread_data.real_esrgan_file = None
thread_data.model = None
thread_data.modelCS = None
thread_data.modelFS = None
thread_data.model_gfpgan = None
thread_data.model_real_esrgan = None
thread_data.model_is_half = False
thread_data.model_fs_is_half = False
thread_data.device = None
thread_data.device_name = None
thread_data.unet_bs = 1
thread_data.precision = 'autocast'
thread_data.sampler_plms = None
thread_data.sampler_ddim = None
thread_data.turbo = False
thread_data.force_full_precision = False
thread_data.reduced_memory = True
if device_selection == 'cpu':
thread_data.device = 'cpu'
thread_data.device_name = get_processor_name()
print('Render device CPU available as', thread_data.device_name)
return True
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
if device_selection == 'auto':
print('WARNING: Could not find a compatible GPU. Using the CPU, but this will be very slow!')
thread_data.device = 'cpu'
thread_data.device_name = get_processor_name()
return True
raise EnvironmentError(f'Could not find a compatible GPU for the requested device_selection: {device_selection}!')
if device_selection == 'auto':
device_count = torch.cuda.device_count()
if device_count == 1 and device_select('cuda:0'):
return True
print('Autoselecting GPU. Using most free memory.')
max_mem_free = 0
best_device = None
for device in range(device_count):
device = f'cuda:{device}'
mem_free, mem_total = torch.cuda.mem_get_info(device)
mem_free /= float(10**9)
mem_total /= float(10**9)
device_name = torch.cuda.get_device_name(device)
print(f'{device} detected: {device_name} - Memory: {round(mem_total - mem_free, 2)}Gb / {round(mem_total, 2)}Gb')
if max_mem_free < mem_free:
max_mem_free = mem_free
best_device = device
if best_device and device_select(best_device):
print(f'Setting {device} as active')
return True
if device_selection != 'auto' and device_select(device_selection):
print(f'Setting {device_selection} as active')
return True
return False
def load_model_ckpt():
if not thread_data.ckpt_file: raise ValueError(f'Thread ckpt_file is undefined.')
if not os.path.exists(thread_data.ckpt_file + '.ckpt'): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot find {thread_data.ckpt_file}.ckpt')
if not thread_data.precision:
thread_data.precision = 'full' if thread_data.force_full_precision else 'autocast'
if not thread_data.unet_bs:
thread_data.unet_bs = 1
if thread_data.device == 'cpu':
thread_data.precision = 'full'
print('loading', thread_data.ckpt_file + '.ckpt', 'to device', thread_data.device, 'using precision', thread_data.precision)
sd = load_model_from_config(thread_data.ckpt_file + '.ckpt')
li, lo = [], []
for key, value in sd.items():
sp = key.split(".")
if (sp[0]) == "model":
if "input_blocks" in sp:
elif "middle_block" in sp:
elif "time_embed" in sp:
for key in li:
sd["model1." + key[6:]] = sd.pop(key)
for key in lo:
sd["model2." + key[6:]] = sd.pop(key)
config = OmegaConf.load(f"{config_yaml}")
model = instantiate_from_config(config.modelUNet)
_, _ = model.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
model.cdevice = torch.device(thread_data.device)
model.unet_bs = thread_data.unet_bs
model.turbo = thread_data.turbo
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
#if thread_data.reduced_memory:
thread_data.model = model
modelCS = instantiate_from_config(config.modelCondStage)
_, _ = modelCS.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
modelCS.cond_stage_model.device = torch.device(thread_data.device)
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
if thread_data.reduced_memory:
modelCS.to(thread_data.device) # Preload on device if not already there.
thread_data.modelCS = modelCS
modelFS = instantiate_from_config(config.modelFirstStage)
_, _ = modelFS.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
if thread_data.vae_file is not None:
for model_extension in ['.ckpt', '.vae.pt']:
if os.path.exists(thread_data.vae_file + model_extension):
print(f"Loading VAE weights from: {thread_data.vae_file}{model_extension}")
vae_ckpt = torch.load(thread_data.vae_file + model_extension, map_location="cpu")
vae_dict = {k: v for k, v in vae_ckpt["state_dict"].items() if k[0:4] != "loss"}
modelFS.first_stage_model.load_state_dict(vae_dict, strict=False)
print(f'Cannot find VAE file: {thread_data.vae_file}{model_extension}')
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
if thread_data.reduced_memory:
modelFS.to(thread_data.device) # Preload on device if not already there.
thread_data.modelFS = modelFS
del sd
if thread_data.device != "cpu" and thread_data.precision == "autocast":
thread_data.model_is_half = True
thread_data.model_fs_is_half = True
thread_data.model_is_half = False
thread_data.model_fs_is_half = False
print(f'''loaded model
model file: {thread_data.ckpt_file}.ckpt
model.device: {model.device}
modelCS.device: {modelCS.cond_stage_model.device}
modelFS.device: {thread_data.modelFS.device}
using precision: {thread_data.precision}''')
def unload_filters():
if thread_data.model_gfpgan is not None:
if thread_data.device != 'cpu': thread_data.model_gfpgan.gfpgan.to('cpu')
del thread_data.model_gfpgan
thread_data.model_gfpgan = None
if thread_data.model_real_esrgan is not None:
if thread_data.device != 'cpu': thread_data.model_real_esrgan.model.to('cpu')
del thread_data.model_real_esrgan
thread_data.model_real_esrgan = None
def unload_models():
if thread_data.model is not None:
print('Unloading models...')
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
del thread_data.model
del thread_data.modelCS
del thread_data.modelFS
thread_data.model = None
thread_data.modelCS = None
thread_data.modelFS = None
def wait_model_move_to(model, target_device): # Send to target_device and wait until complete.
if thread_data.device == target_device: return
start_mem = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(thread_data.device) / 1e6
if start_mem <= 0: return
model_name = model.__class__.__name__
print(f'Device {thread_data.device} - Sending model {model_name} to {target_device} | Memory transfer starting. Memory Used: {round(start_mem)}Mb')
start_time = time.time()
time_step = start_time
WARNING_TIMEOUT = 1.5 # seconds - Show activity in console after timeout.
last_mem = start_mem
is_transfering = True
while is_transfering:
time.sleep(0.5) # 500ms
mem = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(thread_data.device) / 1e6
is_transfering = bool(mem > 0 and mem < last_mem) # still stuff loaded, but less than last time.
last_mem = mem
if not is_transfering:
if time.time() - time_step > WARNING_TIMEOUT: # Long delay, print to console to show activity.
print(f'Device {thread_data.device} - Waiting for Memory transfer. Memory Used: {round(mem)}Mb, Transfered: {round(start_mem - mem)}Mb')
time_step = time.time()
print(f'Device {thread_data.device} - {model_name} Moved: {round(start_mem - last_mem)}Mb in {round(time.time() - start_time, 3)} seconds to {target_device}')
def load_model_gfpgan():
if thread_data.gfpgan_file is None: raise ValueError(f'Thread gfpgan_file is undefined.')
#print('load_model_gfpgan called without setting gfpgan_file')
if thread_data.device != 'cuda:0':
#TODO Remove when fixed - A bug with GFPGANer and facexlib needs to be fixed before use on other devices.
raise Exception(f'Current device {torch.device(thread_data.device)} is not {torch.device("cuda:0")}. Cannot run GFPGANer.')
model_path = thread_data.gfpgan_file + ".pth"
thread_data.model_gfpgan = GFPGANer(device=torch.device(thread_data.device), model_path=model_path, upscale=1, arch='clean', channel_multiplier=2, bg_upsampler=None)
print('loaded', thread_data.gfpgan_file, 'to', thread_data.model_gfpgan.device, 'precision', thread_data.precision)
def load_model_real_esrgan():
if thread_data.real_esrgan_file is None: raise ValueError(f'Thread real_esrgan_file is undefined.')
#print('load_model_real_esrgan called without setting real_esrgan_file')
model_path = thread_data.real_esrgan_file + ".pth"
RealESRGAN_models = {
'RealESRGAN_x4plus': RRDBNet(num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32, scale=4),
'RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B': RRDBNet(num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=6, num_grow_ch=32, scale=4)
model_to_use = RealESRGAN_models[thread_data.real_esrgan_file]
if thread_data.device == 'cpu':
thread_data.model_real_esrgan = RealESRGANer(device=torch.device(thread_data.device), scale=2, model_path=model_path, model=model_to_use, pre_pad=0, half=False) # cpu does not support half
#thread_data.model_real_esrgan.device = torch.device(thread_data.device)
thread_data.model_real_esrgan = RealESRGANer(device=torch.device(thread_data.device), scale=2, model_path=model_path, model=model_to_use, pre_pad=0, half=thread_data.model_is_half)
thread_data.model_real_esrgan.model.name = thread_data.real_esrgan_file
print('loaded ', thread_data.real_esrgan_file, 'to', thread_data.model_real_esrgan.device, 'precision', thread_data.precision)
def get_session_out_path(disk_path, session_id):
if disk_path is None: return None
if session_id is None: return None
session_out_path = os.path.join(disk_path, filename_regex.sub('_',session_id))
os.makedirs(session_out_path, exist_ok=True)
return session_out_path
def get_base_path(disk_path, session_id, prompt, img_id, ext, suffix=None):
if disk_path is None: return None
if session_id is None: return None
if ext is None: raise Exception('Missing ext')
session_out_path = get_session_out_path(disk_path, session_id)
prompt_flattened = filename_regex.sub('_', prompt)[:50]
if suffix is not None:
return os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{prompt_flattened}_{img_id}_{suffix}.{ext}")
return os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{prompt_flattened}_{img_id}.{ext}")
def apply_filters(filter_name, image_data, model_path=None):
print(f'Applying filter {filter_name}...')
gc() # Free space before loading new data.
if isinstance(image_data, torch.Tensor):
if filter_name == 'gfpgan':
if model_path is not None and model_path != thread_data.gfpgan_file:
thread_data.gfpgan_file = model_path
elif not thread_data.model_gfpgan:
if thread_data.model_gfpgan is None: raise Exception('Model "gfpgan" not loaded.')
print('enhance with', thread_data.gfpgan_file, 'on', thread_data.model_gfpgan.device, 'precision', thread_data.precision)
_, _, output = thread_data.model_gfpgan.enhance(image_data[:,:,::-1], has_aligned=False, only_center_face=False, paste_back=True)
image_data = output[:,:,::-1]
if filter_name == 'real_esrgan':
if model_path is not None and model_path != thread_data.real_esrgan_file:
thread_data.real_esrgan_file = model_path
elif not thread_data.model_real_esrgan:
if thread_data.model_real_esrgan is None: raise Exception('Model "gfpgan" not loaded.')
print('enhance with', thread_data.real_esrgan_file, 'on', thread_data.model_real_esrgan.device, 'precision', thread_data.precision)
output, _ = thread_data.model_real_esrgan.enhance(image_data[:,:,::-1])
image_data = output[:,:,::-1]
return image_data
def mk_img(req: Request):
yield from do_mk_img(req)
except Exception as e:
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
gc() # Release from memory.
yield json.dumps({
"status": 'failed',
"detail": str(e)
def update_temp_img(req, x_samples):
partial_images = []
for i in range(req.num_outputs):
x_sample_ddim = thread_data.modelFS.decode_first_stage(x_samples[i].unsqueeze(0))
x_sample = torch.clamp((x_sample_ddim + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
x_sample = 255.0 * rearrange(x_sample[0].cpu().numpy(), "c h w -> h w c")
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(x_sample)
buf = BytesIO()
img.save(buf, format='JPEG')
del img, x_sample, x_sample_ddim
# don't delete x_samples, it is used in the code that called this callback
thread_data.temp_images[str(req.session_id) + '/' + str(i)] = buf
partial_images.append({'path': f'/image/tmp/{req.session_id}/{i}'})
return partial_images
# Build and return the apropriate generator for do_mk_img
def get_image_progress_generator(req, extra_props=None):
if not req.stream_progress_updates:
def empty_callback(x_samples, i): return x_samples
return empty_callback
thread_data.partial_x_samples = None
last_callback_time = -1
def img_callback(x_samples, i):
nonlocal last_callback_time
thread_data.partial_x_samples = x_samples
step_time = time.time() - last_callback_time if last_callback_time != -1 else -1
last_callback_time = time.time()
progress = {"step": i, "step_time": step_time}
if extra_props is not None:
if req.stream_image_progress and i % 5 == 0:
progress['output'] = update_temp_img(req, x_samples)
yield json.dumps(progress)
if thread_data.stop_processing:
raise UserInitiatedStop("User requested that we stop processing")
return img_callback
def do_mk_img(req: Request):
thread_data.stop_processing = False
res = Response()
res.request = req
res.images = []
# custom model support:
# the req.use_stable_diffusion_model needs to be a valid path
# to the ckpt file (without the extension).
if not os.path.exists(req.use_stable_diffusion_model + '.ckpt'): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot find {req.use_stable_diffusion_model}.ckpt')
needs_model_reload = False
if not thread_data.model or thread_data.ckpt_file != req.use_stable_diffusion_model or thread_data.vae_file != req.use_vae_model:
thread_data.ckpt_file = req.use_stable_diffusion_model
thread_data.vae_file = req.use_vae_model
needs_model_reload = True
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
if (thread_data.precision == 'autocast' and (req.use_full_precision or not thread_data.model_is_half)) or \
(thread_data.precision == 'full' and not req.use_full_precision and not thread_data.force_full_precision):
thread_data.precision = 'full' if req.use_full_precision else 'autocast'
needs_model_reload = True
if needs_model_reload:
if thread_data.turbo != req.turbo:
thread_data.turbo = req.turbo
thread_data.model.turbo = req.turbo
# Start by cleaning memory, loading and unloading things can leave memory allocated.
opt_prompt = req.prompt
opt_seed = req.seed
opt_n_iter = 1
opt_C = 4
opt_f = 8
opt_ddim_eta = 0.0
print(req, '\n device', torch.device(thread_data.device), "as", thread_data.device_name)
print('\n\n Using precision:', thread_data.precision)
batch_size = req.num_outputs
prompt = opt_prompt
assert prompt is not None
data = [batch_size * [prompt]]
if thread_data.precision == "autocast" and thread_data.device != "cpu":
precision_scope = autocast
precision_scope = nullcontext
mask = None
if req.init_image is None:
handler = _txt2img
init_latent = None
t_enc = None
handler = _img2img
init_image = load_img(req.init_image, req.width, req.height)
init_image = init_image.to(thread_data.device)
if thread_data.device != "cpu" and thread_data.precision == "autocast":
init_image = init_image.half()
init_image = repeat(init_image, '1 ... -> b ...', b=batch_size)
init_latent = thread_data.modelFS.get_first_stage_encoding(thread_data.modelFS.encode_first_stage(init_image)) # move to latent space
if req.mask is not None:
mask = load_mask(req.mask, req.width, req.height, init_latent.shape[2], init_latent.shape[3], True).to(thread_data.device)
mask = mask[0][0].unsqueeze(0).repeat(4, 1, 1).unsqueeze(0)
mask = repeat(mask, '1 ... -> b ...', b=batch_size)
if thread_data.device != "cpu" and thread_data.precision == "autocast":
mask = mask.half()
# Send to CPU and wait until complete.
wait_model_move_to(thread_data.modelFS, 'cpu')
assert 0. <= req.prompt_strength <= 1., 'can only work with strength in [0.0, 1.0]'
t_enc = int(req.prompt_strength * req.num_inference_steps)
print(f"target t_enc is {t_enc} steps")
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
session_out_path = get_session_out_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id)
session_out_path = None
with torch.no_grad():
for n in trange(opt_n_iter, desc="Sampling"):
for prompts in tqdm(data, desc="data"):
with precision_scope("cuda"):
if thread_data.reduced_memory:
uc = None
if req.guidance_scale != 1.0:
uc = thread_data.modelCS.get_learned_conditioning(batch_size * [req.negative_prompt])
if isinstance(prompts, tuple):
prompts = list(prompts)
subprompts, weights = split_weighted_subprompts(prompts[0])
if len(subprompts) > 1:
c = torch.zeros_like(uc)
totalWeight = sum(weights)
# normalize each "sub prompt" and add it
for i in range(len(subprompts)):
weight = weights[i]
# if not skip_normalize:
weight = weight / totalWeight
c = torch.add(c, thread_data.modelCS.get_learned_conditioning(subprompts[i]), alpha=weight)
c = thread_data.modelCS.get_learned_conditioning(prompts)
if thread_data.reduced_memory:
n_steps = req.num_inference_steps if req.init_image is None else t_enc
img_callback = get_image_progress_generator(req, {"total_steps": n_steps})
# run the handler
print('Running handler...')
if handler == _txt2img:
x_samples = _txt2img(req.width, req.height, req.num_outputs, req.num_inference_steps, req.guidance_scale, None, opt_C, opt_f, opt_ddim_eta, c, uc, opt_seed, img_callback, mask, req.sampler)
x_samples = _img2img(init_latent, t_enc, batch_size, req.guidance_scale, c, uc, req.num_inference_steps, opt_ddim_eta, opt_seed, img_callback, mask)
if req.stream_progress_updates:
yield from x_samples
if hasattr(thread_data, 'partial_x_samples'):
if thread_data.partial_x_samples is not None:
x_samples = thread_data.partial_x_samples
del thread_data.partial_x_samples
except UserInitiatedStop:
if not hasattr(thread_data, 'partial_x_samples'):
if thread_data.partial_x_samples is None:
del thread_data.partial_x_samples
x_samples = thread_data.partial_x_samples
del thread_data.partial_x_samples
print("decoding images")
img_data = [None] * batch_size
for i in range(batch_size):
x_samples_ddim = thread_data.modelFS.decode_first_stage(x_samples[i].unsqueeze(0))
x_sample = torch.clamp((x_samples_ddim + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
x_sample = 255.0 * rearrange(x_sample[0].cpu().numpy(), "c h w -> h w c")
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
img_data[i] = x_sample
del x_samples, x_samples_ddim, x_sample
if thread_data.reduced_memory:
# Send to CPU and wait until complete.
wait_model_move_to(thread_data.modelFS, 'cpu')
print("saving images")
for i in range(batch_size):
img = Image.fromarray(img_data[i])
img_id = base64.b64encode(int(time.time()+i).to_bytes(8, 'big')).decode() # Generate unique ID based on time.
img_id = img_id.translate({43:None, 47:None, 61:None})[-8:] # Remove + / = and keep last 8 chars.
has_filters = (req.use_face_correction is not None and req.use_face_correction.startswith('GFPGAN')) or \
(req.use_upscale is not None and req.use_upscale.startswith('RealESRGAN'))
return_orig_img = not has_filters or not req.show_only_filtered_image
if thread_data.stop_processing:
return_orig_img = True
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
if return_orig_img:
img_out_path = get_base_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id, prompts[0], img_id, req.output_format)
save_image(img, img_out_path)
meta_out_path = get_base_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id, prompts[0], img_id, 'txt')
save_metadata(meta_out_path, req, prompts[0], opt_seed)
if return_orig_img:
img_str = img_to_base64_str(img, req.output_format)
res_image_orig = ResponseImage(data=img_str, seed=opt_seed)
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
res_image_orig.path_abs = img_out_path
del img
if has_filters and not thread_data.stop_processing:
filters_applied = []
if req.use_face_correction:
img_data[i] = apply_filters('gfpgan', img_data[i], req.use_face_correction)
if req.use_upscale:
img_data[i] = apply_filters('real_esrgan', img_data[i], req.use_upscale)
if (len(filters_applied) > 0):
filtered_image = Image.fromarray(img_data[i])
filtered_img_data = img_to_base64_str(filtered_image, req.output_format)
response_image = ResponseImage(data=filtered_img_data, seed=opt_seed)
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
filtered_img_out_path = get_base_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id, prompts[0], img_id, req.output_format, "_".join(filters_applied))
save_image(filtered_image, filtered_img_out_path)
response_image.path_abs = filtered_img_out_path
del filtered_image
# Filter Applied, move to next seed
opt_seed += 1
# if thread_data.reduced_memory:
# unload_filters()
del img_data
if thread_data.device != 'cpu':
print(f'memory_final = {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(thread_data.device) / 1e6, 2)}Mb')
print('Task completed')
yield json.dumps(res.json())
def save_image(img, img_out_path):
print('could not save the file', traceback.format_exc())
def save_metadata(meta_out_path, req, prompt, opt_seed):
metadata = f'''{prompt}
Width: {req.width}
Height: {req.height}
Seed: {opt_seed}
Steps: {req.num_inference_steps}
Guidance Scale: {req.guidance_scale}
Prompt Strength: {req.prompt_strength}
Use Face Correction: {req.use_face_correction}
Use Upscaling: {req.use_upscale}
Sampler: {req.sampler}
Negative Prompt: {req.negative_prompt}
Stable Diffusion model: {req.use_stable_diffusion_model + '.ckpt'}
VAE model: {req.vae_model}
with open(meta_out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
print('could not save the file', traceback.format_exc())
def _txt2img(opt_W, opt_H, opt_n_samples, opt_ddim_steps, opt_scale, start_code, opt_C, opt_f, opt_ddim_eta, c, uc, opt_seed, img_callback, mask, sampler_name):
shape = [opt_n_samples, opt_C, opt_H // opt_f, opt_W // opt_f]
# Send to CPU and wait until complete.
wait_model_move_to(thread_data.modelCS, 'cpu')
if sampler_name == 'ddim':
thread_data.model.make_schedule(ddim_num_steps=opt_ddim_steps, ddim_eta=opt_ddim_eta, verbose=False)
samples_ddim = thread_data.model.sample(
sampler = sampler_name,
yield from samples_ddim
def _img2img(init_latent, t_enc, batch_size, opt_scale, c, uc, opt_ddim_steps, opt_ddim_eta, opt_seed, img_callback, mask):
# encode (scaled latent)
z_enc = thread_data.model.stochastic_encode(
torch.tensor([t_enc] * batch_size).to(thread_data.device),
x_T = None if mask is None else init_latent
# decode it
samples_ddim = thread_data.model.sample(
sampler = 'ddim'
yield from samples_ddim
def gc():
if thread_data.device == 'cpu':
# internal
def chunk(it, size):
it = iter(it)
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), ())
def load_model_from_config(ckpt, verbose=False):
print(f"Loading model from {ckpt}")
pl_sd = torch.load(ckpt, map_location="cpu")
if "global_step" in pl_sd:
print(f"Global Step: {pl_sd['global_step']}")
sd = pl_sd["state_dict"]
return sd
# utils
class UserInitiatedStop(Exception):
def load_img(img_str, w0, h0):
image = base64_str_to_img(img_str).convert("RGB")
w, h = image.size
print(f"loaded input image of size ({w}, {h}) from base64")
if h0 is not None and w0 is not None:
h, w = h0, w0
w, h = map(lambda x: x - x % 64, (w, h)) # resize to integer multiple of 64
image = image.resize((w, h), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
image = image[None].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
image = torch.from_numpy(image)
return 2.*image - 1.
def load_mask(mask_str, h0, w0, newH, newW, invert=False):
image = base64_str_to_img(mask_str).convert("RGB")
w, h = image.size
print(f"loaded input mask of size ({w}, {h})")
if invert:
image = ImageOps.invert(image)
# where_0, where_1 = np.where(image == 0), np.where(image == 255)
# image[where_0], image[where_1] = 255, 0
if h0 is not None and w0 is not None:
h, w = h0, w0
w, h = map(lambda x: x - x % 64, (w, h)) # resize to integer multiple of 64
print(f"New mask size ({w}, {h})")
image = image.resize((newW, newH), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
image = np.array(image)
image = image.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
image = image[None].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
image = torch.from_numpy(image)
return image
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/61114178
def img_to_base64_str(img, output_format="PNG"):
buffered = BytesIO()
img.save(buffered, format=output_format)
img_byte = buffered.getvalue()
img_str = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode(img_byte).decode()
return img_str
def base64_str_to_buffer(img_str):
img_str = img_str[len("data:image/png;base64,"):]
data = base64.b64decode(img_str)
buffered = BytesIO(data)
return buffered
def base64_str_to_img(img_str):
buffered = base64_str_to_buffer(img_str)
img = Image.open(buffered)
return img