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* eGroupWare - File Manager *
* *
* Written by: *
* - Vinicius Cubas Brand <> *
* sponsored by Thyamad - *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Description: File ID Prefixes class handler for SQL implementation v2 *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
#12 Oct 2004 viniciuscb Initial Release
define ('PHPGW_VFS2_PREFIX_APP','vfs2_prefix'); //for prefix
define ('PHPGW_VFS2_PTYPE_APP','vfs2_ptype'); //for file type
class vfs_prefixes
var $db;
var $table_fields = array(
function vfs_prefixes()
$this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
* function add
* @description Adds a new File ID Prefix to the prefixes repository
* @param prefix string (required) A prefix
* @param prefix_description string (optional) Brief prefix description
* @param owner_id int (required) Owner Id of prefix
* @param prefix_type (optional) can be 'p' for prefix, 't' for type.
* @result (int) prefix_id
* @note: will search for another equal $prefix in repository. If
* exists, returns its prefix_id and if user have permission,
* updates this prefix. If don't exists, insert and return its
* prefix_id. $dont_update will not do any update if exists, even
* if current user can update.
function add($data,$dont_update=false)
if (!$data['prefix'])
return false;
if (!$data['prefix_type'])
$data['prefix_type'] = 'p';
//eliminate keys which are not a field in table
foreach($data as $key => $val)
if (!in_array($key,$this->table_fields))
//see if exists some equal prefix id
$this->db->select('phpgw_vfs2_prefixes','prefix_id',array('prefix' => $data['prefix']));
if($this->db->next_record()) //exists
if ($dont_update)
return $this->db->Record['prefix_id'];
$data['prefix_id'] = $this->db->Record['prefix_id'];
return $this->edit($data);
if (!$data['owner_id'])
$data['owner_id'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->db->select('phpgw_vfs2_prefixes','prefix_id',array('prefix' => $data['prefix']));
if($this->db->next_record()) //exists
return $this->db->Record['prefix_id'];
return false;
* function edit
* @description Edits a File ID Prefix
* @param prefix_id int (required) The ID for prefix
* @param prefix string (optional) A prefix
* @param prefix_description string (optional) Brief prefix description
* @param owner_id int (optional) Owner Id of prefix
* @param prefix_type (optional) can be 'p' for prefix, 't' for type.
* @result (int) prefix_id
* @result (bool) true on success, false on any other possibility
function edit($data)
if (!$data['prefix_id'])
return false;
//eliminate keys which are not a field in table
foreach($data as $key => $val)
if (!in_array($key,$this->table_fields))
$where['prefix_id'] = $data['prefix_id'];
return $this->db->update('phpgw_vfs2_prefixes',$data,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__);
* function remove
* @description Removes a File ID Prefix
* @param prefix_id int (required) The ID for prefix
* @result (bool) true on success, false on any other possibility
function remove($prefix_id)
return $this->db->delete('phpgw_vfs2_prefixes',array('prefix_id' => $prefix_id),__LINE__,__FILE__);
* function get
* @description Gets information about a prefix just based in prefix_id
* @param prefix_id int (required) The ID for prefix
* OR
* @param prefix int (required) The prefix
* @result (array) with column names as indexes, empty array if inexist
function get($data)
if (!$data['prefix_id'] && !$data['prefix'])
return false;
if ($this->db->next_record())
return $this->db->Record;
return array();
* function get_prefixes
* @description Gets all prefixes this user can view, based in querying
* acl
* @param user_id int (required) The ID of user to whom you want to
* know, or will get current user as default
* @param status string If 'view', returns info about all prefixes
* user can view. if 'owns', return only prefixes user owns
* @result (array) with column names as indexes, empty array if inexist
function get_prefixes($status='view',$user_id=false,$type='p')
if (!$user_id)
$user_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
switch ($status)
case 'owns':
$return[] = $this->db->Record;
case 'view':
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',$user_id);
//fetch ids of prefixes that user can view
if (!$pr_list = $acl->get_location_list_for_id(PHPGW_VFS2_PREFIX_APP,PHPGW_ACL_READ,$user_id))
$pr_list = array();
//fetch ids of prefixes that groups user belong to can view
//Note: this will be in two phases. One: fetch groups user
// belongs to. Two: fetch prefix list for these groups
/* Note: prefixes are organized in phpgwapi.acl in the
* following schema:
* - appname: (PHPGW_VFS2_PREFIX_APP)
* - location: id_prefix
* - account_id: Id of user that has grants (not the
* grantor. The grantor is only the owner of prefix,
* defined in prefixes repository).
* - acl_rights: PHPGW_ACL_READ
$user_groups = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($user_id);
foreach($user_groups as $group)
if (!$group_pr_list = $acl->get_location_list_for_id(PHPGW_VFS2_PREFIX_APP,PHPGW_ACL_READ,$group['account_id']))
$group_pr_list = array();
$pr_list = array_merge($pr_list,$group_pr_list);
//remove dupliate values
$pr_list = array_unique($pr_list);
//now we have the list of prefixes user can view. We must
//now fetch complete information about prefixes of
if (!count($pr_list))
return array();
if ($pr_list)
$prefix_string = '('.implode(',',$pr_list).')';
$this->db->select('phpgw_vfs2_prefixes','*','prefix_id IN '.$prefix_string." AND prefix_type='$type'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
$return[] = $this->db->Record;
return array();
return false;
return $return;
* function update_permissions
* @description Updates users who can see a prefix
* @param prefix_id int (required) The prefix that will have permissions
* changed
* @param user_list array Array with account_ids that can read prefix
* as values.
* @result (bool)
function update_permissions($prefix_id,$user_list)
//1. see if current user is owner of the prefix
$current_user_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$prefix_info = $this->get(array('prefix_id'=>$prefix_id));
if ($current_user_id != $prefix_info['owner_id'])
return false;
//2. get current permission for prefix
$current_permissions = $this->get_permissions(array('prefix_id'=>$prefix_id));
//3. change permissions
$list_of_users_to_add = array_diff($user_list,$current_permissions);
$list_of_users_to_del = array_diff($current_permissions,$user_list);
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',$current_user_id);
foreach($list_of_users_to_add as $user_id)
$acl->account_id = $user_id;
#echo "<br>\nAdded: prefix $prefix_id ; user $user_id";
foreach($list_of_users_to_del as $user_id)
$acl->account_id = $user_id;
#echo "<br>\nDeleted: prefix $prefix_id ; user $user_id";
* function get_permissions
* @description This will get all permissions for a given prefix.
* In other words, will return an array of all accounts who
* can see a prefix. Will not dive into groups' users,
* only showing user and group accounts who can see
* prefix.
* @param prefix int (required) The File ID Prefix
* OR
* @param prefix_id int (required) The ID of the File ID Prefix
* @param prefixes array The same type of the return of get_prefixes
* @result (array) with column names as indexes, empty array if inexist
function get_permissions($data)
if (is_numeric($data))
$prefix_id = $data;
elseif ($data['prefix'])
if ($this->db->next_record())
$prefix_id = $this->db->Record['prefix_id'];
$prefix_id = $data['prefix_id'];
if (!$prefix_id)
return false;
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl');
$user_ids = $acl->get_ids_for_location($prefix_id,PHPGW_ACL_READ,PHPGW_VFS2_PREFIX_APP);
return ($user_ids)?$user_ids:array();