<textbox size="30" label="Name" id="name" statustext="name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]"/>
<textbox size="12" label="Template" id="template" statustext="name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '')"/>
<textbox size="7" maxlength="5" label="Lang" id="lang" statustext="language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '')"/>
<textbox size="12" maxlength="10" label="Version" id="version" statustext="version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros)"/>
<textbox size="5" label="Width, Disabled" align="right" id="width[$col_]" statustext="width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty"/>
<button label="-" no_lang="1" align="right" id="delete_col[$c_]" statustext="delete whole column (can NOT be undone!!!)"/>
<button label="+" no_lang="1" align="right" id="insert_col[$c_]" statustext="insert new column behind this one"/>
<textbox size="6" align="center" id="height[h$row_]" statustext="height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty"/>
<button label="-" no_lang="1" align="center" id="delete_row[$row_]" statustext="remove Row (can NOT be undone!!!)"/>
<textbox size="10" id="span" statustext="number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, CSS-class name (for the TD tag)"/>
<textbox id="label" statustext="displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the Submitbutton or Image-filename)"/>
<checkbox span="2" label="%s NoTranslation" align="center" id="no_lang" statustext="select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated)"/>
<description value="Align" align="center"/>
<menupopup id="align" statustext="alignment of label and input-field in table-cell"/>
<checkbox label="%s needed" align="right" id="needed" statustext="check if field has to be filled by user"/>
<checkbox label="%s readonly" align="center" id="readonly" statustext="check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!)"/>
<checkbox label="%s disabled" align="center" id="disabled" statustext="if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell"/>
<textbox multiline="true" rows="10" cols="80" span="all" id="style" statustext="embeded CSS styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)"/>