
507 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Egroupware
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package
* @subpackage
* @link
* @author Nathan Gray
* @version $Id$
* Class for one row of a planner
* This widget is responsible for the label on the side
* @augments et2_valueWidget
var et2_calendar_planner_row = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_valueWidget.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM],
attributes: {
start_date: {
name: "Start date",
type: "any"
end_date: {
name: "End date",
type: "any"
value: {
type: "any"
* Constructor
* @memberOf et2_calendar_daycol
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Main container
this.div = $j(document.createElement("div"))
this.title = $j(document.createElement('div'))
this.rows = $j(document.createElement('div'))
// Used for its date calculations
this.date_helper = et2_createWidget('date-time',{},null);
doLoadingFinished: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
return true;
destroy: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// date_helper has no parent, so we must explicitly remove it
this.date_helper = null;
getDOMNode: function(_sender)
if(_sender === this || !_sender)
return this.div[0];
if(_sender._parent === this)
return this.rows[0];
* Draw the individual divs for weekends and events
_draw: function() {
// Remove any existing
var days = 31;
2016-04-19 22:27:09 +02:00
var width = 100;
if (this._parent.options.group_by === 'month')
days = new Date(this.options.end_date.getUTCFullYear(),this.options.end_date.getUTCMonth()+1,0).getUTCDate();
if(days < 31)
2016-04-19 22:27:09 +02:00
width = 100*days/31;
this.rows.css('width','calc('+width+'% - 162px)');
// mark weekends and other special days in yearly planner
if (this._parent.options.group_by == 'month')
this.rows.append(this._yearlyPlannerMarkDays(this.options.start_date, days));
if (this._parent.options.group_by === 'month' && days < 31)
// add a filler for non existing days in that month
this.rows.after('<div class="calendar_eventRowsFiller"'+
2016-04-19 22:27:09 +02:00
' style="width:'+(99.5-width)+'%;" ></div>');
set_label: function(label)
this.options.label = label;
if(this._parent.options.group_by === 'month')
this.title.attr('data-date', this.options.start_date.toJSON());
2015-09-21 17:41:56 +02:00
this.title.addClass('et2_clickable et2_link');
* Change the start date
* @param {Date} new_date New end date
* @returns {undefined}
set_start_date: function(new_date)
if(!new_date || new_date === null)
throw exception('Invalid end date. ' + new_date.toString());
this.options.start_date = new Date(typeof new_date == 'string' ? new_date : new_date.toJSON());
* Change the end date
* @param {string|number|Date} new_date New end date
* @returns {undefined}
set_end_date: function(new_date)
if(!new_date || new_date === null)
throw exception('Invalid end date. ' + new_date.toString());
this.options.end_date = new Date(typeof new_date == 'string' ? new_date : new_date.toJSON());
* Mark special days (birthdays, holidays) on the planner
* @param {Date} start Start of the month
* @param {number} days How many days in the month
_yearlyPlannerMarkDays: function(start,days)
var day_width = 100/days;
var t = new Date(start);
var content = '';
for(var i = 0; i < days;i++)
var holidays = [];
// TODO: implement this, pull / copy data from et2_widget_timegrid
var day_class = this._parent.day_class_holiday(t,holidays);
if (day_class) // no regular weekday
content += '<div class="calendar_eventRowsMarkedDay '+day_class+
'" style="left: '+(i*day_width)+'%; width:'+day_width+'%;"'+
(holidays ? ' title="'+holidays.join(',')+'"' : '')+
' ></div>';
return content;
* Load the event data for this day and create event widgets for each.
* If event information is not provided, it will be pulled from the content array.
* @param {Object[]} [events] Array of event information, one per event.
_update_events: function(events)
// Remove all events
this._cached_rows = [];
for(var c = 0; c < events.length; c++)
// Create event
var event = et2_createWidget('calendar-event',{
value: events[c]
// Seperate loop so column sorting finds all children in the right place
for(var c = 0; c < events.length && c < this._children.length; c++)
var event = this.getWidgetById('event_'+events[c].row_id);
if(!event) continue;
* Position the event according to it's time and how this widget is laid
* out.
* @param {undefined|Object|et2_calendar_event} event
position_event: function(event)
var rows = this._spread_events();
var row = $j('<div class="calendar_plannerEventRowWidget"></div>').appendTo(this.rows);
var height = rows.length * (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(row[0]).getPropertyValue("height")) || 20);
for(var c = 0; c < rows.length; c++)
// Calculate vertical positioning
var top = c * (100.0 / rows.length);
for(var i = 0; (rows[c].indexOf(event) >=0 || !event) && i < rows[c].length; i++)
// Calculate horizontal positioning
var left = this._time_to_position(rows[c][i].options.value.start);
var width = this._time_to_position(rows[c][i].options.value.end)-left;
// Position the event
rows[c][i].div.css('top', top+'%');
rows[c][i].div.css('height', (100/rows.length)+'%');
rows[c][i].div.css('left', left.toFixed(1)+'%');
rows[c][i].div.outerWidth(width/100 *this.rows.width() +'px');
* Sort a day's events into non-overlapping rows
* @returns {Array[]} Events sorted into rows
_spread_events: function()
// Keep it so we don't have to re-do it when the next event asks
var cached_length = 0; {cached_length+=row.length;});
if(cached_length === this._children.length)
return this._cached_rows;
// sorting the events in non-overlapping rows
var rows = [];
var row_end = [0];
// Sort in chronological order, so earliest ones are at the top
this._children.sort(function(a,b) {
var start = new Date(a.options.value.start) - new Date(b.options.value.start);
var end = new Date(a.options.value.end) - new Date(b.options.value.end);
// Whole day events sorted by ID, normal events by start / end time
if(a.options.value.whole_day && b.options.value.whole_day)
// Longer duration comes first so we have nicer bars across the top
var duration =
(new Date(b.options.value.end) - new Date(b.options.value.start)) -
(new Date(a.options.value.end) - new Date(a.options.value.start));
return duration ? duration : (a.options.value.app_id - b.options.value.app_id);
else if (a.options.value.whole_day || b.options.value.whole_day)
return a.options.value.whole_day ? -1 : 1;
return start ? start : end;
for(var n = 0; n < this._children.length; n++)
var event = this._children[n].options.value || false;
if(typeof event.start !== 'object')
event.start = new Date(this.date_helper.getValue());
if(typeof event.end !== 'object')
event.end = new Date(this.date_helper.getValue());
if(typeof event['start_m'] === 'undefined')
var day_start = event.start.valueOf() / 1000;
var dst_check = new Date(event.start);
// if daylight saving is switched on or off, correct $day_start
// gives correct times after 2am, times between 0am and 2am are wrong
var daylight_diff = day_start + 12*60*60 - (dst_check.valueOf()/1000);
day_start -= daylight_diff;
event['start_m'] = parseInt((event.start.valueOf()/1000 - day_start) / 60);
if (event['start_m'] < 0)
event['start_m'] = 0;
event['multiday'] = true;
event['end_m'] = parseInt((event.end.valueOf()/1000 - day_start) / 60);
if (event['end_m'] >= 24*60)
event['end_m'] = 24*60-1;
event['multiday'] = true;
if(!event.start.getUTCHours() && !event.start.getUTCMinutes() && event.end.getUTCHours() == 23 && event.end.getUTCMinutes() == 59)
event.whole_day_on_top = (event.non_blocking && event.non_blocking != '0');
var event_start = new Date(event.start).valueOf();
for(var row = 0; row_end[row] > event_start; ++row); // find a "free" row (no other event)
if(typeof rows[row] === 'undefined') rows[row] = [];
row_end[row] = new Date(event['end']).valueOf();
this._cached_rows = rows;
return rows;
* Calculates the horizontal position based on the time given, as a percentage
* between the start and end times
* @param {int|Date|string} time in minutes from midnight, or a Date in string or object form
* @param {int|Date|string} start Earliest possible time (0%)
* @param {int|Date|string} end Latest possible time (100%)
* @return {float} position in percent
_time_to_position: function(time, start, end)
var pos = 0.0;
// Handle the different value types
start = this.options.start_date;
end = this.options.end_date;
if(typeof start === 'string')
start = new Date(start);
end = new Date(end);
var wd_start = 60 * (parseInt(egw.preference('workdaystarts','calendar')) || 9);
var wd_end = 60 * (parseInt(egw.preference('workdayends','calendar')) || 17);
var t = time;
if(typeof time === 'number' && time < 3600)
t = new Date(start.valueOf() + wd_start * 3600*1000);
t = new Date(time);
// Limits
if(t <= start) return 0; // We are left of our scale
if(t >= end) return 100; // We are right of our scale
2016-04-19 22:27:09 +02:00
// Remove space for weekends, if hidden
var weekend_count = 0;
var weekend_before = 0;
if(this._parent.options.group_by !== 'month' && this._parent && !this._parent.options.show_weekend)
var counter_date = new Date(start);
if([0,6].indexOf(counter_date.getUTCDay()) !== -1)
if(counter_date < t) weekend_before++;
counter_date.setUTCDate(counter_date.getUTCDate() + 1);
} while(counter_date < end)
// Put it in ms
weekend_before *= 24 * 3600 * 1000;
weekend_count *= 24 * 3600 * 1000;
// Basic scaling, doesn't consider working times
2016-04-19 22:27:09 +02:00
pos = (t - start - weekend_before) / (end - start - weekend_count);
// Month view
if(this._parent.options.group_by !== 'month')
// Daywise scaling
/* Needs hourly scales that consider working hours
var start_date = new Date(start.getUTCFullYear(), start.getUTCMonth(),start.getUTCDate());
var end_date = new Date(end.getUTCFullYear(), end.getUTCMonth(),end.getUTCDate());
var t_date = new Date(t.getUTCFullYear(), t.getUTCMonth(),t.getUTCDate());
var days = Math.round((end_date - start_date) / (24 * 3600 * 1000))+1;
pos = 1 / days * Math.round((t_date - start_date) / (24*3600 * 1000));
var time_of_day = typeof t === 'object' ? 60 * t.getUTCHours() + t.getUTCMinutes() : t;
if (time_of_day >= wd_start)
var day_percentage = 0.1;
if (time_of_day > wd_end)
day_percentage = 1;
var wd_length = wd_end - wd_start;
if (wd_length <= 0) wd_length = 24*60;
day_percentage = (time_of_day-wd_start) / wd_length; // between 0 and 1
pos += day_percentage / days;
// 2678400 is the number of seconds in 31 days
//pos = (t - start) / 2678400000;
pos = 100 * pos;
return pos;
* Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM
* @param {array} _attrs array to add further attributes to
getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) {
getDetachedNodes: function() {
return [this.getDOMNode()];
setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) {
et2_register_widget(et2_calendar_planner_row, ["calendar-planner_row"]);