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2004-01-08 10:07:07 +01:00
* eGroupWare - API jsCalendar wrapper-class *
* *
* Written by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
@class jscalendar
@author ralfbecker
@abstract wrapper for the jsCalendar
@discussion the constructor load the necessary javascript-files
class jscalendar
@function jscalendar
@syntax jscalendar( $do_header=True )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract constructor of the class
@param $do_header if true, necessary javascript and css gets loaded, only needed for input
function jscalendar($do_header=True,$path='jscalendar')
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
$this->jscalendar_url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js/'.$path;
$this->dateformat = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'];
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
if ($do_header && !strstr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'],'jscalendar'))
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .=
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="'.$this->jscalendar_url.'/calendar-blue.css" title="blue" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->jscalendar_url.'/calendar.js"></script>
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
<script type="text/javascript" src="'.ereg_replace('[?&]*click_history=[0-9a-f]*','',$GLOBALS['egw']->link('/phpgwapi/inc/jscalendar-setup.php')).'"></script>
@function input
@syntax input( $name,$date,$year=0,$month=0,$day=0 )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creates an inputfield for the jscalendar (returns the necessary html and js)
@param $name name and id of the input-field (it also names the id of the img $name.'-toggle')
@param $date date as string or unix timestamp (in server timezone)
@param $year,$month,$day if $date is not used
@param $helpmsg a helpmessage for the statusline of the browser
@param $options any other options to the inputfield
function input($name,$date,$year=0,$month=0,$day=0,$helpmsg='',$options='',$jsreturn=false)
//echo "<p>jscalendar::input(name='$name', date='$date'='".date('Y-m-d',$date)."', year='$year', month='$month', day='$day')</p>\n";
if ($date && (is_int($date) || is_numeric($date)))
$year = (int)adodb_date('Y',$date);
$month = (int)adodb_date('n',$date);
$day = (int)adodb_date('d',$date);
if ($year && $month && $day)
$date = adodb_date($this->dateformat,$ts = adodb_mktime(12,0,0,$month,$day,$year));
if (strpos($this->dateformat,'M') !== False)
$short = lang(adodb_date('M',$ts)); // check if we have a translation of the short-cut
if (substr($short,-1) == '*') // if not generate one by truncating the translation of the long name
$short = substr(lang(adodb_date('F',$ts)),0,(int) lang('3 number of chars for month-shortcut'));
$date = str_replace(adodb_date('M',$ts),$short,$date);
if ($helpmsg !== '')
$options .= " onFocus=\"self.status='".addslashes($helpmsg)."'; return true;\"" .
" onBlur=\"self.status=''; return true;\"";
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
if ($jsreturn)
$return_array = array(
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
'html' => '<input type="text" id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" size="10" value="'.$date.'"'.$options.'/><img id="'.$name.'-trigger" src="'.$GLOBALS['egw']->common->find_image('phpgwpai','datepopup').'" title="'.lang('Select date').'" style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;"/>',
'js' => 'Calendar.setup({inputField : "'.$name.'",button: "'.$name.'-trigger" });'
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
return $return_array;
'<input type="text" id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" size="10" value="'.$date.'"'.$options.'/>
<script type="text/javascript">
2005-11-26 15:25:39 +01:00
document.writeln(\'<img id="'.$name.'-trigger" src="'.$GLOBALS['egw']->common->find_image('phpgwpai','datepopup').'" title="'.lang('Select date').'" style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;"/>\');
inputField : "'.$name.'",
button : "'.$name.'-trigger"
function flat($url,$date=False,$weekUrl=False,$weekTTip=False,$monthUrl=False,$monthTTip=False,$id='calendar-container')
if ($date) // string if format YYYYmmdd or timestamp
$date = is_int($date) ? adodb_date('m/d/Y',$date) :
return '
<div id="'.$id.'"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function dateChanged(calendar) {
'. // Beware that this function is called even if the end-user only
// changed the month/year. In order to determine if a date was
// clicked you can use the dateClicked property of the calendar:
// redirect to $url extended with a &date=YYYYMMDD
' if (calendar.dateClicked) {
window.location = "'.$url.'&date=" +"%Y%m%d");
'.($weekUrl ? '
function weekClicked(calendar,weekstart) {
window.location = "'.$weekUrl.'&date=" + weekstart.print("%Y%m%d");
' : '').($monthUrl ? '
function monthClicked(calendar,monthstart) {
window.location = "'.$monthUrl.'&date=" + monthstart.print("%Y%m%d");
' : '').'
flat : "'.$id.'",
flatCallback : dateChanged'.($weekUrl ? ',
flatWeekCallback : weekClicked' : '').($weekTTip ? ',
flatWeekTTip : "'.addslashes($weekTTip).'"' : '').($monthUrl ? ',
flatMonthCallback : monthClicked' : '').($monthTTip ? ',
flatMonthTTip : "'.addslashes($monthTTip).'"' : '').($date ? ',
date : "'.$date.'"
' : '').' }
@function input2date
@syntax input2date( $datestr,$raw='raw',$day='day',$month='month',$year='year' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract converts the date-string back to an array with year, month, day and a timestamp
@param $datestr content of the inputfield generated by jscalendar::input()
@param $raw key of the timestamp-field in the returned array or False of no timestamp
@param $day,$month,$year keys for the array, eg. to set mday instead of day
function input2date($datestr,$raw='raw',$day='day',$month='month',$year='year')
//echo "<p>jscalendar::input2date('$datestr') ".print_r($fields,True)."</p>\n";
if ($datestr === '')
return False;
$fields = split('[./-]',$datestr);
foreach(split('[./-]',$this->dateformat) as $n => $field)
if ($field == 'M')
if (!is_numeric($fields[$n]))
$partcial_match = 0;
for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
$long_name = lang(adodb_date('F',mktime(12,0,0,$i,1,2000)));
$short_name = lang(adodb_date('M',mktime(12,0,0,$i,1,2000))); // do we have a translation of the short-cut
if (substr($short_name,-1) == '*') // if not generate one by truncating the translation of the long name
$short_name = substr($long_name,0,(int) lang('3 number of chars for month-shortcut'));
//echo "<br>checking '".$fields[$n]."' against '$long_name' or '$short_name'";
if ($fields[$n] == $long_name || $fields[$n] == $short_name)
//echo " ==> OK<br>";
$fields[$n] = $i;
if (strstr($long_name,$fields[$n]) == $long_name) // partcial match => multibyte saver
$partcial_match = $i;
if ($i > 12 && $partcial_match) // nothing found, but a partcial match
$fields[$n] = $partcial_match;
$field = 'm';
$date[$field] = (int)$fields[$n];
$ret = array(
$year => $date['Y'],
$month => $date['m'],
$day => $date['d']
if ($raw)
$ret[$raw] = adodb_mktime(12,0,0,$date['m'],$date['d'],$date['Y']);
//echo "<p>jscalendar::input2date('$datestr','$raw',$day','$month','$year') = "; print_r($ret); echo "</p>\n";
return $ret;