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/* ================================== */
/* Idots 2 Based on SKIN && DESKTOP Linux KDE Standard */
/* ================================== */
function skin_IDOTS2(wName) {
var frame_bgcolor = "#CCCCCC"; //"#66A9C8";
var frame_titleclass = "xDT_wTitle";
var frame_borderwidth = 1;
var taskbar_style = 2;
var frame_topheight = 20;
var frame_bottomheight = 10;
var frame_contentbgcolor = '#CCCCCC';
var frame_dummypic = xDT.resPath() + 'images/blank.gif';
var iconpath = xDT.resPath() + 'skins/IDOTS2';
var frame_stylecolor = '#fff';
var frame_border = 1;
var frame_bordertype = "outset"; // solid, outset, inset
var frame_style = 'border-top: ' + frame_border + 'px ' + frame_stylecolor + ' ' + frame_bordertype + '; ' +
'border-bottom: ' + frame_border + 'px ' + frame_stylecolor + ' ' + frame_bordertype + '; ' +
'border-left: ' + frame_border + 'px ' + frame_stylecolor + ' ' + frame_bordertype + '; ' +
'border-right: ' + frame_border + 'px ' + frame_stylecolor + ' ' + frame_bordertype + '; ';
return (
'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" height="100%" width="100%"><tr>' +
'<td align="left" valign="top" height="100%" width="100%" style="' + frame_style + '">' +
'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" height="100% width="100%" bgcolor="' + frame_bgcolor + '" >' +
'<tr><td><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="' + frame_borderwidth + '" height="' + frame_topheight + '" border="0"></td>' +
'<td width="100%" align="left" valign="middle" class="' + frame_titleclass + '" background="' + iconpath + '/wintitlebgr.png">' +
'<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>' +
'<td width="100%" align="left" valign="middle" class="' + frame_titleclass + '" style="cursor: move;"><div class="title"><img src=\"' + iconpath + '/btn_white_left.png\" class="titleleft"><span class="titlemiddle">' + xDT.prop(wName,"wTitle") + '</span><img src=\"' + iconpath + '/btn_white_right.png\" class="titleright"><div></td>' +
'<td class="' + frame_titleclass + '"><a class="" href="javascript: void(0)" onmouseover="' + "SwapImg('winmin_" + wName + "','" + iconpath + "/winmin_over.png'); " + 'xDT.prop(' + "'" + wName + "','wIcon','M1'" +')" ' + 'onmouseout="' + "SwapImg('winmin_" + wName + "','" + iconpath + "/winmin.png'); " + 'xDT.prop(' + "'" + wName + "','wIcon','M0'" + ')"'+ '><img name="winmin_' + wName + '" border="0" src="' + iconpath + '/winmin.png"></a></td>' +
'<td><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="2" border="0"></td>' +
'<td class="' + frame_titleclass + '"><a class="" href="javascript: void(0)" onmouseover="' + "SwapImg('winmax_" + wName + "','" + iconpath + "/winmax_over.png'); " + 'xDT.prop(' + "'" + wName + "','wIcon','X1'" +')" ' + 'onmouseout="' + "SwapImg('winmax_" + wName + "','" + iconpath + "/winmax.png'); " + 'xDT.prop(' + "'" + wName + "','wIcon','X0'" + ')"'+ '><img name="winmax_' + wName + '" border="0" src="' + iconpath + '/winmax.png"></a></td>' +
'<td><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="2" border="0"></td>' +
'<td class="' + frame_titleclass + '"><a class="" href="javascript: void(0)" onmouseover="' + "SwapImg('winclose_" + wName + "','" + iconpath + "/winclose_over.png'); " + 'xDT.prop(' + "'" + wName + "','wIcon','C1'" +')" ' + 'onmouseout="' + "SwapImg('winclose_" + wName + "','" + iconpath + "/winclose.png'); " + 'xDT.prop(' + "'" + wName + "','wIcon','C0'" + ')"'+ '><img name="winclose_' + wName + '" border="0" src="' + iconpath + '/winclose.png"></a></td>' +
'</tr></table>' +
'</td>' +
'<td style="cursor: se-resize;"><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="' + frame_borderwidth + '" height="' + frame_topheight + ' border="0"></td></tr>' +
'<tr><td style="cursor: move;"><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="' + frame_borderwidth + '" border="0"></td><td align="left" valign="top" width="100%" height="100%" style="background: ' + frame_contentbgcolor +'; " id="' + wName + 'iTD' + '"></td><td style="cursor: se-resize;"><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="' + frame_borderwidth + '" border="0"></td></tr>' +
'<tr><td style="cursor: move;"><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="' + frame_borderwidth + '" height="' + frame_bottomheight + '" border="0"></td><td width="100%" style="cursor: move;"><div style="width: 20px; float: right; height: 100%;cursor: se-resize;"></div>' +
'</td><td style="cursor: se-resize;"><img src="' + frame_dummypic + '" width="' + frame_borderwidth + '" height="' + frame_bottomheight + '" border="0"></td>' +
'</tr></table>' +
var sd = true;
function desktop_IDOTS2() {
var iconpath = xDT.resPath() + 'skins/IDOTS2';
/*if (clock_show == 'yes')
xDT.cbe("dDesktop").innerHtml('<div id="taskbar"><IMG SRC="' + iconpath + '/launch.png" onClick="displayLaunch();" id="launch"><div id="tb" OnClick="sdt();"><img src="' + iconpath + '/show_desktop.png"/></div><div id="tasks"></div><div id="clock" onclick="openX(\'Calendar\', \'../calendar/index.php\');"></div></div><img src="' + iconpath + '/x-desktop.png"/ id="xdesktoplogo"><img src="' + iconpath + '/egroupware.png"/ id="egroupwarelogo">');
xDT.cbe("dDesktop").innerHtml('<div id="taskbar"><IMG SRC="' + iconpath + '/launch.png" onClick="displayLaunch();" id="launch"><div id="tb" OnClick="sdt();"><img src="' + iconpath + '/show_desktop.png"></div></div><img src="' + iconpath + '/x-desktop.png"/ id="xdesktoplogo"><div id="tasks"></div><img src="' + iconpath + '/egroupware.png"/ id="egroupwarelogo">');
xDT.cbe("dDesktop").innerHtml('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" height="100%" width="100%">' +
'<tr><td height="100%"></td></tr>' +
if (clock_show =='yes')
function taskbar_IDOTS2() {
var iconpath = xDT.resPath() + 'skins/IDOTS2';
imgbegin = new Image();
imgend = new Image();
a = document.createElement('a');
span = document.createElement('span');
imgbegin.className = "taskbegin";
imgend.className = "taskend";
//tasks = document.getElementById("tasks");
if(document.getElementById("tasks")) {
var tasks = document.getElementById("tasks");
//while(tasks.hasChildNodes() == true)
// {
// tasks.removeChild(tasks.childNodes[0]);
// }
var str = "";
var str2 = "";
var winName = "";
var winTitle = "";
for (var i=0;i<=xDT.maxWindow();i++) {
winName = xDT.wName(i);
str2 += winName;
if (typeof(winName) != "undefined" && i >= xDTwin.syswin && winName != "")
if (str == "") {
str = winName;
str += "," + winName;
if(str != "") {
var wins = str.split(",");
xDT.p_taskbar = true;
var lostSpace = 500;
var buttonWidth = (document.cbe.width() - lostSpace) / wins.length; // this needs to be corrected to the sizes of the clock
if(buttonWidth > 250) {
buttonWidth = 250;
var marginLeft = 50 / wins.length;
if(marginLeft > 10) {
marginLeft = 10;
var charSize = 12; //number of pixels one char prob. will fill
var charCount = (buttonWidth - 34) / charSize; = buttonWidth - 10 + "px"; = marginLeft; = buttonWidth - 34 + "px";
for (var i=0;i<wins.length;i++) {
//if (_property(winName,"wStat") != "min") continue;
stat = xDT.prop(wins[i],"wStat");
imgbegin.src = iconpath + "/btn_white_left.png" ;
imgend.src = iconpath + "/btn_white_right.png" ;
a.className = 'taskNode';
winName = wins[i];
winTitle = xDT.prop(winName,"wTitle");
if (winTitle.length > charCount) {
winTitle = winTitle.substr(0,charCount-3) + "...";
a.innerHTML = "";
a.href = "javascript:xDT.taskbar('" + winName + "');";
span.innerHTML = winTitle;