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2015-01-21 20:49:09 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/php -Cq
* EGroupware - tcp-map for Postfix and Active Directory
* Using multivalued proxyAddresses attribute as implemented in emailadmin_smtp_ads:
* - "smtp:<email>" allows to receive mail for given <email>
* (includes aliases AND primary email)
* - "forward:<email>" forwards received mail to given <email>
* (requires account to have at an "smtp:<email>" value!)
* - ("forwardOnly" is used for no local mailbox, only forwards, not implemented!)
* - ("quota:<quota>" is used to store quota)
* Groups can be used as distribution lists by assigning them an
* email address via there mail attribute (no proxyAddress)
* The TCP map class implements a very simple protocol: the
* client sends a request, and the server sends one reply.
* Requests and replies are sent as one line of ASCII text,
* terminated by the ASCII newline character. Request and
* reply parameters (see below) are separated by whitespace.
* Each request specifies a command, a lookup key, and possi-
* bly a lookup result.
* Look up data under the specified key.
* put SPACE key SPACE value NEWLINE
* This request is currently not implemented.
* Each reply specifies a status code and text. Replies must
* be no longer than 4096 characters including the newline
* terminator.
* 500 SPACE text NEWLINE
* In case of a lookup request, the requested data
* does not exist. In case of an update request, the
* request was rejected. The text describes the
* nature of the problem.
* 400 SPACE text NEWLINE
* This indicates an error condition. The text
* describes the nature of the problem. The client
* should retry the request later.
* 200 SPACE text NEWLINE
* The request was successful. In the case of a lookup
* request, the text contains an encoded version of
* the requested data.
* In request and reply parameters, the character %, each
* non-printing character, and each whitespace character must
* be replaced by %XX, where XX is the corresponding ASCII
* hexadecimal character value. The hexadecimal codes can be
* specified in any case (upper, lower, mixed).
* The Postfix client always encodes a request. The server
* may omit the encoding as long as the reply is guaranteed
* to not contain the % or NEWLINE character.
* @author rb(at)
* @copyright (c) 2012-13 by rb(at)
* @package emailadmin
* @link
* @version $Id$
// protect from being called via HTTP
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') die('This is a command line only script!');
// our defaults
$default_host = 'localhost';
$verbose = false;
// allow only clients matching that preg to access, should be only mserver IP
//$only_client = '/^10\.40\.8\.210:/';
// uncomment to write to log-file, otherwise errors go to stderr
//$log = 'syslog'; // or not set (stderr) or filename '/var/log/postfix_tcp_map.log';
//$log_verbose = true; // error's are always logged, set to true to log failures and success too
// ldap server settings
$ldap_uri = 'ldaps://';
$base = 'CN=Users,DC=gruene,DC=intern';
//$bind_dn = "CN=Administrator,$base";
//$bind_dn = "Administrator@gruene.intern";
//$bind_pw = 'secret';
$version = 3;
$use_tls = false;
// supported maps
$maps = array(
// virtual mailbox map
'mailboxes' => array(
'base' => $base,
'filter' => '(&(objectCategory=person)(proxyAddresses=smtp:%s))',
'attrs' => 'samaccountname', // result-attrs must be lowercase!
'port' => 2001,
// virtual alias maps
'aliases' => array(
'base' => $base,
'filter' => '(&(objectCategory=person)(proxyAddresses=smtp:%s))',
'attrs' => array('samaccountname','{forward:}proxyaddresses'),
'port' => 2002,
// groups as distribution list
'groups' => array(
'base' => $base,
'filter' => '(&(objectCategory=group)(mail=%s))',
'attrs' => 'dn',
// continue with resulting dn
'filter1' => '(&(objectCategory=person)(proxyAddresses=smtp:*)(memberOf=%s))',
'attrs1' => array('samaccountname','{forward:}proxyaddresses'),
'port' => 2003,
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if ($log) ini_set('error_log',$log);
function usage($extra=null)
global $maps;
fwrite(STDERR, "\nUsage: $cmd [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help] [-l|--log (syslog|path)] [-q|--query <email-addresse> (mailboxes|alias|groups)] [host]\n\n");
fwrite(STDERR, print_r($maps,true)."\n");
if ($extra) fwrite(STDERR, "\n\n$extra\n\n");
$cmd = basename(array_shift($_SERVER['argv']));
while (($arg = array_shift($_SERVER['argv'])) && $arg[0] == '-')
case '-v': case '--verbose':
$verbose = $log_verbose = true;
case '-h': case '--help':
case '-l': case '--log':
$log = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
case '-q': case '--query':
if (count($_SERVER['argv']) == 2) // need 2 arguments
$request = 'get '.array_shift($_SERVER['argv'])."\n";
$map = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
echo respond($request, $map)."\n";
usage("Unknown option '$arg'!");
if ($_SERVER['argv']) usage();
if ($arg)
$host = $arg;
$host = $default_host;
if ($verbose) echo "using $host\n";
$servers = $clients = $buffers = array();
// Create the server socket
foreach($maps as $map => $data)
$addr = 'tcp://'.$host.':'.$data['port'];
if (!($server = stream_socket_server($addr, $errno, $errstr)))
fwrite(STDERR, date('Y-m-d H:i:s').": Error calling stream_socket_server('$addr')!\n");
fwrite(STDERR, $errstr." ($errno)\n");
$servers[$data['port']] = $server;
$clients[$data['port']] = array();
while (true) // mail loop of tcp server --> never exits
$read = $servers;
if ($clients) $read = array_merge($read, call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_values($clients)));
if ($verbose) print 'about to call socket_select(array('.implode(',',$read).', ...) waiting... ';
if (stream_select($read, $write=null, $except=null, null)) // null = block forever
foreach($read as $sock)
if (($port = array_search($sock, $servers)) !== false)
$client = stream_socket_accept($sock,$timeout,$client_addr); // @ required to get not timeout warning!
if ($verbose) echo "accepted connection $client from $client_addr on port $port\n";
if ($only_client && !preg_match($only_client,$client_addr))
fwrite($client,"Go away!\r\n");
error_log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s').": Connection $client from wrong client $client_addr (does NOT match '$only_client') --> terminated");
$clients[$port][] = $client;
elseif (feof($sock)) // client connection closed
if ($verbose) echo "client $sock closed connection\n";
foreach($clients as $port => &$socks)
if (($key = array_search($sock, $socks, true)) !== false)
else // client send something
$buffer =& $buffers[$sock];
$buffer .= fread($sock, 8096);
if (strpos($buffer, "\n") !== false)
list($request, $buffer) = explode("\n", $buffer, 2);
foreach($maps as $map => $data)
if (($key = array_search($sock, $clients[$data['port']], true)) !== false)
if ($verbose) echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s').": client send: $request for map $map\n";
// Respond to client
fwrite($sock, respond($request, $map));
if ($except)
echo "Exception: "; print_r($except);
// timeout expired
* escapes a string for use in searchfilters meant for ldap_search.
* Escaped Characters are: '*', '(', ')', ' ', '\', NUL
* It's actually a PHP-Bug, that we have to escape space.
* For all other Characters, refer to RFC2254.
* @param string|array $string either a string to be escaped, or an array of values to be escaped
* @return string
function quote($string)
return str_replace(array('\\','*','(',')','\0',' '),array('\\\\','\*','\(','\)','\\0','\20'),$string);
function respond($request, $map, $extra='', $reconnect=false)
static $ds;
global $ldap_uri, $version, $use_tls, $bind_dn, $bind_pw;
global $maps, $log_verbose;
if (($map == 'aliases' || $map == 'groups') && strpos($request,'@') === false && !$extra)
return "500 No domain aliases yet\n";
if (!isset($ds) || $reconnect)
$ds = ldap_connect($ldap_uri);
if ($version) ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $version);
if ($use_tls) ldap_start_tls($ds);
if (!@ldap_bind($ds, $bind_dn, $bind_pw))
error_log("$map: Can't connect to LDAP server $ldap_uri!");
$ds = null;
return "400 Can't connect to LDAP server $ldap_uri!\n"; // 400 (temp.) error
if (!preg_match('/^get ([^\n]+)\n?$/', $request, $matches))
error_log("$map: Wrong format '$request'!");
return "400 Wrong format '$request'!\n"; // 400 (temp.) error
$username = $matches[1];
list($name,$domain) = explode('@',$username);
/* check if we are responsible for the given domain
if ($domain && $map != 'domains' && (int)($response = respond("get $domain", 'domains')) != 200)
return $response;
$replace = array(
'%n' => quote($name),
'%d' => quote($domain),
'%s' => quote($username),
$base = strtr($maps[$map]['base'], $replace);
$filter = strtr($maps[$map]['filter'.$extra], $replace);
$prefix = isset($maps[$map]['prefix'.$extra]) ? str_replace(array('%n','%d','%s'),array($name,$domain,$username),$maps[$map]['prefix']) : '';
$search_attrs = $attrs = (array)$maps[$map]['attrs'.$extra];
// remove prefix like "{smtp:}proxyaddresses"
foreach($search_attrs as &$attr)
if ($attr[0] == '{') list(,$attr) = explode('}', $attr);
if (!($sr = @ldap_search($ds, $base, $filter, $search_attrs)))
$errno = ldap_errno($ds);
$error = ldap_error($ds).' ('.$errno.')';
if ($errno == -1) // eg. -1 lost connection to ldap
// as DC closes connections quickly, first try to reconnect once, before returning a temp. failure
if (!$reconnect) return respond($request, $map, $extra, true);
error_log("$map: get '$username' --> 400 $error: !ldap_search(\$ds, '$base', '$filter')");
$ds = null; // force new connection on next lookup
return "400 $error\n"; // 400 (temp.) error
else // happens if base containing domain does not exist
if ($log_verbose) error_log("$map: get '$username' --> 500 Not found: $error: !ldap_search(\$ds, '$base', '$filter')");
return "500 Not found: $error\n"; // 500 not found
$entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
if (!$entries['count'])
if ($log_verbose) error_log("$map: get '$username' --> 500 not found ldap_search(\$ds, '$base', '$filter') no entries");
return "500 Not found\n"; // 500: Query returned no result
$response = array();
foreach($entries as $key => $entry)
if ($key === 'count') continue;
foreach($attrs as $attr)
if ($attr[0] == '{')
list($filter_prefix, $attr) = explode('}', substr($attr, 1));
foreach((array)$entry[$attr] as $k => $mail)
if ($k !== 'count' && ($mail = trim($mail)))
if ($filter_prefix)
if (stripos($mail, $filter_prefix) === 0)
$mail = substr($mail, strlen($filter_prefix));
$response[] = isset($maps[$map]['return']) ? $maps[$map]['return'] : $prefix.$mail;
if (!$response)
if ($log_verbose) error_log("$map: get '$username' --> 500 not found ldap_search(\$ds, '$base', '$filter') no response");
return "500 Not found\n"; // 500: Query returned no result
if (isset($maps[$map]['filter'.(1+$extra)]) && isset($maps[$map]['attrs'.(1+$extra)]))
return respond('get '.$response[0], $map, 1+$extra);
$response = '200 '.implode(',',$response)."\n";
if ($log_verbose) error_log("$map: get '$username' --> $response");
return $response;