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<divid=Content><divclass="CSection"><divclass=CTopicid=MainTopic><divclass="CTitle logo"><divclass="nav"><aclass="nav"href="../../index.php"><span>></span>Home</a><aclass="nav"href="../../tests/"><span>></span>Examples</a><aclass="nav"href="../../docs/"><span>></span>Docs</a><aclass="nav"href="http://bitbucket.org/cleonello/jqplot/downloads/"><span>></span>Download</a><aclass="nav"href="../../info.php"><span>></span>Info</a><aclass="nav"href="../../donate.php"><span>></span>Donate</a></div><aname="Change_Log"></a>Change Log</div><divclass=CBody><h4class=CHeading>1.0.0b2</h4><ul><li>Major improvements in memory usage: ** Merged in changes from Timo Besenruether to reuse canvas elements and improve memory performance. ** Fixed all identifiable DOM leaks. ** Mergged in changes from cguillot for memory improvements in IE < 9.</li><li>Added vertical and dashed vertical line support for canvas overlay.</li><li>Fixed bug where initially hidden plots would not display.</li><li>Fixed bug with point labels and null data points.</li><li>Updated to jQuery 1.6.1.</li><li>Improved pie slice margin calculation and fixed slice margin and pie positioning with small slices.</li><li>Improved bar renderer so bars always start at 0 if: ** The axis is a linear axis (not log/date). ** There are no other line types besides bars attached to the axis. ** The data on the axis is all >= 0. ** The user has not specified a pad, padMin or forceTickAt0 = true option.</li><li>Modified tick prefix behavious so prefix no added to all ticks, even if format string is specified.</li><li>Fix to ensure original tick formats are applied when zooming and resetting zoom.</li><li>Updated auto tick format string so format adjusted when zooming.</li><li>Modified auto tick computation to put less ticks on small plots and more ticks on large plots.</li><li>Update bubble render to support gradients in IE 9.</li></ul><h4class=CHeading>1.0.0b1</h4><ul><li>Much improved tick generation algorithm to get precise rounded tick values (Thanks Scott Prahl!).</li><li>Auto compute tick format string if none is provided.</li><li>Much better “slicing” of pie charts when using “sliceMargin” option to set a gap between the slices.</li><li>Expanded canvasOverlay plugin to create arbitrary dashed and solid horizontal and vertical lines on top of plot.</li><li>Added defaultColors and defaultNegativeColors options to $.jqplot.config.</li><li>Fixed issue #318, highlighter & bar renderer incompatability.</li><li>Improve highlighter tooltip positioning with negative bars.</li><li>Fixed #305, mispelling of jqlotDragStart and jqlotDragStop. MUST NOW BIND TO jqplotDragStart and jqplotDragStop.</li><li>Fixed #290, some variables left in global scope.</li><li>Fixed #289, OHLC line widths hard coded at 1.5. Now set by lineWidth option.</li><li>Fixed #296 for determining databounds on log axes.</li><li>Updated to jQuery 1.5.1</li><li>Fixed waterfall plot to ensure first and last bars always fill to zero.</li><li>Added lineJoin and lineCap option to series lines.</li><li>Bar widths now based on width of grid, not plot target for better scaling.</li><li>Added looseZoom option to cursor so zooming can produce well rounded ticks.</li><li>Added forceTickAt0 and forceTickAt100 options to ensure there will always be a tick at 0 or 100 in the plot.</li><li>Fixed bug where cursor legend didn’t honor series showLabel option.</li></ul><h4class=CHeading>1.0.0a</h4><ul><li>Series can now be moved forward or backward in stack to e.g. bring a line forward when mousing over a point.</li><li>Can now move outside of grid area while zooming. Can have zoom constrained to grid area or allow zooming outside.</li><li>Fixed issue #142 with tooltip drawn on top of event canvas, hiding mouse events.</li><li>Fixed #147 where pie slices with 0 value not rendering properly in IE.</li><li>Fixed #130 where stack data not sorted properly.</li><li>Fixed bug with null values not handled properly i