mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 02:40:56 +01:00
524 lines
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524 lines
20 KiB
import json
import traceback
import sys
import os
SD_DIR = os.getcwd()
print('started in ', SD_DIR)
SD_UI_DIR = os.getenv('SD_UI_PATH', None)
CONFIG_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SD_UI_DIR, '..', 'scripts'))
MODELS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SD_DIR, '..', 'models'))
OUTPUT_DIRNAME = "Stable Diffusion UI" # in the user's home folder
TASK_TTL = 15 * 60 * 1000 # Discard last session's task timeout
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from starlette.responses import FileResponse, JSONResponse, StreamingResponse
from pydantic import BaseModel
import logging
import queue, threading, time
from typing import Any, Generator, Hashable, Optional, Union
from sd_internal import Request, Response
app = FastAPI()
modifiers_cache = None
outpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), OUTPUT_DIRNAME)
# don't show access log entries for URLs that start with the given prefix
ACCESS_LOG_SUPPRESS_PATH_PREFIXES = ['/ping', '/image', '/modifier-thumbnails']
NOCACHE_HEADERS={"Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Expires": "0"}
app.mount('/media', StaticFiles(directory=os.path.join(SD_UI_DIR, 'media/')), name="media")
class SymbolClass(type): # Print nicely formatted Symbol names.
def __repr__(self): return self.__qualname__
def __str__(self): return self.__name__
class Symbol(metaclass=SymbolClass): pass
class ServerStates:
class Init(Symbol): pass
class LoadingModel(Symbol): pass
class Online(Symbol): pass
class Rendering(Symbol): pass
class Unavailable(Symbol): pass
class RenderTask(): # Task with output queue and completion lock.
def __init__(self, req: Request):
self.request: Request = req # Initial Request
self.response: Any = None # Copy of the last reponse
self.temp_images:[] = [None] * req.num_outputs * (1 if req.show_only_filtered_image else 2)
self.error: Exception = None
self.lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock() # Locks at task start and unlocks when task is completed
self.buffer_queue: queue.Queue = queue.Queue() # Queue of JSON string segments
current_state = ServerStates.Init
current_state_error:Exception = None
current_model_path = None
tasks_queue = queue.Queue()
# defaults from https://huggingface.co/blog/stable_diffusion
class ImageRequest(BaseModel):
session_id: str = "session"
prompt: str = ""
negative_prompt: str = ""
init_image: str = None # base64
mask: str = None # base64
num_outputs: int = 1
num_inference_steps: int = 50
guidance_scale: float = 7.5
width: int = 512
height: int = 512
seed: int = 42
prompt_strength: float = 0.8
sampler: str = None # "ddim", "plms", "heun", "euler", "euler_a", "dpm2", "dpm2_a", "lms"
# allow_nsfw: bool = False
save_to_disk_path: str = None
turbo: bool = True
use_cpu: bool = False
use_full_precision: bool = False
use_face_correction: str = None # or "GFPGANv1.3"
use_upscale: str = None # or "RealESRGAN_x4plus" or "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B"
use_stable_diffusion_model: str = "sd-v1-4"
show_only_filtered_image: bool = False
output_format: str = "jpeg" # or "png"
stream_progress_updates: bool = False
stream_image_progress: bool = False
# Temporary cache to allow to query tasks results for a short time after they are completed.
class TaskCache():
def __init__(self):
self._base = dict()
def _get_ttl_time(self, ttl: int) -> int:
return int(time.time()) + ttl
def _is_expired(self, timestamp: int) -> bool:
return int(time.time()) >= timestamp
def clean(self) -> None:
for key in self._base:
ttl, _ = self._base[key]
if self._is_expired(ttl):
del self._base[key]
def clear(self) -> None:
def delete(self, key: Hashable) -> bool:
if key not in self._base:
return False
del self._base[key]
return True
def keep(self, key: Hashable, ttl: int) -> bool:
if key in self._base:
_, value = self._base.get(key)
self._base[key] = (self._get_ttl_time(ttl), value)
return True
return False
def put(self, key: Hashable, value: Any, ttl: int) -> bool:
self._base[key] = (
self._get_ttl_time(ttl), value
except Exception:
return False
return True
def tryGet(self, key: Hashable) -> Any:
ttl, value = self._base.get(key, (None, None))
if ttl is not None and self._is_expired(ttl):
return None
return value
task_cache = TaskCache()
class SetAppConfigRequest(BaseModel):
update_branch: str = "main"
def read_root():
return FileResponse(os.path.join(SD_UI_DIR, 'index.html'), headers=NOCACHE_HEADERS)
def preload_model(file_path=None):
global current_state, current_state_error, current_model_path
if file_path == None:
file_path = get_initial_model_to_load()
if file_path == current_model_path:
current_state = ServerStates.LoadingModel
from sd_internal import runtime
current_model_path = file_path
current_state_error = None
current_state = ServerStates.Online
except Exception as e:
current_model_path = None
current_state_error = e
current_state = ServerStates.Unavailable
def thread_render():
global current_state, current_state_error, current_model_path
from sd_internal import runtime
current_state = ServerStates.Online
while True:
if isinstance(current_state_error, SystemExit):
current_state = ServerStates.Unavailable
task = None
task = tasks_queue.get(timeout=1)
except queue.Empty as e:
if isinstance(current_state_error, SystemExit):
current_state = ServerStates.Unavailable
else: continue
#if current_model_path != task.request.use_stable_diffusion_model:
# preload_model(task.request.use_stable_diffusion_model)
if current_state_error:
task.error = current_state_error
print(f'Session {task.request.session_id} starting task {id(task)}')
res = runtime.mk_img(task.request)
if current_model_path == task.request.use_stable_diffusion_model:
current_state = ServerStates.Rendering
current_state = ServerStates.LoadingModel
except Exception as e:
task.error = e
dataQueue = None
if task.request.stream_progress_updates:
dataQueue = task.buffer_queue
for result in res:
if current_state == ServerStates.LoadingModel:
current_state = ServerStates.Rendering
current_model_path = task.request.use_stable_diffusion_model
if isinstance(current_state_error, SystemExit) or isinstance(current_state_error, StopAsyncIteration) or isinstance(task.error, StopAsyncIteration):
runtime.stop_processing = True
if isinstance(current_state_error, StopAsyncIteration):
task.error = current_state_error
current_state_error = None
print(f'Session {task.request.session_id} sent cancel signal for task {id(task)}')
if dataQueue:
if isinstance(result, str):
result = json.loads(result)
task.response = result
if 'output' in result:
for out_obj in result['output']:
if 'path' in out_obj:
img_id = out_obj['path'][out_obj['path'].rindex('/') + 1:]
task.temp_images[int(img_id)] = runtime.temp_images[out_obj['path'][11:]]
elif 'data' in out_obj:
task.temp_images[result['output'].index(out_obj)] = out_obj['data']
task_cache.keep(task.request.session_id, TASK_TTL)
# Task completed
task_cache.keep(task.request.session_id, TASK_TTL)
if isinstance(task.error, StopAsyncIteration):
print(f'Session {task.request.session_id} task {id(task)} cancelled!')
elif task.error is not None:
print(f'Session {task.request.session_id} task {id(task)} failed!')
print(f'Session {task.request.session_id} task {id(task)} completed.')
current_state = ServerStates.Online
# Start Rendering Thread
render_thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_render)
render_thread.daemon = True
def shutdown_event(): # Signal render thread to close on shutdown
global current_state_error
current_state_error = SystemExit('Application shutting down.')
# needs to support the legacy installations
def get_initial_model_to_load():
custom_weight_path = os.path.join(SD_DIR, 'custom-model.ckpt')
ckpt_to_use = "sd-v1-4" if not os.path.exists(custom_weight_path) else "custom-model"
ckpt_to_use = os.path.join(SD_DIR, ckpt_to_use)
config = getConfig()
if 'model' in config and 'stable-diffusion' in config['model']:
model_name = config['model']['stable-diffusion']
model_path = resolve_model_to_use(model_name)
if os.path.exists(model_path + '.ckpt'):
ckpt_to_use = model_path
print('Could not find the configured custom model at:', model_path + '.ckpt', '. Using the default one:', ckpt_to_use + '.ckpt')
return ckpt_to_use
def resolve_model_to_use(model_name):
if model_name in ('sd-v1-4', 'custom-model'):
model_path = os.path.join(MODELS_DIR, 'stable-diffusion', model_name)
legacy_model_path = os.path.join(SD_DIR, model_name)
if not os.path.exists(model_path + '.ckpt') and os.path.exists(legacy_model_path + '.ckpt'):
model_path = legacy_model_path
model_path = os.path.join(MODELS_DIR, 'stable-diffusion', model_name)
return model_path
def save_model_to_config(model_name):
config = getConfig()
if 'model' not in config:
config['model'] = {}
config['model']['stable-diffusion'] = model_name
@app.get('/ping') # Get server and optionally session status.
def ping(session_id:str=None):
if not render_thread.is_alive(): # Render thread is dead.
if current_state_error: return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(current_state_error))
return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail='Render thread is dead.')
if current_state_error and not isinstance(current_state_error, StopAsyncIteration): return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(current_state_error))
# Alive
response = {'status': str(current_state)}
if session_id:
task = task_cache.tryGet(session_id)
if task:
response['task'] = id(task)
if task.lock.locked():
response['session'] = 'running'
elif isinstance(task.error, StopAsyncIteration):
response['session'] = 'stopped'
elif task.error:
response['session'] = 'error'
elif not task.buffer_queue.empty():
response['session'] = 'buffer'
elif task.response:
response['session'] = 'completed'
response['session'] = 'pending'
return JSONResponse(response, headers=NOCACHE_HEADERS)
def render(req : ImageRequest):
if not render_thread.is_alive(): # Render thread is dead
return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f'Rendering thread has died.') # HTTP500 Internal Server Error
# Alive, check if task in cache
task = task_cache.tryGet(req.session_id)
if task and not task.response and not task.error and not task.lock.locked(): # Unstarted task pending, deny queueing more than one.
return HTTPException(status_code=503, detail=f'Session {req.session_id} has an already pending task.') # HTTP503 Service Unavailable
from sd_internal import runtime
r = Request()
r.session_id = req.session_id
r.prompt = req.prompt
r.negative_prompt = req.negative_prompt
r.init_image = req.init_image
r.mask = req.mask
r.num_outputs = req.num_outputs
r.num_inference_steps = req.num_inference_steps
r.guidance_scale = req.guidance_scale
r.width = req.width
r.height = req.height
r.seed = req.seed
r.prompt_strength = req.prompt_strength
r.sampler = req.sampler
# r.allow_nsfw = req.allow_nsfw
r.turbo = req.turbo
r.use_cpu = req.use_cpu
r.use_full_precision = req.use_full_precision
r.save_to_disk_path = req.save_to_disk_path
r.use_upscale: str = req.use_upscale
r.use_face_correction = req.use_face_correction
r.show_only_filtered_image = req.show_only_filtered_image
r.output_format = req.output_format
r.stream_progress_updates = True # the underlying implementation only supports streaming
r.stream_image_progress = req.stream_image_progress
r.use_stable_diffusion_model = resolve_model_to_use(req.use_stable_diffusion_model)
if not req.stream_progress_updates:
r.stream_image_progress = False
new_task = RenderTask(r)
task_cache.put(r.session_id, new_task, TASK_TTL)
response = {
'status': str(current_state),
'queue': tasks_queue.qsize(),
'stream': f'/image/stream/{req.session_id}/{id(new_task)}',
'task': id(new_task)
return JSONResponse(response, headers=NOCACHE_HEADERS)
async def read_data_generator(data:queue.Queue, lock:threading.Lock):
while not data.empty():
res = data.get(block=False)
yield res
except queue.Empty as e: yield
def stream(session_id:str, task_id:int):
#TODO Move to WebSockets ??
task = task_cache.tryGet(session_id)
if not task: return HTTPException(status_code=410, detail='No request received.') # HTTP410 Gone
if (id(task) != task_id): return HTTPException(status_code=409, detail=f'Wrong task id received. Expected:{id(task)}, Received:{task_id}') # HTTP409 Conflict
if task.buffer_queue.empty() and not task.lock.locked():
if task.response:
#print(f'Session {session_id} sending cached response')
return JSONResponse(task.response, headers=NOCACHE_HEADERS)
return HTTPException(status_code=425, detail='Too Early, task not started yet.') # HTTP425 Too Early
#print(f'Session {session_id} opened live render stream {id(task.buffer_queue)}')
return StreamingResponse(read_data_generator(task.buffer_queue, task.lock), media_type='application/json')
def stop(session_id:str=None):
if not session_id:
if current_state == ServerStates.Online or current_state == ServerStates.Unavailable:
return HTTPException(status_code=409, detail='Not currently running any tasks.') # HTTP409 Conflict
global current_state_error
current_state_error = StopAsyncIteration()
return {'OK'}
task = task_cache.tryGet(session_id)
if not task: return HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f'Session {session_id} has no active task.') # HTTP404 Not Found
if isinstance(task.error, StopAsyncIteration): return HTTPException(status_code=409, detail=f'Session {session_id} task is already stopped.') # HTTP409 Conflict
task.error = StopAsyncIteration('')
return {'OK'}
def get_image(session_id, img_id):
task = task_cache.tryGet(session_id)
if not task: return HTTPException(status_code=410, detail=f'Session {session_id} has not submitted a task.') # HTTP410 Gone
if not task.temp_images[img_id]: return HTTPException(status_code=425, detail='Too Early, task data is not available yet.') # HTTP425 Too Early
img_data = task.temp_images[img_id]
if isinstance(img_data, str):
return img_data
return StreamingResponse(img_data, media_type='image/jpeg')
except KeyError as e:
return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
async def setAppConfig(req : SetAppConfigRequest):
config = {
'update_branch': req.update_branch
config_json_str = json.dumps(config)
config_bat_str = f'@set update_branch={req.update_branch}'
config_sh_str = f'export update_branch={req.update_branch}'
config_json_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'config.json')
config_bat_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'config.bat')
config_sh_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'config.sh')
with open(config_json_path, 'w') as f:
with open(config_bat_path, 'w') as f:
with open(config_sh_path, 'w') as f:
return {'OK'}
except Exception as e:
return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
def getConfig(default_val={}):
config_json_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'config.json')
if not os.path.exists(config_json_path):
return default_val
with open(config_json_path, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
return default_val
def setConfig(config):
config_json_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'config.json')
with open(config_json_path, 'w') as f:
return json.dump(config, f)
def getModels():
models = {
'active': {
'stable-diffusion': 'sd-v1-4',
'options': {
'stable-diffusion': ['sd-v1-4'],
# custom models
sd_models_dir = os.path.join(MODELS_DIR, 'stable-diffusion')
for file in os.listdir(sd_models_dir):
if file.endswith('.ckpt'):
model_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
# legacy
custom_weight_path = os.path.join(SD_DIR, 'custom-model.ckpt')
if os.path.exists(custom_weight_path):
models['active']['stable-diffusion'] = 'custom-model'
config = getConfig()
if 'model' in config and 'stable-diffusion' in config['model']:
models['active']['stable-diffusion'] = config['model']['stable-diffusion']
return models
def read_web_data(key:str=None):
if key is None: # /get without parameters, stable-diffusion easter egg.
return HTTPException(status_code=418, detail="StableDiffusion is drawing a teapot!") # HTTP418 I'm a teapot
elif key == 'app_config':
config = getConfig(default_val=None)
if config is None:
return HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Config file is missing or unreadable")
return config
elif key == 'models':
return getModels()
elif key == 'modifiers': return FileResponse(os.path.join(SD_UI_DIR, 'modifiers.json'), headers=NOCACHE_HEADERS)
elif key == 'output_dir': return {outpath}
return HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f'Request for unknown {key}') # HTTP404 Not Found
# don't log certain requests
class LogSuppressFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:
path = record.getMessage()
if path.find(prefix) != -1:
return False
return True
# start the browser ui
import webbrowser; webbrowser.open('http://localhost:9000') |