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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Nextmatch object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright EGroupware GmbH 2012-2021
* Default action for nextmatch rows, runs action specified _action.data.nm_action: see nextmatch_widget::egw_actions()
* @param {egwAction} _action action object with attributes caption, id, nm_action, ...
* @param {array} _senders array of rows selected
* @param {object} _target
* @param {object} _ids attributs all and ids (array of string)
2021-06-09 10:31:22 +02:00
export function nm_action(_action, _senders, _target, _ids)
// ignore checkboxes, unless they have an explicit defined nm_action
if (_action.checkbox && (!_action.data || typeof _action.data.nm_action == 'undefined')) return;
if (typeof _action.data == 'undefined' || !_action.data) _action.data = {};
if (typeof _action.data.nm_action == 'undefined' && _action.type == 'popup') _action.data.nm_action = 'submit';
if(typeof _ids == 'undefined')
// Get IDs from nextmatch - nextmatch is in the top of the action tree
// @see et2_extension_nextmatch_controller._initActions()
var nm = null;
var action = _action;
while(nm == null && action != null)
if(action.data != null && action.data.nextmatch)
nm = action.data.nextmatch;
action = action.parent;
_ids = nm.getSelection();
_action.data.nextmatch = nm;
// This will probably fail without nm, but it depends on the action
_ids = {ids: _senders.map(function(s) {return s.id;})};
// row ids
var row_ids = "";
for (var i = 0; i < _ids.ids.length; i++)
var row_id = _ids.ids[i];
row_ids += (row_id.indexOf(',') >= 0 ? '"'+row_id.replace(/"/g,'""')+'"' : row_id) +
((i < _ids.ids.length - 1) ? "," : "");
2012-03-30 13:43:39 +02:00
// Translate the internal uids back to server uids
var idsArr = _ids.ids;
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for (var i = 0; i < idsArr.length; i++)
// empty placeholder gets reported --> ignore it
if (!idsArr[i])
idsArr[i] = idsArr[i].split("::").pop();
2012-03-30 13:43:39 +02:00
2012-03-30 13:43:39 +02:00
// Calculate the ids parameters
var ids = "";
for (var i = 0; i < idsArr.length; i++)
2012-03-30 13:43:39 +02:00
var id = idsArr[i];
ids += (id.indexOf(',') >= 0 ? '"'+id.replace(/"/g,'""')+'"' : id) +
((i < idsArr.length - 1) ? "," : "");
//console.log(_action); console.log(_senders);
var mgr = _action.getManager();
var url = '#';
if (typeof _action.data.url != 'undefined')
// Add selected IDs to url
url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,encodeURIComponent(ids))
// Include select all flag too
// Add row_ids to url
var target = null;
if (typeof _action.data.target != 'undefined')
target = _action.data.target;
case 'alert':
alert(_action.caption + " (\'" + _action.id + "\') executed on rows: " + ids);
case 'location':
if (typeof _action.data.targetapp != 'undefined')
egw.top.egw_appWindowOpen(_action.data.targetapp, url);
else if(target)
egw.open_link(url, target, _action.data.width ? _action.data.width+'x'+_action.data.height : false);
window.location.href = url;
case 'popup':
2021-06-09 10:31:22 +02:00
// According to microsoft, IE 10/11 can only accept a url with 2083 characters
// therefore we need to send request to compose window with POST method
// instead of GET. We create a temporary <Form> and will post emails.
// ** WebServers and other browsers also have url length limit:
// Firefox:~ 65k, Safari:80k, Chrome: 2MB, Apache: 4k, Nginx: 4k
if (url.length > 2083)
var $tmpForm = jQuery(document.createElement('form'));
var $tmpSubmitInput = jQuery(document.createElement('input')).attr({type:"submit"});
var params = url.split('&');
url = params[0];
for (var i=1;i<params.length;i++)
var values = params[i].split('=');
switch (values[0])
case 'cd':
case 'tz':
case 'menuaction':
case 'hasupdate':
url = url + '&' + values.join('=');
$tmpForm.append(jQuery(document.createElement('input')).attr({name:values[0], type:"text", value: values[1]}));
var postRequest = true;
var popup_window = egw.open_link(url,target,_action.data.width+'x'+_action.data.height);
if (postRequest)
popup_window.name = popup_window.name ? popup_window.name : 'postRequest';
// Set the temporary form's attributes
$tmpForm.attr({target:popup_window.name, action:url, method:"post"})
// Remove the form after submit
case 'long_task':
// Run a long task once for each ID with a nice dialog instead of
// freezing for a while. If egw_open is set, and only 1 row selected,
// egw_open will be used instead.
if(doLongTask(idsArr, _ids.all,_action, mgr.data.nextmatch)) break;
// Fall through
case 'egw_open':
var params = _action.data.egw_open.split('-'); // type-appname-idNum (idNum is part of id split by :), eg. "edit-infolog"
2013-02-05 10:14:14 +01:00
var egw_open_id = idsArr[0];
var type = params.shift();
var app = params.shift();
if (typeof params[2] != 'undefined')
if(egw_open_id.indexOf(':') >= 0)
egw_open_id = egw_open_id.split(':')[params.shift(params[2])];
// Discard , special handling when from=merge is involved
if(params.length>1 && params[0]=='' && params[1].indexOf('from=merge')!=-1)
//special handling when from=merge is involved
if(params.length>1 && params[0]=='' && params[1].indexOf('from=merge')!=-1)
// Re-join, in case extra has a -
var extra = params.join('-');
case 'open_popup':
// open div styled as popup contained in current form and named action.id+'_popup'
if (nm_popup_action == null)
nm_open_popup(_action, _ids.ids);
// fall through, if popup is open --> submit form
case 'submit':
var checkboxes = mgr.getActionsByAttr("checkbox", true);
var checkbox_values = {};
if (checkboxes)
for (var i in checkboxes)
checkbox_values[checkboxes[i].id] = checkboxes[i].checked;
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
var nextmatch = _action.data.nextmatch;
if(!nextmatch && _senders.length)
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
// Pull it from deep within, where it was stuffed in et2_dataview_controller_selection._attachActionObject()
nextmatch = _senders[0]._context._widget;
// Fake a getValue() function
var old_value = nextmatch.getValue;
var value = nextmatch.getValue();
jQuery.extend(value, _action.data, nextmatch.activeFilters, {
"selected": idsArr,
"select_all": _ids.all,
"checkboxes": checkbox_values
// Skip this one, it would cause the nm to change ID on reload
delete value.id;
value[nextmatch.options.settings.action_var]= _action.id;
2019-05-15 00:43:15 +02:00
// Don't try to send the nextmatch
delete value['nextmatch'];
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
nextmatch.getValue = function() {
return value;
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
// downloads need a regular submit via POST (no Ajax)
if (_action.data.postSubmit)
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
egw().debug("error", "Missing nextmatch widget, could not submit", _action);
* Fetch all IDs to the client side, user wants to do something with them...
* @param {string[]} ids Array of selected IDs
* @param {et2_nextmatch} nextmatch
* @param {function} callback Callback function
* @returns {Boolean}
2021-06-09 10:31:22 +02:00
export function fetchAll(ids, nextmatch, callback)
if(!nextmatch || !nextmatch.controller) return false;
var selection = nextmatch.getSelection();
if(!selection.all) return false;
if(nextmatch.controller._grid && nextmatch.controller._grid.getTotalCount() > ids.length)
// Need to actually fetch all (TODO: just ids) to do this client side
var idsArr = [];
var count = idsArr.length;
var total = nextmatch.controller._grid.getTotalCount();
var cancel = false;
var dialog = et2_dialog.show_dialog(
// Abort the long task if they canceled the data load
function() {count = total; cancel=true;},
egw.lang('Loading'), egw.lang('please wait...'),{},[
{"button_id": et2_dialog.CANCEL_BUTTON,"text": egw.lang('cancel'),id: 'dialog[cancel]',image: 'cancel'}
// dataFetch() is asyncronous, so all these requests just get fired off...
// 200 rows chosen arbitrarily to reduce requests.
do {
nextmatch.controller.dataFetch({start:count, num_rows: 200}, function(data) {
if(data && data.order)
for(var i = 0; i < data.order.length; i++)
// Update total, just in case it changed
if(data && data.total) total = data.total;
if(idsArr.length >= total)
callback.call(this, idsArr);
count += 200;
} while (count < total)
return true;
return false;
* Fetch all IDs and run a long task.
* @param {String[]} idsArr Array of IDs
* @param {boolean} all True if all IDs are selected. They'll have to be fetched if missing.
* @param {type} _action
* @param {et2_nextmatch} nextmatch
* @returns {Boolean}
2021-06-09 10:31:22 +02:00
export function doLongTask(idsArr, all, _action, nextmatch)
if(all || idsArr.length > 1 || typeof _action.data.egw_open == 'undefined')
var fetching = fetchAll(idsArr, nextmatch,function(idsArr){
if(fetching) return true;
return true;
return false;
* Callback to check if a certain field (_action.data.fieldId) is (not) equal to given value (_action.data.fieldValue)
* If field is not found, we return false too!
* @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.fieldId to check agains _action.data.fieldValue
* @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects
* @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders
* @returns boolean true if field found and has specified value, false otherwise
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export function nm_compare_field(_action, _senders, _target)
var value = false;
// This probably won't work...
var field = document.getElementById(_action.data.fieldId);
// Use widget
if (!field)
var nextmatch = _action.data.nextmatch;
if(!nextmatch && _senders.length)
// Pull it from deep within, where it was stuffed in et2_dataview_controller_selection._attachActionObject()
nextmatch = _senders[0]._context._widget;
if(!nextmatch) return false;
field = nextmatch.getWidgetById(_action.data.fieldId);
value = field.getValue();
value = jQuery(field).val();
if (!field) return false;
if (_action.data.fieldValue.substr(0,1) == '!')
return value != _action.data.fieldValue.substr(1);
return value == _action.data.fieldValue;
// TODO: This code is rather suboptimal! No global variables as this code will
// run in a global context
window.nm_popup_action = null;
window.nm_popup_ids = null;
* Open popup for a certain action requiring further input
* Popup needs to have eTemplate name of action id plus "_popup"
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {egwActionObject[]} _selected
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export function nm_open_popup(_action, _selected)
//Check if there is nextmatch on _action otherwise gets the uniqueid from _ids
var uid;
if (typeof _action.data.nextmatch !== 'undefined')
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uid = _action.data.nextmatch.getInstanceManager().uniqueId;
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else if (typeof _selected[0] !== 'undefined')
uid = _selected[0].manager.data.nextmatch.getInstanceManager().uniqueId;
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let action = _action;
let selected = _selected;
nm_popup_action = _action;
if (_selected.length && typeof _selected[0] == 'object')
_action.data.nextmatch = _selected[0]._context._widget;
nm_popup_ids = _selected;
egw().debug("warn", 'Not proper format for IDs, should be array of egwActionObject', _selected);
nm_popup_ids = _selected;
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
// Find the popup div
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
var popup = document.body.querySelector("et2-dialog[id*='" + _action.id + "_popup']") || document.body.querySelector("#" + (uid || "") + "_" + _action.id + "_popup") || document.body.querySelector("[id*='" + _action.id + "_popup']");
if (popup && popup instanceof Et2Dialog)
else if (popup)
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
let dialog = new Et2Dialog();
dialog.destroy_on_close = false;
dialog.id = popup.id;
popup.setAttribute("id", "_" + popup.id);
dialog.addEventListener("close", () =>
window.nm_popup_action = null;
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
dialog.getUpdateComplete().then(() =>
2012-05-30 00:23:02 +02:00
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
let title = popup.querySelector(".promptheader")
if (title)
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2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
title.slot = "heading"
2012-05-30 00:23:02 +02:00
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
popup.slot = "content";
// Move buttons
popup.querySelectorAll('et2-button').forEach((button) =>
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
button.slot = "buttons";
let button_click = button.onclick;
button.onclick = (e) =>
window.nm_popup_action = button_click ? action : null;
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
window.nm_popup_ids = selected;
return button_click?.apply(button, e.currentTarget);
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
// Reset global variables
nm_popup_action = null;
nm_popup_ids = null;
* Submit a popup action
* Must to be global, as it's used as onclick action!
* @param {DOMNode} button DOM node of button
window.nm_submit_popup = function(button)
if (nm_popup_action.data.nextmatch)
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button.clicked = true;
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
// Mangle senders to get IDs where nm_action() wants them
if(nm_popup_ids.length && typeof nm_popup_ids[0] != 'object')
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
// Legacy ID just as string
var ids = {ids:[]};
for(var i in nm_popup_ids)
2012-04-10 22:27:37 +02:00
// call regular nm_action to transmit action and senders correct
nm_action(nm_popup_action,nm_popup_ids, button, ids );
nm_hide_popup(button, null);
nm_popup_ids = null;
* Hide popup
* Must to be global, as it's used as onclick action!
* @param {DOMNode} element
* @param {string} div_id
* @returns {Boolean}
window.nm_hide_popup = function(element, div_id)
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
var prefix = element.id.substring(0, element.id.indexOf('['));
var popup = div_id ? document.getElementById(div_id) : document.querySelector("#" + prefix + "_popup") || document.querySelector("[id*='" + prefix + "_popup']");
// Hide popup
2022-03-22 22:49:42 +01:00
if (popup)
nm_popup_action = null;
nm_popup_ids = null;
return false;
* Activate/click first link in row
* @param {egwAction} _action
* @param {array} _senders of egwActionObject
window.nm_activate_link = function(_action, _senders)