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2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
phpGroupWare Setup III
June 18, 2001
A developer introduction to using the next generation setup
application for phpgroupware.
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Thanks for taking the time to look over this document. If
you are a developer who is new to phpgroupware, this document
will be invaluable to your success during the life of your
application. This is in addition to the other fine documentation
available in the phpgwapi/doc directory in your install.
Even long-time phpgw developers should benefit this document.
Herein, I will attempt to outline the critical steps required
in order to get along with setup3, setup-TNG, or whatever
we end up calling it (Hey, how about 'setup'?)
1.2 Overview
With setup3, we introduce several new capabilities and technologies
for the developer and end user alike. Michael Dean was kind
enough to offer up schema_proc to form the core of an abstracted
and database-independent upgrade process. This enables developers
to write a single set of upgrades and table definitions,
which should then work on MySQL and PostgreSQL, or any other
database type we might add in the future.
Adding to this to control the process was a good chunk of
the old setup program, written by Dan Kuykendall (Seek3r).
Dan had everything to do with the new dependencies support
and with the format of the $setup_info array in setup3.
Setup3 adds multi-language support for the setup application,
a long missed feature, I would imagine.
Setup3 gives each application developer control over their
application install and upgrade processes, while giving
them access to work within a realm formerly owned by only
the former core phpgroupware applications. Yes, this is
extra work for the developer. But it is hoped that setup3
is also viewed as a tool that can truly enhance the development
OK. Let's dive right in...
2 Application setup files
The files in this section are contained within each application/setup
directory. Every app will some of these files in order to
operate with setup3.
2.1 (Required)
2.1.1 Basic information
The values in this section must be used by all applications.
The first section of defines the very basic
and yet critical information about the application. Take
a look at the following section:
$setup_info['addressbook']['name'] = 'addressbook';
$setup_info['addressbook']['title'] = 'Addressbook';
$setup_info['addressbook']['version'] = '';
$setup_info['addressbook']['app_order'] = 4;
$setup_info['addressbook']['enable'] = 1;
'name' is used throughout phpgroupware, typically in $phpgw_info
flags such as 'currentapp' or as the 'app_name' almost everywhere
'title' would be used in the navbar, admin, preferences,
as well as in the application itself.
The 'version' string defines the version of the application
and table code. This would be incremented whenever you create
a new upgrade function, and typically only for table modifications.
If the change is significant from the last code update,
you could increment this here also. Incrementing this version
string is not trivial, so please do read the rest of this
document for more information about that.
'app_order' determines the order of applications in the navbar.
If the number you set here is the same as is set for another
app, the app whose 'name' is first in the English alphabet
would appear first. Smaller numbers show closer to the top
or left end of the navbar, depending upon the layout.
The 'enable' string is used by the phpgroupware API to determine
whether an application is disabled, enabled, or enabled
but hidden from the navbar. Most applications will want
this set to a value of 1 (enabled). The notifywindow app
sets this to 2, which keeps it off the navbar. An enable
of 0 would disable the app by default. There is one other
special case, 3, which is used primarily by the API itself.
From the perspective of setup3, the API is an application
just like any other application. By setting the 'enable'
flag to 3, the API is still enabled, but will not be assignable
to a user as a real application. It will thereby be hidden
from the admin for application and user/group editing.
2.1.2 Table info
Only applications with database tables will use entries
in this section.
The next section of $setup_info values is an array defining
all of the application's database tables:
$setup_info['addressbook']['tables'] = array(
This is a simple array, and must list accurately the current
table names you are using in your application. This list
will match a much more complex array of table specifications,
as you will see below.
2.1.3 Hooks
Some applications will use this section.
The hooks array part of $setup_info contains a simple list
of hooks the application will use:
$setup_info['addressbook']['hooks'][] = 'preferences';
$setup_info['addressbook']['hooks'][] = 'admin';
Here we also note a different method of 'stuffing the array.'
In any case, this list of hooks will be required soon in
order for your and other files to work.
This is being done to cut down on the manual directory listing
and file_exists loops done currently to discover hook files.
Other than 'preferences' and 'admin', 'home', 'manual',
'after_navbar' and 'navbar_end' are all valid hook entries.
2.1.4 Dependencies
All applications will have at least one entry here.
The final section, or array of data, is a listing of the
other applications your application requires in order to
$setup_info['addressbook']['depends'][] = array(
'appname' => 'phpgwapi',
'versions' => Array(
This is the standard dependency array for all phpgroupware
applications. It states that this application requires the
phpgwapi, and lists the versions with which versions this
app is compatible. This list would need to be appended upon
each new API release, assuming your application is compatible
with this new API version. You may list other applications
here, e.g. your app might depend upon 'email' in order to
work properly.
Do NOT list applications here without considering this: If
you do list an application here, and your app does not really
require it, your application will not install unless that
other application is already installed. This is handled
normally within the install/upgrade process loops, which
will install only applications whose dependencies are satisfied.
Using a multipass function, the applications are installed
in the correct order to ensure that dependencies are resolved.
In all cases, the API would be installed first in every
new install or upgrade, since all applications depend on
the API.
2.2 (Recommended)
2.2.1 Any application that has at least one upgrade routine will
have this file.
The tables_baseline file represents the earliest supported
version of an application's tables. This file is used only
in the upgrade process, and is critical to its success.
It contains an array of database-independent table, field,
key and index definitions.
This array is formatted for use by the
file in setup3. See the tables_update section below for
more detail about schema_proc, but for now, here is a simple
table definition in this format:
$phpgw_baseline = array(
'skel' => array(
'fd' => array(
'skel_id' => array('type' => 'auto','nullable'
=> false),
'skel_owner' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision'
=> 25),
'skel_access' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision'
=> 10),
'skel_cat' => array('type' => 'int','precision'
=> 4),
'skel_des' => array('type' => 'text'),
'skel_pri' => array('type' => 'int','precision'
=> 4)
'pk' => array('skel_id'),
'fk' => array(),
'ix' => array(),
'uc' => array()
This multi-dimensional array contains 1 subarray with 5 subs
of its own. The first array ('skel' above) defines the table
name. Below that are 5 sections, 'fd' for field definitions,
'pk' to define primary keys, 'fk' to define foreign keys,
'ix' to define indexed fields, and 'uc' to define columns
that require unique values. In the above example, the table
'skel' has 6 fields (skel_id, skel_owner, skel_access, skel_cat,
skel_des, skel_pri), and 'skel_id' is defined also as the
primary key for this table. More information on this array
is below. But, this format was chosen as an available solution
for defining tables and fields without having to maintain
seperate files for different databases.
2.3 (Recommended)
2.3.1 All applications with tables will need this file.
The tables_current file defines the current table definition
that matches the 'version' string in $setup_info as well
as the current code. This file is used only for new installs,
or whenever the application is removed and reinstalled.
The format and name of the array in this file is the same
as for the tables_baseline file listed above. In fact, whenever
it is required to change your table definitions, you would
start by copying the current file over to become the tables_baseline
file. After having created your upgrade routines, you would
then recreate the current file to match the new table definitions.
2.4 (Recommended)
2.4.1 Any application which requires an upgrade to a previous
version's tables will need this file.
This file will be the most complex of all setup-oriented
files with which you will be working. It will contain all
upgrade functions capable of upgrading any possible version
of your phpgroupware app. These upgrade routines roughly
match the old setup program's upgrade functions, but the
use of objects and the methods have changed dramatically.
The simplest version upgrade routine would look like:
$test[] = "0.9.3pre10";
function addressbook_upgrade0_9_3pre10()
global $setup_info;
$setup_info['addressbook']['currentver'] = '0.9.3';
return $setup_info['addressbook']['currentver'];
This upgrade function merely updates the current version
number. Note that there is not only an upgrade function,
but also the setting of a value in the $test array. The
name 'test' is a holdover from the old setup program, and
is an arbitrary choice. However, this name must be used
for the upgrade process to work. Prior to each of your upgrade
functions, add the value of the previous version to $test.
Now look at the function name. The name is important and
should be structured as the application name and the version
from which you are intending to upgrade. The '.'s in the
version string are replaced with '_'.
Inside the function, we global the $setup_info array. Next,
we alter the version number in that array, for our application.
Please be careful to specify YOUR application name here.
The very last thing we do is to return this new version
to the calling function. The upgrade process relies on the
value returned, since it uses this directly to determine
the new version. This may appear illogical on some level,
but it does work. The reason for returning this value instead
of a True or 1, etc. has to do with variable scope and lifetime.
In this way, even the globaling of $setup_info inside the
function may have little effect on the upgrade process.
But, there may be values in this array you would want to
use within the function. More on that later.
There is one other variable you would need if doing any database
operations here. If you global $phpgw_setup, you will then
have access to db and schema_proc objects and functions.
The objects of interest here are:
* $phpgw_setup->oProc
* $phpgw_setup->db.
For most database work you should use the oProc object. This
also has a db object that should be used for most standard
phpgw API db class functions, including $db->query, next_record,
num_rows, and f. The use of these for standard db operations
is critical to the upgrade process. Schema_proc has a flag
that can be set to determine what mode of upgrade we are
in. This flag is set in the setup class during the upgrade
process, and should not be altered locally.
This flag is a decision on whether to alter the database
or the schema_proc array. The tables_baseline file above
is loaded by setup prior to running your upgrade routines.
If the current installed version is greater than the current
upgrade routine, we don't need to alter the database yet.
But schema_proc instead alters the $phpgw_baseline array
in memory. The maintenance of this array is done even when
we do alter the database. Once our version number in the
test array matches the currently installed version of an
application, real work on the tables begins.
'Why bother modifying this array at all', you may ask. The
array must be maintained in order to keep current table
definition status. This is used in some schema_proc functions
when altering columns and tables. This is especially critical
for pgsql schema_proc functions.
By using the $phpgw_setup->oProc object for basic inserts
and queries, we acheive the ability to run all upgrade functions
in every upgrade cycle without actually altering the database
until we reach the current version we actually want to upgrade.
For example:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpgw_addressbook_extra WHERE contact_name='notes'";
while($phpgw_setup->oProc->next_record()) {
We could have used $phpgw_setup->db or even a copy for the
above activity. However, using the above method ensures
that an array only upgrade does just that. If the flag was
set in setup telling schema_proc to alter the array only,
we do not want to touch the tables for inserts or selects
yet. In this case, $phpgw_setup->oProc->next_record() returns
False, and the loop is skipped. The $phpgw_baseline array
does not know about table content, only table and field
If the upgrade function containing this method is actually
working on the tables (currentver <= the upgrade function),
then next_record() is returned as the expected action of
pulling the next row of data. Inside of this while loop,
you can safely use $phpgw_setup->db, or preferably a copy,
to do the insert/delete, etc you want to have happen here.
$cid = $phpgw_setup->oProc->f('contact_id');
$cvalu = $phpgw_setup->oProc->f('contact_value');
$update = "UPDATE phpgw_addressbook set note='" . $cvalu
. "' WHERE id=" . $cid;
$delete = "DELETE FROM phpgw_addressbook_extra WHERE
contact_id=" . $cid . " AND contact_name='notes'";
$db1 is a copy of $phpgw_setup->db, to avoid potential conflicts
with the rest of setup's db activities.
In addition to the basic API db class functions, schema_proc
introduces the following special functions:
function DropTable($sTableName)
function DropColumn($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sColumnName)
function RenameTable($sOldTableName, $sNewTableName)
function RenameColumn($sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName)
function AlterColumn($sTableName, $sColumnName, $aColumnDef)
function AddColumn($sTableName, $sColumnName, $aColumnDef)
function CreateTable($sTableName, $aTableDef)
Please use these functions where appropriate in place of
standard SQL CREATE, DROP, and ALTER TABLE commands. This
will ensure that your upgrade script works for all supported
Of these functions, DropTable, RenameTable, and RenameColumn
are pretty straightforward. Pass these the table names you
wish to Drop/Rename, and schema_proc will handle the rest,
including indexes and sequences, where applicable.
The remaining functions require some explanation:
* CreateTable:
'categories', array(
'fd' => array(
'cat_id' => array('type' => 'auto','nullable'
=> false),
'account_id' => array('type' => 'int','precision'
=> 4,'nullable' => false, 'default' => 0),
'app_name' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision'
=> 25,'nullable' => false),
'cat_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision'
=> 150, 'nullable' => false),
'cat_description' => array('type' => 'text',
'nullable' => false)
'pk' => array('cat_id'),
'ix' => array(),
'fk' => array(),
'uc' => array()
Does this look familiar? The array passed to CreateTable
is in the format used also in tables_baseline and tables_current.
Note a slight difference where the table name is being passed
as a seperate argument. The second argument to the function
is the table definition array, starting with 'fd'.
* AddColumn:
=> 'varchar', 'precision' => 25));
Here we pass the table name of an existing table, the new
column name, and a field definition. This definition is
merely a slice of the table arrays found earlier in this
* AlterColumn:
=> 'varchar', 'precision' => '255'));
The format of this function matches AddColumn. It is also
a simple case of passing the table name, field name, and
field definition.
* DropColumn:
$newtbldef = array(
"fd" => array(
'acl_appname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision'
=> 50),
'acl_location' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision'
=> 255),
'acl_account' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision'
=> 4),
'acl_rights' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision'
=> 4)
'pk' => array(),
'ix' => array(),
'fk' => array(),
'uc' => array()
This is the most complicated function in schema_proc, from
the user's perspective. Its complexity is necessitated by
the requirement of some databases to recreate a table in
the case of dropping a column. Note that the table definition
array is being used yet again. The array defined here should
match the table definition you want after this function
has completed. Here, we are dropping the column 'acl_account_type'
from the table 'phpgw_acl', and the table definition does
not have this column defined. You could copy information
from your tables_current file here and edit it to match
the desired new table spec, less the column you wish to
There are additional functions within schema_proc, the majority
of which are not to be called directly. They are used internally.
If you do wish to investigate further, use
as your guide. This master file includes the
and files. The DBMS files
should not be used as a guide, since their functions are
called from the master class, and the parameters are different
from what you might expect relative to the master.
2.5 (Optional)
2.5.1 Any application with tables that wants to load some default
data will need this file.
The default_records file consists of a list of SQL INSERTs
using the $oProc object directly:
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_inv_statuslist (status_name)
VALUES ('available')");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_inv_statuslist (status_name)
VALUES ('no longer available')");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_inv_statuslist (status_name)
VALUES ('back order')");
In this case, the developer wanted to insert some status
information, which was then used in a select box on an html
form. Using the default_records file, every new install
will have this data included. This file should consist of
queries applicable to the tables defined in
2.6 (Optional)
2.6.1 Any developer wanting to test the full list of upgrade
routines can use this file. is similar to default_records above. It
is called only by schematoy.php and is never installed with
a new install or upgrade. This is a developer-only file.
The INSERTs here should be applicable to the tables_baseline
table definitions.
2.7 language files (Required)
2.7.1 All applications should have at least a file of English
translations, used for their application lang() calls.
* Format of a lang file:
first name common en First Name
first name common de Vorname
* Filenames:
English: phpgw_en.lang
German: phpgw_de.lang
Please see the contents of the API 'languages' table for
the correct setting of the LANG_CODE.
3 Developer Tools
3.1 sqltoarray.php
3.1.1 Displays the current schema_proc array defining an application's
This web application reads the current table status live
from the database. It then parses this information into
a hopefully correct table definition array for schema_proc.
Upon visiting this app, you are shown a list of currently
installed applications with defined tables. You may then
select one app or all apps, and then submit the form. From
this form you may then download a tables_current file, suitable
for commission to cvs. Please do check the format to make
sure the definitions are correct.
3.2 schematoy.php
3.2.1 Runs the full cycle of upgrades, including optional test_data.
This app is not beautiful, may bomb on you, and will definitely
drop your application's tables. The display is similar to
the user/admin tool, applications.php. You are shown a list
of apps with tables. Select one app, and enter a target
version. Upon submission of the form:
* All application tables are dropped.
* is loaded.
* is loaded
* is loaded.
* a full application upgrade test begins.
This will give a LOT of debugging output. Depending on your
database, the process may take quite awhile. This tool should
be considered as a destructive test of the full upgrade
cycle. If the upgrade process is successful, you can then
check the loaded test_data to see that it is still in place
as expected after all the table modifications, etc. If not,
it should be clear where the error has occurred. Look for
the usual INVALID SQL warnings, among others.
3.3 tools subdirectory
3.3.1 some utilities for sql file conversion, etc.
In the tools directory under setup3, there should be at least
a couple of hopefully handy perl or shell scripts. These
are for running on the commandline only, and might apply
to converting SQL files into lang files, etc. They are not
expected to be perfect, but might offer some assistance
or ideas for additional utilities. Use these at your own
risk or benefit.
4 The install/upgrade process
4.1 Overview
4.1.1 Setup internal upgrade functions
Setup uses a common set of functions for new installs and
upgrades. These are implemented as multi-pass loops. For
a single application install or upgrade, a single pass is
done. For multiple application installs or upgrades, multiple
passes are done automatically. The order of install in a
mass install or upgrade is determined by application dependencies.
The other determining factor is the order in which the application
directories and files are read from the filesystem.
4.2 New installs
4.2.1 Detection
Each run of index.php or applications.php in setup3 first
runs a set of detection routines. These read the data from
each file, and from the 'applications' or
'phpgw_applications' table as appropriate, and only if one
of these tables exists. This data is parsed into the $setup_info
array. In this case, this array contains information about
all applications. Based on the information gathered, a status
flag is set to one of the following values:
* U - Upgrade required/available
* R - upgrade in pRogress
* C - upgrade Completed successfully
* D - Dependency failure
* F - upgrade Failed
* V - Version mismatch at end of upgrade
* M - Missing files at start of upgrade (Not used, proposed
Using this information, the setup logic in index.php determines
what mode we are in. index.php is not capable of being selective
about which application it found as being out of sync. It
is designed only for 'Simple Application Management', which
is Step 1 of the setup process. For more selective application
manipulation, use applications.php. index.php then tells
the user that 1) their applications are current 2) some
of their applications are out of sync 3) no db exists, etc.
For a new install, all applications will be out of sync,
since there is not even an 'phpgw_applications' table in
the database to tell setup what the status is for any application.
4.2.2 Selection
There is no selection for application installs in 'new install'
mode. All physically present applications will be installed,
or at least attempted.
4.2.3 Installation
Once the setup user clicks the magic button to install all
applications, the following occurs:
* The setup_info array is passed to the process_pass() function,
using a method='new'
* Applications whose status flag='U' (API on first pass)
are then handed off to the process_current() function.
This handles inclusion and installation of the application's file.
* The application is registered as a new application in the
'phpgw_applications' table. If for some reason there is
old data in this table for this application, it will be
updated instead. Its hooks, if any, are registered in
the 'phpgw_hooks' table.
* Next, this array is passed to the process_default_records()
function. If this file is present in the current application's
setup directory, the queries here are run to install the
data to the application's table(s).
* The above is repeated until all application status flags
equal 'C'. However, if an application install failed for
some reason, it will then be skipped on the next pass.
This keeps the loop from running away.
4.3 Upgrades
4.3.1 Detection
Only an API version mismatch will trigger an automated request
for the user to upgrade their install. Once the api is current,
they can move on to applications.php for more 'Advanced
Application Management', which is Step 4 of the setup process.
However, if the API is out of sync, clicking 'Upgrade' in
index.php will also attempt to upgrade other applications
which may be out of sync, as well. As the phpgwapi continues
to stabilize, it is felt that this method of upgrading will
become less and less common.
4.3.2 Selection
Within applications.php, a color-coded matrix of application
status and actions is displayed. Depending on the status
flag of each application, certain actions will be either
enabled or disabled. These actions include 'install', 'upgrade',
'remove'. If something is very wrong with previous attempts
to install or upgrade an application, another column called
'resolution' will then display a link. This link will display
additional information which would be helpful for determining
how to resolve the problem. Assuming all is well, the user
can select applications requiring upgrade from this list.
Once selected, they submit the form. This runs the follow
three routines in order:
* remove
* install
* upgrade
4.3.3 Upgrade
The idea here is that multiple actions can be selected and
run in order in one click. In any case, once they select
an application for upgrade, the following occurs:
* A stripped down version of the setup_info array is passed
to the process_upgrade() function. This array contains
only the information for the selected application
* Within process_upgrade(), the file
for the application is loaded.
* The file for the application is loaded
* The contents of the test array is used to loop through
the entire list of upgrade functions for the application.
The application's unique function names are rebuilt, then
* When the currentver (installed) matches the version (available),
process_upgrade() exits, setting the status flag for the
app to 'C'.
* Just prior to exiting, the application and its hooks are
updated into the 'phpgw_applications' and 'phpgw_hooks'
4.4 Uninstallation/Removal
4.4.1 Selection
Selective removal of an application is done via applications.php,
in a manner similar to the method above for upgrades.
4.4.2 Uninstallation
Once an application is selected for removal:
* A stripped down version of the setup_info array is passed
to the process_droptables() function. This function removes
all of the application's defined tables, but only after
first checking to see if the tables are there. In this
way, we attempt to cut down on the number of errors sent
to the browser.
* The application's hooks are deregistered (removed from
* The application itself is deregistered (removed from 'phpgw_applications').
5 Caveats
5.1 Must see info
5.1.1 Auto fields
For auto type fields, schema_proc creates a sequence automatically
based on the table name for databases that require sequences.
In the case of postgresql, the limit for this name based
on our tests is 31 characters. The schema_proc format is:
$sSequenceSQL = sprintf("CREATE SEQUENCE seq_%s", $sTableName);
This limits the maximum length for a tablename to 27 characters.
Based on the tablename standard in phpgw of 'phpgw_tablename',
you are further limited to 21 characters in which to describe
your table. You will need to be less descriptive in some
cases, e.g. use 'phpgw_widget_cats' instead of 'phpgw_widget_info_categories'.
To maintain compatibility with MySQL 3.22.X, please always
add "'nullable' => False" to
your field spec for an auto field. This and probably older
versions of MySQL require that specification within the
SQL for a field that will also be an index or unique field,
which for our uses should typically be true for an auto
field. MySQL 3.23.X and PostgreSQL do not have this issue.
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
5.1.2 Default 0
For int fields, a default of 0 is not assumed. Only some
databases will set this default for you, MySQL being one.
You will need to explicitly define this default in the table
definition. Also, for auto fields, do not enter a default,
since the resulting SQL query would fail on many RDBMS.