
1001 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

%1 email addresses inserted common sl Vnešenih %1 E-naslovov
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sl Spletni strežnik ne more zagnati %1!
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
%1 manual common sl Priročnik %1
%1 start common sl Zaženi %1
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sl %1Izberite drugo mapo%2<br /> ali nastavite, da bo %3 zapisljiva za spletni strežnik
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sl %1eGroupWare%2 je večuporabniški, spletno osnovani paket za skupinsko delo, napisan v %3PHP%4-ju.
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar sl (Shift)-klik ali povleci-in-spusti za spremembo vrednosti.
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar sl - Kliknite na katerikoli del časa za njegovo povečanje.
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar sl - Držite miškin gumb na kateremkoli od zgornjih gumbov za hitrejši izbor.
- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar sl - ali kliknite in povlecite za hitrejši izbor.
- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar sl - ali kliknite s Shift za njegovo zmanjšanje
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar sl - Uporabite gumba %1, %2 za izbiro meseca
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar sl - Uporabite gumba %1, %2 za izbiro leta
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
00 (disable) admin sl 00 (izklopi)
13 (ntp) admin sl 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar sl 3 - število znakov za okrajšavo dneva
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar sl 3 - število znakov za okrajšavo meseca
80 (http) admin sl 80 (http)
\n tidying up the html source, please wait... htmlarea-HtmlTidy sl \n Prečistil bom HTML kodo, prosim počakajte ...
_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu sl _Zbriši vrstico
_image properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl _Lastnosti slike...
_modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl _Spremeni povezavo...
_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl _Odstrani povezavo...
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl _Lastnosti tabele...
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce sl Pred uporabo tega ukaza morate klikniti v urejevalnik.
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
about common sl Vizitka
about %1 common sl Vizitka aplikacije %1
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
about egroupware common sl O programu eGroupware
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
about the calendar jscalendar sl O koledarju
about this editor htmlarea sl O urejevalniku
access common sl Dostop
access not permitted common sl Zavrnjen dostop
account has been created common sl Uporabniški račun je bil ustvarjen
account has been deleted common sl Uporabniški račun je bil izbrisan
account has been updated common sl Uporabniški račun je bil posodobljen
account is expired common sl Uporabniški račun je potekel
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
acl common sl ACL
action common sl Dejanje
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
active common sl Aktiven
add common sl Dodaj
add %1 category for common sl Dodaj kategorijo %1 za
add category common sl Dodaj kategorijo
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
add shortcut common sl Dodaj bližnjico
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
add sub common sl Dodaj pod
addressbook common sl Adresar
admin common sl Oskrbnik
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
administration common sl Administracija
afghanistan common sl AFGANISTAN
albania common sl ALBANIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
algeria common sl ALŽIRIJA
align htmlarea-TableOperations sl Poravnaj
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
align center tinymce sl Poravnaj na sredino
align full tinymce sl Poravnaj obojestransko
align left tinymce sl Poravnaj levo
align right tinymce sl Poravnaj desno
alignment tinymce sl Poravnava
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
all common sl Vse
all fields common sl vsa polja
all four sides htmlarea-TableOperations sl Vse štiri strani
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
all occurrences of the search string was replaced. tinymce sl Vse pojavitve iskanega niza so bile zamenjane.
alphabet common sl a,b,c,č,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,š,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,ž
alternate style-sheet: common sl Nadomestna (CSS) predloga
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
alternative image tinymce sl Nadomestna slika
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
american samoa common sl AMERIŠKA SAMOA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
andorra common sl ANDORA
angola common sl ANGOLA
anguilla common sl ANGVILA
antarctica common sl ANTARKTIKA
antigua and barbuda common sl ANTIGVA IN BARBUDA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
application common sl Aplikacija
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
apply common sl Uporabi
april common sl april
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te vnose?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta vnos?
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
argentina common sl ARGENTINA
armenia common sl ARMENIJA
aruba common sl ARUBA
august common sl Avgust
australia common sl AVSTRALIJA
austria common sl AVSTRIJA
author common sl Avtor
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
autohide sidebox menu's common sl Samodejno skrij stranske menije
autohide sidebox menus common sl Samodejno skrivanje stranskih menijev
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sl Samodejno skrijem stranske menije?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sl Samodejno skrijem stranske menije?
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
autosave default category common sl Samodejno shrani privzeto kategorijo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
azerbaijan common sl AZARBEJDŽAN
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
back common sl Nazaj
back to user login common sl Nazaj na prijavno okno
background htmlarea-TableOperations sl Ozadje
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
background color htmlarea sl Barva ozadja
background color: common sl Barva ozadja:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sl spletni strežnik ne more pisati v arhivsko mapo '%1'
bad login or password common sl Napačno uporabniško ime in/ali geslo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
bahamas common sl BAHAMI
bahrain common sl BAHRAIN
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
bangladesh common sl BANGLADEŠ
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
barbados common sl BARBADOS
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
baseline htmlarea-TableOperations sl Osnovnica
bcc common sl BCC
belarus common sl BELORUSIJA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
belgium common sl BELGIJA
belize common sl BELIZE
benin common sl BENIN
bermuda common sl BERMUDI
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
bg color tinymce sl Barva ozadnja
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
bhutan common sl BUTAN
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
blocked, too many attempts common sl Zaklenjeno: preveč poskusov.
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
bold common sl Krepko
bold.gif common sl bold.gif
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
bolivia common sl BOLIVIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
border common sl Rob
border color tinymce sl Barva obrobe
borders htmlarea-TableOperations sl Robovi
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
bosnia and herzegovina common sl BOSNA IN HERCEGOVINA
botswana common sl BOCVANA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
bottom common sl Dno
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
bouvet island common sl OTOČJE BOUVET
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
brazil common sl BRAZILIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
british indian ocean territory common sl BRITANSKO INDIJSKO OTOČJE
brunei darussalam common sl BRUNEJ
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
bulgaria common sl BOLGARIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
bulleted list htmlarea sl Seznam alinej
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
burkina faso common sl BURKINA FASO
burundi common sl BURUNDI
c_ell properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Lastnosti c_elice
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
calendar common sl Koledar
cambodia common sl KAMBODŽA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
cameroon common sl KAMERUN
canada common sl KANADA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
cancel common sl Prekliči
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common sl Ne morem nadomestiti %1, ker je mapa.
cant open '%1' for %2 common sl Ne morem odpreti '%1' za '%2'
cape verde common sl KAPVERDSKO OTOČJE
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
caption common sl Zajem
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
categories common sl Kategorije
categories for common sl kategorije za
category common sl Kategorija
category %1 has been added ! common sl Dodana je bila kategorija %1!
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
category %1 has been updated ! common sl Osvežena je bila kategorija %1!
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
cayman islands common sl KAJMANSKI OTOKI
cc common sl CC
cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations sl Lastnosti celice
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
center tinymce sl Sredina
centered common sl na sredini
central african republic common sl SREDNJEAFRIŠKA REPUBLIKA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
chad common sl ČAD
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
change common sl Spremeni
char htmlarea-TableOperations sl Znak
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
charset common sl UTF-8
chec_k link... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Prever_i povezavo...
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
check installation common sl Preveri namestitev
check now common sl Preveri sedaj
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
chile common sl ČILE
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
china common sl KITAJSKA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
choose a background color common sl Izberite barvo ozadja
choose a background color for the icons common sl Izberite barvo ozadja za ikone
choose a background image. common sl Izberite sliko za ozadje.
choose a background style. common sl Izberite slog ozadja.
choose a text color for the icons common sl Izberite barvo besedila za ikoneozadja
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce sl Izberite mapo, v katero želite premakniti izbrane mape in datoteke.
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType sl Izberi tip seznama (za urejeni seznam)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
choose the category common sl Izberi kategorijo
choose the parent category common sl Izberi nadrejeno kategorijo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
christmas island common sl BOŽIČNI OTOK
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
class tinymce sl Razred
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
clear common sl Izprazni
clear form common sl Izprazni formo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
click common sl Klikni
click or mouse over to show menus common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev
click or mouse over to show menus? common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev?
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
close common sl Zapri
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
close sidebox common sl Zapri stranski meni
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
cocos (keeling) islands common sl KOKOSOVI (KEELINGOVI) OTOKI
collapsed borders htmlarea-TableOperations sl Strnjeni robovi
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
colombia common sl KOLUMBIJA
color htmlarea-TableOperations sl Barva
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
columns tinymce sl Stolpci
comment tinymce sl Komentar
common preferences common sl Skupne nastavitve
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
comoros common sl KOMORI
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
company common sl Podjetje
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
configuration problem tinymce sl Problem s konfiguracijo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
congo common sl KONGO
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
congo, the democratic republic of the common sl KONGO, DEMOKRATIČNA REPUBLIKA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
contacting server... common sl Vzpostavljanje povezave ...
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
cook islands common sl COOKOVI OTOKI
copy common sl Kopiraj
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
copy selection htmlarea sl Kopiraj izbor
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
copy table row tinymce sl Kopiraj vrstico tabele
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce sl Kopiraj/Izreži/Prilepi ni na voljo v Mozilli in Firefoxu.\nŽelite več informacij o tem problemu?
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
costa rica common sl KOSTARIKA
cote d ivoire common sl SLONOKOŠČENA OBALA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
could not contact server. operation timed out! common sl Nisem mogel vzpostaviti povezave s strežnikom. Časovna omejitev se je iztekla!
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
create common sl Ustvari
create a link htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Ustvari povezavo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
created by common sl Ustvaril
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
croatia common sl HRVAŠKA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
cuba common sl KUBA
currency common sl Valuta
current common sl Trenutno
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
current style htmlarea sl Trenutni slog
current url is htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Trenutni URL je
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
current users common sl Trenutni uporabniki
cut htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Izreži
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
cut selection htmlarea sl Izreži izbor
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
cut table row tinymce sl Izreži vrstico tabele
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
cyprus common sl CIPER
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
czech republic common sl ČEŠKA REPUBLIKA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
date common sl Datum
date due common sl Rok
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
date modified tinymce sl Datum spremenjen
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
date selection: jscalendar sl Izbor datuma
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin sl Vrata za datum in čas. Če uporabljate vrata 13, nastavite ustrezne parametre požarnega zidu preden potrdite to stran.<br> (Vrata: 13/ Strežnik:
de_lete column htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Izbriši sto_lpec
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
december common sl December
decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType sl Decimalna števila
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
decrease indent htmlarea sl Zmanjšaj zamik
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
default tinymce sl Privzeto
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
default category common sl Privzeta kategorija
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
default height for the windows common sl Privzeta višina oken
default width for the windows common sl Privzeta širina oken
delete common sl Izbriši
delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations sl Izbriši celico
delete column htmlarea-TableOperations sl Izbriši stolpec
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
delete row common sl Izbriši vrstico
delete the current column htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Izbriši trenutni stolpec
delete the current row htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Izbriši trenutno vrstico
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
denmark common sl DANSKA
description common sl Opis
detail common sl Podrobnost
details common sl Podrobnosti
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sl Onemogoči izvajanje skripte, ki popravi hrošča pri prikazu transparentnih PNG slik v Microsoft Internet Explorerju 5.5 in višjih?
dictionary htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Slovar
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
direction tinymce sl Smer
direction left to right common sl Smer levo proti desni
direction right to left tinymce sl Smer desno proti levi
directory tinymce sl Mapa
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sl Onemogoči popravek PNG hrošča v IE?
disable slider effects common sl Onemogoči učinek drsnika
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sl Onemogoči animirane učinke drsnika ob prikazu menija ob strani? Uporabniki Opere in Konquererja bodo verjetno hoteli to možnost.
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
disabled common sl Onemogočeno
display %s first jscalendar sl Pokaži najprej %1
djibouti common sl DŽIBUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common sl Ali želite izbrisati tudi podkategorije?
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce sl Želite uporabiti način WYSIWYG za to področje z besedilom?
doctype: common sl DOCTYPE:
document properties common sl Lastnosti dokumenta
document title: common sl Naziv dokumenta
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
domain common sl Domena
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sl ime domene za E-naslov, npr. "%1"
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
domestic common sl Domač
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
dominica common sl DOMINIKA
dominican republic common sl DOMINIKANSKA REPUBLIKA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
done common sl Končano
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
down tinymce sl Dol
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
drag to move jscalendar sl Povleci za premik
e-mail common sl E-pošta
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
east timor common sl VZHODNI TIMOR
ecuador common sl EKVADOR
edit common sl Popravi
edit %1 category for common sl Popravi kategorijo %1 za
edit categories common sl Popravi kategorije
edit category common sl Popravi kategorijo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
egroupware api version %1 common sl eGroupWare API različica %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sl eGroupWare: prijava uporabnika '%1' na IPju '%2' onemogočena.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
egypt common sl EGIPT
el salvador common sl SALVADOR
element... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Element...
email common sl E-pošta
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sl E-naslov uporabnika, npr. "%1"
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
emotions tinymce sl Smeški
en common sl en
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
enabled common sl Omogočeno
end date common sl Končni datum
end time common sl Končni čas
enlarge editor htmlarea sl Povečaj urejevalnik
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sl Vnesite URL eGroupWare. Primer: ali /egroupware<br><b>Brez zaključne poševnice!</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno izbrisan
entry updated sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno osvežen
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
equatorial guinea common sl EKVATORIALNA GVINEJA
eritrea common sl ERITREJA
error common sl Napaka
error creating %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju %1 %2 mape
error deleting %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri brisanju %1 %2 mape
error renaming %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka ob preimenovanju %1 %2 mape
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
estonia common sl ESTONIJA
ethiopia common sl ETIOPIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
exact common sl natančno
falkland islands (malvinas) common sl FALKLANDSKO OTOČJE
faroe islands common sl FERSKO OTOČJE
fax number common sl faks
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
february common sl Februar
fg color htmlarea-TableOperations sl Barva ospredja
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
fields common sl Polja
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
fiji common sl FIDŽI
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
file already exists. file was not uploaded. tinymce sl Datoteka že obstaja, zato ni bila prenešena.
file exceeds the size limit tinymce sl Datoteka je večja od dovoljene velikosti
file manager tinymce sl Upravljalec datotek
file not found. tinymce sl Ne najdem datoteke.
file was not uploaded. tinymce sl Datoteka ni bila prenešena.
file with specified new name already exists. file was not renamed/moved. tinymce sl Datoteka z navedenim imenom že obstaja, zato ni bila preimenovana/premaknjena.
file(s) tinymce sl datoteka/-e
file: tinymce sl Datoteka:
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
files common sl Datoteke
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
files with this extension are not allowed. tinymce sl Datoteke s to končnico niso dovoljene.
filter common sl Filter
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
find tinymce sl Najdi
find again tinymce sl Najdi ponovno
find what tinymce sl Besedilo za iskanje
find&nbsp;next tinymce sl Najdi naslednje
find/replace tinymce sl Najdi/zamenjaj
finished list of mispelled words htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Končni seznam zatipkanih besed
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
finland common sl FINSKA
first name common sl Ime
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common sl ime uporabnika, npr. "%1"
first page common sl Prva stran
firstname common sl Ime
fixme! common sl POPRAVI ME!
float htmlarea-TableOperations sl Plavajoč
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
folder tinymce sl Mapa
folder already exists. common sl Mapa že obstaja.
folder name missing. tinymce sl Manjka ime mape.
folder not found. tinymce sl Mapa ni bila najdena.
folder with specified new name already exists. folder was not renamed/moved. tinymce sl Mapa z navedenim imenom že obstaja, zato ni bila preimenovana/premaknjena.
folder(s) tinymce sl mapa/-e
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
font color htmlarea sl Barva pisave
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
for mouse out tinymce sl pri izhodu z miško
for mouse over tinymce sl pri prehodu z miško
force selectbox common sl Vsili izbirna polja
frames htmlarea-TableOperations sl Okvirji
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
france common sl FRANCIJA
french guiana common sl FRANCOSKA GVAJANA
french polynesia common sl FRANCOSKA POLINEZIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
french southern territories common sl FRANCOSKI JUŽNI TERITORIJ
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
friday common sl Petek
ftp common sl FTP
fullname common sl Polno ime
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
fullscreen mode common sl Celozaslonski način
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
gabon common sl GABON
gambia common sl GAMBIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
general menu common sl Splošni meni
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
georgia common sl GRUZIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
german common sl Nemški
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
germany common sl NEMČIJA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
ghana common sl GANA
gibraltar common sl GIBRALTAR
global common sl Globalno
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
global public common sl Splošna javnost
go today jscalendar sl Pojdi na današnji dan
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
grant access common sl Dovoli dostop
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
greece common sl GRČIJA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
greenland common sl GRENLANDIJA
grenada common sl GRENADA
group common sl Skupina
group access common sl Dostop skupine
group has been added common sl Skupina je bila dodana
group has been deleted common sl Skupina je bila izbrisana
group has been updated common sl Skupina je bila posodobljena
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
group name common sl Ime skupine
group public common sl Skupina 'javnost'
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
groups common sl Skupine
groups with permission for %1 common sl Skupine z dovoljenjem za
groups without permission for %1 common sl Skupine brez dovoljenja za
guadeloupe common sl GUADALUPE
guam common sl GUAM
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
guatemala common sl GVATEMALA
guinea common sl GVINEJA
guinea-bissau common sl GVINEJA-BISAO
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
guyana common sl GVAJANA
haiti common sl HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands common sl OTOK HEARD IN MCDONALDOVI OTOKI
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
height common sl Višina
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
help common sl Pomoč
help using editor htmlarea sl Pomoč pri uporabi urejevalnika
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
high common sl Visoko
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
highest common sl Najvišje
holy see (vatican city state) common sl SVETI SEDEŽ (MESTNA DRŽAVA VATIKAN)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
home common sl Domov
home email common sl domači E-naslov
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
honduras common sl HONDURAS
hong kong common sl HONG KONG
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
horizontal rule htmlarea sl Vodoravno ravnilo
how did you get here? (please report!) htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Kako ste se znašli tukaj? (Prosim sporočite)
how many columns would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations sl Koliko stolpcev naj združim?
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sl Koliko ikon naj se pokaže na orodni vrstici na vrhu strani? Preostale ikone gredo v dodaten meni, ki ga je moč priklicati s pomočjo ikone na desni strani orodne vrstice.
how many rows would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations sl Koliko vrstic naj združim?
html tidy htmlarea-HtmlTidy sl Prečisti HTML
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row. htmlarea-TableOperations sl HTMLArea zavrača brisanje zadnje celice v vrstici.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table. htmlarea-TableOperations sl HTMLArea zavrača brisanje zadnjega stolpca tabele.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table. htmlarea-TableOperations sl HTMLArea zavrača brisanje zadnje vrstice tabele.
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
hungary common sl MADŽARSKA
i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Odprl bom na novi strani.
i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi vrstico pred izbrano
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
iceland common sl ISLANDIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sl ieSpell ni bil zaznan. Kliknite V redu za obisk spletne strani za prenos.
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sl Če je ura omogočena, bi jo radi posodobili vsako sekundo ali vsako minutu?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common sl Če so v mapi kakšne slike, lahko izberete tisto, ki jo želite videti.
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Ignoriraj
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Ignoriraj vse
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
image description tinymce sl Opis slike
image title tinymce sl Naslov slike
image url common sl URL podobe
in_sert row after htmlarea-ContextMenu sl V_stavi vrstico za izbrano
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
increase indent htmlarea sl Povečaj zamik
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
indent tinymce sl Zamik
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
india common sl INDIJA
indonesia common sl INDONEZIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
insert tinymce sl Vstavi
insert 'return false' common sl vstavi 'return false'
insert / edit flash movie tinymce sl Vstavi / uredi film Flash
insert / edit horizontale rule tinymce sl Vstavi / uredi vodoravno ravnilo
insert _column before htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi stolpe_c pred izbranim
insert a new column after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi nov stolpec za trenutnim
insert a new column before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi nov stolpec pred trenutnim
insert a new row after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi novo vrstico pred trenutno
insert a new row before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi novo vrstico za trenutno
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common sl Vstavi vseh %1 naslovov iz %2 kontaktov v %3
insert c_olumn after htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Vstavi st_olpec za drugim
insert cell after htmlarea-TableOperations sl Vstavi celico za izbrano
insert cell before htmlarea-TableOperations sl Vstavi celico pred izbrano
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
insert column after common sl Vstavi stolpec za izbranim
insert column before common sl Vstavi stolpec pred izbranim
insert date tinymce sl Vstavi datum
insert emotion tinymce sl Vstavi smeška
insert file tinymce sl Vstavi datoteko
insert image htmlarea sl Vstavi podobo
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
insert link to file tinymce sl Vstavi povezavo do datoteke
insert row after common sl Vstavi vrstico za izbranim
insert row before common sl Vstavi vrstico pred izbrano
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
insert table htmlarea sl Vstavi tabelo
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
insert time tinymce sl Vstavi čas
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
insert web link htmlarea sl Vstavi spletno povezavo
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
insert/edit image tinymce sl Vstavi/uredi sliko
insert/edit link tinymce sl Vstavi/uredi povezavo
insert/modify table tinymce sl Vstavi/spremeni tabelo
inserts a new table tinymce sl Vstavi novo tabelo
international common sl Mednarodni
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
invalid filename common sl Napačno ime datotke
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
invalid ip address common sl Napačna IP številka
invalid password common sl Napačno geslo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
iran, islamic republic of common sl IRAN, ISLAMSKA REPUBLIKA
iraq common sl IRAK
ireland common sl IRSKA
israel common sl IZRAEL
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common sl Od zadnje menjave gesla je preteklo že več kot %1 dni.
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common sl Priporočamo, da poženete namestitev za nadgradnjo tabel na najnovejšo različico.
italic common sl Ležeče
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
italic.gif common sl italic.gif
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
italy common sl ITALIJA
jamaica common sl JAMAJKA
january common sl Januar
japan common sl JAPONSKA
jordan common sl JORDANIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
js-popup tinymce sl JS-Popup
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
july common sl Julij
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
jun common sl Jun
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
june common sl Junij
justify htmlarea-TableOperations sl Poravnaj
justify center common sl Poravnaj po sredini
justify full common sl Poravnaj obojestransko
justify left common sl Poravnaj levo
justify right common sl Poravnaj desno
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
kazakstan common sl KAZAHSTAN
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
keep linebreaks tinymce sl Obdrži prelome vrstic
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
kenya common sl KENIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
keywords common sl Ključne besede
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
kiribati common sl KIRIBATI
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
korea, democratic peoples republic of common sl KOREJA, DEMOKRATIČNA REPUBLIKA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
korea, republic of common sl KOREJA, REPUBLIKA
kuwait common sl KUVAJT
kyrgyzstan common sl KIRGIZISTAN
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
language common sl Jezik
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
language_direction_rtl common sl language_direction_rtl
lao peoples democratic republic common sl LAOS
2003-11-10 18:33:43 +01:00
last name common sl Priimek
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common sl priimek uporabnika, npr. "%1"
last page common sl Zadnja stran
lastname common sl Priimek
latvia common sl LATVIJA
layout htmlarea-TableOperations sl Postavitev
ldap-mgr common sl Upravitelj LDAP-a
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
lebanon common sl LIBANON
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
left common sl Levo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
lesotho common sl LESOTO
liberia common sl LIBERIJA
libyan arab jamahiriya common sl LIBIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
license common sl Licenca
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
liechtenstein common sl LICHTENSTEIN
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sl Vrstica %1: '%2'<br><b>CSV podatki se ne ujemajo s številom stolpcev v tabeli %3==>zavrnjen</b>
link points to: htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Povezava kaže na:
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
link url tinymce sl URL povezava
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
list common sl Seznam
list members common sl Seznam članov
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
lithuania common sl LITVA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
loading files tinymce sl Nalagam datoteke
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
local common sl Lokalno
login common sl Prijava
loginid common sl Uporabniško ime
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
logout common sl Odjava
low common sl Nizko
lower greek letters htmlarea-ListType sl Male grške črke
lower latin letters htmlarea-ListType sl Male latinske črke
lower roman numbers htmlarea-ListType sl Male rimske številke
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
lowest common sl Najnižje
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
luxembourg common sl LUKSEMBURG
macau common sl MACAO
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common sl MAKEDONIJA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
madagascar common sl MADAGASKAR
mail domain, eg. "%1" common sl E-poštna domena, npr. "%1"
main category common sl Glavna kategorija
main screen common sl Glavni zaslon
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
maintainer common sl Vzdrževalec
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
make lin_k... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Ustvari povezavo ...
make window resizable tinymce sl Ustvari okno s spremenljivo velikostjo
malawi common sl MALAVI
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
malaysia common sl MALEZIJA
maldives common sl MALDIVI
mali common sl MALI
malta common sl MALTA
march common sl Marec
margin htmlarea-TableOperations sl Meja
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
marshall islands common sl MARSHALLOVO OTOČJE
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
martinique common sl MARTINIQUE
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
match case tinymce sl Razlikuj velike in male črke
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
mauritania common sl MAVRETANIJA
mauritius common sl MAVRICIUS
max number of icons in navbar common sl Največje število ikon v orodni vrstici
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
may common sl Maj
mayotte common sl MAYOTTE
medium common sl Srednje
menu common sl Meni
merge cells htmlarea-TableOperations sl Združi celice
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
merge table cells tinymce sl Spoji celice tabele
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
message common sl Sporočilo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
mexico common sl MEHIKA
micronesia, federated states of common sl MIKRONEZIJA
middle htmlarea-TableOperations sl Sredina
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
minute common sl minuta
mkdir failed. tinymce sl Ustvarjanje mape ni uspelo.
modify url htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Spremeni URL
moldova, republic of common sl MOLDAVIJA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
monaco common sl MONAKO
monday common sl Ponedeljek
mongolia common sl MONGOLIJA
montserrat common sl MONSERRAT
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
morocco common sl MAROKO
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
move tinymce sl Premakni
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
mozambique common sl MOZAMBIK
multiple common sl mnogokraten
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
myanmar common sl MJANMAR
name common sl Ime
name of the user, eg. "%1" common sl ime uporabnika, npr. "%1"
namibia common sl NAMIBIJA
nauru common sl NAURU
nepal common sl NEPAL
netherlands common sl NIZOZEMSKA
netherlands antilles common sl NIZOZEMSKI ANTILI
never common sl Nikoli
new caledonia common sl NOVA KALEDONIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
new entry added sucessfully common sl Nov vnos je uspešno dodan.
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
new file name missing! tinymce sl Manjka ime nove datoteke!
new file name: tinymce sl Ime nove datoteke:
new folder tinymce sl Nova mapa
new folder name missing! tinymce sl Manjka ime nove mape!
new folder name: tinymce sl Ime nove mape:
new main category common sl Nova glavna kategorija
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
new value common sl Nova vrednost
new zealand common sl NOVA ZELANDIJA
next common sl Naslednji
next month (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Naslednji mesec (drži tipko za meni)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
next page common sl Naslednja stran
next year (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Naslednje leto (drži tipko za meni)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
nicaragua common sl NIKARAGVA
niger common sl NIGER
nigeria common sl NIGERIJA
niue common sl NIUE
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
no common sl Ne
no entries found, try again ... common sl Ne najdem vnosov. Poskusite ponovno...
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
no files... tinymce sl Ni datotek ...
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
no history for this record common sl Ni zgodovine za ta zapis.
no mispelled words found with the selected dictionary. htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Z izbranim slovarjem ne najdem nobene zatipkane besede.
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
no permission to create folder. tinymce sl Nimate pravice ustvariti mape.
no permission to delete file. tinymce sl Nimate pravice brisanja datoteke.
no permission to move files and folders. tinymce sl Nimate pravice premikati datoteke ali mape.
no permission to rename files and folders. tinymce sl Nimate pravice preimenovati datoteke ali mape.
no permission to upload. tinymce sl Nimate pravice nalaganja.
no rules htmlarea-TableOperations sl Brez pravil
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
no savant2 template directories were found in: common sl Mape s predlogo Savant2 ni bilo mogoče najti v:
no shadow tinymce sl Brez sence
no sides htmlarea-TableOperations sl Brez strani
2003-10-16 22:43:20 +02:00
no subject common sl Brez zadeve
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
none common sl Noben
norfolk island common sl OTOK NORFOLK
normal common sl Običajno
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
northern mariana islands common sl SEVERNI MARIANSKI OTOKI
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
norway common sl NORVEŠKA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
not assigned common sl ni dodeljeno
note common sl Opomba
notes common sl Opombe
notify window common sl Okno za opozorila
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
notify your administrator to correct this situation common sl Obvestite administratorja, da odpravi problem
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
november common sl November
october common sl Oktober
ok common sl V redu
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
old value common sl Stara vrednost
oman common sl OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common sl Na *nix sistemih vnesite: %1
on mouse over common sl Ob prehodu z miško
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
only files with extensions are permited, e.g. "imagefile.jpg". tinymce sl Dovoljene so samo datoteke s končnicami, npr. "slika.jpg"
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
only private common sl samo zasebno
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
only yours common sl samo vaše
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
open file in new window tinymce sl Odpri datoteko v novem oknu
open in new window tinymce sl Odpri v novem oknu
open in parent window / frame tinymce sl Odpri v drugem oknu / okvirju
open in the window tinymce sl Odpri v novem oknu
open in this window / frame tinymce sl Odpri v tem oknu / okvirju
open in top frame (replaces all frames) tinymce sl Odpri v zgornjam okvirju (zamenja vse okvirje)
open link in a new window tinymce sl Odpri povezavo v novem oknu
open link in the same window tinymce sl Odpri povezavo v istem oknu
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
open notify window common sl Odpri okno z opozorilom
open popup window common sl Odpri pojavno okno
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
open sidebox common sl Odpri stranski meni
opens this link in a new window htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Ta povezava bo odprta v novem oknu
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
ordered list common sl Urejen seznam
original common sl Izvirnik
original word htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Izvirna beseda
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
other common sl Ostalo
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
outdent tinymce sl Zamik
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
overview common sl Pregled
owner common sl Lastnik
padding htmlarea-TableOperations sl Odmik
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
page common sl Stran
page was generated in %1 seconds common sl Stran je bila izdelana v %1 sekundah
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
pakistan common sl PAKISTAN
palau common sl PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common sl PALESTINSKI TERITORIJ, OKUPIRAN
panama common sl PANAMA
papua new guinea common sl PAPUA NOVA GVINEJA
paraguay common sl PARAGVAJ
parcel common sl Paket
parent category common sl Nadrejena kategorija
password common sl Geslo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
password could not be changed common sl Gesla ni mogoče zamenjati.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
password has been updated common sl Geslo je bilo zamenjano.
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 majhnih črk
password must contain at least %1 numbers common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1številk
password must contain at least %1 special charactars common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 posebnih znakov
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 velikih črk
password must have at least %1 characters common sl Geslo mora imeti najmanj %1 znakov
paste htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Prilepi
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
paste as plain text tinymce sl Prilepi kot navadno besedilo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
paste from clipboard htmlarea sl Prilepi z odložišča
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
paste from word tinymce sl Prilepi iz Worda
paste table row after tinymce sl Prilepi vsrtico tabele za
paste table row before tinymce sl Prilepi vsrtico tabele pred
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
path htmlarea sl Pot
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
path not found. tinymce sl Ne najdem poti.
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sl Pot do uporabniških in skupinskih datotek NE SME BITI podrejena korenski mapi spletišča.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
pattern for search in addressbook common sl Vzorec za iskanje v adresarju
pattern for search in calendar common sl Vzorec za iskanje v koledarju
pattern for search in projects common sl Vzorec za iskanje med projektih
percent htmlarea-TableOperations sl odstotek
permissions to the files/users directory common sl dovoljenja do mape datotek/uporabnikov
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
personal common sl Zasebno
peru common sl PERU
philippines common sl FILIPINI
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
phone number common sl telefonska številka
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
phpgwapi common sl eGroupWare API
pitcairn common sl PITCAIRN
pixels htmlarea-TableOperations sl piksli
please %1 by hand common sl Prosim, ročno %1
please click into some cell htmlarea-TableOperations sl Kliknite v kakšno celico
please confirm that you want to open this link htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Potrdite odpiranje te povezave
please confirm that you want to remove this element: htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Potrdite odstranitev elementa:
please confirm that you want to unlink this element. htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Potrdite odstranitev povezave elementa.
please enter a name common sl Vnesite ime!
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
please enter the caption text tinymce sl Vnesite besedilo naslova
please insert a name for the target or choose another option. tinymce sl Vnesite ime cilja ali izberite drugo možnost.
please run setup to become current common sl Poženite namestitev za posodobitev!
please select common sl Izberite
please set your global preferences common sl Vnesite splošne nastavitve.
please set your preferences for this application common sl Vnesite nastavitve za to aplikacijo!
please wait. calling spell checker. htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Prosimo počakajte. Kličem črkovalnik.
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
please wait... common sl Prosimo, počakajte...
please wait: changing dictionary to htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Prosimo počakajte: menjam slovar
pliz weit ;-) htmlarea-SpellChecker sl prosm počakte ;-)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
poland common sl POLJSKA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
popup url tinymce sl URL pojavnega okna
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
portugal common sl PORTUGALSKA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
position (x/y) tinymce sl Položaj (X/Y)
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
postal common sl Poštno
powered by egroupware version %1 common sl Teče na <a href="">eGroupware</a> različica %1
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common sl Teče na phpGroupWare različica %1
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
preferences common sl Nastavitve
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
preferences for the idots template set common sl Nastavitve predloge idots
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Prejšnji mesec (držite tipko za meni)
prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Prejšnje leto (držite tipko za meni)
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
preview tinymce sl Predogled
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
previous page common sl Prejšnja stran
primary style-sheet: common sl Glavna CSS predloga
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
print common sl Natisni
priority common sl Prioriteta
private common sl Zasebno
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
programs common sl Programi
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
project common sl Projekt
public common sl javno
puerto rico common sl PORTORIKO
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
qatar common sl KATAR
re-check htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Preveri
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
read common sl Beri
read this list of methods. common sl Preberi ta seznam postopkov
reading common sl berem
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
redo tinymce sl Ponovno uveljavi
redoes your last action htmlarea sl Ponovi vaše zadnje dejanje
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
refresh tinymce sl Osveži
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
reject common sl Zavrni
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
remove col tinymce sl Odstrani stolpec
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
remove selected accounts common sl odstrani izbrane račune
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
remove shortcut common sl Odstrani bližnjico
remove the htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Odstrani
remove this node from the document htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Odstrani to točko iz dokumenta
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
rename common sl Preimenuj
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
rename failed tinymce sl Preimenuj polje
replace common sl Zamenjaj
replace all htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Zamenjaj vse
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
replace with common sl Zamenjaj z
replace&nbsp;all tinymce sl Zamenjaj vse
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common sl Vrne poln seznam uporabnikov sistema. Pozor: seznam je lahko precej dolg.
returns an array of todo items common sl Vrne niz opravil
returns struct of users application access common sl Vrne strukturo dostopanja uporabnikov do programa
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
reunion common sl REUNION
revert htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Povrni
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
right common sl Desno
rmdir failed. tinymce sl Napaka pri brisanju mape.
ro_w properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Lastnosti vrstice...
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
romania common sl ROMUNIJA
row properties htmlarea-TableOperations sl Lastnosti vrstice
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
rows tinymce sl Vrstice
rules htmlarea-TableOperations sl Pravila
rules will appear between all rows and columns htmlarea-TableOperations sl Pravila se bodo pojavila med vsemi vrsticami in stolpci
rules will appear between columns only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Pravila se bodo pojavila samo med stolpci
rules will appear between rows only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Pravila se bodo pojavila samo med vrsticami
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
run spell checking tinymce sl Zaženi preverjanje črkovanja
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
russian federation common sl RUSKA FEDERACIJA
rwanda common sl RUANDA
saint helena common sl SVETA HELENA
saint kitts and nevis common sl SVETA KRIŠTOF IN NEVIS
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
saint lucia common sl SVETA LUCIJA
saint pierre and miquelon common sl SVETA PIERRE IN MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines common sl SVETI VINCENT IN GRENADINE
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
samoa common sl SAMOA
san marino common sl SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common sl SAO TOME IN PRINCIPE
saturday common sl Sobota
saudi arabia common sl SAVDSKA ARABIJA
save common sl Shrani
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
search common sl Išči
search %1 '%2' common sl Išči %1 '%2'
search or select accounts common sl Išči ali izberi uporabniške račune
search or select multiple accounts common sl išči ali izberi več računov hkrati
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
second common sl sekunda
section common sl Odsek
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
select common sl Izberi
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
select all tinymce sl Izberi vse
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
select all %1 %2 for %3 common sl Izberi vse %1 %2 za %3
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
select category common sl Izberi kategorijo
select date common sl Izberi datum
select group common sl Izberi skupino
select home email address common sl Izberi domači E-naslov
select multiple accounts common sl izberi več računov hkrati
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
select one common sl Izberi
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
select the default height for the application windows common sl Izberite privzeto višino okna aplikacij
select the default width for the application windows common sl Izberite privzeto širino okna aplikacij
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
select user common sl Izberi uporabnika
select work email address common sl Izberi službeni E-naslov
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
selection common sl Izbor
send common sl Pošlji
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
senegal common sl SENEGAL
september common sl September
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
server %1 has been added common sl Dodan je bil strežnik %1.
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
server answered. processing response... common sl Strežnik je odgovoril. Obdelujem odgovor ...
server contacted. waiting for response... common sl Povezava s strežnikom je bila vzpostavljena. Čakam na odgovor ...
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
server name common sl Ime strežnika
session has been killed common sl Seja je bila prekinjena.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
setup common sl Namestitev
setup main menu common sl Glavni meni namestitve
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
seychelles common sl SEJEŠELI
show all common sl prikaži vse
show all categorys common sl Pokaži vse kategorije
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
show clock? common sl Prikažem uro?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common sl Prikažem gumba Domov in Odjavi v glavni vrstici aplikacije?
show locationbar tinymce sl Pokaži vrstico z lokacijami
show logo's on the desktop. common sl Prikaži logotip na namizju.
show menu common sl Pokaži meni
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
show menubar tinymce sl Pokaži menijsko vrstico
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
show page generation time common sl Pokaži čas generiranja strani
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common sl Pokažem čas generiranja strani na dnu?
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
show page generation time? common sl Prikažem čas ustvarjanja strani?
show scrollbars tinymce sl Prikaži drsnike
show statusbar tinymce sl Prikaži statusno vrstico
show the image properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Prikaži lastnosti slike
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common sl Prikaži logotipa eGroupware in x-desktop na namizju.
show the table cell properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Prikaži lastnosti celice v tabeli
show the table properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Prikaži lastnosti tabele
show the table row properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Prikaži lastnosti vrstice v tabeli
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
show toolbars tinymce sl Prikaži orodjarne
show_more_apps common sl pokaži več aplikacij
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
showing %1 common sl prikazanih %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common sl prikazani %1 - %2 od %3
sierra leone common sl SIERRA LEONE
singapore common sl SINGAPUR
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
size tinymce sl Velikost
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
slovakia common sl SLOVAŠKA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
slovenia common sl SLOVENIJA
solomon islands common sl SOLOMONOVO OTOČJE
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
somalia common sl SOMALIJA
sorry, your login has expired login sl Oprostite, vaša prijava je potekla
south africa common sl JUŽNOAFRIŠKA REPUBLIKA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common sl JUŽNA GEORGIJA IN JUŽNO OTOČJE SANDWICH
spacing htmlarea-TableOperations sl Razmik
spacing and padding htmlarea-TableOperations sl Razmik in odmik
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
spain common sl ŠPANIJA
spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. closing now... htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Črkovanje je končano. Nisem našel zatipkanih besed. Zapiram...
spell-check htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Črkuj
split cell htmlarea-TableOperations sl Razdeli celico
split column htmlarea-TableOperations sl Razdeli stolpec
split row htmlarea-TableOperations sl Razdeli vrstico
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
split table cells tinymce sl Razdeli celice tabele
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
sri lanka common sl ŠRI LANKA
start date common sl Začetni datum
start time common sl Začetni čas
start with common sl začni z
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
starting up... common sl Zaganjam ...
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
status common sl Status
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
stretched common sl raztegnjeno
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
strikethrough htmlarea sl Prečrtano
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
striketrough tinymce sl Prečrtano
style [css] htmlarea-TableOperations sl Stil [CSS]
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
subject common sl Zadeva
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
submit common sl Pošlji
subscript htmlarea sl Podpisano (kot indeks)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
substitutions and their meanings: common sl Nadomestila in njihov pomen
sudan common sl SUDAN
suggestions htmlarea-SpellChecker sl Predlogi
summary htmlarea-TableOperations sl Povzetek
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
sunday common sl Nedelja
superscript htmlarea sl Nadpisano (kot potenca)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
suriname common sl SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common sl SVALBARD IN JAN MAJEN
swaziland common sl SVAZILAND
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
sweden common sl ŠVEDSKA
switzerland common sl ŠVICA
syrian arab republic common sl SIRIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
table cell properties tinymce sl Lastnosti celice tabele
table properties common sl Lastnosti tabele
table row properties tinymce sl Lastnosti vrstice tabele
taiwan common sl TAJVAN
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
tajikistan common sl TADŽIKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of common sl TANZANIJA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
target tinymce sl Cilj
text align htmlarea-TableOperations sl Poravnaj besedilo
text color: common sl Barva besedila:
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
thailand common sl TAJSKA
the api is current common sl API je najnovejši
the api requires an upgrade common sl API je potrebno nadgraditi
the bottom side only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Samo spodaj
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
the following applications require upgrades common sl Naslednje aplikacije je potrebno nadgraditi
the left-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Samo na levi strani
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
the mail server returned common sl Poštni strežnik je vrnil
the right and left sides only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Samo ne levi in desni strani
the right-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Samo na desni strani
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
the search has been compleated. the search string could not be found. tinymce sl Iskanje končano. Iskani niz ni bil najden.
the top and bottom sides only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Samo zgoraj in spodaj
the top side only htmlarea-TableOperations sl Samo zgoraj
this application is current common sl Aplikacija je najnovejša
this application requires an upgrade common sl Aplikacijo je potrebno nadgraditi
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
this is just a template button tinymce sl To je samo gumb predloge
this is just a template popup tinymce sl To je samo pojavno okno predloge
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
this name has been used already common sl To ime je že uporabljeno!
this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker sl To bo zavrglo spremembe in ustavilo črkovalnik. Prosim potrdite.
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
thursday common sl Četrtek
time common sl Čas
time selection: jscalendar sl Izbor časa:
time zone common sl Časovni pas
time zone offset common sl Odmik časovnega pasu
title common sl Naziv
to common sl Prejemnik
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common sl Za odpravo ponavljanja te napake bo potrebno pravilno nastaviti
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common sl Da pridete nazaj na seznam sporočil, kliknite <a href="%1">tu</a>.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
today common sl Danes
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
todays date, eg. "%1" common sl današnji datum, npr. "%1"
toggle first day of week jscalendar sl Zamenjajte prvi dan v tednu
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
toggle fullscreen mode tinymce sl Preklopi celozaslonski način
toggle html source htmlarea sl Prikaži HTML kodo
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
togo common sl TOGO
tokelau common sl TOKELAU
tonga common sl TONGA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common sl Preveč neuspešnih poskusov prijave: %1 za uporabnika %2, %3 za IP %4.
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
top common sl Vrh
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
total common sl Skupaj
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
transparant bg for the icons? common sl Prosojno ozadnje ikon?
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
trinidad and tobago common sl TRINIDAD IN TOBAGO
2005-04-08 12:37:40 +02:00
tuesday common sl Torek
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
tunisia common sl TUNIZIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
turkey common sl TURČIJA
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
turkmenistan common sl TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common sl TURKS IN CAICOS
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
tuvalu common sl TUVALU
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
type common sl Vrsta
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
uganda common sl UGANDA
ukraine common sl UKRAJINA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
underline common sl Podčrtano
underline.gif common sl underline.gif
undo tinymce sl Razveljavi
undoes your last action htmlarea sl Prekliče vaše zadnje dejanje
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
united arab emirates common sl ZDRUŽENI ARABSKI EMIRATI
united kingdom common sl VELIKA BRITANIJA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
united states common sl ZDRUŽENE DRŽAVE
united states minor outlying islands common sl CELINSKE ZDRUŽENE DRŽAVE
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
unknown common sl Neznano
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
unlink tinymce sl Prekini povezavo
unlink failed. tinymce sl Odstranjevanje povezave ni uspelo.
unlink the current element htmlarea-ContextMenu sl Odstrani povezavo trenutnega elementa
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
unordered list tinymce sl Nerazvrščen seznam
unset color htmlarea-TableOperations sl Odstrani barvo
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
up tinymce sl Gor
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
update common sl Obnovi
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
update the clock per minute or per second common sl Posodobi uro vsako minuto ali vsako sekundo
upload common sl Naloži
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common sl Mapa za prenos ne obstaja ali pa ni zapisljiva s strani spletnega strežnika
upload image htmlarea-UploadImage sl Prenesi sliko
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
uploading... tinymce sl Nalagam ...
upper latin letters htmlarea-ListType sl Velike latinske črke
upper roman numbers htmlarea-ListType sl Velike rimske številke
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
url common sl URL
uruguay common sl URUGVAJ
use button to search for common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje
use button to search for address common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje naslova
use button to search for calendarevent common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje dogodka v koledarju
use button to search for project common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje projekta
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
use ctrl and/or shift to select multiple items. tinymce sl Za večkratno izbiro uporabite tipko Ctrl in/ali Shift
use ctrl+v on your keyboard to paste the text into the window. tinymce sl Uporabite Ctrl+V da prilepite besedil v okno.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
user common sl Uporabnik
user accounts common sl uporabniški račun
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
user groups common sl uporabniška skupina
username common sl Uporabniško ime
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
users common sl uporabniki
users choice common sl Uporabnikov izbor
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
uzbekistan common sl UZBEKISATAN
vanuatu common sl VANUATU
venezuela common sl VENEZUELA
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
version common sl Različica
vertical align htmlarea-TableOperations sl Vertikalna poravnava
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
vertical alignment tinymce sl Navpična poravnava
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
viet nam common sl VIETNAM
view common sl Pregled
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
virgin islands, british common sl DEVIŠKI OTOKI (BRITANSKI)
virgin islands, u.s. common sl DEVIŠKI OTOKI (ZDA)
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
wallis and futuna common sl WALLIS IN FUTUNA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
warning!\n renaming or moving folders and files will break existing links in your documents. continue? tinymce sl Opozorilo!\n Preimenovanje ali premikanje map bo pokvarilo povezave v vaših dokumentih. Nadaljujem?
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
wednesday common sl Sreda
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
welcome common sl Dobrodošli!
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
western sahara common sl ZAHODNA SAHARA
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sl Kakšne barve naj bo prazen prostor na namizju?
what style would you like the image to have? common sl Kakšen slog želite za sliko?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sl Če odgovorite z Da, bosta gumba Domov in Odjavi v orodni vrstici aplikacij.
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
which groups common sl Katere skupine
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
width common sl Širina
window name tinymce sl Ime okna
wk jscalendar sl ted
work email common sl službeni E-naslov
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common sl Želite na dnu vsakega okna prikazati čas ustvarjanja strani?
writing common sl zapisujem
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
written by: common sl Napisal:
year common sl Leto
yemen common sl JEMEN
yes common sl Da
you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. htmlarea sl Ste v besedilnem načinu. Uporabite ikono [<>] za preklop nazaj v način WYSIWYG.
you are required to change your password during your first login common sl Ob prvi prijavi morate zamenjati geslo!
you have been successfully logged out login sl Bili ste uspešno odjavljeni.
you have not entered a title common sl Niste vnesli naziva
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
you have not entered a valid date common sl Niste vnesli veljavnega datuma
you have not entered a valid time of day common sl Niste vnesli veljavni čas
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
you have not entered participants common sl Niste vnesli udeležencev
you have selected an invalid date common sl Izbrali ste napačen datum
you have selected an invalid main category common sl Izbrali ste napačno glavno kategorijo
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
you have successfully logged out common sl Bili ste uspešno odjavljeni
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
you must enter the url tinymce sl Vnesti morate URL
2004-09-01 00:00:45 +02:00
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sl Uporabnika '%1' je potrebno dodati skupini '%2'.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common sl Vaše sporočilo <b>NI<b> bilo poslano! <br>
your message has been sent common sl Vaše sporočilo je bilo poslano
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
your search returned %1 matchs common sl najdenih %1 zadetkov
your search returned 1 match common sl najden 1 zadetek
your session could not be verified. login sl Vaša seja ne more biti preverjena.
your settings have been updated common sl Vaše nastavitve so bile posodobljene
2003-10-14 23:47:40 +02:00
yugoslavia common sl JUGOSLAVIJA
zambia common sl ZAMBIJA
zimbabwe common sl ZIMBABVE
2006-03-29 00:08:01 +02:00
zoom common sl Zoom