egroupware api version %1 common lt eGroupWare API versija %1
egypt common lt EGIPTAS
el salvador common lt SALVADORAS
email common lt El. paštas
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lt naudotojo el. pašto adresas, pvz., "%1"
error common lt Klaida
estonia common lt ESTIJA
ethiopia common lt ETIOPIJA
fax number common lt fakso numeris
february common lt Vasaris
file already exists. file was not uploaded. tinymce lt Failas jau egzistuoja. Failas nebuvo įkeltas.
file not found. tinymce lt Failas nerastas.
file was not uploaded. tinymce lt Failas neįkeltas.
file with specified new name already exists. file was not renamed/moved. tinymce lt Failas nurodytu vardu jau egzistuoja. Failas nepervadintas/neperkeltas.
file(s) tinymce lt failas(-ai)
file: tinymce lt Failas:
files common lt Failai
filter common lt Filtras
find tinymce lt Ieškoti
find again tinymce lt Ieškoti vėl
find next tinymce lt Ieškoti toliau
finland common lt SUOMIJA
first name common lt Vardas
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common lt Naudotojo vardas, pvz., "%1"
france common lt PRANCŪZIJA
friday common lt Penktadienis
ftp common lt FTP
gambia common lt GAMBIJA
germany common lt VOKIETIJA
ghana common lt GANA
gibraltar common lt GIBRALTARAS
greece common lt GRAIKIJA
greenland common lt GRENLANDIJA
guatemala common lt GVATEMALA
how did you get here? (please report!) htmlarea-ContextMenu lt Kaip čia patekote? (Prašome pranešti)
hungary common lt VENGRIJA
iceland common lt ISLANDIJA
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker lt Ignoruoti
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker lt Ignoruoti visus
india common lt INDIJA
indonesia common lt INDONEZIJA
insert tinymce lt Įterpti
insert date tinymce lt Įterpti datą
iran, islamic republic of common lt IRANAS
iraq common lt IRAKAS
ireland common lt AIRIJA
israel common lt IZRAELIS
italy common lt ITALIJA
jamaica common lt JAMAIKA
january common lt Sausis
japan common lt JAPONIJA
july common lt Liepa
june common lt Birželis
kenya common lt KENIJA
kiribati common lt KIRIBATIS
kuwait common lt KUVEITAS
language common lt Kalba
lao peoples democratic republic common lt LAOSAS
last name common lt Pavardė
lastname common lt Pavardė
latvia common lt LATVIJA
liberia common lt LIBERIJA
lithuania common lt LIETUVA
lower greek letters htmlarea-ListType lt Mažosios lotyniškos raidės
lower latin letters htmlarea-ListType lt Mažosios graikiškos raidės
luxembourg common lt LIUKSEMBURGAS
madagascar common lt MADAGASKARAS
main category common lt Pagrindinė kategorija
malaysia common lt MALAIZIJA
mali common lt MALIS
malta common lt MALTA
march common lt Kovas
margin htmlarea-TableOperations lt Paraštė
menu common lt Meniu
mexico common lt MEKSIKA
minute common lt minutė
monaco common lt MONAKAS
monday common lt Pirmadienis
mongolia common lt MONGOLIJA
morocco common lt MAROKAS
namibia common lt NAMIBIJA
nepal common lt NEPALAS
netherlands common lt OLANDIJA
never common lt Niekada
new zealand common lt NAUJOJI ZELANDIJA
next common lt Kitas
next page common lt Kitas puslapis
nicaragua common lt NIKARAGVA
no common lt Ne
norway common lt NORVEGIJA
november common lt Lapkritis
october common lt Spalis
oman common lt OMANAS
on *nix systems please type: %1 common lt *nix sistemose prašome rašyti: %1