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2004-01-29 22:27:14 +01:00
// I18N constants
// LANG: "lv", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
// Author: Mihai Bazon,
// Translated by: Janis Klavins, <>
HTMLArea.I18N = {
// the following should be the filename without .js extension
// it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
lang: "lv",
tooltips: {
bold: "Trekniem burtiem",
italic: "Kurs<72>v<EFBFBD>",
underline: "Pasv<73>trots",
strikethrough: "P<>rsv<73>trots",
subscript: "Novietot zem rindas",
superscript: "Novietot virs rindas",
justifyleft: "Izl<7A>dzin<69>t pa kreisi",
justifycenter: "Izl<7A>dzin<69>t centr<74>",
justifyright: "Izl<7A>dzin<69>t pa labi",
justifyfull: "Izl<7A>dzin<69>t pa visu lapu",
orderedlist: "Numur<75>ts saraksts",
unorderedlist: "Saraksts",
outdent: "Samazin<69>t atk<74>pi",
indent: "Palielin<69>t atk<74>pi",
forecolor: "Burtu kr<6B>sa",
hilitecolor: "Fona kr<6B>sa",
horizontalrule: "Horizont<6E>la atdal<61>t<EFBFBD>jsv<73>tra",
createlink: "Ievietot hipersaiti",
insertimage: "Ievietot att<74>lu",
inserttable: "Ievietot tabulu",
htmlmode: "Skat<61>t HTML kodu",
popupeditor: "Palielin<69>t Redi<64><69>t<EFBFBD>ju",
about: "Par <20>o redi<64><69>t<EFBFBD>ju",
showhelp: "Redi<64><69>t<EFBFBD>ja pal<61>gs",
textindicator: "Patreiz<69>jais stils",
undo: "Atcelt p<>d<EFBFBD>jo darb<72>bu",
redo: "Atk<74>rtot p<>d<EFBFBD>jo darb<72>bu",
cut: "Izgriezt iez<65>m<EFBFBD>to",
copy: "Kop<6F>t iez<65>m<EFBFBD>to",
paste: "Ievietot iez<65>m<EFBFBD>to"
buttons: {
"ok": "Labi",
"cancel": "Atcelt"
msg: {
"Path": "Ce<43><65>",
"TEXT_MODE": "J<>s patlaban darbojaties TEKSTA RE<52><45>M<EFBFBD>. Lai p<>rietu atpaka<6B> uz GRAFISKO RE<52><45>MU (WYSIWIG), lietojiet [<>] pogu."