invalidHeight:'Height must be a number.',// MISSING
invalidWidth:'Width must be a number.',// MISSING
invalidCssLength:'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',// MISSING
invalidHtmlLength:'Value specified for the "%1" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).',// MISSING
invalidInlineStyle:'Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of "name : value", separated by semi-colons.',// MISSING
cssLengthTooltip:'Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).',// MISSING
// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
invalidWidth:'Cell width must be a number.',// MISSING
invalidHeight:'Cell height must be a number.',// MISSING
invalidRowSpan:'Rows span must be a whole number.',// MISSING
invalidColSpan:'Columns span must be a whole number.',// MISSING
chooseColor:'Choose'// MISSING
menu:'Row',// MISSING
insertBefore:'Insert Row Before',// MISSING
insertAfter:'Insert Row After',// MISSING
deleteRow:'Briši redove'
menu:'Column',// MISSING
insertBefore:'Insert Column Before',// MISSING
insertAfter:'Insert Column After',// MISSING
deleteColumn:'Briši kolone'
// Button Dialog.
title:'Button Properties',// MISSING
text:'Text (Value)',// MISSING
type:'Type',// MISSING
typeBtn:'Button',// MISSING
typeSbm:'Submit',// MISSING
typeRst:'Reset'// MISSING
// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs.
checkboxTitle:'Checkbox Properties',// MISSING
radioTitle:'Radio Button Properties',// MISSING
value:'Value',// MISSING
selected:'Selected'// MISSING
// Form Dialog.
title:'Form Properties',// MISSING
menu:'Form Properties',// MISSING
action:'Action',// MISSING
method:'Method',// MISSING
encoding:'Encoding'// MISSING
// Select Field Dialog.
title:'Selection Field Properties',// MISSING
selectInfo:'Select Info',// MISSING
opAvail:'Available Options',// MISSING
value:'Value',// MISSING
size:'Size',// MISSING
lines:'lines',// MISSING
chkMulti:'Allow multiple selections',// MISSING
opText:'Text',// MISSING
opValue:'Value',// MISSING
btnAdd:'Add',// MISSING
btnModify:'Modify',// MISSING
btnUp:'Up',// MISSING
btnDown:'Down',// MISSING
btnSetValue:'Set as selected value',// MISSING
btnDelete:'Delete'// MISSING
// Textarea Dialog.
title:'Textarea Properties',// MISSING
cols:'Columns',// MISSING
rows:'Rows'// MISSING
// Text Field Dialog.
title:'Text Field Properties',// MISSING
name:'Name',// MISSING
value:'Value',// MISSING
charWidth:'Character Width',// MISSING
maxChars:'Maximum Characters',// MISSING
type:'Type',// MISSING
typeText:'Text',// MISSING
typePass:'Password'// MISSING
// Hidden Field Dialog.
title:'Hidden Field Properties',// MISSING
name:'Name',// MISSING
value:'Value'// MISSING
// Image Dialog.
title:'Svojstva slike',
titleButton:'Image Button Properties',// MISSING
menu:'Svojstva slike',
infoTab:'Info slike',
btnUpload:'Šalji na server',
alt:'Tekst na slici',
lockRatio:'Zakljuèaj odnos',
resetSize:'Resetuj dimenzije',
alertUrl:'Molimo ukucajte URL od slike.',
linkTab:'Link',// MISSING
button2Img:'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?',// MISSING
img2Button:'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?',// MISSING
urlMissing:'Image source URL is missing.',// MISSING
validateBorder:'Border must be a whole number.',// MISSING
validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a whole number.',// MISSING
validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a whole number.'// MISSING
// Flash Dialog
properties:'Flash Properties',// MISSING
propertiesTab:'Properties',// MISSING
title:'Flash Properties',// MISSING
chkPlay:'Auto Play',// MISSING
chkLoop:'Loop',// MISSING
chkMenu:'Enable Flash Menu',// MISSING
chkFull:'Allow Fullscreen',// MISSING
scale:'Scale',// MISSING
scaleAll:'Show all',// MISSING
scaleNoBorder:'No Border',// MISSING
scaleFit:'Exact Fit',// MISSING
access:'Script Access',// MISSING
accessAlways:'Always',// MISSING
accessSameDomain:'Same domain',// MISSING
accessNever:'Never',// MISSING
alignAbsBottom:'Abs dole',
alignAbsMiddle:'Abs sredina',
alignTextTop:'Vrh teksta',
quality:'Quality',// MISSING
qualityBest:'Best',// MISSING
qualityHigh:'High',// MISSING
qualityAutoHigh:'Auto High',// MISSING
qualityMedium:'Medium',// MISSING
qualityAutoLow:'Auto Low',// MISSING
qualityLow:'Low',// MISSING
windowModeWindow:'Window',// MISSING
windowModeOpaque:'Opaque',// MISSING
windowModeTransparent:'Transparent',// MISSING
windowMode:'Window mode',// MISSING
flashvars:'Variables for Flash',// MISSING
bgcolor:'Boja pozadine',
validateSrc:'Molimo ukucajte URL link',
validateHSpace:'HSpace must be a number.',// MISSING
validateVSpace:'VSpace must be a number.'// MISSING
// Speller Pages Dialog
toolbar:'Check Spelling',// MISSING
title:'Spell Check',// MISSING
notAvailable:'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',// MISSING
errorLoading:'Error loading application service host: %s.',// MISSING
notInDic:'Not in dictionary',// MISSING
changeTo:'Change to',// MISSING
btnIgnore:'Ignore',// MISSING
btnIgnoreAll:'Ignore All',// MISSING
btnReplace:'Replace',// MISSING
btnReplaceAll:'Replace All',// MISSING
btnUndo:'Undo',// MISSING
noSuggestions:'- No suggestions -',// MISSING
progress:'Spell check in progress...',// MISSING
noMispell:'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',// MISSING
noChanges:'Spell check complete: No words changed',// MISSING
oneChange:'Spell check complete: One word changed',// MISSING
manyChanges:'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',// MISSING
ieSpellDownload:'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?'// MISSING
title:'Ubaci smješka',
options:'Smiley Options'// MISSING
eleLabel:'Elements path',// MISSING
eleTitle:'%1 element'// MISSING
numberedlist:'Numerisana lista',
indent:'Poveæaj uvod',
outdent:'Smanji uvod',
left:'Lijevo poravnanje',
center:'Centralno poravnanje',
right:'Desno poravnanje',
block:'Puno poravnanje'
blockquote:'Block Quote',// MISSING
cutError:'Sigurnosne postavke vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog rezanja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+X).',
copyError:'Sigurnosne postavke Vašeg pretraživaèa ne dozvoljavaju operacije automatskog kopiranja. Molimo koristite kraticu na tastaturi (Ctrl/Cmd+C).',
pasteMsg:'Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl/Cmd+V</strong>) and hit OK',// MISSING
securityMsg:'Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.',// MISSING
pasteArea:'Paste Area'// MISSING
confirmCleanup:'The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?',// MISSING
toolbar:'Zalijepi iz Word-a',
title:'Zalijepi iz Word-a',
error:'It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error'// MISSING
button:'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst',
title:'Zalijepi kao obièan tekst'
button:'Templates',// MISSING
title:'Content Templates',// MISSING
options:'Template Options',// MISSING
insertOption:'Replace actual contents',// MISSING
selectPromptMsg:'Please select the template to open in the editor',// MISSING
mixedCase:'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',// MISSING
mixedWithDigits:'Ignore Words with Numbers',// MISSING
languagesTab:'Languages',// MISSING
dictionariesTab:'Dictionaries',// MISSING
dic_field_name:'Dictionary name',// MISSING
dic_create:'Create',// MISSING
dic_restore:'Restore',// MISSING
dic_delete:'Delete',// MISSING
dic_rename:'Rename',// MISSING
dic_info:'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.',// MISSING
aboutTab:'About'// MISSING
title:'About CKEditor',// MISSING
dlgTitle:'About CKEditor',// MISSING
help:'Check $1 for help.',// MISSING
userGuide:'CKEditor User\'s Guide',// MISSING
moreInfo:'For licensing information please visit our web site:',// MISSING