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* EGroupware - eTemplate serverside implementation of the nextmatch widget
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright 2002-11 by
* @version $Id$
* eTemplate serverside implementation of the nextmatch widget
* $content[$id] = array( // I = value set by the app, 0 = value on return / output
* 'get_rows' => // I method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. ''
* 'filter_label' => // I label for filter (optional)
* 'filter_help' => // I help-msg for filter (optional)
* 'no_filter' => True// I disable the 1. filter
* 'no_filter2' => True// I disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter)
* 'no_cat' => True// I disable the cat-selectbox
2013-05-29 21:12:14 +02:00
* 'cat_app' => // I application the cat's should be from, default app in get_rows
* 'cat_is_select' => // I true||'no_lang' use selectbox instead of category selection, default null
* 'template' => // I template to use for the rows, if not set via options
* 'header_left' => // I template to show left of the range-value, left-aligned (optional)
* 'header_right' => // I template to show right of the range-value, right-aligned (optional)
* 'bottom_too' => True// I show the nextmatch-line (arrows, filters, search, ...) again after the rows
* 'never_hide' => True// I never hide the nextmatch-line if less then maxmatch entries
2013-05-29 21:12:14 +02:00
* 'lettersearch' => True// I show a lettersearch
* 'searchletter' => // IO active letter of the lettersearch or false for [all]
* 'start' => // IO position in list
* 'num_rows' => // IO number of rows to show, defaults to maxmatches from the general prefs
* 'cat_id' => // IO category, if not 'no_cat' => True
* 'search' => // IO search pattern
* 'order' => // IO name of the column to sort after (optional for the sortheaders)
* 'sort' => // IO direction of the sort: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
* 'col_filter' => // IO array of column-name value pairs (optional for the filterheaders)
* // grid requires implementation of folowing filters in get_rows, even if not used as regular filters!
* // O col_filter[$row_id] to query certain rows only
* // O col_filter[$parent_id] row_id of parent to query children for hierachical display
* 'filter' => // IO filter, if not 'no_filter' => True
* 'filter_no_lang' => True// I set no_lang for filter (=dont translate the options)
* 'filter_onchange'=> 'this.form.submit();' // I onChange action for filter, default: this.form.submit();
* 'filter2' => // IO filter2, if not 'no_filter2' => True
* 'filter2_no_lang'=> True// I set no_lang for filter2 (=dont translate the options)
* 'filter2_onchange'=> 'this.form.submit();' // I onChange action for filter2, default: this.form.submit();
* 'rows' => // O content set by callback
* 'total' => // O the total number of entries
* 'sel_options' => // O additional or changed sel_options set by the callback and merged into $tmpl->sel_options
* 'no_columnselection' => // I turns off the columnselection completly, turned on by default
* 'columnselection-pref' => // I name of the preference (plus 'nextmatch-' prefix), default = template-name
* 'default_cols' => // I columns to use if there's no user or default pref (! as first char uses all but the named columns), default all columns
* 'options-selectcols' => // I array with name/label pairs for the column-selection, this gets autodetected by default. A name => false suppresses a column completly.
2013-05-29 21:12:14 +02:00
* 'return' => // IO allows to return something from the get_rows function if $query is a var-param!
* 'csv_fields' => // I false=disable csv export, true or unset=enable it with auto-detected fieldnames or preferred importexport definition,
* array with name=>label or name=>array('label'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs (type is a eT widget-type)
* or name of import/export definition
* 'row_id' => // I key into row content to set it's value as row-id, eg. 'id'
* 'row_modified' => // I key into row content for modification date or state of a row, to not query it again
* 'parent_id' => // I key into row content of children linking them to their parent, also used as col_filter to query children
* 'is_parent' => // I key into row content to mark a row to have children
* 'is_parent_value'=> // I if set value of is_parent, otherwise is_parent is evaluated as boolean
* 'dataStorePrefix' => // I Optional prefix for client side cache to prevent collisions in applications that have more than one data set, such as ProjectManager / Project elements. Defaults to appname if not set.
* 'actions' => // I array with actions, see nextmatch_widget::egw_actions
* 'action_links' => // I array with enabled actions or ones which should be checked if they are enabled
* optional, default id of all first level actions plus the ones with enabled='javaScript:...'
* 'action_var' => 'action' // I name of var to return choosen action, default 'action'
* 'action' => // O string selected action
* 'selected' => // O array with selected id's
* 'checkboxes' => // O array with checkbox id as key and boolean checked value
* 'select_all' => // O boolean value of select_all checkbox, reference to above value for key 'select_all'
* 'favorites' => // I boolean|array True to enable favorites, or an array of additional, app specific settings to include
* in the saved filters (eg: pm_id)
2013-03-13 19:42:03 +01:00
* 'placeholder' => // I String Optional text to display in the empty row placeholder. If not provided, it's "No matches found."
2013-10-04 15:25:05 +02:00
* 'placeholder_actions' => // I Array Optional list of actions allowed on the placeholder. If not provided, it's ["add"].
class etemplate_widget_nextmatch extends etemplate_widget
public function __construct($xml='')
if($xml) {
// TODO: probably a better way to do this
* Legacy options
protected $legacy_options = 'template';
* Number of rows to send initially
const INITIAL_ROWS = 25;
* Set up what we know on the server side.
* Sending a first chunk of rows
* @param string $cname
* @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont'
public function beforeSendToClient($cname, array $expand=null)
$attrs = $this->attrs;
$form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand);
$value = self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name, true);
$value['start'] = 0;
$value['num_rows'] = self::INITIAL_ROWS;
$value['rows'] = array();
$send_value = $value;
list($app) = explode('.',$value['get_rows']);
// Check for a favorite in URL
if($_GET['favorite'] && $value['favorites'])
$safe_name = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/','_',strip_tags($_GET['favorite']));
$pref_name = "favorite_" .$safe_name;
// Do some easy applying of filters server side
$favorite = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app][$pref_name];
if(!$favorite && $_GET['favorite'] == 'blank')
// Have to go through each of these
foreach(array('search','cat_id','filter','filter2') as $filter)
$send_value[$filter] = '';
if($favorite && $favorite['filter'])
$send_value = array_merge($value, $favorite['filter']);
// Ajax call can handle the saved sort here, but this can't
$send_value['order'] = $favorite['filter']['sort']['id'];
$send_value['sort'] = $favorite['filter']['sort']['asc'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
// Make sure it's not set
// Parse sort into something that get_rows functions are expecting: db_field in order, ASC/DESC in sort
$send_value['order'] = $send_value['sort']['id'];
$send_value['sort'] = $send_value['sort']['asc'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
$total = self::call_get_rows($send_value, $send_value['rows'], self::$request->readonlys);
$value =& self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name, true);
// Add favorite here so app doesn't save it in the session
$send_value['favorite'] = $safe_name;
$value = $send_value;
$value['total'] = $total;
// Send categories
if(!$value['no_cat'] && !$value['cat_is_select'])
2011-10-03 18:02:41 +02:00
$cat_app = $value['cat_app'] ? $value['cat_app'] : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['current_app'];
$value['options-cat_id'] = array('' => lang('all')) + etemplate_widget_menupopup::typeOptions('select-cat', ',,'.$cat_app,$no_lang,false,$value['cat_id']);
// Prevent double encoding - widget does this on its own, but we're just grabbing the options
foreach($value['options-cat_id'] as &$label)
$label = html_entity_decode($label, ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');
$label['label'] = html_entity_decode($label['label'], ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');
// Favorite group for admins
if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['admin'] && $value['favorites'])
self::$request->sel_options[$form_name]['favorite']['group'] = array('all' => lang('All users')) +
foreach($value as $name => &$_value)
2012-05-24 23:30:19 +02:00
if(strpos($name, 'options-') !== false && $_value)
2012-05-24 23:30:19 +02:00
$select = substr($name, 8);
self::$request->sel_options[$select] = array();
foreach($_value as &$label)
$label = html_entity_decode($label, ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');
$label['label'] = html_entity_decode($label['label'], ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');
self::$request->sel_options[$select] += $_value;
// The client doesn't need them in content, but we can't unset them because
// some apps don't send them on re-load, pulling them from the session
2012-05-24 23:30:19 +02:00
self::$request->sel_options = array_merge(self::$request->sel_options,$value['rows']['sel_options']);
// If column selection preference is forced, set a flag to turn off UI
$pref_name = 'nextmatch-' . (isset($value['columnselection_pref']) ? $value['columnselection_pref'] : $this->attrs['template']);
$value['no_columnselection'] = $value['no_columnselection'] || (
$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced[$app][$pref_name] &&
// Need to check admin too, or it will be impossible to turn off
// Use this flag to indicate to the admin that columns are forced (and that's why they can't change)
$value['columns_forced'] = (boolean)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced[$app][$pref_name];
// todo: no need to store rows in request, it's enought to send them to client
//error_log(__METHOD__."() $this: total=$value[total]");
//foreach($value['rows'] as $n => $row) error_log("$n: ".array2string($row));
// set up actions, but only if they are defined AND not already set up (run throught self::egw_actions())
if (isset($value['actions']) && !isset($value['actions'][0]))
$value['action_links'] = array();
$template_name = isset($value['template']) ? $value['template'] : $this->attrs['options'];
if (!is_array($value['action_links'])) $value['action_links'] = array();
$value['actions'] = self::egw_actions($value['actions'], $template_name, '', $value['action_links']);
* Callback to fetch more rows
* Callback uses existing get_rows callback, but requires now 'row_id' to be set.
* If no 'row_modified' is set, rows cant checked for modification and therefore
* are always returned to client if in range or deleted if outside range.
* @param string $exec_id identifys the etemplate request
* @param array $queriedRange array with values for keys "start", "num_rows" and optional "refresh", "parent_id"
2011-09-27 19:58:10 +02:00
* @param array $filters Search and filter parameters, passed to data source
* @param string $form_name='nm' full id of widget incl. all namespaces
* @param array $knownUids=null uid's know to client
* @param int $lastModified=null date $knowUids last checked
* @todo for $queriedRange[refresh] first check if there's any modification since $lastModified, return $result[order]===null
* @return array with values for keys 'total', 'rows', 'readonlys', 'order', 'data' and 'lastModification'
static public function ajax_get_rows($exec_id, array $queriedRange, array $filters = array(), $form_name='nm',
array $knownUids=null, $lastModified=null)
self::$request = etemplate_request::read($exec_id);
$value = self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name, true);
2012-06-18 19:43:39 +02:00
$value = ($value) ? array($value) : array();
$value = $value_in = array_merge($value, $filters);
//error_log(__METHOD__."('".substr($exec_id,0,10)."...', range=".array2string($queriedRange).', filters='.array2string($filters).", '$form_name', knownUids=".array2string($knownUids).", lastModified=$lastModified) parent_id=$value[parent_id], is_parent=$value[is_parent]");
$result = array();
2011-10-19 00:20:27 +02:00
// Parse sort into something that get_rows functions are expecting: db_field in order, ASC/DESC in sort
2011-10-19 00:20:27 +02:00
$value['order'] = $value['sort']['id'];
$value['sort'] = $value['sort']['asc'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
2011-10-19 00:20:27 +02:00
$value['start'] = (int)$queriedRange['start'];
$value['num_rows'] = (int)$queriedRange['num_rows'];
if($value['num_rows'] == 0) $value['num_rows'] = 20;
// if app supports parent_id / hierarchy ($value['parent_id'] not empty), set parent_id as filter
if (($parent_id = $value['parent_id']))
2012-07-11 18:01:14 +02:00
// Infolog at least wants 'parent_id' instead of $parent_id
$value['col_filter'][$parent_id] = $queriedRange['parent_id'];
if ($queriedRange['parent_id']) $value['csv_export'] = 'children';
// Set current app for get_rows
list($app) = explode('.',self::$request->method);
if(!$app) list($app) = explode('::',self::$request->method);
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = $app;
// If specific data requested, just do that
2012-07-11 18:01:14 +02:00
if (($row_id = $value['row_id']) && $queriedRange['refresh'])
$value['col_filter'][$row_id] = $queriedRange['refresh'];
$value['csv_export'] = 'refresh';
$rows = $result['data'] = $result['order'] = array();
$result['total'] = self::call_get_rows($value, $rows, $result['readonlys']);
$result['lastModification'] = egw_time::to('now', 'ts')-1;
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header']) && self::$request->app_header != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'])
self::$request->app_header = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'];
egw_json_response::get()->apply('egw_app_header', array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header']));
// Check for anything changed in the query
// Tell the client about the changes
$request_value =& self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name,true);
$changes = $no_rows = false;
foreach($value_in as $key => $original_value)
// These keys are ignored
if(in_array($key, array('col_filter','start','num_rows','total','order','sort')))
if($original_value == $value[$key]) continue;
// These keys we don't send row data back, as they cause a partial reload
if(in_array($key, array('template'))) $no_rows = true;
$changes = true;
$request_value[$key] = $value[$key];
egw_json_response::get()->generic('assign', array(
'etemplate_exec_id' => $exec_id,
'id' => $form_name,
'key' => $key,
'value' => $value[$key],
// Request doesn't handle changing by reference, so force it
$content = self::$request->content;
self::$request->content = array();
self::$request->content = $content;
if($no_rows) $rows = Array();
$row_id = isset($value['row_id']) ? $value['row_id'] : 'id';
$row_modified = $value['row_modified'];
$is_parent = $value['is_parent'];
$is_parent_value = $value['is_parent_value'];
foreach($rows as $n => $row)
$kUkey = false;
if (is_int($n) && $row)
if (!isset($row[$row_id])) unset($row_id); // unset default row_id of 'id', if not used
if (!isset($row[$row_modified])) unset($row_modified);
$id = $row_id ? $row[$row_id] : $n;
$result['order'][] = $id;
// check if we need to send the data
if (!$row_id || !$knownUids || ($kUkey = array_search($id, $knownUids)) === false ||
!$lastModified || !isset($row[$row_modified]) || $row[$row_modified] > $lastModified)
if ($parent_id) // if app supports parent_id / hierarchy, set parent_id and is_parent
$row['is_parent'] = isset($is_parent_value) ?
$row[$is_parent] == $is_parent_value : (boolean)$row[$is_parent];
$row['parent_id'] = $row[$parent_id]; // seems NOT used on client!
$result['data'][$id] = $row;
if ($kUkey !== false) unset($knownUids[$kUkey]);
else // non-row data set by get_rows method
$result['rows'][$n] = $row;
// check knowUids outside of range for modification
if ($knownUids)
// commenting out trying to validate knowUids not returned in current list,
// as this generates a second db search and they might not be visible anyway
// --> for now we tell the grid to purge them
//if (!$row_id) // row_id not set by nextmatch user --> tell client to delete data, as we cant identify rows
foreach($knownUids as $uid)
// Just don't send it back for now
//$result['data'][$uid] = null;
//error_log(__METHOD__."() knowUids left to check ".array2string($knownUids));
// check if they are up to date: we create a query similar to csv-export without any filters
$value['csv_export'] = 'knownUids'; // do not store $value in session
$value['filter'] = $value['filter2'] = $value['cat_id'] = $value['search'] = '';
$value['col_filter'] = array($row_id => $knownUids);
// if we know name of modification column and have a last-modified date
if ($row_modified && $lastModified) // --> set filter to return only modified entries
$value['col_filter'][] = $row_modified.' > '.(int)$lastModified;
$value['start'] = 0;
$value['num_rows'] = count($knownUids);
$rows = array();
if (self::call_get_rows($value, $rows))
foreach($rows as $n => $row)
if (!is_int($n)) continue; // ignore non-row data set by get_rows method
if (!$row_modified || !isset($row[$row_modified]) ||
!isset($lastModified) || $row[$row_modified] > $lastModified)
$result['data'][$row[$row_id]] = $row;
//foreach($result as $name => $value) if ($name != 'readonlys') error_log(__METHOD__."() result['$name']=".array2string($name == 'data' ? array_keys($value) : $value));
// If etemplate_exec_id has changed, update the client side
if (($new_id = self::$request->id()) != $exec_id)
egw_json_response::get()->generic('assign', array(
'etemplate_exec_id' => $exec_id,
'id' => '',
'key' => 'etemplate_exec_id',
'value' => $new_id,
* Calling our callback
* Signature of get_rows callback is either:
* a) int get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
* b) int get_rows(&$query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
* If get_rows is called static (and php >= 5.2.3), it is always b) independent on how it's defined!
* @param array &$value
* @param array &$rows on return: rows are indexed by their row-number: $value[start], ..., $value[start]+$value[num_rows]-1
* @param array &$readonlys=null
* @param object $obj=null (internal)
* @param string|array $method=null (internal)
* @return int|boolean total items found of false on error ($value['get_rows'] not callable)
private static function call_get_rows(array &$value,array &$rows,array &$readonlys=null,$obj=null,$method=null)
if (is_null($method)) $method = $value['get_rows'];
if (is_null($obj))
// allow static callbacks
if(strpos($method,'::') !== false)
list($class,$method) = explode('::',$method);
// workaround for php < 5.2.3: do NOT call it static, but allow application code to specify static callbacks
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.2.3','>='))
$method = array($class,$method);
list($app,$class,$method) = explode('.',$value['get_rows']);
if ($class)
if (!$app && !is_object($GLOBALS[$class]))
$GLOBALS[$class] = new $class();
if (is_object($GLOBALS[$class])) // use existing instance (put there by a previous CreateObject)
$obj = $GLOBALS[$class];
$obj = CreateObject($app.'.'.$class);
2012-06-18 19:43:39 +02:00
if (!is_array($raw_rows)) $raw_rows = array();
if (!is_array($readonlys)) $readonlys = array();
if(is_callable($method)) // php5.2.3+ static call (value is always a var param!)
$total = call_user_func_array($method,array(&$value,&$raw_rows,&$readonlys));
elseif(is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj,$method))
$total = $obj->$method($value,$raw_rows,$readonlys);
$total = false; // method not callable
/* no automatic fallback to start=0
if ($method && $total && $value['start'] >= $total)
$value['start'] = 0;
$total = self::call_get_rows($value,$rows,$readonlys,$obj,$method);
// otherwise we might get stoped by max_excutiontime
if ($total > 200) @set_time_limit(0);
// remove empty rows required by old etemplate to compensate for header rows
$first = $total ? null : 0;
foreach($raw_rows as $n => $row)
// skip empty rows inserted for each header-line in old etemplate
if (is_int($n) && is_array($rows))
if (is_null($first)) $first = $n;
$rows[$n-$first+$value['start']] = $row;
elseif(!is_numeric($n)) // rows with string-keys, after numeric rows
if($n == 'sel_options')
foreach($row as $name => &$options)
foreach($options as $key => &$label)
$label = html_entity_decode($label, ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');
$rows[$n] = $row;
//error_log($value['get_rows'].'() returning '.array2string($total).', method = '.array2string($method).', value = '.array2string($value));
return $total;
* Default maximum lenght for context submenus, longer menus are put as a "More" submenu
* Return egw_actions
* The following attributes are understood for actions on eTemplate/PHP side:
* - string 'id' id of the action (set as key not attribute!)
* - string 'caption' name/label or action, get's automatic translated
* - boolean 'no_lang' do NOT translate caption, default false
* - string 'icon' icon, eg. 'edit' or 'infolog/task', if no app given app of template or API is used
* - string 'iconUrl' full url of icon, better use 'icon'
* - boolean|string 'allowOnMultiple' should action be shown if multiple lines are marked, or string 'only', default true!
* - boolean|string 'enabled' is action available, or string with javascript function to call, default true!
2013-10-07 18:12:04 +02:00
* - string 'disableClass' class name to check if action should be disabled (if presend, enabled if not)
* (add that css class in get_rows(), if row lacks rights for an action)
2013-10-07 18:12:04 +02:00
* - string 'enableClass' class name to check if action should be enabled (if present, disabled if not)
* - string 'enableId' regular expression row-id has to match to enable action
* - boolean 'hideOnDisabled' hide disabled actions, default false
* - string 'type' type of action, default 'popup' for contenxt menus, 'drag' or 'drop'
* - boolean 'default' is that action the default action, default false
* - array 'children' array with actions of submenu
* - int 'group' to group items, default all actions are in one group
2013-10-07 18:12:04 +02:00
* - string 'onExecute' javascript to run, default 'javaScript:nm_action' or eg. 'javaScript:app.myapp.someMethod'
* which runs action specified in nm_action attribute:
* - string 'nm_action'
* + 'alert' debug action, shows alert with action caption, id and id's of selected rows
* + 'submit' default action, sets nm[action], nm[selected] and nm[select_all]
* + 'location' redirects / set location.href to 'url' attribute
* + 'popup' opens popup with url given in 'url' attribute
* - string 'url' url for location or popup
* - string 'target' target for location or popup
* - string 'width' for popup
* - string 'height' for popup
* - string 'confirm' confirmation message
* - string 'confirm_multiple' confirmation message for multiple selected, defaults to 'confirm'
2013-10-07 18:12:04 +02:00
* - boolean 'postSubmit' eg. downloads need a submit via POST request not our regular Ajax submit, only works with nm_action=submit!
* @param array $actions id indexed array of actions / array with valus for keys: 'iconUrl', 'caption', 'onExecute', ...
* @param string $template_name='' name of the template, used as default for app name of images
* @param string $prefix='' prefix for ids
* @param array &$action_links=array() on return all first-level actions plus the ones with enabled='javaScript:...'
* @param int $max_length=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH automatic pagination, not for first menu level!
* @param array $default_attrs=null default attributes
* @return array
public static function egw_actions(array $actions=null, $template_name='', $prefix='', array &$action_links=array(),
$max_length=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH, array $default_attrs=null)
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."(\$actions, '$template_name', '$prefix', \$action_links, $max_length) \$actions="; _debug_array($actions);
$first_level = !$action_links; // add all first level actions
//echo "actions="; _debug_array($actions);
$egw_actions = array();
$n = 1;
$group = false;
foreach((array)$actions as $id => $action)
// in case it's only selectbox id => label pairs
if (!is_array($action)) $action = array('caption' => $action);
if ($default_attrs) $action += $default_attrs;
// Add 'Select All' after first group
if ($first_level && $group !== false && $action['group'] != $group && !$egw_actions[$prefix.'select_all'])
$egw_actions[$prefix.'select_all'] = array(
'caption' => 'Select all',
//'checkbox' => true,
'hint' => 'Select all entries',
'enabled' => true,
'shortcut' => array(
'keyCode' => 65, // A
'ctrl' => true,
'caption' => 'Ctrl+A'
'group' => $action['group'],
$action_links[] = $prefix.'select_all';
$group = $action['group'];
if (!$first_level && $n == $max_length && count($actions) > $max_length)
$id = 'more_'.count($actions); // we need a new unique id
$action = array(
'caption' => 'More',
'prefix' => $prefix,
// display rest of actions incl. current one as children
'children' => array_slice($actions, $max_length-1, count($actions)-$max_length+1, true),
//echo "*** Inserting id=$prefix$id"; _debug_array($action);
// we break at end of foreach loop, as rest of actions is already dealt with
// by putting them as children
// add all first level popup actions plus ones with enabled = 'javaScript:...' to action_links
2013-04-12 19:05:35 +02:00
if ((!isset($action['type']) || in_array($action['type'],array('popup','drag','drop'))) && // popup is the default
($first_level || substr($action['enabled'],0,11) == 'javaScript:'))
$action_links[] = $prefix.$id;
// add sub-menues
if ($action['children'])
static $inherit_attrs = array('url','popup','nm_action','onExecute','type','egw_open','allowOnMultiple','confirm','confirm_multiple');
$action['children'] = self::egw_actions($action['children'], $template_name, $action['prefix'], $action_links, $max_length,
array_intersect_key($action, array_flip($inherit_attrs)));
$action = array_diff_key($action, array_flip($inherit_attrs));
// link or popup action
if ($action['url'])
$action['url'] = egw::link('/index.php',str_replace('$action',$id,$action['url']));
if ($action['popup'])
list($action['data']['width'],$action['data']['height']) = explode('x',$action['popup']);
$action['data']['nm_action'] = 'popup';
$action['data']['nm_action'] = 'location';
if ($action['egw_open'])
$action['data']['nm_action'] = 'egw_open';
$egw_actions[$prefix.$id] = $action;
if (!$first_level && $n++ == $max_length) break;
//echo "egw_actions="; _debug_array($egw_actions);
return $egw_actions;
* Action with submenu for categories
* Automatic switch to hierarchical display, if more then $max_cats_flat=14 cats found.
* @param string $app
* @param int $group=0 see self::egw_actions
* @param string $caption='Change category'
* @param string $prefix='cat_' prefix category id to get action id
* @param boolean $globals=true application global categories too
* @param int $parent_id=0 only returns cats of a certain parent
* @param int $max_cats_flat=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH use hierarchical display if more cats
* @return array like self::egw_actions
public static function category_action($app, $group=0, $caption='Change category',
$prefix='cat_', $globals=true, $parent_id=0, $max_cats_flat=self::DEFAULT_MAX_MENU_LENGTH)
$cat = new categories(null,$app);
$cats = $cat->return_sorted_array($start=0, $limit=false, $query='', $sort='ASC', $order='cat_name', $globals, $parent_id, $unserialize_data=true);
// if more then max_length cats, switch automatically to hierarchical display
if (count($cats) > $max_cats_flat)
$cat_actions = self::category_hierarchy($cats, $prefix, $parent_id);
else // flat, indented categories
$cat_actions = array();
foreach((array)$cats as $cat)
$name = str_repeat('&nbsp;',2*$cat['level']) . stripslashes($cat['name']);
if (categories::is_global($cat)) $name .= ' &#9830;';
$cat_actions[$cat['id']] = array(
'caption' => $name,
'no_lang' => true,
// add category icon
if ($cat['data']['icon'] && file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/images/'.basename($cat['data']['icon'])))
$cat_actions[$cat['id']]['iconUrl'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/images/'.$cat['data']['icon'];
return array(
'caption' => $caption,
'children' => $cat_actions,
'enabled' => (boolean)$cat_actions,
'group' => $group,
'prefix' => $prefix,
* Return one level of the category hierarchy
* @param array $cats=null all cats if already read
* @param string $prefix='cat_' prefix category id to get action id
* @param int $parent_id=0 only returns cats of a certain parent
* @return array
private static function category_hierarchy(array $cats, $prefix, $parent_id=0)
$cat_actions = array();
foreach($cats as $key => $cat)
// current hierarchy level
if ($cat['parent'] == $parent_id)
$name = stripslashes($cat['name']);
if (categories::is_global($cat)) $name .= ' &#9830;';
$cat_actions[$cat['id']] = array(
'caption' => $name,
'no_lang' => true,
'prefix' => $prefix,
// add category icon
if ($cat['data']['icon'] && file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/images/'.basename($cat['data']['icon'])))
$cat_actions[$cat['id']]['iconUrl'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/images/'.$cat['data']['icon'];
// direct children
$cat_actions['sub_'.$cat['parent']] = $cat_actions[$cat['parent']];
// have to add category itself to children, to be able to select it!
$cat_actions[$cat['parent']]['group'] = -1; // own group on top
$cat_actions['sub_'.$cat['parent']]['children'] = array(
$cat['parent'] => $cat_actions[$cat['parent']],
)+self::category_hierarchy($cats, $prefix, $cat['parent']);
return $cat_actions;
* Validate input
* Following attributes get checked:
* - needed: value must NOT be empty
* - min, max: int and float widget only
* - maxlength: maximum length of string (longer strings get truncated to allowed size)
* - preg: perl regular expression incl. delimiters (set by default for int, float and colorpicker)
* - int and float get casted to their type
* @param string $cname current namespace
* @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont'
* @param array $content
* @param array &$validated=array() validated content
public function validate($cname, array $expand, array $content, &$validated=array())
$form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand);
$value = self::get_array($content, $form_name);
list($app) = explode('.',$this->attrs['template']);
// On client, rows does not get its own namespace, but all apps are expecting it
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
$value['rows'] = $value;
// Legacy support - action popups were not properly namespaced
$preserve = self::get_array(self::$request->preserv, $form_name);
if($value[$preserve['action_var']] && $content[$value[$preserve['action_var']].'_popup'])
$validated += $content[$value[$preserve['action_var']].'_popup'];
// Save current column settings as default, clear, or force (admins only)
if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] && $app)
$pref_name = 'nextmatch-' . (isset($value['columnselection_pref']) ? $value['columnselection_pref'] : $this->attrs['template']);
$refresh_pref_name = $pref_name.'-autorefresh';
$pref_level = $value['nm_col_preference'] == 'force' ? 'forced' : 'default';
// Clear forced pref before setting default
if($pref_level != 'forced')
// Set columns + refresh as default for all users
// Columns included in submit, preference might not be updated yet
$cols = $value['selectcols'];
$prefs = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read();
$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add($app,$pref_name,is_array($cols) ? implode(',',$cols) : $cols, $pref_level);
// Autorefresh
$refresh = $value['nm_autorefresh'];
$prefs = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read(true);
if($value['nm_col_preference'] == 'reset')
// Clear column + refresh preference so users go back to default
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
$validated[$form_name] = $value;
* Include favorites when generating the page server-side
* Use this function in your sidebox (or anywhere else, I suppose) to
* get the favorite list when a nextmatch is _not_ on the page. If
* a nextmatch is on the page, it will update / replace this list.
* @param $app String Current application, needed to find preferences
* @param $default String Preference name for default favorite
* @return String HTML fragment for the list
public static function favorite_list($app, $default)
if(!$app) return '';
$target = 'favorite_sidebox_'.$app;
$pref_prefix = 'favorite_';
$filters = array(
'blank' => array(
'name' => lang('No filters'),
2013-03-18 16:43:22 +01:00
'filters' => array(),
'group' => true
$default_filter = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app][$default];
if(!$default_filter) $default_filter = "blank";
$html = "<span id='$target' class='ui-helper-clearfix sidebox-favorites'><ul class='ui-menu ui-widget-content ui-corner-all favorites' role='listbox'>\n";
foreach($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$app] as $pref_name => $pref)
if(strpos($pref_name, $pref_prefix) === 0)
$filters[substr($pref_name,strlen($pref_prefix))] = $pref;
foreach($filters as $name => $filter)
$href = egw::link('/index.php', (array)egw_link::get_registry($app,'list') + array('favorite'=>$name),$app);
$html .= "<li id='$name' class='ui-menu-item' role='menuitem'>\n";
$html .= "<a href=\"$href\" class='ui-corner-all' tabindex='-1'>";
$html .= "<div class='" . ($name == $default_filter ? 'ui-icon ui-icon-heart' : 'sideboxstar') . "'></div>".
$filter['name'] .($filter['group'] != false ? "" :"");
$html .= "</a></li>\n";
$html .= '</ul></span>';
return $html;
* Create or delete a favorite for multiple users
* Need to be an admin or it will just do nothing quietly
* @param $app Current application, needed to save preference
* @param $name String Name of the favorite
* @param $action String add or delete
* @param $group int|String ID of the group to create the favorite for, or All for all users
* @param $filters Array of key => value pairs for the filter
* @return boolean Success
public static function ajax_set_favorite($app, $name, $action, $group, $filters = array())
// Only use alphanumeric for preference name, so it can be used directly as DOM ID
$name = strip_tags($name);
$pref_name = "favorite_".preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/','_',$name);
if($group && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['admin'])
$prefs = new preferences(is_numeric($group) ? $group: $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']);
2013-08-20 13:13:42 +02:00
$prefs = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences;
$type = 'user';
$type = $group == "all" ? "default" : "user";
if($action == "add")
$filters = array(
// This is the name as user entered it, minus tags
'name' => $name,
'group' => $group ? $group : false,
'filter' => $filters
$result = $prefs->add($app,$pref_name,$filters,$type);
// Update preferences client side, or it could disappear
$pref = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read_repository(false);
$pref = $pref[$app];
if(!$pref) $pref = Array();
egw_json_response::get()->script('window.egw.set_preferences('.json_encode($pref).', "'.$app.'");');
return isset($result[$app][$pref_name]);
else if ($action == "delete")
$result = $prefs->delete($app,$pref_name, $type);
// Update preferences client side, or it could come back
$pref = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read_repository(false);
$pref = $pref[$app];
2013-08-20 13:13:42 +02:00
if(!$pref) $pref = Array();
egw_json_response::get()->script('window.egw.set_preferences('.json_encode($pref).', "'.$app.'");');
return !isset($result[$app][$pref_name]);
* Run a given method on all children
* Reimplemented to add namespace, and make sure row template gets included
* @param string $method_name
* @param array $params=array('') parameter(s) first parameter has to be cname, second $expand!
* @param boolean $respect_disabled=false false (default): ignore disabled, true: method is NOT run for disabled widgets AND their children
public function run($method_name, $params=array(''), $respect_disabled=false)
$old_param0 = $params[0];
$cname =& $params[0];
// Need this check or the headers will get involved too
if($this->type == 'nextmatch')
parent::run($method_name, $params, $respect_disabled);
if ($this->id) $cname = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $params[1]);
if ($this->attrs['template'])
$row_template = etemplate_widget_template::instance($this->attrs['template']);
$row_template->run($method_name, $params, $respect_disabled);
$params[0] = $old_param0;
// Prevent troublesome keys from breaking the nextmatch
// TODO: Figure out where these come from
foreach(array('$row','${row}', '$', '0','1','2') as $key)
if(is_array(self::$request->content[$cname])) unset(self::$request->content[$cname][$key]);
if(is_array(self::$request->preserve[$cname])) unset(self::$request->preserve[$cname][$key]);
* Refresh given rows for specified change
* Change type parameters allows for quicker refresh then complete server side reload:
* - edit: send just modified data from given rows
* - delete: just send null for given rows to clientside (no backend call neccessary)
* - add: requires full reload
* @param array|string $row_ids rows to refresh
* @param string $type='edit' "edit" (default), "delete" or "add"
public function refresh($row_ids, $type='edit')
throw new Exception('Not yet implemented');
// Registration needs to go here, otherwise customfields won't be loaded until some other cf shows up
etemplate_widget::registerWidget('etemplate_widget_customfields', array('nextmatch-customfields'));
* Extend selectbox so select options get parsed properly before being sent to client
class etemplate_widget_nextmatch_filterheader extends etemplate_widget_menupopup
* Extend selectbox and change type so proper users / groups get loaded, according to preferences
class etemplate_widget_nextmatch_accountfilter extends etemplate_widget_menupopup
public function set_attrs($xml)
2013-08-20 13:13:42 +02:00
$this->attrs['type'] = 'select-account';
* A filter widget that fakes another (select) widget and turns it into a nextmatch filter widget.
class etemplate_widget_nextmatch_customfilter extends etemplate_widget_transformer
2013-03-25 22:43:35 +01:00
protected $legacy_options = 'type,widget_options';
* Fill type options in self::$request->sel_options to be used on the client
* @param string $cname
public function beforeSendToClient($cname)
2013-03-25 22:43:35 +01:00
case "link-entry":
2013-03-25 22:43:35 +01:00
self::$transformation['type'] = $this->attrs['type'] = 'nextmatch-entryheader';
list($type, $subtype) = explode('-',$this->attrs['type'],2);
if($type == 'select')
$this->attrs['type'] = 'nextmatch-filterheader';
2013-03-25 22:43:35 +01:00
self::$transformation['type'] = $this->attrs['type'];
$form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand);
2013-03-25 22:43:35 +01:00
$this->setElementAttribute($form_name, 'options', trim($this->attrs['widget_options']) != '' ? $this->attrs['widget_options'] : '');
2013-03-25 22:43:35 +01:00
$this->setElementAttribute($form_name, 'type', $this->attrs['type']);