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2001-09-14 22:21:06 +02:00
Common Groupware Interface Standard
1 Scope
As many different opensource and freesoftware groupware systems
are being developed, the full realization of the dream of
a connected world must be prefaced by an agreement to interoperate.
There are limited ways in which cooperation with commercial
groupware systems may be achecived, the majority if not
all of which were derived via the establishment of open
standards. These might include email (POP3/IMAP), contacts(LDAP,vcard),
or scheduling(ical/vcal). It is felt that while these have
proven themselves to be very useful, they are insufficient
to satisfy the real needs of a typical corporate environment.
This document hopes to provide a reasonable recommendation
for a set of standardized methods to be used for groupware
services interaction. More specifically, it hopes to address
the need for such a standard as well as to spur discussion
about the common service names and methods themselves.
Examples will be given for implementations in XML-RPC, since
this standard is relatively fixed and open.
This document does not provide recommendations for the underlying
access control system which would allow or deny a particular
Also not discussed here is login and authorization to be
used for initial access to a service provider.
2 The Services
2.1 Overview
There are a few common services types that will be needed
for minimum useability of a groupware server or application.
They are:
* Contacts
* Schedule
* Notes
* Todo
These services are represented already in places such as
existing groupware client-server applications and also in
the PalmOS basic-4 buttons and applications.
Within each of these services are some common methods that
would be called to store, retreive, or update data:
* read_list
* read
* save
* delete
2.2 Detail
2.2.1 Contacts
The concept of contacts may encompass local addressbooks,
LDAP, and lists stored in other media. The purpose of the
contacts service is not to duplicate or attempt to replace
these. In some respects, it might do just that. But its
goal is more so to provide a common and shareable way for
the other core services to create, edit, and read a common
user and address list. All of the other services may use
the contact service to obtain record owner information to
be used in access control. They would also use them when
it is required to share this data, as with a meeting where
other local and non-local users will be invited to attend.
Contacts may include the local installed user base, users
on other cooperative servers, or email addresses used for
limited cooperation with other groupware services that are
not compliant with this service scheme or implementations
thereof. It could also include individuals using web-based
or local ISP email services. The scope of this document,
however, is to define the service with regard to the common
methods to be used:
* read_list
This method is used to list contacts, with or without limits,
filters, or search criteria. In this way it can be used
for simple lists or to search for contact records and their
identifiers. The optional search criteria includes:
1. start - Start at this identifier (integer: default 0)
2. limit - Limit to this number of records returned(integer:
unlimited by default)
3. fieldlist - limit to showing only these fields (array:
default to identifier, owner identifier, possibly firstname
and lastname)
4. filter - Show records that are public or private only,
or other system-specific filters, e.g group or company(string:
default '')
5. query - Search internal fieldlist for a value (string:
default '')
The return for this method includes:
1. count of number of records returned(integer)
2. array consisting of: array: identifier => (array: fieldlist
key => value pairs)
* read
Once the identifier for a single contact record is known,
the contact may be read for more detail using this method.
This takes two parameters:
1. identifier - (integer: no default)
2. fieldlist - limit to showing only these fields (array:
default to identifier, owner identifier, possibly firstname
and lastname)
And returns:
1. array consisting of: array: identifier => (array: fieldlist
key => value pairs)
* save
This is a method used to save an existing record or create
a new one. If the identifier for an existing record is not
passed, a new entry will be created.
* delete
This will allow deletion of a record by passing its identifier.
2.2.2 Schedule
2.2.3 Notes
2.2.4 Todo
2.3 Examples in XML-RPC
Query the contacts service for read_list, using only start
and limit to grab the first 5 records, starting with identifier
1. Additionally, return only the firstname and lastname
fields n_given and n_family (firstname and lastname in pseudo
vcard format):
3 Conclusion
This document outlined the following services and methods:
3.1 Contacts:
* service.contacts.read_list([search criteria])
* service.contacts.delete(identifier)
3.2 Schedule:
* service.schedule.read_list([search criteria])
* service.schedule.delete(identifier)
3.3 Notes:
* service.notes.read_list([search criteria])
* service.notes.delete(identifier)
3.4 Todo:
* service.todo.read_list(search criteria)
* service.todo.delete(identifier)