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2002-02-06 10:03:11 +01:00
* EGroupware EditableTemplates - Business Objects
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @copyright 2002-11 by
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @version $Id$
* Business Object for eTemplates, extending the Storage Object
class boetemplate extends soetemplate
* Widget types implemented directly by etemplate (no extensions)
* @var array intern name => label
static public $types = array(
'label' => 'Label', // Label $cell['label'] is (to be translated) textual content
'text' => 'Text', // Textfield 1 Line (size = [length][,maxlength])
'int' => 'Integer', // like text, but only numbers (size = [min][,max])
'float' => 'Floating Point', // --------------- " --------------------------
'textarea'=> 'Textarea', // Multiline Text Input (size = [rows][,cols])
'htmlarea' => 'Formatted Text (HTML)',
'checkbox'=> 'Checkbox',
'radio' => 'Radiobutton', // Radiobutton (size = value if checked)
'button'=> 'Submitbutton',
'buttononly' => 'Button', // input type="button"
'hrule' => 'Horizontal Rule',
'template' => 'Template', // $cell['name'] contains template-name, $cell['size'] index into $content,$cname,$readonlys
'image' => 'Image', // label = url, name=link or method, help=alt or title
'progress' => 'Progressbar',// for BC, identical to image with percent value
'date' => '', // Datefield, size='' timestamp or size=format like 'm/d/Y'
'select'=> 'Selectbox', // Selectbox ($sel_options[$name] or $content[options-$name] is array with options)
// if size > 1 then multiple selections, size lines showed
'html' => 'Html', // Raw html in $content[$cell['name']]
'file' => 'FileUpload', // show an input type='file', set the local name as ${name}_path
'vbox' => 'VBox', // a (vertical) box to contain widgets in rows, size = # of rows
'hbox' => 'HBox', // a (horizontal) box to contain widgets in cols, size = # of cols
'groupbox' => 'GroupBox', // a box with a label containing other elements to group them (html: fieldset)
'box' => 'Box', // just a container for widgets (html: div)
'grid' => 'Grid', // tabular widget containing rows with columns of widgets
'deck' => 'Deck', // a container of elements where only one is visible, size = # of elem.
'passwd' => 'Password', // a text of type password
'colorpicker' => 'Colorpicker', // input for a color (eg. #123456)
'hidden'=> 'Hidden input', // a hidden input eg. to submit javascript computed values back
* Flag if form validation requires to loop
* @var boolean
static public $loop = false;
* Request object of the currecntly created request
* It's a static variable as etemplates can contain further etemplates (rendered by a different object)
* @var etemplate_request
static public $request;
* constructor of class
* Calls the constructor of soetemplate
* @param string|array $name name of etemplate or array with name and other keys
* @param string|array $load_via name or array with keys of other etemplate to load in order to get $name
function __construct($name='',$load_via='')
$tname = &$name;
if (is_array($name))
$tname = &$name['name'];
$tname = (strpos($tname,'.') === false && !empty($tname) ?
(is_array($load_via) ? $load_via['name'] : $load_via).'.':'').$tname;
if (empty($tname) || !$this->read($name,'','',0,'',$load_via))
* checks if a grid row or column is disabled
* Expression: [!][@]val[=[@]check]
* Parts in square brackets are optional, a ! negates the expression, @val evaluates to $content['val']
* if no =check is given all set non-empty and non-zero strings are true (standard php behavior)
* @param string $disabled expression to check, eg. "!@var" for !$content['var']
* @param array $content the content-array in the context of the grid
* @param int $row=null to be able to use $row or $row_content in value of checks
* @param int $c=null to be able to use $row or $row_content in value of checks
* @return boolean true if the row/col is disabled or false if not
protected function check_disabled($disabled,$content,$row=null,$c=null)
if ($this->onclick_handler && !$this->no_onclick)
return false; // we have an onclick handler
if ($not = $disabled[0] == '!')
$disabled = substr($disabled,1);
list($val,$check_val) = $vals = explode('=',$disabled);
// use expand_name to be able to use @ or $
$val = $this->expand_name($val,$c,$row,'','',$content);
$check_val = $this->expand_name($check_val,$c,$row,'','',$content);
$result = count($vals) == 1 ? $val != '' : ($check_val[0] == '/' ? preg_match($check_val,$val) : $val == $check_val);
if ($not) $result = !$result;
//echo "<p>check_disabled: '".($not?'!':'')."$disabled' = '$val' ".(count($vals) == 1 ? '' : ($not?'!':'=')."= '$check_val'")." = ".($result?'True':'False')."</p>\n";
return $result;
2002-02-06 10:03:11 +01:00
* Regular expression matching a PHP variable in a string, eg.
* "replies[$row][reply_message]" should only match $row
* "delete[$row_cont[path]]" should match $row_cont[path]
const PHP_VAR_PREG = '\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+(\[[A-Za-z0-9_]+\])*';
* allows a few variables (eg. row-number) to be used in field-names
* This is mainly used for autorepeat, but other use is possible.
* You need to be aware of the rules PHP uses to expand vars in strings, a name
* of "Row$row[length]" will expand to 'Row' as $row is scalar, you need to use
* "Row${row}[length]" instead. Only one indirection is allowd in a string by php !!!
* Out of that reason we have now the variable $row_cont, which is $cont[$row] too.
* Attention !!!
* Using only number as index in field-names causes a lot trouble, as depending
* on the variable type (which php determines itself) you used filling and later
* accessing the array it can by the index or the key of an array element.
* To make it short and clear, use "Row$row" or "$col$row" not "$row" or "$row$col" !!!
* @param sring $name the name to expand
* @param int $c is the column index starting with 0 (if you have row-headers, data-cells start at 1)
* @param int $row is the row number starting with 0 (if you have col-headers, data-cells start at 1)
* @param int $c_ is the value of the previous template-inclusion,
* eg. the column-headers in the eTemplate-editor are templates itself,
* to show the column-name in the header you can not use $col as it will
* be constant as it is always the same col in the header-template,
* what you want is the value of the previous template-inclusion.
* @param int $row_ is the value of the previous template-inclusion,
* @param array $cont content of the template, you might use it to generate button-names with id values in it:
* "del[$cont[id]]" expands to "del[123]" if $cont = array('id' => 123)
* @return string the expanded name
static function expand_name($name,$c,$row,$c_='',$row_='',$cont='')
$is_index_in_content = $name[0] == '@';
if (($pos_var=strpos($name,'$')) !== false)
if (!$cont)
$cont = array();
if (!is_numeric($c)) $c = boetemplate::chrs2num($c);
$col = boetemplate::num2chrs($c-1); // $c-1 to get: 0:'@', 1:'A', ...
$col_ = boetemplate::num2chrs($c_-1);
$row_cont = $cont[$row];
$col_row_cont = $cont[$col.$row];
// check if name is enclosed in single quotes as argument eg. to an event handler or
// variable name is contained in quotes and curly brackets, eg. "'{$cont[nm][path]}'" or
// used as name for a button like "delete[$row_cont[something]]" --> quote contained quotes (' or ")
if (in_array($name[$pos_var-1],array('[',"'",'{')) && preg_match('/[\'\[]{?('.self::PHP_VAR_PREG.')}?[\'\]]+/',$name,$matches))
if (eval($code='$value = '.$matches[1].';') === false)
error_log(__METHOD__."(name='$name', c='$c', row=$row, c_='$c_', row_=$row_, ...) line ".__LINE__." ERROR parsing: $code");
if (is_array($value) && $name[$pos_var-1] == "'") // arrays are only supported for '
foreach($value as &$val)
$val = "'".str_replace(array("'",'"'),array('\\\'','&quot;'),$val)."'";
$value = '[ '.implode(', ',$value).' ]';
$name = str_replace("'".$matches[1]."'",$value,$name);
$value = str_replace(array("'",'"','[',']'),array('\\\'','&quot;','&#x5B;','&#x5D;'),$value);
$name = str_replace(array('{'.$matches[1].'}',$matches[1]),$value,$name);
// check if name is assigned in an url --> urlendcode contained & as %26, as egw::link explodes it on &
if ($name[$pos_var-1] == '=' && preg_match('/[&?]([A-Za-z0-9_]+(\[[A-Za-z0-9_]+\])*)=('.self::PHP_VAR_PREG.')/',$name,$matches))
if (eval($code='$value = '.$matches[3].';') === false)
error_log(__METHOD__."(name='$name', c='$c', row=$row, c_='$c_', row_=$row_, ...) line ".__LINE__." ERROR parsing: $code");
if (is_array($value)) // works only reasonable, if get-parameter uses array notation, eg. &file[]=$cont[filenames]
foreach($value as &$val)
$val = str_replace('&',urlencode('&'),$val);
$name = str_replace($matches[3],implode('&'.$matches[1].'=',$value),$name);
$value = str_replace('&',urlencode('&'),$value);
$name = str_replace($matches[3],$value,$name);
if (eval($code='$name = "'.str_replace(array('\\', '"'), array('\\\\', '\\"'), $name).'";') === false)
error_log(__METHOD__."(name='$name', c='$c', row=$row, c_='$c_', row_=$row_, ...) line ".__LINE__." ERROR parsing: $code");
if ($is_index_in_content)
if ($name[1] == '@')
$name = self::get_array(self::$request->content,substr($name,2));
$name = self::get_array($cont,substr($name,1));
return $name;
* Checks if we have an row- or column autorepeat and sets the indexes for $content, etc.
* Autorepeat is important to allow a variable numer of rows or cols, eg. for a list.
* The eTemplate has only one (have to be the last) row or column, which gets
* automaticaly repeated as long as content is availible. To check this the content
* has to be in an sub-array of content. The index / subscript into content is
* determined by the content of size for templates or name for regular fields.
* An autorepeat is defined by an index which contains variables to expand.
* (vor variable expansion in names see expand_names). Usually I use the keys
* $row: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... for only rows, $col: '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', ... for only cols or
* $col$row: '@0','A0',... '@1','A1','B1',... '@2','A2','B2',... for both rows and cells.
* In general everything expand_names can generate is ok - see there.
* As you usually have col- and row-headers, data-cells start with '1' or 'A' !!!
* @param array $cell with data of cell: name, type, size, ...
* @param int $c,$r col/row index starting from 0
* @param string &$idx returns the index in $content and $readonlys (NOT $sel_options !!!)
* @param string &$idx_cname returns the basename for the form-name: is $idx if only one value
* (no ',') is given in size (name (not template-fields) are always only one value)
* @param boolean $check_col to check for col- or row-autorepeat
* @return boolean true if cell is autorepeat (has index with vars / '$') or false otherwise
function autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,&$idx,&$idx_cname,$check_col=False,$cont=null)
$org_idx = $idx = $cell[ $cell['type'] == 'template' ? 'size' : 'name' ];
$idx = $this->expand_name($idx,$c,$r,'','',$cont);
if (!($komma = strpos($idx,',')))
$idx_cname = $idx;
$idx_cname = substr($idx,1+$komma);
$idx = substr($idx,0,$komma);
$Ok = False;
$pat = $org_idx;
while (!$Ok && ($pat = @strstr($pat,'$')))
$pat = substr($pat,$pat[1] == '{' ? 2 : 1);
if ($check_col)
$Ok = $pat[0] == 'c' && !(substr($pat,0,4) == 'cont' ||
substr($pat,0,2) == 'c_' || substr($pat,0,4) == 'col_');
$Ok = $pat[0] == 'r' && !(substr($pat,0,2) == 'r_' ||
substr($pat,0,4) == 'row_');
if ($this->name && $this->name == $this->debug)
echo "$this->name ".($check_col ? 'col' : 'row')."-check: c=$c, r=$r, idx='$org_idx'='$idx' idx_cname='$idx_cname' ==> ".($Ok?'True':'False')."<p>\n";
return $Ok;
* gets an attribute in a named cell
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @return mixed the attribute or False if named cell not found
function &getElementAttribute($name,$attr)
return $this->setElementAttribute($name,$attr,NULL);
* set an attribute in a named cell if val is not NULL else return the attribute
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @param mixed $val if not NULL sets attribute else returns it
* @return mixed number of changed cells or False, if none changed
function &setElementAttribute($name,$attr,$val)
//echo "<p>set_cell_attribute(tpl->name=$this->name, name='$name', attr='$attr',val='$val')</p>\n";
$extra = array(false,$name,$attr,$val);
$result =& $this->widget_tree_walk('set_cell_attribute_helper',$extra);
if (is_null($val))
return $result;
return $extra[0];
* disables all cells with name == $name
* @param sting $name cell-name
* @param boolean $disabled=true disable or enable a cell, default true=disable
* @return mixed number of changed cells or False, if none changed
function disableElement($name,$disabled=True)
return $this->set_cell_attribute($name,'disabled',$disabled);
* Returns reference to an attribute in a named cell
* Currently we always return a reference to an not set value, unless it was set before.
* We do not return a reference to the actual cell, as it get's contructed on client-side!
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @return mixed reference to attribute, usually NULL
* @deprecated use getElementAttribute($name, $attr)
public function &get_cell_attribute($name,$attr)
return self::getElementAttribute($name, $attr);
* set an attribute in a named cell if val is not NULL else return the attribute
* @param string $name cell-name
* @param string $attr attribute-name
* @param mixed $val if not NULL sets attribute else returns it
* @return reference to attribute
* @deprecated use setElementAttribute($name, $attr, $val)
public function &set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val)
return self::setElementAttribute($name, $attr, $val);
* disables all cells with name == $name
* @param sting $name cell-name
* @param boolean $disabled=true disable or enable a cell, default true=disable
* @return reference to attribute
* @deprecated use disableElement($name, $disabled=true)
public function disable_cells($name,$disabled=True)
return self::disableElement($name, $disabled);
* set one or more attibutes for row $n
* @param int $n numerical row-number starting with 1 (!)
* @param string $height percent or pixel or '' for no height
* @param string $class name of css class (without the leading '.') or '' for no class
* @param string $valign alignment (top,middle,bottom) or '' for none
* @param boolean $disabled True or expression or False to disable or enable the row (Only the number 0 means dont change the attribute !!!)
* @param string $path='/0' default is the first widget in the tree of children
* @return false if $path is no grid or array(height,class,valign,disabled) otherwise
function set_row_attributes($n,$height=0,$class=0,$valign=0,$disabled=0,$path='/0')
$grid =& $this->get_widget_by_path($path);
if (is_null($grid) || $grid['type'] != 'grid') return false;
$grid_attr =& $grid['data'][0];
list($old_height,$old_disabled) = explode(',',$grid_attr["h$n"]);
$disabled = $disabled !== 0 ? $disabled : $old_disabled;
$grid_attr["h$n"] = ($height !== 0 ? $height : $old_height).
($disabled ? ','.$disabled : '');
list($old_class,$old_valign) = explode(',',$grid_attr["c$n"]);
$valign = $valign !== 0 ? $valign : $old_valign;
$grid_attr["c$n"] = ($class !== 0 ? $class : $old_class).
($valign ? ','.$valign : '');
list($height,$disabled) = explode(',',$grid_attr["h$n"]);
list($class,$valign) = explode(',',$grid_attr["c$n"]);
return array($height,$class,$valign,$disabled);
* disables row $n
* @param int $n numerical row-number starting with 1 (!)
* @param boolean $enable=false can be used to re-enable a row if set to True
* @param string $path='/0' default is the first widget in the tree of children
function disable_row($n,$enable=False,$path='/0')
* set one or more attibutes for column $c
* @param int|string $c numerical column-number starting with 0 (!), or the char-code starting with 'A'
* @param string $width percent or pixel or '' for no height
* @param mixed $disabled=0 True or expression or False to disable or enable the column (Only the number 0 means dont change the attribute !!!)
* @param string $path='/0' default is the first widget in the tree of children
* @return false if $path specifies no grid or array(width,disabled) otherwise
function set_column_attributes($c,$width=0,$disabled=0,$path='/0')
if (is_numeric($c))
$c = $this->num2chrs($c);
$grid =& $this->get_widget_by_path($path);
if (is_null($grid) || $grid['type'] != 'grid') return false;
$grid_attr =& $grid['data'][0];
list($old_width,$old_disabled) = explode(',',$grid_attr[$c]);
$disabled = $disabled !== 0 ? $disabled : $old_disabled;
$grid_attr[$c] = ($width !== 0 ? $width : $old_width).
($disabled ? ','.$disabled : '');
//echo "set_column_attributes('$c',,'$path'): ".$grid_attr[$c]."</p>\n"; _debug_array($grid_attr);
return explode(',',$grid_attr[$c]);
* disables column $c
* @param int|string $c numerical column-number starting with 0 (!), or the char-code starting with 'A'
* @param boolean $enable can be used to re-enable a column if set to True
* @param string $path='/0' default is the first widget in the tree of children
function disable_column($c,$enable=False,$path='/0')
* Cache for extension objects
* @var array
static private $extensions = array();
* trys to load the Extension / Widget-class from the app or etemplate
* @param string $name name of the extension, the classname should be class.${name}
* the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app,or template-name)
* @return string|boolean human readable name or false if not found/loadable
2008-03-10 16:49:46 +01:00
function loadExtension($type)
list($class,$app) = explode('.',$type);
$class .= '_widget';
if (!$app) $app = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['current_app'];
if (!file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
list($app) = explode('_',$type);
if (!file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
list($app) = explode('.',$this->name);
if (!file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
$app = 'etemplate';
if (!file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$"))
//echo "<p>boetemplate::loadExtension($type) extension not found</p>\n";
return self::$extensions[$type] = False;
self::$extensions[$type] =& CreateObject($app.'.'.$class,$ui='html');
//echo "<p>boetemplate::loadExtension($type) extension found in App. $app</p>\n";
return self::$extensions[$type]->human_name;
* checks if extension is loaded (load it if it isnt) and optional checks if it has a given method
* @param string $name name of the extension, the classname should be class.${name}
* the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app,or template-name)
* @param string $function 'pre_process', 'post_process' or 'render'
* @return boolean true if the extension (incl. method) exists, else false
protected function haveExtension($type,$function='')
return (self::$extensions[$type] || $this->loadExtension($type,$ui)) &&
($function == '' || self::$extensions[$type]->public_functions[$function]);
* Check if we have a widget of type $type
* @param string $type
* @return boolean true widget exists, false unknow widget type
public function widgetExists($type)
if (isset(self::$types[$type])) return true;
list($main,$sub) = explode('-',$type);
if ($this->haveExtension($main) && $this->loadExtension($main) && ($extension = self::$extensions[$main]))
return $type == $main || is_array($extension->human_name) && isset($extension->human_name[$type]);
return false;
* executes the pre_process-function of the extension $cell[type]
* @param string $type type of the extension
* @param string &$name form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data)
* @param mixed &$value value of the extensions content(-array)
* @param array &$cell table-cell on which the extension operates
* @param array &$readonlys value of the extensions readonly-setting(-array)
* @return mixed the return-value of the extensions preprocess function
protected function extensionPreProcess($type,&$name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys)
if (!$this->haveExtension($type))
return False;
// only supply extension data for non-readonly widgets or if it's already set
// otherwise lists store >10k unnecessary data in each etemplate-session
if (!($cell['readonly'] || $readonlys && !is_array($readonlys)) || isset(self::$request->extension_data[$name]))
$extension_data =& self::$request->extension_data[$name];
return self::$extensions[$type]->pre_process($name,$value,$cell,$readonlys,$extension_data,$this);
* executes the post_process-function of the extension $cell[type]
* @param string $type name of the extension
* @param string $name form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data)
* @param mixed &$value returns the value of the extensions content(-array)
* @param mixed $value_in unprocessed value, eg. as posted by the browser
* @return boolean True if a value should be returned (default for no postprocess fkt.), else False
protected function extensionPostProcess($type,$name,&$value,$value_in)
if (!$this->haveExtension($type,'post_process'))
return True;
return self::$extensions[$type]->post_process($name,$value,
* executes the render-function of the extension $cell[type]
* @param string $type name of the extension
* @param string $name form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data)
* @param mixed &$value value of the extensions content(-array)
* @param array &$cell table-cell on which the extension operates
* @param array &$readonlys value of the extensions readonly-setting(-array)
* @return mixed return-value of the render function
protected function extensionRender($type,$name,&$value,&$cell,$readonly)
if (!$this->haveExtension($type,'render'))
return False;
return self::$extensions[$type]->render($cell,$name,$value,$readonly,
* checks if $idx is set in array $arr
* for one level of subindes identical to isset($arr[$idx])
* @param array $arr array to check
* @param string $idx may contain multiple subindex (eg.'x[y][z]')
* @return boolean true if set, else false
static function isset_array($arr,$idx)
if (count($idxs = explode('[', $idx, 2)) > 1)
$idxs = array_merge(array($idxs[0]), explode('][', substr($idxs[1],0,-1)));
$last_idx = array_pop($idxs);
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
if (!is_array($pos))
return False;
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
// was return isset($pos[$last_idx]);
// array_key_exists also returns true for keys with value null, which fixes some problems with autorepeating rows
return is_array($pos) && array_key_exists($last_idx,$pos);
* sets $arr[$idx] = $val
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: $arr['a']['b']['c'] = $val;
* @param array &$arr the array to search
* @param string $idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
* @param mixed $val value to set
static function set_array(&$arr,$idx,$val)
if (count($idxs = explode('[', $idx, 2)) > 1)
$idxs = array_merge(array($idxs[0]), explode('][', substr($idxs[1],0,-1)));
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
if (!is_array($pos) && !is_null($pos)) return; // gives fatal error under PHP5.3
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
$pos = $val;
* return a reference to $arr[$idx]
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: it returns &$arr[a][b][c]
* $sub = get_array($arr,'a[b]'); $sub = 'c'; is equivalent to $arr['a']['b'] = 'c';
* @param array $arr the array to search, referenz as a referenz gets returned
* @param string $idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
* @param boolean $reference_into default False, if True none-existing sub-arrays/-indices get created to be returned as referenz, else False is returned
* @param bool $skip_empty returns false if $idx is not present in $arr
* @return mixed reference to $arr[$idx] or false if $idx is not set and not $reference_into
static function &get_array(&$arr,$idx,$reference_into=False,$skip_empty=False)
if (!is_array($arr))
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed(__METHOD__."(\$arr,'$idx',$reference_into,$skip_empty) \$arr is no array!");
if (is_object($idx)) return false; // given an error in php5.2
if (count($idxs = explode('[', $idx, 2)) > 1)
$idxs = array_merge(array($idxs[0]), explode('][', substr($idxs[1],0,-1)));
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
if (!is_array($pos) && !$reference_into)
return False;
if($skip_empty && (!is_array($pos) || !isset($pos[$idx]))) return false;
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
return $pos;
* unsets $arr[$idx]
* This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too
* unset_array($arr,'a[b]'); is equivalent to unset($arr['a']['b']);
* @param array $arr the array to search, referenz as a referenz gets returned
* @param string $idx the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below
static function unset_array(&$arr,$idx)
if (!is_array($arr))
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed(__METHOD__."(\$arr,'$idx') \$arr is no array!");
if (count($idxs = explode('[', $idx, 2)) > 1)
$idxs = array_merge(array($idxs[0]), explode('][', substr($idxs[1],0,-1)));
$last_idx = array_pop($idxs);
$pos = &$arr;
foreach($idxs as $idx)
$pos = &$pos[$idx];
* merges $old and $new, content of $new has precedence over $old
* THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS PHP's functions:
* - array_merge, as it calls itself recursive for values which are arrays.
* - array_merge_recursive accumulates values with the same index and $new does NOT overwrite $old
* @param array $old
* @param array $new
* @return array the merged array
static function complete_array_merge($old,$new)
if (is_array($new))
if (!is_array($old)) $old = (array) $old;
foreach($new as $k => $v)
if (!is_array($v) || !isset($old[$k]) || // no array or a new array
isset($v[0]) && !is_array($v[0]) && isset($v[count($v)-1])) // or no associative array, eg. selecting multiple accounts
$old[$k] = $v;
$old[$k] = self::complete_array_merge($old[$k],$v);
return $old;
* returns a reference to a widget in the widget's children tree spezified by a path
* The path get's generated by the widget_tree_walk() methode and consists of the keys of the children arrays.
* For the 3. Column in the 2. row of a grid which is the only widget in the children-tree it is eg.: "/0/2C"
* @param string $path path in the widget tree
* @param int $ancestor=0 0: widget itself, 1: parent, 2: grand-parent, ...
* @return array referenz to the widget spezified or null, if it's not found
function &get_widget_by_path($path,$ancestor=0)
//echo "<p>boetemplate::get_widget_by_path('$path',$ancestor)</p>\n";
$path_parts = explode('/',$path);
while($ancestor-- > 0)
if (array_pop($path_parts) === '') return null;
$path = implode('/',$path_parts);
if ($path == '/' || $path === '') return $this->children;
if (count($path_parts) == 2) return $this->children[$path_parts[1]];
return $this->widget_tree_walk('get_widget_by_path_helper',$path);
* returns a reference to a widget in the widget's children tree spezified it's name
* It returns the first match!
* @param string $name name of the widget
* @return array referenz to the widget spezified or null, if it's not found
function &get_widget_by_name($name)
return $this->widget_tree_walk('get_widget_by_name_helper',$name);
* returns an array of references to widgets of the specified type
* @param type String
* @return array
function &get_widgets_by_type($type) {
$extra = array(
'type' => $type,
'widgets' => array()
$this->widget_tree_walk('get_widgets_by_type_helper', $extra);
return $extra['widgets'];
* Split a $delimiter-separated options string, which can contain parts with delimiters enclosed in $enclosure
* Examples:
* - csv_split('"1,2,3",2,3') === array('1,2,3','2','3')
* - csv_split('1,2,3',2) === array('1','2,3')
* - csv_split('"1,2,3",2,3',2) === array('1,2,3','2,3')
* - csv_split('"a""b,c",d') === array('a"b,c','d') // to escape enclosures double them!
* @param string $str
* @param int $num=null in how many parts to split maximal, parts over this number end up (unseparated) in the last part
* @param string $delimiter=','
* @param string $enclosure='"'
* @return array
static function csv_split($str,$num=null,$delimiter=',',$enclosure='"')
if (strpos($str,$enclosure) === false)
return is_null($num) ? explode($delimiter,$str) : explode($delimiter,$str,$num); // no need to run this more expensive code
$parts = explode($delimiter,$str);
for($n = 0; isset($parts[$n]); ++$n)
$part =& $parts[$n];
if ($part[0] === $enclosure)
while (isset($parts[$n+1]) && substr($part,-1) !== $enclosure)
$part .= $delimiter.$parts[++$n];
$part = substr(str_replace($enclosure.$enclosure,$enclosure,$part),1,-1);
$parts = array_values($parts); // renumber the parts (in case we had to concat them)
if ($num > 0 && count($parts) > $num)
$parts[$num-1] = implode($delimiter,array_slice($parts,$num-1,count($parts)-$num+1));
$parts = array_slice($parts,0,$num);
return $parts;
* generated a file-name from an eTemplates, name, template(-set) and lang
* @param string|array $name name of template or array('name'=>$name,'template'=>$template,'lang'=>$lang)
* @param string $template template-set
* @param string $lang language to use
* @return string
private /* static */ function cache_name($name='',$template='default',$lang='default')
if (empty($name))
$name = $this->name;
$template = $this->template;
$lang = $this->lang;
elseif (is_array($name))
$template = $name['template'];
$lang = $name['lang'];
$name = $name['name'];
if (empty($template))
$template = 'default';
$cname = $template . '/' . $name . (!empty($lang) && $lang != 'default' ? '.' . $lang : '');
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."('$name','$template','$lang') = '$cname'</p>";
return $cname;
* stores the etemplate in the cache in egw_info
* @param boetemplate $tpl=null required parameter for static use!
* @param boolean $only_update_older=false true only update cache, if it contains an older template
public /*static*/ function store_in_cache(boetemplate $tpl=null, $only_update_older=false)
if (is_null($tpl)) $tpl = $this;
$cname = $tpl->cache_name();
$old = egw_cache::getInstance('etemplate',$cname);
// only cache newest versions (currently cached one is older or same version)
if (is_null($old) && !$only_update_older || !is_null($old) && version_compare($old['version'],$tpl->version,'<='))
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$tpl->name','$tpl->template','$tpl->lang','$tpl->version') cached=".array2string($old).", modified=$tpl->modified, time()=".time());
* deletes the etemplate in the cache
private function delete_in_cache()
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."('$this->name','$this->template','$this->lang','$this->version')</p>\n";
static private $import_tested;
* Test if new template-import necessary for app and does the import
* Get called on every read of a eTemplate, caches the result.
* The timestamp of the last import for app gets written into the db.
* @param string|array $app app- or template-name
* @return string translated message with number of templates imported
static function test_import($app) // should be done from the setup-App
if (is_array($app)) $app = $app['name'];
list($app) = explode('.',$app);
if (is_null(self::$import_tested))
self::$import_tested =& egw_cache::getSession('etemplate','import_tested');
if (is_null(self::$import_tested)) self::$import_tested = array();
if (!$app || self::$import_tested[$app])
return ''; // ensure test is done only once per session and app
self::$import_tested[$app] = True; // need to be done before new ...
$path = EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/setup/";
if (($time = @filemtime($path)))
$templ = new boetemplate(array('name' => '.'.$app,'lang' => '##'));
if ($templ->lang != '##' || $templ->version != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$app]['version'] ||
$templ->modified < $time) // need to import
$templ->delete(); // delete old timestamp
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($app) import necessary, as app-modified=$templ->modified < filemtime($path)=$time test-tpl=".array2string($templ->as_array(1))."</p>\n";
$ret = self::import_dump($app);
$templ->modified = $time;
// store new timestamp incl. app version
return $ret;
* Imports the dump-file /$app/setup/ unconditional (!)
* @param string $app app name
* @return string translated message with number of templates imported
static function import_dump($app)
include($path = EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/setup/");
$templ = new boetemplate($app);
foreach($templ_data as $data)
if ((int)$templ_version < 1) // we need to stripslashes
$data['data'] = stripslashes($data['data']);
if (!$templ->modified)
$templ->modified = filemtime($path);
return lang("%1 new eTemplates imported for Application '%2'",$n,$app);
* reads the content of an eTemplate from the cache into the current object
* same as read but only via the cache
* @param string|array $name name of template or array('name'=>$name,'template'=>$template,'lang'=>$lang)
* @param string $template template-set
* @param string $lang language to use
* @param int $group to use the template for
* @param string $version of the template
* @return boolean true if the eTemplate was found in the cache
private function read_from_cache($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='')
// check if new import necessary, currently on every request
$msg = self::test_import($name);
//if ($msg) echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version) self::test_import($name) returning $msg</p>\n";
if (is_array($name))
$version = $name['version'];
$lang = $name['lang'];
$template = $name['template'];
$name = $name['name'];
// templates starting with . (as the import timestamp) never use the cache
if ($name[0] == '.') return false;
$data = egw_cache::getInstance('etemplate',$cname=self::cache_name($name,$template,$lang));
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__.'('.array2string($name).",$template,$lang,$group,$version) egw_cache::getInstance('etemplate','$cname')=".array2string(array('name'=>$data['name'],'version'=>$data['version'],'modified'=>$data['modified']))."</p>\n";
if (!is_null($data) && (empty($version) || $data['version'] == $version))
return true;
return false;
* reads an eTemplate from the cache or database / filesystem (and updates the cache)
* reimplementation of soetemplate::read to use and/or update the cache
* We only update cache, if no version is given, as only that (= highest version) should be cached.
* @param string $name name of the eTemplate or array with the values for all keys
* @param string $template template-set, '' loads the prefered template of the user, 'default' loads the default one '' in the db
* @param string $lang language, '' loads the pref. lang of the user, 'default' loads the default one '' in the db
* @param int $group id of the (primary) group of the user or 0 for none, not used at the moment !!!
* @param string $version version of the eTemplate
* @param mixed $load_via name/array of keys of etemplate to load in order to get $name (only as second try!)
* @return boolean True if a fitting template is found, else False
function read($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='',$load_via='')
if (is_array($name))
$pname = &$name['name'];
$pname = &$name;
if (empty($pname))
return False;
$parent = is_array($load_via) ? $load_via['name'] : $load_via;
if (strstr($pname,'.') === False && !empty($parent))
$pname = $parent . '.' . $pname;
if (!$this->read_from_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
if (!parent::read($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
if ($load_via && (is_string($load_via) ||
!isset($load_via['tpls_in_file']) || $load_via['tpls_in_file'] > 1))
return $this->read_from_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version);
return False;
if (!$version) $this->store_in_cache(); // only store default version (none given)
return True;
* saves eTemplate-object to db and update the cache
* reimplementation of soetemplate::save to update the cache
* We only update cache, if it contains an older (smaller version) template,
* as allways updating might cache a version, with a smaller then the highest, version number.
* @param string $name name of the eTemplate or array with the values for all keys
* @param string $template template-set or '' for the default one
* @param string $lang language or '' for the default one
* @param int $group id of the (primary) group of the user or 0 for none, not used at the moment !!!
* @param string $version version of the eTemplate
* @return the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
function save($name='',$template='.',$lang='.',$group=0,$version='.')
if ($result = parent::save($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version))
$this->store_in_cache(null, true); // true = only update older (smaller version) copies
return $result;
* Deletes the eTemplate from the db, object itself is unchanged
* reimplementation of soetemplate::delete to update the cache
* @return int number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
function delete()
return parent::delete();
* initialise our static vars
static function _init_static()
if (!function_exists('set_cell_attribute_helper'))
function &set_cell_attribute_helper(&$widget,&$extra)
// extra = array(0=>n,1=>name,2=>attr,3=>value)
if ($widget['name'] == $extra[1] || $widget['type'] == 'tab' && strpos($widget['name'], $extra[1].'=') === 0)
if (is_null($extra[3]))
$extra['__RETURN_NOW__'] = true; // wouldnt work otherwise, if attr is not yet set == null
return $widget[$extra[2]];
$widget[$extra[2]] = $extra[3];
function &get_widget_by_name_helper(&$widget,$extra)
if ($widget['name'] == $extra) return $widget;
function &get_widget_by_path_helper(&$widget,$extra,$path)
//echo "<p>path_searched='$extra', widget-path($widget[type]:$widget[name])='$path'</p>\n";
if ($path == $extra) return $widget;
function &get_widgets_by_type_helper(&$widget, &$extra)
//echo '<br />get_widgets_by_type_helper(' . $widget['name'] . ',' . $extra['type'] . ')<br />';
if($widget['type'] == $extra['type'])
$extra['widgets'][] =& $widget;
// just in case someone still uses the old var
if (!is_array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['etemplate'])) $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['etemplate'] = array();
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['etemplate']['loop'] =& boetemplate::$loop;