2022-10-26 11:28:45 +05:30

50 lines
2.3 KiB

@echo off
@echo "Hi there, what you are running is meant for the developers of this project, not for users." & echo.
@echo "If you only want to use the Stable Diffusion UI, you've downloaded the wrong file."
@echo "Please download and follow the instructions at https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui#installation" & echo.
@echo "If you are actually a developer of this project, please type Y and press enter" & echo.
set /p answer=Are you a developer of this project (Y/N)?
if /i "%answer:~,1%" NEQ "Y" exit /b
mkdir dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts
mkdir dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts
@rem copy the installer files for Windows
copy scripts\on_env_start.bat dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts\
copy scripts\bootstrap.bat dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts\
copy "scripts\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\
copy LICENSE dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\
copy "CreativeML Open RAIL-M License" dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\
copy "How to install and run.txt" dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\
echo. > dist\win\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts\install_status.txt
@rem copy the installer files for Linux and Mac
copy scripts\on_env_start.sh dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts\
copy scripts\bootstrap.sh dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts\
copy scripts\start.sh dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\
copy LICENSE dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\
copy "CreativeML Open RAIL-M License" dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\
copy "How to install and run.txt" dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\
echo. > dist\linux-mac\stable-diffusion-ui\scripts\install_status.txt
@rem make the zip
cd dist\win
call powershell Compress-Archive -Path stable-diffusion-ui -DestinationPath ..\stable-diffusion-ui-win-x64.zip
cd ..\..
cd dist\linux-mac
call powershell Compress-Archive -Path stable-diffusion-ui -DestinationPath ..\stable-diffusion-ui-linux-x64.zip
call powershell Compress-Archive -Path stable-diffusion-ui -DestinationPath ..\stable-diffusion-ui-linux-arm64.zip
call powershell Compress-Archive -Path stable-diffusion-ui -DestinationPath ..\stable-diffusion-ui-mac-x64.zip
call powershell Compress-Archive -Path stable-diffusion-ui -DestinationPath ..\stable-diffusion-ui-mac-arm64.zip
cd ..\..
echo "Build ready. Upload the zip files inside the 'dist' folder."